What further mesure could be taken to assist disabled people? Disuss←これがトピックです
Many people discuss about consideration for disabled people nowadays. Inadequate consideration for disabled people is a big problem in this world. Therefore, I thought out three ideas to help disabled people.ays.Inadewuate consideration for disabled people is a big problem in this world. Therefore, I thought out 3 ideas to help disabled people.
The first idea is that establish elevators everywhere. Altough elevators seem to be everywhere in the wirld, some places don't have elevators. For example, I seldom see elevators in a school. When disabled students who have leg's problem go to school, if theere aren't any elavators, the students get in trouble. What's more, sometimes I don't see elavators in some stations. Actually, there are many places where don't have elavators. Hence, I believe eevators must be established everywhere disabled people go.
The second idea is that lose bias. Although to discriminate disabled people is supposed to be a past thing, I still see such a descrimination such as in the internet. If people are tought that bias to disablrf people are very bad, people wouldn't make a fool of disabled people.However, if people don't learn that disabled people might be worse. Hence adults must teach to children that descriminate disabled people is very terrible. We must try to lose bias to disabled people to they live happily.
The third idea is that always try to help disabled people. It can be very helpful. When we see disabled people get in trouble, we should offer of help which makes disbled peopole happy.
Thus, those ideas will make a good sociaty. We must always consider about disabled people, because they're same humans. And we must pretect their human right.
The graphs show the growth in the population of some of the largest cities.
Fiestly, looking at the bargraph. All of those cities' population have continued tgo increase since 1970. Especially, population of Tokyo has went up significantly. In 1970, the population of Tokyo has went up significantly. In 1970, the population of Tokyo was the biggest, and in 1990 it was the biggest as well. What's more,it's predicted that it will be the biggest again in 2015. If so, it will reach a peak. Bombay's population and Jakarta's population increased sharply like Tokyo. Furthermore, those two cities' populations are predicted that they will grow considerably.
Thus, Recent big cities' population trend is to continue to increase. Many people are attracted by big city, and they move to those cities.
Introductionでは、Bodyで述べる予定の内容の簡単な紹介をした方がいいよ。 例えば、"To help the handicapped, I argue that the following changes should immediately be made: the establishment of elevators and the alleviation of discrimination against them."とかね。 もし、トピックがagree/disagree系のものだったら、"I strongly agree with the idea that 〜 because of the following reasons: 〜."とか。 あと、1番目と2番目の文章は何となく似てるから、1番目は削除(2番目の方が強いから)して、どうして大きな問題なのかを軽くでも説明すると良くなるね。
Bodyは、アイディアさえあれば、そこまで難しくはないと思うよ。 まず自分のアイディア(これはもうIntroductionで述べてる筈)から入って、その展開(具体的にどのように自分の意見をサポートするか)を書いて終わり。 ただ、文章同士の繋がりは強くして、分かりやすくすること。 あと、一般的には2〜4個の段落があれば良いって言われてるけど、2個で十分だと思うよ。時間かかるし。 あと、first, second . . . を使ってるのは良いと思った。分かりやすい。GJ
Introductionでは、Bodyで述べる予定の内容の簡単な紹介をした方がいいよ。 例えば、"To help the handicapped, I argue that the following changes should immediately be made: the establishment of elevators and the alleviation of discrimination against them."とかね。 もし、トピックがagree/disagree系のものだったら、"I strongly agree with the idea that 〜 because of the following reasons: 〜."とか。 あと、1番目と2番目の文章は何となく似てるから、1番目は削除(2番目の方が強いから)して、どうして大きな問題なのかを軽くでも説明すると良くなるね。
Bodyは、アイディアさえあれば、そこまで難しくはないと思うよ。 まず自分のアイディア(これはもうIntroductionで述べてる筈)から入って、その展開(具体的にどのように自分の意見をサポートするか)を書いて終わり。 ただ、文章同士の繋がりは強くして、分かりやすくすること。 あと、一般的には2〜4個の段落があれば良いって言われてるけど、2個で十分だと思うよ。時間かかるし。 あと、first, second . . . を使ってるのは良いと思った。分かりやすい。GJ