Unfortunately airmail postage would not make it a sensible option to purchase these rolls. If sent by surface mail then cost is £5.00. If you do not ant to bid on the rolls listed I do have others and I will send 10 different rolls for £10 including surface postage.
I've had better jet lag coming back from weeks in Japan and I was only in Italy for 30 hours. I guess its because my body was just thrown through a disaster of sorts.
When a plane flies, it pushes air out of its way. At loe speeds, the displaced air flows smoothly over the wing surfaces of the plane. But when the plane moves very fast---at the speed of sound---it causes the air to flow in fast, uneven whirls, which batter the plane and knock it about. When a plane flies faster than the speed of sound, it is moving faster than the disturbances which it has made in the air. It outfiles these disturbances and so is not affected by them.
On October 14, 1947, an American pilot, Charles E. Yeager proved that a well-designed place could break the sound barrier. When pilots ahd engineers talk of the sound of planes flying at or beyond the speed of sound they say the plane is flying at a certain Mach number. A plane flying at the speed of sound has a speed of Mach 1. If the plane is traveling at twice the speed of sound, the Mach number is 2.
1947年10月14日、アメリカ人パイロット Charles E. Yeager が優れた設計の 飛行機ならば音速の壁を破れるということを証明した。パイロットやエンジニ アは音速またはそれ以上の速度で飛ぶ飛行機の音について話をする時、 その飛行機はマッハいくつで飛んでいると言う。音の速さで飛んでいる飛行機 のスピードはマッハ1である。その飛行機が音速の2倍で移動しているなら、 マッハ2となる。
There is a bulletin board, with a chair under it. 1、掲示板の下にあるイスと共に、それがある。 2、掲示板の下にイスがある。 3、下にイスがあり、掲示板がある。 4、掲示板があり、イスがその下にある。 5、イスが掲示板の下にある。 6、イスが置いてあって、そこには掲示板がある。 7、イスが置かれていて、その上に掲示板がある。
"Is Princess Aiko autistic?" screamed the headline of Shukan Jyosei, a weekly tabloid magazine geared towards middle-aged women. One woman said that she never saw thetwo-year-old princess cry or smile, and so-called experts quoted in the article suggested that that was one symptom of autism. Media speculation has ranged from Princess Masako seeking a divorce from her husband, to her having tried to commit suicide. (ワシントンタイムズより)
They include talk of the Prince and the Princess being estranged and of Princess Aiko suffering from autism. But the Crown Prince’s remarks yesterday set out the most credible reasons for Masako’s distress: the extraordinary difficulties of imperial life for a highly educated, cosmopolitan woman. (英タイムズより)