
http://d.hatena.ne.jp/jun-jun1965/20060422 2006-04-22 Nikolai Petrovich Rezanov

I watched a Russian rock-opera Juno and Avos, written by Andrej Vozněsenskij and composed by Alexej Rybnikov. Let me cite its story from Amazon.com, DVD

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This plot is fiction based on a true story. Rezanov and Conchita's love,Rezanov's death and Conchita's taking a vow seem to be true.

But important is that from this story, the fact Rezanov was dispatched to Japan in order to call for Russo-Japanese commerce while Japan permitted it only to China and Netherland.

Rezanov, after refused the demand, got angry with Japan, ordered two subordinate captains attack Japan, and they attacked Sakhalin and Etorof island, killed some people: Juno and Avos were the name of the ships used for the attack.

This fact is completely concealed in this opera. Apart from its value as an art, we Japanese would not like this incomplete history of Rezanov circulate all over the world.

         KOYANO Atsushi,

注目すべきポイントの一例: Rezanov, after refused the demand, [...]