As nationalists and revisionists have come to dominate the public debate in Japan,
figures advocating an honest view of history are being silenced,
said 【Yutaka Yoshida】, a historian at Hitotsubashi University here.
Mr. Yoshida said the growing movement to deny history, like the Rape of Nanjing,
was a sort of "religion" for an increasingly insecure nation.
"Lacking confidence, they need a story of healing," Mr. Yoshida said.
"Even if we say that story is different from facts, it doesn't mean anything to them."
藤原 彰(ふじわら あきら、1922年7月2日 - 2003年2月26日)は東京都出身のマルクス主義歴史学者。日本近代史専攻。
藤原の門下生には功刀俊洋、吉田裕(Yoshida Yutaka)らがいる。
http://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E8%97%A4%E5%8E%9F%E5%BD%B0 吉田裕(Yoshida Yutaka)
http://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E5%90%89%E7%94%B0%E8%A3%95 http://www.soc.hit-u.ac.jp/faculty/yoshida.html