Chat in English (英語で雑談) Part 22

952名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/09/13(火) 20:21:06
Now ( september 1998 ) she has grown a little bit older
that made me smile. it's always funny to found outdated site on the net.
something like a time machine. I wonder how internet will be in 2050...
953名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/09/13(火) 20:22:47
didn't know that she's still in the business.
954名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/09/13(火) 20:25:32

oh, i didn't read that part. it's amazing that they still keep the site
on the server.
955名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/09/13(火) 20:27:22
JO mamma's kitchen lights are SO bright that you can see grease, dust, or any other bad thing in need of seeing..... JJJEEAAAA!!!!!!!!!

JO mamma sees so many stray dogs in her neighborhood that she talks the humans society a lot..... JJJEAAAAA

JO mamma is so creative that she has made her own decorations MANY times... and has even sold them! JJJJEAAAA!!!

JO mamma has so many phones in her house that she can answer a phone in ANY room... cause theres a phone in every room..... cause theres so many... JJJEEAAA!

JO mamma has seen so many rainy days that she can tell what
956名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/09/13(火) 20:28:06
JO mamma can dial phone numbers so fast that people want her to call ticket master for them........ cause she dials their number she gets tickets.... JJJJEEAAA!!!

Jo mamma likes cheesecake so much that she make a pretty good one herself!....whenever she wants!!!!

Jo mamma likes to take walks so much she takes one every day! sometimes twice a day! JJJEEEYAAAA!!!

Jo mamma is so ambidextrious that she can even throw with both hands! JEEYAAAAA!!!

Jo mamma is so ambidextrious that she can even throw with both hands! JEEYAAAAA!!!

Jo mamma so fat she doesnt even look at the nutrition value tables on the food boxes she eats.....she just buys them and eats them.....cause shes fat...JJJEEYAAAAAA!!!!

957Yukorin:2005/09/13(火) 20:30:41
My cute pussy is waiting to be fucked.
958k-tan:2005/09/13(火) 20:31:41
>>952 Heh, agreed :-D

>>955 Uh.. Mew mew?
959k-tan:2005/09/13(火) 20:33:15
>>957 Wishful thinking, or trolling?
960k-tan:2005/09/13(火) 20:34:28
Hmm.. So, being someone who drinks tea frequently, i'm curious. What kind of tea do you people here prefer?
961k-tan:2005/09/13(火) 20:40:44
and what's with the fascination some people here seem to have with farts? o.O;;;
962名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/09/13(火) 20:44:09
merry xmas folks!
963名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/09/13(火) 20:46:05
it's become tradition here to talk about yukorin farts!(which are smell like vanilla)
964k-tan:2005/09/13(火) 20:46:31
>>962 ...It's september... xmas isn't until december...
965k-tan:2005/09/13(火) 20:48:03
>>963 Ah? And why would those farts smell like vanilla?
966名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/09/13(火) 20:48:26
i never heard about tanaka rene here. what do you guys thinks of her
967名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/09/13(火) 20:52:31
I like tanaka rena very much
968k-tan:2005/09/13(火) 20:53:47
>>966 Never heard of her. Do you have any links about her that i could get?
969名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/09/13(火) 20:53:53
who knows... on 2ch it's very ordinary when someone starts to write rubbish and then
rubbish spread wide, and becomes traditional
970名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/09/13(火) 20:54:42
this thread will end soon
971名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/09/13(火) 20:58:11
here's her picture
she is pretty cure i think
972名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/09/13(火) 20:59:05
she is very cute i believe. and doesnt seem to be so stupid
as yukorin.

in fact she is cuter than yukorin
973名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/09/13(火) 21:02:25
she is totaly amazing on that photo. i think she look the most guy as a schoolgirl
974名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/09/13(火) 21:06:33
who is your favourite modern japanese writer?
975名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/09/13(火) 21:07:10
sorry to interupt, but is there anyone here
who's majored in science? applied or not.
976k-tan:2005/09/13(火) 21:07:23
>>969 Heh.. yeah, same on 4chan.
977k-tan:2005/09/13(火) 21:10:33
>>975 Uh? What kind of science?
978名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/09/13(火) 21:11:35
like physics, chemistry, and biology.
979k-tan:2005/09/13(火) 21:12:42
>>971 Her face looks boyish on that image. In a cute way though. Mainly her eyebrows and her mouth looks boyish.
980名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/09/13(火) 21:15:05
how about math? www
981k-tan:2005/09/13(火) 21:15:42
>>971 hmm.. she has lovely hands though, pianist kind of hands.
982名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/09/13(火) 21:16:36
I likes boyish girls like rena tanaka on that photo. what does it means?
983k-tan:2005/09/13(火) 21:17:52
hmm.. Speaking of science, what source do you like to use for your science facts online? I've grown terribly fond of wikipedia.
984名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/09/13(火) 21:18:05
i don't think people who's majored in math take trouble to write here.
985k-tan:2005/09/13(火) 21:19:39
That you like boyish girls. It's as simple as that :-)
986名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/09/13(火) 21:20:14
most of the stuffs you got free on the internet
are not reliable.
987名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/09/13(火) 21:21:39
I think I like photography that can transfer feelings of everyday life. some
people like photos of nature landscape, some of architecture, but I like photos
that transfer feelings. it's the most hard photos to produce.
988Urban Predator ◆Hell/6W/Cs :2005/09/13(火) 21:21:41
I couldn't have come at a better time.
989k-tan:2005/09/13(火) 21:22:11
>>984 Probably not.
However there are some math majors at the message boards in Several, in fact. The board system is very much not anonymous, though. You have to be logged in to post.
990k-tan:2005/09/13(火) 21:25:14
>>988 In what way?
>>982 What is your opinion?

>>987 I think even photos of landscapes and architectures need to convey some sort of feeling to be good.
991名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/09/13(火) 21:25:33
actually, i'm a student majoring in pharmacy.
I don't like math, but i study wide range of chemistry.
Thanks anyway.
992Urban Predator ◆Hell/6W/Cs :2005/09/13(火) 21:28:06
Every one is speaking English.
This is swell.
993k-tan:2005/09/13(火) 21:28:35
>>991 Chemistry is a fascinating subject :-)
994名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/09/13(火) 21:29:12
995k-tan:2005/09/13(火) 21:30:42
>>992 Heh.. I don't know Japanese yet. So I have to speak English. Besides, this board is supposed to be in English.
996k-tan:2005/09/13(火) 21:33:38
>>994 Ahh, i see.
997Urban Predator ◆Hell/6W/Cs :2005/09/13(火) 21:34:53
Thank you for your kind reply, k-tan.
998名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/09/13(火) 21:38:01
no more Yukoring thing w
999k-tan:2005/09/13(火) 21:38:15
>>997 No worries, Urban Predator. :-) I'm not much for just posting random gibberish oneliners. Conversations and discussions are interesting too.
1000Urban Predator ◆Hell/6W/Cs :2005/09/13(火) 21:38:32
The night is old and so am I
With hope I shall gladly die