前スレ>>894 894 名前: 名無しさん@英語勉強中 投稿日: 2005/08/23(火) 02:58:18 12) Being internationally-minded is, I believe, first and foremost a state of mind ---- a positive attitude toward foreign people and cultures. 13) It is seeing foreigners as human beings who share the same basic emotions of love, happiness, and sadness. 14) Difference of dress, skin color, customs, and language are not categorized points on some imaginary scale. 15) They are accepted for what they are: unique differences. 16) An internationally-minded person feels comfortable (faced / such / when / differences / with). 17) He sees cultural diversity as an enrichment to his life.
上記は元の英文を番号を付けて分類したものです。 それぞれ訳を教えてくさいm(_)m 並べ替えはwith when faced such differencesだと思います。。。? faced withかな。。。???
>構造は (It is) much like 〜 feel (← nicely offset by 〜 ) >で、It is が省略と思います。
構造解説うれしいです。It is を省略と考えるのが筋なのですね。
Much like the counter play between the quite "traditional" feel nicely offset by her characters. の前に I very much like the「特定の作品名」と書かれていて I veryの省略かと考えていました。それでもいいですか?
Here in Switzerland it's very rainy now. It's a big catastrophe here. It rains so much that many rivers are going up the banks. Many houses are flooded. Much people must leave their houses. Much mud avalanches are going down.It's a very sad situation here. Many villages and citys are full of mud and water. Fortunately in our village is not much happen.Only the cleaning house of the sewage is under water.Fortunately by our new house is nothing happen.It's all o.K. there.I'm very happy! We are always working there every free minute we have. We are still tear down it. It gives much work to do. But it's a wonderful work.I work the whole week in the office and if I can go to work on the house it's very interesting. And I can there work with my body and not only hold the pencel.I hope the house is next spring or summer finish rebuild. So we can go from our department in our own house. It's a wonderful thought.I can not believe it yet. It's a very great dream of me!
自分の場合は、 It rains so much ここまで読んで、 わざわざso を使ってるんだから、その後に、that 節がくるかなと予想する。 で、期待通りにthat 節がきて、ほっとする。 that 節の最後まで読んで、It 〜 banks まですべて理解してから さて、日本語にすると・・・・と翻訳して書きこんでます。
I personally would not hesitate to eat a GM vegetable - it is unlikely that the current modifications are harmful to the consumers, despite what we read in newspapers. However, the introduction of animal genes into food plants creates many moral problems for vegetarians and people whose religions don't allow the eating of certain animals. 本当によろしくお願いします。。。
Many drugs for human diseases come from plants and insects. When we destroy a wild area, maybe we are destroying the cure for cancer and other diseases without knowing it. 始めから躓いてます‥よろしくお願いします。
human diseases のための many drugs は、plants や insects から由来しています。 wild area をdestroy するとき、we は知らず知らずのうちに、cancer や other diseases に有効な the cure をもdestoy していることに なるのです。
1 Hello We Have compounds available the orders are sent in an envelope if you order a bulk order it will be sent in several packages We have 100 grams Methylone for $7000 The fastest way would be a bank wire transfer Thank You James Harnden On Jun 9, 2005, at 4:30 AM, fuji-shop wrote: 2 Hello The orders can be placed and will be filled in a quick manner I have many customers in Japan Tokyo I also will have 3 new compounds that are very strong ! 200 Micro grams these are new compounds designed by Dr Shulgin they are also expensive 3500-6000 per 1000mg I will have information soon Thank you James Harnden
In a forest, for example, plants and animals make up a whole,complex pattern of life. If we destroy that pattern, all kinds of things can go wrong. 和訳して下さい(_ _;)
Sure. One time rabbits all over England didn't have enough to eat, they started killing the farmers' chickens. The farmers then killed the foxes, and rats rapidly increased in number and destroyed the farmers' grain. The farmers ended up losing as much as they had lost to the rabbits. We humans are in danger of destroying our environment and ourselves along with it.
文が抜けてました‥すいません(;〇;)こっちが本当です!!お願いします!! 訂正文》 One time rabbits all over England dided of disease. Since the foxes didn't have enough to eat, they started killing the farmers' chickens. The farmers then killed the foxes, and rats rapidly increased in number and destroyed the farmers' grain. The farmers ended up losing as much as they had lost to the rabbits. We humans are in danger of destroying our environment and ourselves along with it.
Several of your worst recent apparent problems have, in fact, been exceedingly beneficial. あなたの最近の明らかな問題の最悪ないくつかは、実のところ、極めて有益です。
Weirdly, when we feel as though we aren't entitled to something, others unconsciously conspire with our sense of inadequacy. 私達が何かの権利を与えられていない気がすると、気味の悪いことに、 他のものは無意識に私達の不適当であるという感覚と共謀します。
When we look to others for approval, we compromise our own integrity, regardless of whether they give us praise or blame. 承認のために他のものを当てにする時、彼らが賞賛か非難のどちらを与えるかどうかに関わらず、 私達は自分自身の完全性を弱めます。
>>52の前の文章をもってきました(また稚拙訳ですが…) The sky's greatest gift will be a vastly-improved sense of empowerment. 空からの最高の贈り物は、大いに改善された権利拡大の感覚になるでしょう。 This, in turn, will produce a much-enhanced air of independence. これは非常に高められた独立の態度を順番に発生させていきます。
>>3と>>66の依頼に対して>>67と>>70は間違っていると思う OALD break out in sth: to suddenly become covered in sth: Her face broke out in a rash. He broke out in a cold sweat (= for example, through fear).
I like the way it leans over the city. To me it is a very human kind of leaning. ピサの斜塔についての文章の中で この二行がわかりませんでした。 一行目のoverと二行目のhuman kind ofはどのように訳したらいいか教えてください。
>>108 http://www.songfacts.com/detail.lasso?id=1079 によれば >The line "Paul is a real estate novelist" is about a real estate broker who was a regular >at the bar who always claimed to be working on a book. Joel figured Paul would never >finish because he was always in the bar. (訳) 「ポールはreal estate novelist」という部分は、酒場の常連で、自分は本を書いているといつも言っている 不動産業者を歌ったもの。しかし、いつも酒場にいるので本が完成する事はないだろうなと、ジョエルは考えている。
訳をお願いいたします。 Combine Pure Whey with Metabolol ll, or Met Max to help boost IGF-1 which helps your body burn fat and enhance muscle growth and protein synthesis as well as maintain positive nitrogen balance
There are tons of Japanese restaurants here in Singapore. They're really popular. There are different kinds as well. From sushi bars (often with different types of sushi/sashimi on a conveyor belt) to proper restaurants. Most people prefer the teppanyaki restaurants where the stuff is cooked right in front of you.
And there's another type of restaurant which is very popular amongst the Japanese themselves. Not sure what you call it, but after you order meat from the menu, it arrives seasoned but not cooked. It's for you to put it on this grill type thing at your table and take it off when you feel it's done.
We now have groups in over fifty countries, with different activities in different places. It may be planting trees, starting recycling programs, collectiog clothes for the homeless, or sharing your knowledge with disadvantaged kids.
What it appears has happened is that we sent you the correct quantity of the incorrect size rolls of tape. We sent you 10yd rolls instead of 30 yd rolls, and this would explain the difference. Would you prefer that we issue credit for the difference or would you like us to ship the merchandise to you. Sorry for the delay in getting back to you while we figured out what the problem exactly was.
the bag has been sent to you wait and see what you think? the bag in the photo was a fake bag which is why i cant sell it to you as i dont sell fake gabs the one i have sent you is a genuine bag?
訳をお願いします。 Other member governments are observing these drills. To the extent that they, too, having been troubled by ethnic conflict in recent years, will likely be reassured by the demonstration of available military capabilities -- except perhaps those displayed during the naval portion of the exercises, since the nations are landlocked.
"Hunters and fishermen have to stay at home for long stretches of time because they can't hunt if there is no ice or fish if there are violent storms," he said.
One morning in April 1995, I sat down at the breakfast table as usual to read the comics in the newspaper. But I didn't make it past the front page. One big headline cauhgt my eye:"Child Laborer, boy,12,Murdered." It was a shock. Twelve, about the same age as I was. I could hardly believe the story. After school I went to the public library to study the problem of child labor. I found a few newspaper articles: children younger than me working hard in coal mines; others injured or killed by explosions at fireworks factories. Why was nothing being done to stop such terrible thing? As I walked home through my middle. class neighborhood, my thoughts were on the other side of the world. And my own world seemed alittle darker.
The soft,yellow leaves of the willow trees touch the water,tundra turns the mountains to wine red,and the tops of the Brooks Range of Mountains have a thin coat of fresh snow. 同じ星野道夫さんの本からです。 一応訳せてはいるのですが、本当にそれが正しいかどうか不安なのでお願いします
With this new problem statement,you can come up with different solutions: curtains,elastic diaphragms,mechanical shutters,or even an air curtain like those used to keep heat in stores or out of freezers. (高校A年のCROWNの教科書のLessonCの最後のページ) 長すぎて訳分からないんですケド教えてもらえませんか?
FIFAの韓国ヤバスの記事から http://fifaworldcup.yahoo.com/06/en/050819/1/4dlo.html 第七パラグラフの第三文 This in itself underlined the coach's concern about recent results given none of the other three Asian qualifiers for Germany 2006 selected their overseas stars. がわかりません 1 主語はThis述語動詞はunderlinedでいいですか? 2 given以下が良く分からないです。none以下はresultsの同格? 訳出お願いします。
sorry i would have to use a oversea shipping and that will be more expensive than the 18 +5 shiopping charges that i noted on my auction. i would rather not sorry.
STACKED WITH THE BEST WHEY PROTEINS! Made exclusively from micro-filtered and partially hydrolyzed ion-exchange whey protein concentrates and isolates.
1. Are the images really free? Yes, all images are really free and they can be used in your commercial projects without permission or credit from the photogrpaher. Although selling prints, selling the images directly or claiming the photo is yours is prohibited. Note: You are responsible for the content of the photos you use. It is very much the same as if you had taken the photograph yourself, you must still obtain proper permission for property or people depicted in the photos if any.
It contains a complete array of whey protein fractions high in the indispensable amino acids and rich in glutamine peptides giving you the right tools for muscle growth.
In addition,each scoop delivers glutathione-boosting methionine and cysteine to improve your chances at better health. No question! You are holding a product that is second to no other in its class!
As many others have done, they emphasised that, although seatbelts may cause specific injuries, casualties sustaining them would have come to far more serious harm had theynot been wearing a harness. 訳お願いします
230さん:彼らは前から多数の人々が言って通りシートベルトは特定なケガの原因になる可能性がありながら付けてない場合は受けた死傷が酷くなったことを強調した。 最初の"As many others have done"はどう訳すればいいでしょう。あとはcasualtiesはちょっと難しいですね。普通は死亡って意味ですがこの文書では「怪我」という意味だと思います。 外人臭いだろうけどなんとか分かるでしょうか。役に立てなかったらすみません。
927 :グーグル宛のだけど :2005/08/26(金) 05:34:53 発信元: タイプ1 Dear Google Earth Managing Team, I notice that, in your creative new service Google Earth, the name of the sea between the Asian continent and the Japanese Archipelago is renamed, from the official name which is used in the United Nations and most of international organizations, "Sea of Japan," to the controversial "East Sea." The original name "Sea of Japan" rightly illustrates the nature of the sea: if there were no Japanese archipelago, the sea area would be just a western part of vast Pacific Ocean. The sea area is separated from Pacific Ocean and made an inland sea by the Japanese Archipelago. The overwhelming majority of maps used in the world call this area the Sea of Japan in accordance with this fact. Recently, however, some people have been claiming that Japan forced the adoption and use of the name during the era when Japan governed the Korean Peninsula. They are spamming fiercely to major mapmakers who are not willing to accept their claim, trying to browbeat these mapmakers into giving way. History does not support this claim about the traditional name. Before the era when Japan ruled the Korean Peninsula, most maps already called this area the Sea of Japan. Moreover, inasmuch as the so-called "East Sea" is in both to the west and north of Japan and to the south of Russia, it is rather parochial to refer to it as the East Sea simply because it is to the east of Korea. Finally, "Sea of Japan" is much more common in journalism than "East Sea," as you can verify with a simple Google search. I sincerely hope you will resist the pressure of the spamming special interest group and that you will adhere to the name of the sea which properly illustrates its nature and has been officially adopted by most international organizations. Sincerely,
一度依頼したのですが・・・ うまく訳せなくて困っています どなたかお願い致します。 the bag has been sent to you wait and see what you think? the bag in the photo was a fake bag which is why i cant sell it to you as i dont sell fake gabs the one i have sent you is a genuine bag?
>>249 sorry i would have to use a oversea shipping and that will be more expensive than the 18 +5 shiopping charges that i noted on my auction. i would rather not sorry.
The documents should be read more as evidence of the contemporary attitude and awareness concerning coffee,attitude from which we can deduce what cofee meant to people in those days.
It is precisely the language, non-scientific by today’s standards,the images and fantasies used,that give us a sense of the expectations, the conscious and unconscious fears,wih which people regarded coffee.
上のは後半の,attitude・・・の役割がわかりません。同格ですか? 下のは the images and fataies ・・・の役割とどこにかかるのか わかりません。できるだけ詳しく文法、構文の説明を加えて 和訳をお願いします。
>>270 I was regretting something on Friday. あまりない文 I was regretting something last Friday.か I was regretting what I have done last Friday.だろう。 I was regretting something in the summer. これも使わないと思うけどな。 I was regretting something last summer. 昨夏中あることを後悔していたととるのが当然と思うが、変な意味なので、 I was regretting something (that I have done) last summer. 昨夏した何かを後悔していた、ととられることもあり得るのでまりいい文とは言えない。 I was regretting something all the time last summer.とはっきりさせるか?
英訳 お願いします。I'm going to meet you, but I have a worry. My uncle is admitted to hospital because of lung cancer, and the rest of his life is a few days. In case, I can't see you if the day I see you is the same day of my uncle all night mouring service, and funeral. I'd like you to accept it.
As I told you long time ago, I'm wondering how my fiends are doing in Japan, so if it's OK for you, could you tell me your hot-mail address or yahoo address?
Those that have been reported include abrasions to the face, neck and chest, minor friction burns to the upper limbs and eye injuries ranging from corneal abrasions to retinal detachments. 訳お願いします。
The region in different configurations is seen as a trading and commercial region with increasingly political and formal economic inter-linkages and similarities.
和訳お願いします STACKED WITH THE BEST WHEY PROTEINS! Made exclusively from micro-filtered and partially hydrolyzed ion-exchange whey protein concentrates and isolates.
こちらの和訳もお願いいたします。 It contains a complete array of whey protein fractions high in the indispensable amino acids and rich in glutamine peptides giving you the right tools for muscle growth.
While I lifted the pillar,my mother pulled Shinichi out.He was still holding the handlebars of his tricycle.His face had swollen up like a balloon and he was bleeding. When I started to Teishin Hospital, I heard someone else crying for help. It was my wife. The voice seemed to be coming from the place where the kitchen used to be. I cried,Mother take care of Shinichi. I must help my wife! I climbed up on the fallen roof and pulled off the tiles one by one until I finally got to my wife. どなたか、よろしくお願いします。
御二方ありがとうございます。それとすいません、クォーテーションマークを入れ 忘れてました。さっきの続きでもう一文お願いします。 I looked up and saw Kimi-chan`s house on fire. Suddenly I realized that I had not found my daughters yet. I called many times. Michiko! Yoko! soon I found some of their clothes showing under the house. I tried to lift the fallen pillars but the fite ws spreading toward me. “It was so hot!”The fallen pillars over my two daughters started to catch fire. I was helpless.I couldn`t do anything for them. I prayed, "Michiko,Yoko,please for give me!" "I carried my back to the roverside. Ther were a lot of injured people there.They were crying,groaning and asking for water. お願いします。
Because the companies developing GM foods want to introduce them as quickly as possible, in my opinion, the technology is being developed without enough research or precautions. Genetic modification is here to stay, and it will surely save lives. But like so many other new ideas - such as splitting the atom - it can be seriously misused. すごく長いのですがどなたかお願いします。
My late client was the Chief Executive officer of {Shell Development Company} for 15 good years and he was retired on the 30th day of September 1999. After a month, My client and his entire family died on their way to a Conference in an Auto crash on the 30th day of October 1999. Before their death, my client Deposited the total sum of S$16,000,000.00 In a Finance House hoping of transferring the fund to his country as soon as he comes back from the conference. According to the {DEED OF WILL} made by my late client, He wrote a {DEED OF WILL} that if anything should happen to him, That i should locate any of his family member , With this {DEED OF WILL} I decided to locate any member of his family. Since I have been unsuccessful in locating the relatives for over 4 years now' I seek your consent to present you as the next of kin of the deceased. I agree to pay you 40% of the fund, 40% to me and While 20% can be also for the expensence both groups incured during the transaction. すいませんちょっと長いんですがお願いします
>>339ありがとうございます。この和訳もお願いしたいのですが… Were you aware that up to 14% of some proteins are moisture? Did you know that some of our competitors may use protein from foreign countries that can have up to 30% burned protein particles and no health certifi-cates?
Indeed,strong efforts to make contraceptive available can rapidly bring down birth rates,even in conservative countries. Iran, which had encouraged an increasing fertility in the years following its 1979 revolution, changed its policy in the late1980s and cut its growth rate rapidly and dramatically, from 3.2 percent in 1986 to 0.8 percent in 2000. 翻訳お願い致します。
>>347いつもありがとうござい。この和訳もお願いします。They can still be called protein,even though they may have little or no nutritional value. Our Pure Whey Protein Supplement contains up to 33% more protein by weight than some competing brands.
>>348 有難うございます!!!!!!! その続きでも和訳お願い致します。 Under the new polycy, all forms of contraception are available free of charge, and religious leaders are active in legitimating the use of various methods.
>>351さんそんな事言わないで、もう少しなのでお願いします!! No Fillers Champion Nutrition's Pure Whey has over 80% pure whey protein. Check the competition. They range from 75%,all the way down to 60%! Sure they cost less.
Mastering basic mathematical skills の話です。 Only the few who for some special reason have become sufficiently charmed to penetrate beyond its practical uses comprehend what mathematics is all about. I do not know whether this higher degree of comprehension is potentially available to everybody, but there is no doubt that mathematics could be attractive to a much larger number of students, were it not stressd that mathematics'main merit rests in its practical application.
I looked up and saw Kimi-chan`s house on fire. Suddenly I realized that I had not found my daughters yet. I called many times. Michiko! Yoko! soon I found some of their clothes showing under the house. I tried to lift the fallen pillars but the fite ws spreading toward me. “It was so hot!”The fallen pillars over my two daughters started to catch fire. I was helpless.I couldn`t do anything for them. I prayed, "Michiko,Yoko,please for give me!" "I carried my back to the roverside. Ther were a lot of injured people there.They were crying,groaning and asking for water. 長いのですが、どなたかお願いします。
The blood supply to the internal vital organs of the body, on the other hand, increases. We also have some left-over responses designed to protect us by making us look more fearsome: in many animals, their fur stands on end, making them look bigger and potentially more dangerous. Humans have lost theor fur, but the hairs that we have left still try to stand on end, which is what causes goose-pimples. 長文すいません。和訳お願いします。
たびたびすみません 和訳お願いします Fitness and Serious Aerobic Athletes Combine Pure Whey with Ultramet,or Metabolol ll for a perfect ultra low-fat, low-carbohydrate way to boost low glycemic index protein intake.
>>367 有難うございます。その続きの一文で途中まで自分で訳してみたのですが、この 続きがわかりません。誰か教えて下さい。一応訳したぶんも書いてみます。 We can see, them that the fight or flight response is a very powerful (私達はそれから、闘争逃避反応がとても強力な反応ということを確認する reaction, which serves an important survival fiction- at least, when ことが出来、→ここからわかりません。 we are faced with threats that require phisical reaction.
>> 380 誤爆多いので、もう一度書き直します。すいません。 We can see, then, that the fight or flight response is a very powerful reaction, which serves an important survival function- at least, when we are faced with threats that require phisical action.
A few years ago, when I was visiting, or rather exploring, Notre-Dame, I found, carved by hand on the wall in a dark space of one of the tower, the word:ANA_KH. The Greek capitals, black with age and cut quite deep into the stone, the forms and attitudes of their handwriting, which had something peculiar Gothic about it, as if to show that the hand which had inscribed them there was a medieval one, and above all their grim and fatal meaning, made a keen impression on me. ※ANA_KHは『宿命』です。
>>390>>387です。 最初の文章は問題ないのですが、二番目の文章の動詞がどれなのか、 っていうと、ないみたいですね。いや、もしかしたら、最後の"made" なのかもしれませんが、こんなに離れたところに動詞がくるってのも あまりにも、ってことで。あと、Gothic about it の it がよくわから ないのでした。わかる人教えてください。
>>391 The Greek capitals, (← black with age and cut quite deep into the stone,) the forms and attitudes of their handwriting, (which had something peculiar Gothic about it,) (as if to show that the hand which had inscribed them there was a medieval one,) and (above all) their grim and fatal meaning, made a keen impression on me.
The Greek capitals, the forms and attitudes, their grim and fatal meaning の三つが主語で、やはり made が述語では。
Gothic about it の it は、the word:ANA_KH を指す代名詞でしょう。
I am an actress and dancer there.it is difficult to get jobs in show business,but I have been very lucky and have been in shows for over 10 years. I am a Radio City Rockette and I did 2 Broadway shows,Oklahoma! and Frogs (with Nathan Lane.)also just filmed the movie The Producers which comes out in December. Please look me up at the stahge door if you decide to see "AAA" at the BB hall.
Please let me know if you need anything from the states. Kathleen and I look forward to seeing you In Tokyo and I will keep you updated on our schedule.
Notice that, when declaring an array of integers, we first type "vector" which, as with the use of any class, indicates that we want to create an object of that type.
Failure tests a person, and the process of recover from the failure lets us know that person's true depth of character. Whatever suggestions might be offered for changing social systems or our widespread tendency to hide or cover up, reform is easier said than done. Be aware that too much care and protection may prevent the proper growth of individuality and deprive the child of the chance to develop naturally.
たびたびすみません 和訳お願いします Fitness and Serious Aerobic Athletes Combine Pure Whey with Ultramet,or Metabolol ll for a perfect ultra low-fat, low-carbohydrate way to boost low glycemic index protein intake.
Sitting here in my room , I glance over my right shoulder at the little row og books , red and green and blue , which stand waiting for my hand , offering their accumulated riches. I think of the years that may be in store for me , and of all the pages I may tum.
food and sweets in Kyoto naturally reflect the aristocratic and highly cultured history of its citizens. The way the food and sweets look has always been very important to the people of Kyoto.
It is only natural that Kyoto is a city of a traditional arts and crafts.
Well, as you have seen, Kyoto is full of exciting and wonderful sights and things to do.
>>411 ,412 有難うございます。 追加なのですが In general, industrial-country populations are growing very little-the exception is the United States, where a third of the nearly one percent growth rate is fueld by immigration. 訳してください。おねがいします。
The United Nation estimates that the number of contraceptive user among married women will need to increase by 60percent-and among African women, it will need to double-if the medium population projection for 2025 of 7.8billion is to be achieved. And additional gains in health, education and economic security for girls and women will be need to ensure that women are strong, independent decision-makers. 長文すいません。どなたか訳お願いします。
I wish you will think best about marry. because that is very important too much with life. I wish you will give sometime for me. for prepare and think best more than. Because I want to have someone look after me all my life. and I want my husband look after me all my life too. I don't want to have someone follow me all the time. and want to that someone give me reason and give me suggest when I have problem. and everything I can talk with my husband. I wish you will understand about my think. Anyway I wish you will think about that. and not worry with me. I will take care of myself the best. I wish you will take good care of yourself the best.
すいませんお願いします。 In Conjunction with The National Organizing Committe of the 2006 FIFA World Cup. FIFA Fussball-Weltmeisterschaft 2006 organisationskomitee Deutschland koniginstrabe 23,80539 Munchen.
From: The Desk Of the Promotions Manager, NUEVO-ORO LOTTO: Prize Awards Department Reference:FL/668530092 Batch:45301/14/FIFA06/FL.
We gladly wish to inform you of the draws of the Nuevo Oro Lotto in conjunction with the National Organizing Committee of the 2006 FIFA World Cup held on the 29TH of April 2005 in Munich Germany. You along with 187 others were selected winners under draws 6+J in our monthly program which will feature as run up to the games next year when you will be due for the final Grand draw.However your e-mail address attached to ticket number 508-7895-4456-224 with serial numbers 5223-54 drew the lucky numbers 16-43-85-33-15-73 and consequently won the lottery in the 5th category.
続きです CONGRATULATIONS!!Please be informed that all participants in this lottery program have been selected randomly through a computer ballot system drawn from over 500,000 companies and 50,000,000 individual e-mail addresses.This Lottery is Organized by the host country in collaboration with FIFA. Funds for the draws have been contributed by the major sponsors of the games which include adidas,Hyundai,FujiFilm,MasterCard,Gillette,Cocacola,Emirates Air, Continental,Toshiba,Mcdonalds and a host of others.
Due to the computer mix up of some numbers and email contacts, we ask that you keep this award strictly from public notice until your claim has been processed and your money remitted. This is part of our security protocol to avoid double claiming or unscrupulous acts by participants of this program.
Also find all other relevant winning lottery Information below: Ref No: FL/668530092 Batch No:45301/14/FIFA06/FL Zonal Draw No: IMSA2-040 Grand Draw No: 14219
You have therefore been approved for a lump sum pay out of One Million Six Hundred and fourty-Seven Thousand, Eight Hundred and Twenty Eight Euros and Eighty-Seven Euro Cents. (EUROS 1.647.828.87) in cash credited to file No:LP/26510460037/02. For all our international winners the value of the amount comes to ($ USD) Two Million Fouty-Five thousand, two hundred and thrity-eight United States Dollars and Sixty three cents. For due processing and remittance of your prize money,remember that you must contact your claim on or before end of SEPTEMBER 2005. After this date, all funds will be returned as unclaimed.
NOTE:In order to avoid unnecessary delays and complications, please remember to Quote your reference and batch numbers in every one of your correspondences.Furthermore, should there be any change of your address, do inform your claims agent as soon as possible. Congratulations again from all our staff and thank you for being part of our Promotions program. Sincerely, Mr.Victor Lopez.
>>460 >and among African women, it will need to doubleの中のitは the number of contraceptive user among married womenだから >>457さんの通り二倍でいいんだよ、アメリカ、アフリカは単なるケアレスでしょ。
Today's continuing population increases result largely from momentum of past growth, as record numbers of young people reach abulthood and parenthood; one in six people alive today is between the agens of15 and 24. Even if fertility were to fall immediately to the level of 2.1 children. more than three quarters of the population growth currently projected would still take place. 本当にすいません、和訳お願い致します。
The decremental theory of aging led us to infer that older workers in speed jobs would have poorer perfomance, greater absenteeism,and more accidents compared with other workers. すんません。和訳お願いします。 それなりに意味が取れるのですが、speed jobs をどう訳せばいいのかわかりません…。 様々な辞書を見てもわかりませんでした。 せめてspeed jobsに関するアドバイスをお願いします。
[1] The decremental theory of aging led us to infer that older workers in speed jobs would have poorer performance, greater absenteeism, and more accidents compared with other workers. [2] The findings, however, go against the theory. [3] The older workers generally earned more, were absent less, had fewer accidents, and had less turnover than younger workers. [4] 0ne possible conclusion is that the requirements of the speed jobs in the light manufacturing industry under study do not make physical demands on the older workers to the limits of their reserve capacity. [5] The competence and experience of the older workers in these specific jobs may have compensated for their reduced stamina.
[6] This study has taken a step in the direction of defining the relationship between age, experience, and productivity in one particular industry. [7] It is possible of course that other industries with a different complex of speed jobs and skill jobs may produce entirely different results. [8] In addition, it is important to emphasize that methodological problems in the research design limit our interpretations.
[9] The approach outlined in this study should be replicated in other manufacturing plants, as well as in other occupational areas in light, medium, and heavy industries in order to construct a typology of older worker performance in a variety of jobs.
During the course of this delightful tour , I have thought of you perpetually and never have my eyes burst upon a scene of particular loveliness but I have almost instantly wished that you could for a moment be transported to the place where I stood to enjoy it. I have been more particularly induced to from those wishes , because the scenes of Switzerland have no resemblance to any I have found in England ; and consequently it may probably never being your power to from an idea of them.
1. He speaks English like one to the manner born, 2. Don't talk like that for decency's sake. 3. London experienced the thickest fog for years. 4. Few persons have courtesy to make room for ladies and aged persons in a crowded car. 5. It is not what people eat, but what they digest, that makes them strong. 和訳お願いします。
The term "wavefront-optimized" refers to laser treatment software that has been designed with certain corrections pre-programmed, although a true and customized wavefront plan is not employed.
和訳お願いします Fitness and Serious Aerobic Athletes Combine Pure Whey with Ultramet,or Metabolol ll for a perfect ultra low-fat, low-carbohydrate way to boost low glycemic index protein intake.
The working title can be as long or as short as you like, but it must contain only one topic, which will be the main subject and point of your paper. In the working abstract, express concisely your hypothesis, the approach you adopted, your conclusions, and your assessment of their significance. Try to do this in four sentences: one for each item.
434 名前: 理V首席2006 ◆l0ThdRsOl2 投稿日: 2005/08/29(月) 13:58:06 ID:f0lJYV8H0 Our mission is to be the most essential global Internet service for consumers and businesses. 私たちの使命はもっとも主要な地球規模の消費者、ビジネスのためのインターネットサービスであることである How we pursue that mission is influenced by a set of core values - the standards that guide interactions with fellow Yahoos, 私たちがその指名を追及する方法は一連の核となる価値すなわち基準それはガイドとなる同輩のヤフーとの相互作用の、に影響される the principles that direct how we service our customers, 私たちが消費者にサービスする方法を支持する減速 the ideals that drive what we do and how we do it. 理想それは私たちはするものとどうやってするかというころを支持する Many of our values were put into practice by two guys in a trailer some time ago; others reflect ambitions as our company grows. 大部分の私たちの勝ちは実行される二人の男によってトレーラーの中で?いくらかむかし All of them are what we strive to achieve every day. それらのすべては毎日私たちがト力して達成しようとしているものである。
Our mission is to be the most essential global Internet service for consumers and businesses.
How we pursue that mission is influenced by a set of core values - the standards that guide interactions with fellow Yahoos, the principles that direct how we service our customers, the ideals that drive what we do and how we do it.
Many of our values were put into practice by two guys in a trailer some time ago; others reflect ambitions as our company grows. All of them are what we strive to achieve every day.
But if he were alive today, and could hear this formula for facing the worst, he would heartily approve it. How do I know it? Because he told his students: “Be willing to have it so . . . Be willing to have it so,” he said, because “. . . acceptance of what has happened is the first step in overcoming the consequences of any misfortune.” おねがいします。
The new discoveries that mathematicians are making are very varied in type, so varied indeed that it has been proposed (in despair) to define mathematics as 'what mathematicians do':for mathematicians today attack many problems not regarded as mathematical in the past, and what they will do in the future there is no saying.
Refunds are good for products purchased from this website and postmarked within 60-days of purchase. Refunds shall include the entire customer cost, less shipping and handling of products purchased through our shop. Sorry, this product will ship USPS priority mail only.
Female sea turtles lay eggs here between July and September. In five to ten weeks, the eggs hatch, and the baby turtles, about five centimeters long, start on a long ocean journey. A female sea turtle has to fifty years before she lays eggs. When she lays her eggs she must come back to the same beach where she was born. So, if no baby turtles go into the ocean, no mother turtles will come back to this same beach in fifty years. If nothing changes, in half a century, sea turtles will have become exinct. To avoid this situation, Pepe and other volunteers are working on the beath, which is designated as a nature reserve.
Eggs hunting is prohibited in this district of Guatemala, but egg hunters still continue to take the sea turtle eggs. There are several reasons for this. First, some people belive that the person who has found a sea turtle which is laying eggs has a right to take the eggs. Second, an more important, sea turtle eggs provide money because they sell well in the market. It is a symbol of strength for Guatemalan men to have a drink made from sea turtle eggs. Moreover, eggs hunters do not seem to understand or care about the relation between the long life cycle of sea turtles and the eggs in their bags.
This is really an eye opener.... Water or Coke? We all know that water is important but I've never seen it written down like this before. WATER 1. 75% of Americans are chronically dehydrated. 2. In 37% of Americans, the thirst mechanism is so weak that it is often mistaken for hunger. 3. Even MILD dehydration will slow down one's metabolism as much as 3%. 4. One glass of water will shut down midnight hunger pangs for almost 100% of the dieters studied in a University of Washington study. 5. Lack of water, the #1 trigger of daytime fatigue. 6. Preliminary research indicates that 8-10 glasses of water a day could significantly ease back and joint pain for up to 80% of sufferers. 7. A mere 2% drop in body water can trigger fuzzy short-term memory, trouble with basic math, and difficulty focusing on the computer screen or on a printed page. 8. Drinking 5 glasses of water daily decreases the risk of colon cancer by 45%, plus it can slash the risk of breast cancer by 79%, and one is 50% less likely to develop bladder cancer.
今年の11月に日本で催される楽器フェアに出演されますか? という質問に対しての返信です I am going to India in November but who knows, maybe I can squeeze in the Instrument Fair as well? We'll see... 宜しくお願いします
特許に関する文の冒頭部分です Patents, said Thomas Jefferson, should draw ゛a line between the things which are worth to the public the embarrassment of an exclusive patent, and those which are not"
Some people believe that autism can be linked to a mercury-containing preservative once commonly used in childhood vaccines, and these people sometimes advocate chelation therapy, which causes heavy metals to leave the body through urine.
We have the image of the Japanese in full pursuit, under economic supremacism, of catching up with and surpassing the West. Everything is based on the premise that by getting rich, they will be able to enjoy all the other things in life. They just run full speed ahead, not even realizing that they have lost something very important in the process. 和訳よろしくお願いします。
>>536 こんな訳(>>535)で金とったら詐欺だろう。誤訳とまでは言わないけどかなりひどいと思う。 this districtのthisを訳し落としてるし。 sell well(いい金になる)と「金になる」は意味が違うし。 menはこの場合「男性」だろうし。 なによりlong life cycleを長寿と訳したらまったく意味が通らない。
ユダヤの格言らしいのですが、 "Jews sre like every one else - only more so" って、どうやって訳しますか?最後のonly more soってのは文修飾の 副詞句なんでしょうか?この部分がどういう意味になってどういう風 に主文にかかるのかが分からないのですが。
長いんですけど訳を教えて下さい。 In many parts of the world, people have been concerned about the influence of television. For years, critics of television have looked at the issue of the program content---particularly violence---as it affects viewers. The problem seems especially serious with younger children. There is evidence that TV in fact makes people accept more violence in everyday life. How could this not happen when it presents violent acts, often with guns and knives, as normal and common occurrences?
お願いします Diffuse Lamellar Keratitis (DLK) is a common postoperative complication of intraLASIK that occurs when foreign cells (infiltrates) are introduced into the interface between the corneal flap and underlying stroma.
Patent offices also need to collect and publish data about what happens once parents are granted -the rate at which they are challenged and how many are struck down.
In the ghettos of the colours don't forget the human core In the townships of humanity there would be no poor From where the rock is heavy comes the purest ore The first six waves break in the bay, the seventh on the shore
>>614 いいか、「もし、XXがなかったら」というのは、現実ではない わけだ。現実ではないことを仮定することを、反実仮想という。 英語ではこれを表現する様式はきまっていて、 If it were not for XX, .. would .... となっている。 「もし、その消防士がいなかったら、私は死んだだろう。」 は、 If it were not for that fireperson, I would have died. 実際には、「私」ってのは生きているわけだから、これは、事実 ではないことを、仮想しているわけだ。わかったか? だから、 「英語がなかったら、みんな、とくに英米人は困るよなぁ」と いうのは、まさにこれ。 If it were not for English, people, particularly Americans and English, would be troubled.
で、If it were not は、場合によっては、Were it not とする場合が ある。if は、I'm not sure if you are right. あんたがただしい 「かどうか」わからん。というような場合のように、「かどうか」と いうのに使われるわけだが、まあ、疑問文のようなものだから、それ を意味するためには、動詞(あるいは助動詞)と主語を反転させて、 if を使わない。 でいいか?文法書をひっぱりだして、勉強せい。
The new discoveries that mathematicians are making are very varied in type,so varied indeed that it has been proposed (in despair) to define mathematics as "what mathematicians do";for mathematicians today attack many problems not regarded as mathematical in past,and what they will do in the future there as no saying.
The final title and abstract will play an important part in guiding the reader and in infomation retrieva, but the working title and abstract have quite a different purpose, namely to help you, the author, to put your ideas together in an orderly form.
Now decide the basic structure of the paper, Read the 'Instructions to Authors' of the journal to which you are going to submit your paper, or examine the papers in a few issues of the journal to determine the structure most commonly used in that journal. In biomedical journals the conventional division into: Intoroduction Materials and Methods Results Discussion has great value. You need good reasons for modifying or abandoning one of the conventional patterns in your field, but you must certainly do so if your material demands it. For instance, results can sometimes be effectively combined with discussion; again, it may be a good thing to give some results first, in order to explain why you adopted the methods which you then go on to describe. Procedural details may sometimes be placed in an appendix. 訳を教えてください お願いします。
If the journal rewuires or favours a section headed Conclusions, or Conclusions and Summary, take this into account in planning the Discussion section which precedes it. If you want to include detailed proofs or bulky data not essential to the main theme, consider whether you will need an Appendix. An Appendix is not a note added in proof; it should from part of your original plan for the paper, and it will undergo editorial review with the rest of the paper. この訳もお願いしますm(._.)m
When you have selected the main headings as just discussed, write eace of them at the top of a sheet of paper. On each sheet put down in random order, just as they occur to you, all the findings or thoughts that seem to belong under that heading. You may use a personal shorthand instead of sentences. Look through your laboratory notes and records, and list everything that is relevant to the topic defined by the working title but nothing that is not. Add to the relevant section any descriptions of materials, methods or results that you have already written. Take care to assign each item to the correct section as defined by the heading. If an item could be assigned to more than one section, decide which is the more appropriate or make a note that this decision will have to be made later, Do not try to assemble the items in logical order yet. As you go along, add any relevant tables, graphs or other illustrations that you have already made in rough form. Collect also all the reprints or cards giving bibliographical details of references that you are likely to need. 最後にこれもお願いします。
we havn't had ours long, we got it 2 weeks ago ↑はどういう意味なんでしょうか? イギリス人とのチャットでの会話です。 車はどこの?っていう話題だったんですが「トヨタ。いい会社だね」って言った後 に上の言葉をしゃべりました。 車が買って2週間なのかと思ったら、そうではないようですし。 お願いします。
I really find this debate amusing and sad, I'm a full blood korean and what I say is who cares? Its was made thats all we know and most of you want to prove that one country started it. For what? Really, as I am Korean I do sort of lean on the Korean side but find that most Koreans over exaggerate the creation of Kendo coming from Korea and most Japanese are brutal in defending the creation of Kendo from their country. It was made, thats all that matters not where.
But sorry to tell you that the ○○ might have to delayed for couple more days. I was expecting my new stock to come last week, but it didn't. I was told the new stock will come by some time this week, I will ship them immediately when I got them.
I am concerned that you are disappointed with the shirt and apologise for any inconvenience. I must emphasise that I did not intend to deceive you in any way and all I can say is if you wish to return the shirt I will give you a full refund, plus additional postage costs. As per your pictures I can see a bit of snagging which was not apparent to myself until you pointed this out. Can you please e-mail me back and let me know how you wish to proceed. If you decide to return the shirt, please advise when you have posted out and once this has been received I can guarantee I will credit your paypal account with agreed amount.
They used to tell tall tales about salesmen who were so cunning they could sell refrigerators to Eskimos, but in Britain the stories are sometimes true. British salesmen have succeeded in selling sand to the Arabs and ice to the Icelanders, it was announced here Monday. These odd export orders were among entries for an “incredible export” contest sponsored by a British firm exporting vodka and gin. First prize went to a drum company, which exports tomtoms to Nigeria, bird whistles to the Canary Islands, and sleigh bells to Greenland, the land of Santa Claus.
ちょっと長いんですが出来たら訳を教えて下さい。 Many children go through the "television experience" and survive. But many others are deeply affected by it. Much of the discussion of TV during the next few years will center on how to reduce the dangers which it presents, particularly to younger people. Already there are movements to try to stop or ban TV advertising which is directed at children under a certain age. Perhaps this is just the beginning. In the end, some people may even demand the removal of such a powerful medium from the lives of young people. This may not be a practical solution, but we should not ignore the dangers of television.
Anyting Left Handed manager Samantha Hamilton says, ‘Right-handed people are still behind the times. They have no idea what it is like for us. We are versatile because we have to be. We just train our right hand to do things. It's time things were changed for us instead.'
A firm which sells gasoline to Arab states got secondplace. Another firm has just sold 17 tons of spaghetti to the Italians. A spokesman for the contest said, “It was designed to add a touch of light relief to the serious business of selling Britain abroad.” His company even has hopes of selling vodka to Poland. So far it hasn't made it.
>>677>>679 の方、本当にありがとうございます。 certain impression という熟語ではなくて、 「ある種の」+「印象」と普通に訳せばよかったんですね。 おはずかしい・・・。 恥かきついでに教えていただきたいのですが、 only は do にかかって、「乗馬だけをする」になるのでしょうか? 和訳的には、ステイタスシンボルについての文章なので (説明不足でしたごめんなさい) 「印象をもたれるためにだけ」のほうがしっくりくるのですが、 それだと、only to make certain... にしなければならないような気がするのですが。。。
Until a credible independent certification is missing, certificates of legality and of efforts towards a sustainable forestry can be granted. どうぞ宜しくお願いいたします。
1. Do you think Eskimos need refrigerators? 2. What do they mean by “incredible export”? 3. What dose the first prize winner of the contest export? 4. What was such an “incredible export” contest held for?
>>706 dry-hump: verb 1. to engage in sexual activities while fully clothed, esp. imitating sexual intercourse but only indulging in frottage. 2. to insert and rub the penis between the thighs or breasts, but not ejaculate. Also, dry-root.
Hello~Webmaster I think that your pictures are very good .Can I have your permission to reprint the pictures to the other homepaper? Those homepapers will issue them. Waiting for your permission. Thank you!
we saw a documentary about japaneses pelgrims and it was very interested(it's weird the difference of our two nation but it's so interesting !) Have you seen the movie Lost in Translation with bill muray ? Many scenes takes place in tokyo and kyoto. I hope one time you will come to europe and france .Are japanese people interested in astronomy? because we love watching stars and discover planets with a telescop and maybe we could talk about it because i don't think the sky is the same s in japan
So I saved nickels and dimes in a cider jug to pay the future surgeon who would find fame in Ripley's Believe It or Not by cutting six inches of bone from the legs of the tallest girl in the world and making her the same height as everybody else.
Plants which invest their progeny in the seed bank rertieve only a tiny fraction of them, and each of these is worth(in terms of contribution of genes to future generations) much less than other seeds which have already successfully produced progeny of their own rather than remaining dormant in the soil. 埋土種子に子を投資した植物は,それらの僅かな断片を想起する→埋土種子によって以前の植生の断片的な情報が得られる? そしてそのおのおのの植物は(次世代への遺伝子伝達という貢献をする観点から見て) 土壌中で休眠し続けるよりも、むしろすでに子孫を残すことに成功した他の種子以下の価値しかない。
んー。ダメな逐語訳の典型だw 特に分からないところは ・2行目のretrieve of tiny fraction of themという言い回し ・each of themのthemはplantsか ・much less than以下の構造 less than {other seed〜(rather than…)} でいいのかしら。
Now decide the basic structure of the paper, Read the 'Instructions to Authors' of the journal to which you are going to submit your paper, or examine the papers in a few issues of the journal to determine the structure most commonly used in that journal. この文に含まれる構文を教えてくださいm(._.)m
If you want to include detailed proofs or bulky data not essential to the main theme, consider whether you will need an Appendix. あたし英語苦手で英文とか全然わかりません(?_?)この文って詳しく言うとどんな文構造してるんですかぁ? 教えてもらえれば光栄です!
On each sheet put down in random order, just as they occur to you, all the findings or thoughts that seem to belong under that heading. この構文について教えてください!なんてゆー文法ですか??お願いします(><)
I check the ○○ for you, I contacted the supplier, for order 20 or less, the price is the same as you told me $53. Only if I could order more, then the price could be negotiated. Please tell me how many you are planning to get, or maybe I can take part of the orders for re-sell, then we both can enjoy the lowered price.
It is standard to bill at the time they are placed for foreign orders. Then the shipping cost if they are sent overseas is done once they are packaged to ship. If they are sent here in the States by ground we prepay that shipping.
April Fool's Day is the first day of April. In English-speaking countries, it is the custom to play absurd but harmless tricks on one's friends and relatives on April Fool's Day. The custom is popular among childlen, and even adults sometimes have some fun with one another. The victim is called an April fool. In many cities, for example, a person may give a friend the telephone number of the local zoo, telling him to call back to “Mr. Lamb” or “Mr. Fox.” How did we get April Fool's Day? We do not know how this day first came about, but we do know that the April Fool customs go far back in history.
お願いします I got a leash and I wish just to rock you miss, haha. I usually make a militant move, peep my strategy so that end of the day you're not mad at me. "Not dealing with nobody" now that's what you told me, right? I said "hey yo, it's cool, we can just be friendly" because hey picture me messing it up, your mind not corrupt with the ill C-Cups. Shit, I'm on my J.O., always, bullshitting, hoping that the day goes slow. Got me like a friend, what confuses me though. Is there kisses when we greet, tell me what's the dill????
..i thinked to give u a big kiss but i didnt know if was the right think or u liked but for be truth with u i say now i hope u are not worried about this...
No problem. we can be friends. I come from Thailand, and now I live in Ireland. I just want somebody to talk with. I want a female friend. It's very hard to find a male friend to talk with, as most of men are looking for a woman to have sex. I really want to be your friend. OK? と仮定して訳すと、 問題ないです。私たちは友達になれると思うし。 私は、タイ出身で、今は、アイルランドに住んでいる。 私がほしいのは、おしゃべり友達、だから、女性がいい。 男友達で、おしゃべり相手っていうのは、難しいのね。 っていうか、男って、セックス目当てなやろうばっかりで。 貴方の友達になりたいけど、どう?
You are like a dream ...something or someone you dream about and you want....you are so special and beautiful yet so far away..you are like a sweet dream I have.
以下の文章をいい感じに訳してもらえないでしょうか? My ideal goal is to contribute my knowledge to the full extent and aid in further development of technology, so that it can create a better relationship between technology and its users. Technology should not be more difficult to the user, because it would only continue to grow in the future. I would want to work in a field of computer engineering and information technology in hope to gain a better knowledge and experience. Presenting new information and products to the public would be of great interest to me.
ちょっと変かな。 ★computer engineering + information technologyをシステム部にしました。自分もシステムしか聞いたことないのでかってに1つしました。 ★relationship between technology and its users. 日本語ではどうかな。変に聞こえるけどね。すみませんでした。。
We're looking forward to doing what bands do and getting out there and playing music. It's a once in a lifetime opportunity, and that's the way we look at it, you know? Gotta grab it by the balls.
例えば、>>805の例文なら、"went to theater"の先に"buy a ticket"という動作が見えてるだけです。 それを日本語に直すときには、その2つの動作にはどういう関連があるのかを考えて訳すわけです。 だから、場合によっては、「チケットを買うために映画館に行った」というあり得ます。 例えば、前売り券とか。つまり、その意味は文脈によって変化するということです。 ただ、今回は、その文だけ出てくれば、>>806に出てきた訳が最も妥当ということです。
それから、一般に「形容詞を修飾する」という "English is difficult to master."などのto不定詞は、 もともと"It is difficult to master English."という形の文から派生しただけです。 まず視点をEnglishに置きたかったってだけで。 さらに、単独だと情報構造の観点からは不自然な形ですが"To master English is difficult."まで遡れば、 納得できますよね。これも、未来指向が働いていますよね。 "Mastering English"ではなくて"To master English"なんです。
Creative people- anyone who is able to break through habitual routines and invent new solutions to old problems, solutions that impress other people with their appropriateness as well as originality, so that they say, "Why didn't I think of that?" They are so busy trying to feel what they think they are supposed to feel that they never get down to examining their own deepest feeling. With authority figures like drama critics and book reviewers telling us what to think and how to feel, many of us are busy fulfilling other people's expectations.
文中のthisは、弁護士に相談すれば思いがけない方法を教えてくれるかも知れないぞと気づくこと I know it sounds stupid to say that this hadn’t even occurred to me before – but of course I hadn’t been thinking, I had only been worrying! お願いします。
すみません・・インドのebayで高額商品を落札したので、 支払承諾書みたいなものにサインしてFAXしなければ送ってくれない みたいないのですが , ___________________________ (name of the buyer as appearing on the card) rightful owner of Credit Card Number___________________________ (MasterCard/Visa) issued by _________________ (Name of the bank) expiring on ___ここ___ authorise eBay India Pvt. Ltd. to charge a sum of Rs __ここ_______ (Rupees _________________________ここ______________________ only) to my above mentioned Credit Card against purchase of ________ここ_______ from ___________________ (Seller Name) on www.ebay.in through PaisaPay ID ________________ Dated_____________
>>825 , __カード記載の購入者氏名_ (name of the buyer as appearing on the card) rightful owner of Credit Card Number_カードの番号_ (MasterCard/Visa) issued by _発行銀行名_ (Name of the bank) expiring on _カード期限__ authorise eBay India Pvt. Ltd. to charge a sum of Rs _ルピー額__ (Rupees __ここは不明 「ルピー___のみ」と書いてある__ only) to my above mentioned Credit Card against purchase of _買った商品名_ from _販売者名_ (Seller Name) on www.ebay.in through PaisaPay ID __PaisaPay の ID(番号)?___ Dated___日付___
>>842 またデタラメ書いてる・・・・ never has attracted me.だからその後に最近興味が出て来たと言った文が続く可能性も十分ある。 >necessityの書き間違えだろ。 これは多分そう。 政治としての政治は必要なものとは考えられなかったので(だれにとってかはこの文だけでは不明) これまで私の興味を引くことはなかった。