

Because, because, always a motive and cause there to be,
for example, motive when and so on grudges and is, depends on also
that crime, but there are also times when there is a fault even in
the victim of the partner, and, being self central crime, as for
cause you think to the offender running to crime that there is also
an environment which surrounds the little not driving offender is.

For example, this is, in case of the boy, but as for many of the boy
who does misdeed such as thinner and shoplifting and reckless driving,
also the statistical result that being produced, home environment is
bad relatively, now the society, with also the offender who becomes an
adult, as for the kind of person who repeats violence incident and theft
incident the statistical result that have been present there is many a
thing whose environment of personality shape forming period of boy
period and youth period is not desirable. In addition, the person
who uses the stimulant, when stress of daily life is the reason is
many, is. Certainly, environment not to be desirable the person
whom it does not run to crime with strong will and common sense,
is large portion, but strength of intention, disposition of common
sense it is rough, and so on, it is each person, that changes little
with "the method of feeling those" of the individual and so on.
548名無しさん@英語勉強中:2005/08/05(金) 05:22:20

Furthermore investigating, if you think, it meaning that itself is derived
from environment, it does. In addition, it is only-too-natural thing, but
while everyone of the offenders being born, it is not the case that it is
the brutal offender. In other words, if you rephrase that you express
so far in other word, "as for the offender, you can say, that it is produced
by society", that you say, densely is. If and as for me, society has grown
wild, the extent which is, the offender increases, in addition, you think
that also brutal crime and strange crime happen. Each time brutal crime
happens, there being also instigation of the mass communications, the
public opinion which seeks the severe punishment of the offender has increased, the amendment
criminal law which includes severe punishment conversion
was enforced from the January this year, but it seems the
current way and in the society which is warped, two degrees
than severe punishment conversion, there are no times when
crime is committed, it is important, is not with most
effective to make the kind of system which can do CARE of
the offender such as sea urchin and inside the jail probably will be?