食事と癌の因果関係を調査する話。 アンケートによる追跡調査ではほとんど関係は見いだされなかった。 しかし食事なんてものは変わりやすいし定量もしにくいものだ。 And at least in the case of breast cancer,researchers might have misclassified fruit and vegetable consumption by using different questionnaries for different groups.
>>962 訳はすでに他の方が提出しているので、文法的補足。 ・using 〜 language は、using が現在分詞で前の The person を修飾。
・takes into consideration は、もともと takes + 目的語 + into consideration だけど、目的語が 「that 以下」で長いので後回しに なっている。 [takes into consideration] and [is also rarely taught] に 「that 以下」の目的語が共通。
・[that] underlying the language is a vast work of information at play which is called culture that 以下の文では倒置になっている。元の語順に直すと、 a vast work of information at play (which is called culture) is underlying the language. which 〜 の先行詞は、a vast work of information 。 (文化と呼ばれる、a vast work of information at play が言語の 背後にひそんでいるのだ)
Work with your life the best. because that is your future. I want to you have a good future in yourself and also your mother will fine with your future too. I will cheer up with you all the time. Not think too much because me body sad more than you that is your mother. Make you life so happy and then you will have a good thing in come your life.
We sold our company a few months ago, so I am now just working on my own and consulting; nice to have a break for a while. I have been spending a GREAT deal of time in Las Vegas as I met a really great girl there. She and I have been getting along wonderfully and we may be taking a trip to Spain in a couple months to live for a while. So, as a result, I see all the advertisements for the Sumo and was excited to go; but don’t know if I’ll be in town then … we’ll see. I do love Sumo though, it is a really interesting sport!
I am very remiss for not thanking you again for being such a wonderful guide and companion to me in Tokyo. It really was my favorite trip of all. My family loved the photos of the Samuri; and of course, thanks to you I am something of an expert on the subject. :) My description of Chanko soup has been the subject of lots of conversations. Americans are fascinated! I enlarged some of the photos of the fish from the Market, and they look wonderful. Very colorful and exotic.
The attempt on my life has left me scarred and deformed. But I assure you, my resolve has never been stronger ! In order to ensure our security and continuing stability, the Republic will be reorganized into the first Galactic Empire !! For a safe and secure society!
In a little more than two weeks we are travelling to Asia again; but I don't know if Tokyo is on my itinerary yet. Singapore for sure; possibly Tokyo, probably Shanghai, and finally Sydney, Australia. I'll let you know!
Some other time, maybe some other place, these words echoed deep in my heart, when you go home and hold somebody else, not me. If you were mine I would take every minute to show you how cherished you are.
I believe that I owed you a letter, so your kindness was double. Most of my summer has been spent doing home repairs. Many jobs needed to be done and I have the time to do them.My next job is painting the closet and then I will build a walk in my front yard with big stones.Earlier in the year I worked on creating a Zen garden at a local memorial called The Cathedral of the Pines They have a website, but there is no information about the Zen garden on it yet.
Actually, we just got back from a vacation in California, so we are a little busy now catching up with work.As you may remember, I have my own law practice, so I always have to work extra hard before and after a vacation to make sure all the work is completed on time.
I'll sing sweet lullaby for you I'll sing please don't you cry You never be lonely angel I'll sing sweet lullaby for you I wish your happiness forever...
It becomes entangled forever. Freedom in a bind is abandoned. It is not noticed that is the got phantom.
With the exception of Faderman, all the theorists discussed so far make crucial the distinction between homosexual behavior, which is ubiquitous, and homosexual identity, which evolves under specific historical conditions.
What have varied enormously are the ways in which various societies have regarded homosexuality, the meanings they have attached to it, and how those who were engaged in homosexual activity viewed themselves.
極めて重要な区別をつけると訳すのであれば、 make a crucial distinctionとなると思います。
ところが、原文は、make crucial the distinctionとなっており、 これは、本来、make the disctinction between A and B crucial と書きたいところが、crucialの場所が 遠くに行き過ぎるので、原文のような書き方になったのではないかと思います。 だから、AとBの違いをつけるのを重要なものとする。 といった趣旨で訳してみました。
I believe that I owed you a letter, so your kindness was double. Most of my summer has been spent doing home repairs. Many jobs needed to be done and I have the time to do them.My next job is painting the closet and then I will build a walk in my front yard with big stones.Earlier in the year I worked on creating a Zen garden at a local memorial called The Cathedral of the Pines They have a website, but there is no information about the Zen garden on it yet.
She's been waiting the evening sun to write the song of uphills. Clouds tense up with their heaven stars gently in the name of joyous springs.
Water phases up from water chains tiding up flame both high. That was wound into present wars and chained our hearts when they went toward.
Angel's chained by uphills,locked in slumber. She's washed away by the swift flow of time. I may no the answer no (though?) one question I still chained what twist fate I fluttered to was in rest on you
Distant world together we were cursed from,brought sweet to you all. That by my words is inside me, to sing to you the song, to sing with you the song, to sing to you your song. I may no the answer
Range safety systems armed. T minus 10 seconds go for main engine start 7..6..5.. Three engines up and burning 3..2..1.. and lift off of Space Shuttle Discovery beginning America's new journey to the Moon, Mars and beyond. And the vehicle has cleared the tower.
Houston's now controlling Commander Eileen Collins confirming Discovery's rolling on to the course for a rendezvous with the International Space Station Discovery is traveling at 400 miles per hour altitude, 12000 feet This is the view from camera mounted on Discovery's External Fuel Tank Three engines of Discovery are now throttling down to two thirds throttle to prepare the spacecraft to pass through the area of maximum air pressure and go super sonic
From our viewpoint,Americans seem for too unwilling to apologize. Sometimes all it needs is a simple apology and the matter is finished. But all Americans seem to do is make excuses.
They don't use "I'm sorry" just to smooth human relationships regardless of who is to blame.
It means that we need to think in different ways than we are used to when we deal with people from outside our culture.
前スレにも書いたのですが・・おねがいします>< And clearly some of Margaret's faith has rubbed off on Ruth as they've sat side by side these past five years,because Ruth is now saying,"It was a miracle that brought us together."
Some of us may feel irritated at their making excuses,but to them an apology is an admission of responsibility. これの最後のほうの訳がイマイチよくわかりません・・よかったらどなたかお願いします><
Salut! Suzuki. How's it going? I feel a kind of tired humoring my two little kids when I would have been very happy because I'm on summer vacation now.Are you busy with your work, Susuzi? As for me, I'm going to Swiss to attend my friend's wedding. Going by myself, I want to enjoy myself traveling for a few days. After that, I'm going to Hokkaido to stay with my husband's parents.If we have a chance, why not go to a drink, tea, beer, whatever. I've got a free time, so if you have time, give me a call, OK?
Generals and Majors ah ah they're never too far from battlefields so glorious out in a world of their own They'll never come down till once again victorious
Until then, how about treating me to a description of what it's like to live in tokyo? I have no problem reading fractured english. As long as most of the words are correct, the order they are in can remain mostly Japanese.
Though that is asking quite a bit. If you have any objection, it's okay not to.
As part of this process, you need to look at the number of things in your life that have more to do with obligation than with celebration. You have to decide that you are no longer going to be trapped by boundaries that you dare not break free from. That does not, repeat not, involve ending anything or even changing some important existing arrangement. It merely means checking that what you feel is genuine.
The oral and written expression applied to this element are noteworthy for their clarity and effectiveness, leading to improved understanding of the work by other employees and clients of the firm. Work products are generally given sympathetic consideration because they are well-presented.
exactly what the balance is between reasonable cost and the benefit you get from it seems to be somewhat different. I think the U.S. sticks a little more closely to evaluating small businesses economically. I think the U.S.以下をお願いします。
In fact, over the last three years, since establishing Coach Japan, Coach has been the fastest growing imported handbag and accessory brand in Japan, recently capturing the number two market share position. Our performance led us to accelerate plans for additional flagship locations throughout the country bringing the total number to six, including our three existing Tokyo flagships. bringing the total number 以下は、これから6店舗にするという ことですか。お願いします。
I am not sure if you remember but I am an attorney and practice law in the State of New Jersey.I am a trial attorney which means I go to court,go before judges and argue cases.I have been in court preparing cases for clients involved in various issues including civil rights, personal injury,criminal matters and contract issues.I have a home practice,not ofter going to my office and so I decided to build a swimming pool in my back yard. We live in the mountains and get the cool summer breezes as well as the mountain air so the summers here are quite tolerable.With the swimming pool and being at my home office I get to swim duing break time.
and as I said, if I discover that I am coming to Tokyo this summer I will surely let you know right away! Also, I feel so silly...I think I wrote "Samurai" when I meant Sumo in my last e-mail. If I did, apologies. I surely know the distinction! Sometimes when I write letters at the end of a long day, I make some really dumb mistakes.
Last semestar I was working on my computer when an error screen popped up. And then the computer tried to restart itself. But while it was restarting , the computer froze. I couldn't get it to shut down. It wouldn't respond to any of my commands. So I had to wait for the computer's battery to drain before it would automatically shut off on its own. Computers are always breaking on me. At least once a year, I have a major computer problem. So, it doesn't suprise me anymore.
I stumbled across this 2ch thread. I'd take too long to read through all of that, but it's interesting for anyone who can understand whatever is being said. So far it seems like a certain number quite despise us because we get to watch all fansubbed anime for free (since some anime such as AIR only airs on non-public TV, thus they have to pay for it). And some people mention that it's not like all Japanese are so moral anyway; where do the raws come from? and so on...
Though when some of them say they find it hard to navigate, I think it's hilarious because to me 2ch is a hell of a lot harder to navigate...
(edit: By the way, some of us are mentioned in there...) (edit2: and some of them seem to like to quickly label people as anti-Japanese or whatever... oh well.)
Fakia and Rakushun and Kino and Loran Cehack > you. "As long as you're capable of being annoyed, you can be sure that something will annoy you." -- Turn A Gundam is awesome. Please give it a try.
To describe with precision even the simplest object is extremely difficult. Not only, is exact description difficult; it is also, of all kinds of writing, that which has in it the least potentialities of beauty.
In early 20th century, eastern Europeans were employed in mines or factories in pretty horrible condition, but white people sent to Mexico for farm labor is to swallow. What is harder to believe would be a Mexican would come all the way to Michigan area in a station wagon. The distance he need to cover would be almost impassible.
do muscular and noisy gymnastics で意味が力任せの騒々しい体操をする。という意味が書いてあるのですが muscular and noisyは形容詞って事なんですか? 動詞に掛かるのは副詞でnoisilyとmuscularlyを使うのではと思ったのですが。 doはSVCはとらないし、ワケが分かりません。助けてください。
夏休みの課題ですがお願いします 【Accord stage.2より】 In some countries, you can choose from a lot of different channnels; some show only a single type of program--news, sports, music, theater or movies; most show different kinds of programs and give the viewer a wide range of entertainment to choose from. In one centry, a recent survery showed that the average person spent three and a half hours a day watching television. 【同じく】 some insects stand out because of the way they look or act.
>>211 She grew rowdy and began rushing from room to room making love to other men. 省略しないとこうなります。 rushは急ぐという意味しか辞書に書いてないのですが直訳気味にするにはどうしたらいいでしょうか? またmakingは「しながら」でいいのですか? 本には「彼女は騒々しくなって部屋から部屋へ駆け回って誰彼見境無く抱きついた」 となっているのですが意訳しすぎだと思うのですが直訳だとどうなるか教えてください。
>>213 省略すんな。 rush には「駆ける」「急襲」「突撃」とかそういう意味もある。もうちょっと厚い辞書買え。 making はその本の通り、「rush してから make love した」と読めばよい。 その本は「誰彼見境無く」と補っていること、「make love」を抱きつくとぼかしていること 以外、ほぼ直訳。
Just see it as your chance to recognise why, in your life so far, you have not always dared to reach for the very best. And to wonder whether this is linked somehow, to the times when you have unconsciously allowed yourself to be treated inappropriately.
At the moment I am staying in the house of my parents in Cologne at the moment. I came from Weimar to here (only 4 hours by car) because one of my university professors finished her university teaching and retires now. There was a very moving event taking place in the university.Many of her former students came and I saw a lot of colleagues I have not seen for years. Until one week ago the summer was very beautiful and pleasant here in Germany,with a lot of sun,but not too hot.Now it changed and we have rain and clouds every day.This week is like a little vacation week for me, but I will also work in a museum library to do reasearch for the publication of an art book I am working for.
I stumbled across this 2ch thread. I'd take too long to read through all of that, but it's interesting for anyone who can understand whatever is being said. So far it seems like a certain number quite despise us because we get to watch all fansubbed anime for free (since some anime such as AIR only airs on non-public TV, thus they have to pay for it). And some people mention that it's not like all Japanese are so moral anyway; where do the raws come from? and so on...
Though when some of them say they find it hard to navigate, I think it's hilarious because to me 2ch is a hell of a lot harder to navigate...
(edit: By the way, some of us are mentioned in there...) (edit2: and some of them seem to like to quickly label people as anti-Japanese or whatever... oh well.)
Fakia and Rakushun and Kino and Loran Cehack > you. "As long as you're capable of being annoyed, you can be sure that something will annoy you." -- Turn A Gundam is awesome. Please give it a try.
I have finished my anitbiotics and my lungs seem to be clear.I am still a little tired but apparently that is normal.The germ that cause the pneumonia is called mycoplasma. It is a bacteria but much smaller than normal bacteria.I am glad they have a drug to combat it.I haven't done much since I last wrote to you because I have just been resting at home.
It seeks to advance science and technology, and enhance its international prestige and boost national pride, goals which China hopes will propel its space missions even further into the future.
I am still planning to come to Tokyo with Alex in the fall.I will let you know when we have specific dates. Alex is there now. He was there for both earthquakes and the typhoon. I hope you did not experience any damage in the earthquakes.Growing up in California,I have experienced a number of earthquakes but I never liked them very much. I guess a lot of little ones are better than one big one.
About mathematics Even if it is not possible to do basically, I am a no problem. There will be having forgotten basic official before the problem in several years though it embarrasses if it is an examinee. Remarkable especially near trigonometric it. Therefore, it is not ashamed at all even if said that it will not be remembered
Subscribe to Bead&Button and learn new and traditional stitching techniques that you'll use again and again in your jewelry designs. Every project featured in the magazine is fully tested and comes with detailed instructions and step-by-step photos. You'll have everything you need to complete your beading projects with professional results.
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He was there for both earthquakes and the typhoon. I hope you did not experience any damage in the earthquakes.Growing up in California,I have experienced a number of earthquakes but I never liked them very much. I guess a lot of little ones are better than one big one.
I am still thinking back about Japan a lot and I frequently talk about my experiences in Japan with friends and people I meet. Yesterday I talked to a former colleague from the university.She was also in Japan last year and it was interesting to exchange our impressions.I must be very hot and humid now as you tell me in your email. So probably the summer time is not the best travelling time for people from Europe to go to Japan? It is interesting what you say about the new trend of not wearing ties. I read in a newspaper article that a tie also can be negative in a medical, physical sense.The free flow of blood into the brain can be hindered by the pressure of a tie and it is much healthier not to wear a tie too long and too often.
I don’t mind spending everyday Out on your corner in the pouring rain Look for the girl with the broken smile Ask her if she wants to stay awhile And she will be loved She will be loved
お願い致します。 maroon5の「she will be loved」って曲の一節ですつД`)英語わかんね
At Hill Top the house and its surroundings are kept just as they were when Beatrix Potter wrote her stories nearly 100 years ago. お願いします。高校1年の教科書です・・・これ分からないのヤバイでしょうか
And what nicer way to experience the bountiful wonders of Jamaica than to have your own special place to return to each evening, where you can sit back with a rum punch, talk about tomorrow, and say to yourself, “There’s no place like home”.
俺の和訳の中では、「まさに同じ状態に」という部分にjust as they were の訳を 反映させたつもりだけど。
接続詞のasのいくつかある用法のうちの1つ。 《状態》…のとおりで,のままで[に] Leave it as it is [stands]. そのままにしておきなさい Let's go on as we are. このままの関係でいよう As it now stands, John's score is highest. 目下のところジョンが最高点だ.
>>289 And what nicer way to experience the bountiful wonders of Jamaica ジャマイカの素晴らしさをたくさん体験するための手段としてこれ以上のものがありますか?(いや、ない) than to have your own special place to return to each evening, あなただけの特別な場所を持ち、毎晩そこに帰ってきては、 where you can sit back with a rum punch, talk about tomorrow, ラムパンチを片手に明日のことを語りながら、 and say to yourself, “There’s no place like home”. やっぱり我が家が一番だね、と心に思うなんて。
The news which attracted my attention most recently is the one that one Brazilian man was shot to death mistakenly by a police officer in London. The police officer meant to protect people in London from terrorism but the act turned out to lead to the death of one good citizen. This is very sad story. The police officer should have acted more prudently. He made an irreparable mistake. I don't want any incidents like this to happen any more. お願いします
In the work of each painter we know,by instinct and feelings ,what kind of a spirit he was and how he looked at the universe about him.And it is by this vision of rhe mind that ultimately we measure his greatness.
the child sees his life entirely in terms of himself and generally doesn't know how to get along with other children. During the second year of his life, the child's awareness of other children begins to stir.
Prodigies are at once a joy and a trial to parents. Watching them leap over barriers, telescope the learning process, and work with the intense concentration that is the mark of the gifted makes parents both proud and grateful for their children's gifts.
The Russian parliament last week voted for a new law that allows Putin to appoint governors in all the provinces, as opposed to having them elected. ....... Still, invoking the attack to eliminate free elections for governors in the provinces is going way overboard.
最初の分のas以下と 最後のis going way overboard の意味と構文がわかりません よろしくお願いします
Maltsev has met with Rice, whom he believes brings a more realistic assesment than Bush to what Putin is all about. ゛She speaks Russian as well as myself, maybe better″,he says. ・・・・・・The next time Bush looks into Putin's eyes, he will have Rice at his elbow telling him that the window into Putin's soul can best be found at KGB headquarters.
The scruffy little tyke clings onto his dearest buddy's arm, pouts his lower lip, and wails, "Huhhhhh? No way, miss! He's maaa bestest pal!" But the stern-faced secondary school teacher is having none of that. "You think you've got friends now, do you?"
・Bush looks into Putin's eyes looks into 〜's eyes は、人の真意を探ろうとする動作を暗示している ものと思われます。 ・window into Putin's soul 「プーチンの魂への窓」とは、「プーチンの真意を明らかにするための 手がかり」といったほどの意味でしょう。 ・can best be found at KGB headquarters (プーチンの魂への窓は KGB 本部で最もうまく発見される) プーチンの真意は、KGB の行動を観察すれば最もよく類推できる、 KGB がプーチンの意向を汲んで活動しているはずだ、ぐらいの意味では?
>>352 横から質問なんですが、 一文目のto what Putin is all aboutは名詞assessmentにかかるのでしょうかか、 それとも動詞bringにかかるのでしょうか? 「〜の見積もり」は普通 assessment of 〜 で、toは使わないように思うのですが、 bringにかかるとするとどのような意味になるのかよく分からないのです。 どう解釈されましたか?
Maltsev has met with Condoleezza Rice, whom he believes brings a more realistic assessment than Bush to what Putin is all about. “She speaks Russian as well as myself, maybe better,” he says. Rice studied Russia during the height of the cold war, and she is likely to push U.S. policy into a more wary posture toward Putin. “We may have a new member of the Axis of Evil,” says Marshall Wittmann, a scholar at the centrist Democratic Leadership Conference. At the very least, the next time Bush looks into Putin’s eyes, he’ll have Rice at his elbow telling him that the window into Putin’s soul can best be found at KGB headquarters.
>>359 感謝のレスがつくことは滅多にないのでうれしいけど、ちょっと 訂正しなければならないようです。引用された部分だけではなくて、 検索して元の記事にざっと目を通してみたら、 “Once in the KGB, always in the KGB,” says Maltsev, who doesn’t see any of the positive qualities Bush saw when he looks into Putin’s eyes. He sees an autocratic ruler who has exploited the Russian people’s fear of terrorism to tighten security and crack down on potential rivals. という文章もあった。 なので問題文の最後の文章は、 「プーチンの本質をつかむ手がかりは KGB 本部にみつかるだろう」 →「プーチンの本質はやはり KGB のものだ(プーチンは陰謀や汚い手を 使うのをためらわないような、やはりKGB出身の人物だ。だから用心 しなければならない)」の意味と解釈したほうがよさそう。
Dear Yukiko Send the order to me with the complete shipping address I can figure everything out for you before any order are placed. I know you have an order number but there are having trouble with the web on all international order so therefore the order never took. I will be able answer question you have on the order. I can let you know that for a first time they can not be Anymore then $500 including shipping Sue De Nike
Her heart thudded loudly within her ribcage and she suddenly had the urge to flee. They were definitely much larger and fiercer up close, she thought, nervously.
part of the 60's generation here in the USA woman marched for freedom in all fields. No was never an answer we entered college with a bang became doctors lawyers and every other field i have a home pratice so I do it all We built a swimming pool in our back yard and i get to enjoy being home and work at the same time.we also built a heated spa so i sit in the woods at night under the stars with the spa looking up to the sky it is beautiful
You only need to send your e-mail once. We appreciate your patience. 何となく分かりそうでわかりません。 海外通販で発送のメールがなかなか来ないので自力で英作して送ったんですが、 恐らく意味が通じなかったのだと思います。 よろしくお願いします。
"Spike, You told me things last night that I really needed to hear. I feel stronger now, because of you. I know what my mission is, and that Caleb's holding the secret to it all. This one I have to take care of alone. You take care too. Buffy"
>>390 389とは別人ですが、そういいたいのなら間違いというより意味不明だと思います。 文章だけで訳せば I love your music as much as I love their music とかかなあ でも、英語以前の問題として、なんで人の音楽をほめるのに他人を引き合いに出すのかよくわからない。 私が言われたら逆に内心ムっとしそう もちろん相手や相手と "they" との関係とかで大丈夫なケースもあるだろうとは思うけど、 ここで文章だけぱっとみたら、そう思いました。
>>368 Her heart thudded loudly within her ribcage and she suddenly had the urge to flee. They were definitely much larger and fiercer up close, she thought, nervously.
Your order has been shipped on this day and you can expect the arrival of your parcel within an estimated 7 - 10 days. However, we have recently been informed of delayed delivery times, due to Customs in your country.
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There were 35 cases of damage to employees' private property in the first half of the year, a third less than in the preceding six months, the Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry (ABPI) said.
上半期までに従業員の個人財産への損害事件が35件あり、という風に訳しています。 しかし、a third less than in the preceding six months, という所が全くわかりません。 宜しくお願いいたします。
It's no wonder that so many of us find the topic so confusing and that so many arguments, disputes and misunderstandings turn out to be linked, somehow, to the whole issue of money or the lack of it.
Thank you for your inquiry. The dates on our site are our vendors best estimates of when they will be able to get us the products. Because of the many factors involved these dates sometimes need to be changed. We apologize for any inconvenience. To check on the current status of your order please visit the order history section of Your Account and click on view/change order. Please let us know if we can be of further assistance.
Rice proposes State Department reorganization By Tom Shoop [email protected]
Saying the State Department's structure was more effective at combating the threat from the Soviet Union than dealing with the spread of international terrorism, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice proposed a reorganization of the department Friday.
George Bush has bypassed Congress to appoint John Bolton as ambassador to the United Nations, to the annoyance of his political opponents and the dismay of many at the UN. But conservatives are delighted that the tough-talking Mr Bolton is being sent to an institution they feel needs reform, fast. よろしくお願いします
I have two teenage children that live with me (boy/girl). My occupation is a Marriage Family Child Therapist. I have my own practice and have been practicing for over 25yrs.I really enjoy what I do. Elena and I have been together for over 8mos. I love her very much.
The below set of guidelines are sent to all persons claiming copyright / trademark infringement. I apologize for the dry nature of this procedure, but this is necessary in order for us to address your concerns as quickly as possible while adhering to DMCA law.
Try to remember as you sift through the listings below that the real goal is to find the right balance of mutual funds for a well-rounded portfolio that maintains your exposure to a variety of asset classes and investment styles.
The application of cold logic to the ambiguities of natural language and of natural relation-ships can render the latter absurd and reveal the complexity of these commonplace phenomena. The effect is like that of a book about nonstandard analysis on those used to the classical exposion. よろしくお願いいたします。
1、The card wished her Happy Birthday. She liked both the card and the flower. 2、I'll take the umbrella and put it in the kitchen where it can dry. 上の2つよろしくお願いします。 どちらも意味はだいたいわかるのですが訳し方がいまいちわかりません。
>>445 the State Department's structure was more effective at combating the threat from the Soviet Union than dealing with the spread of international terrorism の部分の直訳は、
We can give you a 10% discount on your orders. One thing is that the order should be at least $350 for us to do the 10%. Please keep in mind when ordering that package weight limit is 150 lbs.
上記、値引き交渉の返事です。 One thingはこの場合1回の注文全体を指してしるのでしょうか? どうか、お願いします。
フランダースの犬にて、 Being human, he was wise, and left the dog to take his last breath alone along the road and have his eyes eaten by the birds. のところの意味がよくわかりません。 どなたか教えて下さいmm
i saw a documentary movie about hiroshima and a littel bit about nagasaki. what do you think about it?how do you see it? are you angry with america or can you also see the bad things from the japanes goverment? i mean its a long long time ago...so you can see it differently than peopel who are alive at that time.im sad about that..somethimes i dont anderstand the world..why cant we life happy together and care for the other peopel? you know switzerland is also not a holly country..we have been just lucky and very small and not interesting for the other big countrys. but we still have problems from the second world war.we have to give much much money to the peopel in israel and american israel peopel.sorry i dont know this name in english.many peopel think also bad in switzerland about us..cause we did some criminal things with hitler and so on..we just thinking on ourselfs..i mean its a littel bit true,but we also helped many peoel from dofferent countrys.i think when is war...nobody or no country is inocent..its just not possibel.
E-ticketing has been implemented on the India/USA, India/UK, UK/USA and USA/UK routes as well as on all our domestic flights except to/from Goa, Calicut and Lucknow.
Electronic tickets is permitted between the following online points in India: Mumbai, Delhi, Hyderabad, Bangalore, Ahmedabad, Kolkata, Chennai, Cochin and Trivandrum and online points in the USA Region viz. New York, Newark, Chicago and Los Angeles. Passengers availing of stopovers at Paris and Frankfurt will not be able to avail of electronic tickets.
These guys sitting up here (other Hall of Famers) did not pave the way for the rest of us so the players could swing for the fences every time up and forget how to move a runner over to third.
Thank you very much for kind interested in our spa service. We are pleased to confirm your spa reservation as below;
Kindly find the attachment of spa confirmation form for your reference and for your kind information for honeymooner we are offering 20% discount in a la carte treatment only except spa package.
Should we can be of any further assistance please do not hesitate to contact us.
壱 In spite of the inroads that women have made in japanese society over the years, there is still a lingering notion that their rightful place is in the home.
弐 I believe that it is of great value, and one that extends beyond the scienes. I believe that to solve any problem that has naver been solved before, you must not keep the door to the unknown closed. You have to permit the possibility that you do not have it exactly right.
よろしくお願いします。 Jazz-isn't that music for adults? Isn't the music too difficult? Listen to some young musicians singing and playing jazz, and you may change your mind. Shimabukuro Hiroko, or "hiro," a vocalist who once was a mamber of the pop music group "SPEED," has released a jazz album. It covers many standard jazz numbers. Recording a jazz number was a new experience for her. "Instead of recording my voice to the completed music, I sang along with the band as they played. It was agood experience," she says. Young musicians are playing an active role in the world of jazz these days. For example, jazz pianist Matsunaga Takashi and saxophone player Yano Saori are both teenagers. Together they made and played the opening theme music of a famous TV news program in 2004. If you would like to know more about jazz, a good way is to see the movie "Swing Girls." The movie by Yaguchi Shinobu, the director of "Waterboys," features ordinary high school girls. At first, the girls are complete jazz beginners, but at the end of the movie, they prey amazing jazz numbers in front of an audience. Both the girls and the crowd really swing! Louis Armstrong, a famous jazz player, once said, "If you have to ask what jazz is, you'll never know." All you have to do is ・・・ feel the swing!
Because, because, always a motive and cause there to be, for example, motive when and so on grudges and is, depends on also that crime, but there are also times when there is a fault even in the victim of the partner, and, being self central crime, as for cause you think to the offender running to crime that there is also an environment which surrounds the little not driving offender is.
For example, this is, in case of the boy, but as for many of the boy who does misdeed such as thinner and shoplifting and reckless driving, also the statistical result that being produced, home environment is bad relatively, now the society, with also the offender who becomes an adult, as for the kind of person who repeats violence incident and theft incident the statistical result that have been present there is many a thing whose environment of personality shape forming period of boy period and youth period is not desirable. In addition, the person who uses the stimulant, when stress of daily life is the reason is many, is. Certainly, environment not to be desirable the person whom it does not run to crime with strong will and common sense, is large portion, but strength of intention, disposition of common sense it is rough, and so on, it is each person, that changes little with "the method of feeling those" of the individual and so on.
Furthermore investigating, if you think, it meaning that itself is derived from environment, it does. In addition, it is only-too-natural thing, but while everyone of the offenders being born, it is not the case that it is the brutal offender. In other words, if you rephrase that you express so far in other word, "as for the offender, you can say, that it is produced by society", that you say, densely is. If and as for me, society has grown wild, the extent which is, the offender increases, in addition, you think that also brutal crime and strange crime happen. Each time brutal crime happens, there being also instigation of the mass communications, the public opinion which seeks the severe punishment of the offender has increased, the amendment criminal law which includes severe punishment conversion was enforced from the January this year, but it seems the current way and in the society which is warped, two degrees than severe punishment conversion, there are no times when crime is committed, it is important, is not with most effective to make the kind of system which can do CARE of the offender such as sea urchin and inside the jail probably will be?
"Oh yes, everyone's celebrating, all right," she said impatiently. "You'd think they'd be a bit more careful, but no -- even the Muggles have noticed something's going on. It was on their news." She jerked her head back at the Dursleys' dark living-room window. "I heard it. Flocks of owls... shooting stars.... Well, they're not completely stupid. They were bound to notice something. Shooting stars down in Kent -- I'll bet that was Dedalus Diggle. He never had much sense."
の "You'd think they'd be a bit more careful, の 'dはwouldですよね どういう用法で、どういう訳(この部分だけ)でしょうか?
This is simply asking you to use the exact phrase "GOOD FAITH BELIEF"
For example: "I have a good faith belief that use of the material in the manner complained of is not authorized by the copyright owner (in this case, this is you), its agent, or the law."
Won't you take my hand. For I will be your man. So tonight we gonna dance the night away. One and one is two. Don't you be so cruel. Synchronize this love is what we've got to do.
Oh I heard a trick you could use so that you don't drink too much. Drink the drinks men buy for you, but also have an empty bottle of beer near by. After you drink the drink they gave you, spit it back out into that beer bottle.
Because it is so hot a your place why don´t you throw away your tie and then you will have a nice time in Kariuzawa! I do not know where it is but the spelling sounds good. It remembers me of "Karies", the dental word for a hole in your teeth.You would like to know what we have done the last weeks? One week in before Ute, Constantin and me went for one week to an island in the Mediterrran See which is called Mallorca.It belongs to Spain and many tourists, especially Germans, go there for summer holidays.It meens summer,sun,drinking,dancing and alot of fun. But we were at hotel which is calm and nice and it was a good week of recreation.A lot of work before and a lot of trouble at the office!It was good for me,to get a week out. Much sleeping, dining,reading and playing.It was our last week with Constantin for a longer time.This Monday he flew to Victoria, Vancouver Island, Canada. He will stay there for two years at a boarding school. He will return for Christmas holidays.
Mr.Lodge said; abolishing Archie for allowing his charge to become soaked to the skin and thereby causing a dreadful cold to follow in its wake. お願いします。
特に「abolishing」「charge」「to follow in its wake」のあたりがどういう訳に なるのかわかりません。
This is simply asking you to use the exact phrase "GOOD FAITH BELIEF"
For example: "I have a good faith belief that use of the material in the manner complained of is not authorized by the copyright owner (in this case, this is you), its agent, or the law."
Deposits of chkcks, drafts or other non-cash items are subjuct to our receipt of final payment from the banks upon which they are drawn before we make the money available to you.
直前の文は Within moments, the ranch loomed in front of him and then he was on the front porch trying to wring out the water that was dripping from his clothing. →ほどなく彼の前には牧場がぼんやりと見えてきた。やがてポーチの前には 衣服から滴る水を懸命に絞っている彼の姿があった。
Related to this is that Japan and other countries with large economies in term of gross domestic product,are trying to spur growth by printing currency.
Ute is sad because she had to let him go. Now also the youngest leaves home for some time.But Alexander is still at home.He has holidays from his dentistry studies. He earned some money here by repairing our house, but he says I do not pay him well.Next week he flies to for two weeks to Fuerte Ventuta,Canarian Island to learn Spanish language,Spanish girls and Surfing.Marc has to learn because he has to write some tests at his university in strich-Winkel.In 2 weeks I will help him to bring his furniture from Cologne to strich-Winkel. He got an appartment there since the beginning of this month together with another friend.During the last year of his foreign studies in Hongkong and Toulouse he did not need an appartment in strich-Winkel. But now he is back and we have to transport his furniture there.
ALF and ELF are a non-hierarchical group with self-forming autonomous cells that are in one-way contact with the "press offices." The press offices provide ideological and practical guidance and participate in conferences where members can be recruited and trained. Cells, in turn, report actions to the press offices by anonymous e-mail. Closing the press offices has limited utility, since it is easy to start another website while breaking up a cell has minimal impact on the movement as a whole. These are not the operations of amateur coffeehouse revolutionaries, but of a sophisticated underground network of dedicated members.
Such aspirations can often sound rather like the statements of a person who has been suffering from a prolonged bout of influenza. 'In 2005, I want less of a headache, more of a sore throat.' 'This year, I shall spend less time feeling sorry for myself and more time swallowing painkillers.'
Dr. Jerry Vlasak, stated: "I think there is a use for violence in our movement. And I think it can be an effective strategy. Not only is it morally acceptable. … I don't think you'd have to kill -- assassinate -- too many vivisectors before you would see a marked decrease in the amount of vivisection going on."
この文の和訳をお願い致します。>>629に関連する文章です。 … I don't thinkの…が引っかかっています。これには何らかの含みがあるんでしょうか。 「多くの生体解剖者を殺さなければならない・・・とは思ってないよ。(実は思ってる)」 というニュアンスで宜しいのでしょうか。 I think there is a use for violence in our movementという文についても use forで「代用する」という意味もあるとの事で、解釈に迷っています。
>>643 Dr. Jerry Vlasak,は以下のように言明した。 我々の活動には暴力を使用する余地がある。そして私は暴力は効果的な戦略となりうると思う。 それは道徳的に受け入れ可能なだけでなく、明らかな生体解剖の減少を見るまでに(減少が明ら かになるまでに)それほど多数の、多すぎるほどの、生体解剖者を殺す必要はないと私は思う。
In order to avoid checkout problems, your responsibilkities include:
1. Failure to do so may result in the assessment of the improper chechout fee.
2. Remove all personal property from your room. This includes removal of staples,adhesives,tape on walls, etc. Remove debris from drawers and vacuum floor. All trash must be removed from the building and placed in the dumpsters outside. Trash bags are avilable at the front desk.Failure to property clean your room or remove your trash will result in a cleaning bill.
3.Checkout. Residents are expected to follow the established housing checkout procedure, which include: return of the room key and P.A.S.S.(Perimester Access Security System)Card to the residence hall staff and completion of the checkout portion of the room condition form. Sign and date the room condition form only after you have read it. This will help avoid any surprises you might find if you are billed. Your R.A.is not authorized to make any assessment of charges.Only the maintenance and administrative staff will assess charges after they do a second inspection of the room. Additional charges could be assessed at that time.
4. Students who fail to comply with any of these checkout procedures will be assessed a $50 improper checkout fee, in addtion to other charges for which the student is responsible.
5. If you have moved any of your furniture from its original location, you are required to move it back. You will be assessed charges if the staff is required to move it.
>>656 "Have you ever noticed that the worst way 「最悪のケースってのを気づいた事あるか?」 to miss someone is 「誰かを見失うってことの」 when they are right beside you 「みんなお前のすぐ隣にいるって時に」 and yet you cannot have them."「それでもお前はそれに気づかない」
How bout your sick? I worry about you so much,,you catch cold from me by phone? hi hi hi Anyway i hope that you get well now . as you called me,,you told me that the dog more cute than me ? ji ji ji Anyway don't work to hard,i worry about you.. Please eat as well don't be worry to be fat.
Privet!!! - it's a greeting on russian. "You may have the same taste for music." - may be... Were you wet at that time? ...sometimes the umbrella it's necessary. When you usually in a net? What you do at other time? Are you study or work? ...it's too many questions by me, sorry :-X Maybe you'll tell about yourself?
ICQでロシア人の人からのメッセージなんですが、音楽の話が合いそうなので Fuji Rock Fesの話をしたら上記の返事が返ってきました。 当日、雨が降ってきて大変だったけど楽しかったって返事したんだけど。 前半は意訳で「雨に濡れたの?傘が必要だね」という意味ですか? 「後半はいつもネットにいるの?たくさん質問してごめんね」って意味? あと「-X Maybe you'll tell about yourself?」の意味がわかりません。 英語勉強中なのでわからないです。どなたか訳してくれるとありがたいです。 おねがいします。
Privet!!! - it's a greeting on russian. "You may have the same taste for music." - may be... Were you wet at that time? ...sometimes the umbrella it's necessary. When you usually in a net? What you do at other time? Are you study or work? ...it's too many questions by me, sorry :-X Maybe you'll tell about yourself?
I'm just 18 years old and still live is so troublesome. I should think where to go after this school again... My dream is i could go to Remedy company in practical training in next autum... But the problems are few.. First of the all it's big gamecompany. I don't know, can i go there very easily to work...And other problem, it's in near Helsinki, in Espoo, which is kinda far away here, so i fall into gain some aparment in half year in Espoo, so i could bee there half year work, but when i wanna go to Remedy to work... I have to think about it...But don't you think that in live you should do everything new and exciting? And something special...?? If i could go to work in Remedy, it would bee step to the future and i could get better my future career. I could mail to Remedy and ask them , that can i go to practical training there, nee? I doupt i cannot go there, but maybe it's worth of trying...What do you think? Is it wise to try it and do something troublesome just for some practical training?
これは、良く出来た洒落( pun )である。 1.out to lunch (頭がいかれて)に、 2.例えば、(Our goal is) to launch (the Shuttle).とか (I want) to launch (the Shuttle). などと使われる to 不定詞を、うまく掛けている。
また、日本の辞書には、out to lunch に (昼食で外出中)という訳を、最初の訳として載せて いるものがありますが、現代ではこういう元来の意味で使われることは、まず無いとのこと。 "He is out to lunch." と言ったら、まず確実に「彼はちょっとおかしい」という意味で取られる とのことでした。
A sense of equality if necessary to freedom because when a society breaks down into hopelessly unequal groups the elite in its own defense will seek to control - that is, to repress - discontented others. Mostly white police forces already, it seems to many African-Americans and Hispanics, function as an army of occupation and restraint in the big cities. An unequal society is an angry and fearful society, and a fearful society is not a free society. When a man or a woman, white or black, is afraid to go into certain neighborhood, freedom has been reduced. Our liberties prosper in an atmosphere of mutual trust, and the legend of equality, displayed in our documents and coins, has served to help the American society function, and to soothe with hope of improvement the old sore spots of ethnic hostility. People are naturally optimistic and conservative, and can long wait for gratification - the attainment of happiness - if the door to its pursuit is open. But when the door seems locked, when the poor get poorer and the society's advantages increasingly come to a small group, then we can accept a world of hostile forces, with all the reductions of liberty that warfare brings with it.
@The person who lives in disguise,who deals in secrets and tells naught but lies. ATell me what's always the last thing to mend, The middle of middle and end of the end? BGive me the sound often heard during the serch for a hard-to-find word.
Sooner or later, there will be real human machinery, great whirring, clicking cabinets intelligent enough to read magazines and vote, and able to think much better and faster than the rest of us.
your purchase you are eligible to receive a free copy of Valve's full version game - Half-Life2. Details on haw you can obtain your FREE copy of the Half-Life2 game are available at: http://wwwXXXXXX
It will be relatively easy for you, this year, to give up whatever you want to give up. It will be easy too, for you to get whatever you most need to get. What won't be easy, though, is to do this whilst facing facts you'd prefer to ignore and reaching compromises that you feel cross about.
Tickets On Sale Today for 2006 AVN Awards CHATSWORTH, Calif. - Tickets for the 2006 AVN Awards Show went on sale today through the show’s official Website, www.avnawards.com.
The updated site went live today with complete information about the 23rd Annual AVN Awards show, to be held Jan. 7, 2006 at the Venetian Hotel in Las Vegas
占いの一節です。抽象的な表現や文章に悩まされます…ジョークや皮肉の類いも。 ご参考までに、以下は740の前の文章です。 Sedna, the newly-discovered planet, is now in your sign urging you not to make this another year in which you simply swap symptoms. She's offering you the opportunity to finally fix a malaise; to find out why certain problems arose in the first place and fix them at their source. (Sednaとは惑星です、海の女神の名前をつけられているので代名詞がSheになっています)
Belief in equality is an element of the democratic credo. It is not, however, belief in equality of natural endowments. Those who proclaimed the idea of equality did not suppose they were enunciating a psychological doctrine, but a legal and political one. All individuals are entitled to equality of treatment by law and in its administration. Each one is affected equally in quality if not in quantity by the institutions under which he lives and has an equal right to express his judgment, although the weight of his judgment may not be equal in amount when it enters into the pooled result to that of others. In short, each one is equally an individual and entitled to equal opportunity of development of his own capacities, be they large or small in range. Moreover, each has needs of his own, as significant to him as those of others are to them. The very fact of natural and psychological inequality is all the more reason for establishment by law of equality of opportunity, since otherwise the former becomes a means of oppression of the less gifted.
「out to launch の件」 うーむ。 悪いけどそのネイティブ・スピーカーのおっしゃること、 自分には説得力があまりないです。 (´・ω・`)
そもそも、その人はこの out to launch が get out of quarantine free と書いたカードボードの反対側に書かれた文句だと知っている のだろうか? ふたつをあわせて考えると「ようやく出発」というニュアンスに 思えるのだけど。
Soichi Noguchi, who is from Japan, waved and held up a sign that, on one side, was a parody of the "get out of jail free" card from the game Monopoly. It read "get out of quarantine free." The other side of the sign said "Out to Launch." He then unfurled a banner of the Japanese Aerospace Exploration Agency.
それから、 >2.例えば、(Our goal is) to launch (the Shuttle).とか >(I want) to launch (the Shuttle). などと使われる to 不定詞を、 >うまく掛けている。 と言ってるけど、なぜ 「out to不定詞」という表現に言及していない のかちょっとひっかかます。
>>766 ぐぐってみたら、それは NY Times の記事ですね。わざわざ調べて いただいて、本当にありがとうございます。
反対側のメッセージが "get out of quarantine free"だったということは自分も初めて知りました。 というのも、"OUT TO LAUNCH" は、巨大な文字でボードいっぱいに書かれていたのに対し、 反対側はトランプのような図柄の中に小さく文字が書かれていて、テレビでは判読できませんでした。 なるほど、ゲームのカードを拡大コピーして、その中の文字を細工したということですか・・・
パロディーの出来として、記者の目がそっちに先にいったのが肯けます。 記事の中で "OUT TO LAUNCH" の方に特にコメントもないところを見ると、やはり 「(頭が)いかれて」 の意味あいはなかったようですね・・・
と思ってここまで書いてきたのですが・・・ そこまでパロディーに力を入れていた、ということを考えるとひょっとして ?、 という気も再びしてきました。記者も、"OUT TO LAUNCH"については改めて説明するまでも ないだろう、として書いたと読めなくもありません。
きみと君の彼女が話してるとして、 Apples are in the box.(彼女に”その”箱は見えるから、theがつく感じ。 でも中のものは君が話すまで彼女はわからないし、ほかの聞き手もわからない。 だからtheはいらない。) 君 Wow, apples are in the box. 君 Oh my god! 彼女 What happened? 君 The apples are moldy. It's almost like shit! このとき初めてtheがつかえるようになる。You see?
英訳がまったくわからないんでおねがいします。 全体の意味を把握して( )を訳出してください。 ・A happy smile is more important than manners to make a meeting with someone pleasant. (I am sure that this view will make it possible for me to greet people naturally, not with just a superficial bow, but with a sincere smile.)
Oxford successfully applied in court for an exclusion zone around its buildings and protection of staff. The injunction was imposed upon an individual, John Curtin, and the groups Speak Campaigns, Shac and Alf. During the hearing, proceedings were discontinued against two other individuals - Mel Broughton and Robert Cogswell - after they offered legal undertakings not to harass any of the "protected persons" under the order.
Speak Campaigns、Shac、Alfは団体の名前です。 During the hearing,の後からわかりません。 二人の個人の訴訟が取り下げられた??らしいのですが何故? 宜しくお願いします。
He's so dismissive you'd think he'd spent his life working on Liquid Gold backing tracks, that air of amusement flickering permanently on his Ian Botham features.
Tickets On Sale Today for 2006 AVN Awards CHATSWORTH, Calif. - Tickets for the 2006 AVN Awards Show went on sale today through the show’s official Website, www.avnawards.com.
The updated site went live today with complete information about the 23rd Annual AVN Awards show, to be held Jan. 7, 2006 at the Venetian Hotel in Las Vegas
To be equal to what we human beings can do, there would have to be three billion of them with more coming along the assembly line all the time. And even so, they would all have to be connected together, in a delicate and complicated way, as we are, communicating with each other, talking always, listening. If they were not interacting with each other in this way, all their hours, they would not be anything like human, after all. I think we are safe, for a long time ahead.
We received your order but the credit card was rejected can you provide me with the cv2 number from your card and I will process the order. I will charge you the discounted prices for the A and the B I quoted you in my previous email. What type of quantities do think you will be able to purchase from us on a monthly basis.
Studio Mobile is proud to announce the launch of its new website:www. AAA. Drop by and find out why the site is currently featured as one of How magazine's top ten websites for the month of August:www.BBB/While you're visiting don't forget to test your skill at Fourtris, our signature game,which has become somewhat of a sensation among Japanese internet users. But beware, Fourtris may become addictive.If you wish to share your thoughts (or report a bug) please do not hesitate to contact us.Since the site is now up and running,we are back to normal and would love to hear from you.Thank you for your time. We hope you enjoy the site.
I do read them all and enjoy them so please don't stop writing. I'm so sorry I haven't written regularly to you- I'm not very good at e-mails and to be honest you are the only person who writes to me as everyone else knows I am hopeless at keeping in contact in this way.Life has been very busy this year as we move house in March quite unexpectedly. We had lived in Mulgrave for 11 years and it was time to move into a bigger house as the boys are growing fast.Daniel is 10 and Liam is 8 years old.I am very happy with this new house. It has four bedrooms , 2 studies, a formal living room with an open fireplace that I love, a rumpus room with a bar and a huge family room, oh also three bathrooms. Unfortunately the down side is theres a lot more time involved in keeping up with the housework- not my favourite pastime!
I am not sure I understand the vacation system you were explaining to me in your last e-mail. Please help me to better comprehend. In the United States, we have a five day work week. Saturday and Sunday are for rest,fun,and family.Did I understand you correctly that it is now the same in Japan? The three vacations you described...are they designed as 7 work days off or 5 work days off?For example,would one take a holiday for 11 days (Friday through Monday and return to work on a Tuesday )or 9 days(Saturday through Sunday)?Is everyone expected to take the same weeks off...so businesses close during those times?Is that why the holidays are not practical...because businesses cannot afford to close? In the US you request particular vacation weeks but you may not always get what you ask for.If several people ask for the same week,no business can comply with that. There must always be enough workers to cover a given task even if someone is on vacation.Exceptions are specific days like Thanksgiving,Christmas,New Year's Day and so on. I am surprised that people do not use all of their vacation time in Japan.Are workers who do so frowned upon by company management?In many US companies,but not all,if you do not utilize your paid vacation time,it accrues..within limits,of course.Sick leave is separate.
Companies generally offer a set number of paid sick days and additional sick days are taken without pay. Most people do not use all of their available sick days but others "overuse" this. You can lose your job for abuse of this luxury. We also have maternity leave.The time varies from company to company. Many companies offer a set amount of time for paid leave and a separate amount of time for unpaid leave with the assurance you will still have a job.How do Japanese companies handle maternity leave? I am sorry to ask so many questions but it is always fascinating to learn how situations we are accustomed to are handled in other countries by people of vastly different culture
チェックお願いします。 We understand that to make this world a better place, we must focus on the things we hope to change, as well as the things we want to save. (この世界がよりよい場所となるように、我々は変えたいと思うもの に我々が保存したいものと同様に焦点をあてなければなりません。)
That’ s why we are proud to sponsor the third International Photographic Competition on the Environment. An opportunity for you to show us the world as see it. The good and the bad. The beauty and despair. (こういうわけで、我々は第三回環境写真大会を 誇りに思います。 この機会はあなたがみたものを我々にみせる機会となるでしょう。 良いもの、悪いもの、美しさ、絶望。)
By sponsoring this competition, we hope that more people will take up the fight for a better world, and turn the 21st century into the Century of the Environment. (この大会のスポンサーになることによって我々は多くの人がつらい 世の中に立ち向かって闘い、そして21世紀の環境をかえることを願います。)
But the scope of the suggested law is sure to be controversial, as it appears to rule out almost any boycott or protest against a law-abiding corporation. Greg Avery of Stop Huntingdon Animal Cruelty, which says it opposes violence, said: "The way the Human Rights Act stands, they haven't got a chance of this. The industry is always saying they don't oppose legitimate protests - this shows that they obviously do."
these tutorials are in a particular sequence, with new information built upon concepts learned in previous lessons. That being said, hopefully they are constructed in such a way that if you are interested in just one particular aspect or are just brushing up on a particular technique , you will be able to find the information you are looking for relatively easily and painlessly.
翻訳の判定をお願いします。 The company still has a bank account in Cambridge with the Royal Bank's partner, NatWest. There was speculation yesterday that NatWest had ended this facility. A spokesman for the bank declined to comment. 同社はまだ、王立銀行と提携しているNatWest銀行のケンブリッジ支店に銀行口座を持っている。 昨日、NatWest銀行がこの支店を閉鎖するという憶測が流れたが、 銀行のスポークスマンはコメントを辞退した。
It seemed that Professor McGonagall had reached the point she was most anxious to discuss, the real reason she had been waiting on a cold, hard wall all day, for neither as a cat nor as a woman had she fixed Dumbledore with such a piercing stare as she did now.
“There was a faith-healer named Deal, Who said, “although pain isn’t real, When I sit on a pin And it punctures my skin, I dislike what I think that I feel.”
READY TO WRITE MORE from paragraph to essay Karen Blanchard and Christina Root著 の6ページ目の一番上に載っていた文です。
Sen. Hillary Clinton also is highly opposed to the game.
"First Grand Theft Auto, and now this. I'm starting to think we should just ban all video games. Final Fantasy VII is an awful game, and should have never been created in the first place. I mean, look at the size of Tifa's breasts! They're destroying our childrens future. The problem of explicit video games is spiraling out of control." Clinton wrote in a letter to the head of the Federal Trade Commission. Tifa's breasts were unavailible for comment.
Over 40 foreign insurers, including 27 Fortune 500 insurance companies, have set up shops in China. Experts say the Chinese market is under-served, as fewer than 4% of Chinese have insurance. フォーチュン500社誌のリストに載る保険会社27社も含めて 40以上の外国保険会社が、中国に出店することになっている。 Experts say 以下をお願いします。
A Pilot Experiment on a Slab Gel for the Determination of an Optimal Duration of Fractionation for Preparative Gel Electrophoresis of a Protein or Nucleic-Acid Pool
A more accurate assessment,however,is that the amount of stress we feel has more to do with how we relate to our problems than it does with the problems themselves.
walking to school in the mornings,Charlie could see great slabs of chocolate piled up high in the shop win-dows,and he would stop and stare and press his nose against the glass,his mouth watering like mad. わかりませんのでよろしくお願いします
Many times a day,he would see other children taking creamy candy bars out of thir pockets and munching them greedily,and tbat,of course,was pure torture. すみません続きです 長くて本当申し訳ないです
Tickets On Sale Today for 2006 AVN Awards CHATSWORTH, Calif. - Tickets for the 2006 AVN Awards Show went on sale today through the show’s official Website, www.avnawards.com.
The updated site went live today with complete information about the 23rd Annual AVN Awards show, to be held Jan. 7, 2006 at the Venetian Hotel in Las Vegas
Though his wife had never felt the slightest desire to read his diary, she knew when he stopped leaving it around as carelessly as he did his opened his mail.
the people of Japan must have a negative focus on Americans this week.It would not be a good time to visit. Is there an annual memorial for the bombing of Hiroshima? How does the country memorialize this tragedy? Again, I hope you do not mind the brazen nature of my questions.
Studio Mobile is proud to announce the launch of its new website:www. AAA. Drop by and find out why the site is currently featured as one of How magazine's top ten websites for the month of August:www.BBB/While you're visiting don't forget to test your skill at Fourtris, our signature game,which has become somewhat of a sensation among Japanese internet users. But beware, Fourtris may become addictive.If you wish to share your thoughts (or report a bug) please do not hesitate to contact us.Since the site is now up and running,we are back to normal and would love to hear from you.Thank you for your time. We hope you enjoy the site.
My running has been going well.Next weekend I am going to Sydney for the famous City to Surf run.It starts off in Darling Harbour and goes along Bondi Beach for 14km.I have been training clients each weekend recently to prepare them for this run.Theres 10 of going so it should be a lot of fun. Chris and the children are staying home for a boys weekend in-probably means soccer, footy and junk food!The run takes place annually and theres usually about 60,000 entrants.Some people dress up in all sorts of costumes and it should be very colourful.I was very disappointed with my Marathon run back in October last year.It happened to be an exceptionally warm day and because I had trained in the cold weather this really affected me. However I completed the 42km- but my time was really bad- oh well I just have to put it down to experience.My family and friends were fantastic with supporting me.
I am not sure where the shortage happened, and would like to ask a few questions so I can better understand how this occurred. Can you please let me know how many bundles of each with of tape you received? Meaning on the 3/8" width did you receive one or two bundles that contained a total of 19 yards? and the same with all the other sizes.
I am not sure where the shortage happened, and would like to ask a few questions so I can better understand how this occurred. Can you please let me know how many bundles of each with of tape you received? Meaning on the 3/8" width did you receive one or two bundles that contained a total of 19 yards? and the same with all the other sizes.
Enclosed is a Pre-Paid FedEx label to allow you to send your item to us at no cost to you where they will be shared with our Quality Assurance Department for review. Simply follow the instructions on the back of the label, attach the label to your package, enclose a copy of your original invoice and drop it off at any FedEX location.You may also want to jot down the tracking number for your records. With a valid proof of purchase,we will be able to give you the full value on your return if your item possesses a quality issue. Without a proof of purchase, we can only provide you with the last known value.Please include the original inboice if you are returning an online or mail order.
Whenever we come across a general statement applying good or bad judgements to many people with no evidence of through sampling,we need to discern the stereotype behind the scene.