>>253 Manatsu Hirose is "ひろせまなつ" in Japanese. When you search "hirose manatsu" in some search engine, you can easily find the picuture of her naked body.
>>258 No, you took them wrong. Ichigo milk, an AV actress, said she thought it was important to have sex with a man, so she wouldn't do it privately if she didn't like him. She's well educated. The picher of SoftBank was evil.
>>258 Exactly, I can figure out what you say. But recently AV actress are beautiful and ellegant. When you look at them, you may be supprised at their shining.
Chat in English (英語で雑談) Part 35 361 :MAS ◆GvVi8eGLZw :2005/11/14(月) 20:54:02 >>358 No, but my family has hosted students from Japan on a number of occasions; one stayed with us for more than a year. I've learnt what I know now by self study, watching films and reading. I'm going to being studying at a language school in Tokyo for the first 3 months of 2006, then I plan to start taking part time classes here in th UK. I'd like to become a translator but I have a long way to go yet.
>>261 Didn't you know? It was reported in a magagine several months ago. His name, I remember, is Yushitake. He is a married man, but he asked her out to make love with her. Ichigo felt betrayed and so she tried to commit suicide...
These patient and loyal animals lead their blind companions everywhere they go, permitting them to make their way in the world almost as well as sighted persons.
Not every kind of dog makes a good guide. Seeing Eye dogs must be alert at all times, so dogs that are easily distracted are not suitable. The best kinds of guide dogs are smart, easy to train, and usually get along well with people. During its training, the dog is taken to many kinds of busy places. This is to get it accustomed to anything that might happen. A dog is trained in large stores, noisy airports, and crowded restaurants. It rides on buses and in taxis. It is pushed and hit, and it learns to ignore anything that might cause its attention to wander.
On December 29, 1959, Richard P.Feynman, a Nobel prize winner in physics, made an epoch-making speech, the title of which was "There's Plenty of Room at the Bottom." In his speech, feynman speculated on the possibility of exploring the world that exists "down at the bottom," i.e., the world of atoms and molecules. He cautioned that he was not talking about miniaturization of, say, electric motors that are the size of the nail on your little finger, but rather a "staggeringly small world that is below." He further predicted that in the future we would be able to make machines as small as molecules. Feynman's ideas seemed strange at the time he made his speech in 1959, but today he is thought to be the father of nanotechnology, which is on the cutting edge of modern science. What is nanotechnology? What impact will it have on our lives?
The lyric would be something like this: Don't forget, there is something more important than money. Remember, there is nothing more important than your life.
Wait a minute, could this lyric mean "Don't rent more than you can afford, if you value your life." or "Your money, or your life."? Singing with such sweet voice and smiling angelicaly?
>>285 I don't know about her. Maybe I watched the advertisement before but didn't pay attention to the girl. Is she cute? Think Yasuda Misako may look more beautiful than Aki.
>>286 How does she look? More surprisingly to me, though, is it that she's your friend or something. Incidentally, a lover is a man who date with a boy, while a love is a girl with a boyfriend. Is it wrong?