早速ですが It has come to my attention that you have booked for the night of the 19th and to checkout on the 20th, check out time is 11am?! is that correct? if you wish to stay until the afternoon of the 20th you will have to book another night otherwise the bed will be sold. If you are going to keep your booking for the 19th you will be able to check in to your room directly on arrival. Sorry for any inconveniences.
Some people have a router without knowing it. This is because your ISP may provide you a device that you believe to simply be a modem, but sometimes, the device is a modem and a router in one. To tell whether you have a router or not, follow these steps:
Open the start menu and select 'Run...', a dialog box will appear. In that box, enter 'cmd' and click on 'OK'. (On Windows 95, 98 and Me, enter 'command' instead.) A DOS box will appear. In that box, enter the command 'ipconfig'. (On Windows 95, 98 and Me, enter 'winipcfg' instead.) This command prints several lines, most likely it will print three lines which are the "IP-Address", the "Subnet Mask" and the "Standard Gateway". The first one is the IP address of your computer and the third one is the IP address of your gateway. If you have a router, then your gateway is your router and the gateway's IP is the router's IP. Both of the IPs are likely to start with the same number. Now check if they start either with 10.x.x.x or with 192.168.x.x or with something between 172.16.x.x and 172.31.x.x. If your IPs start with anything that matches those patterns, then you do have a router. If the IP you have do not match any of the patterns, then you don't have a router. If you just found out that you do have a router, then write down the computer's IP and the router's as well. You will need those informations for configuring the router.
I would like to include your contact information in an address book I am creating for myself. Please enter your particulars using the link you see below: http://www.ABC This is a really easy tool that will help you exchange and keep your contact's information up-to-date . When you update your information the changes automatically appear in your friends' address books.
On the trade front, the G-8 vowed to resolve by the end of July differences blocking a free trade deal under the so-called Doha Round of global negotiations and pledged to "move expeditiously" to complete a framework accord on key issues to put the talks back on track.
They also urged Sudan on Thursday to disarm militias blamed for "massive human rights violations" in that country's troubled Darfur region.
Discord surfaced over Iraq's mountainous debt, with European states resisting U.S. calls to quickly forgive almost all of it.
The U.S. is pushing for up to 90 percent to be canceled, but countries like France, Russia and Canada are unwilling to go that far.
The machines once kanown metaphorically as "electronic brains" revolutionized engineering and mathmatics by extending the reach of the mind the way the automobile and airplane extended the reach of the body.
This sudden uprising of creatures whom they were used to thrashing and maltreating just as they chose, frightend them almost out of their wits. (出典:動物農場)
whomがどの動詞の目的語なのか全く分かりません。 be used to ing もよく分からないです。 あと、frightened 以下ですが、これは第五文型なのですか?
Most dear to them that love her, most great to them that know; We may not count her armies, we may not see her King; Her fortress is a faithful heart, her pride is suffering; And soul by soul and silently her shining bounds increase, And her ways are ways of gentleness and all her paths are peace.
This sudden uprising of << creatures [whom they were used to thrashing and maltreating >> // just as they chose, ] frightened them // almost out of their wits.
〜creatures [whom they were used to thrashing and maltreating = they were used to thrashing and maltreating creatures
Click <view photos> to begin.If you're an existing Ofoto member you'll be asked to sign in. If not, you can join Ofoto for free.
<view photos>を押したら、下記のコメント有り。 Don't have an account? <Join now.> AAA has shared photos with you. Optimize this slideshow for: Already a member? <Sign in.>
<Sign in>を押したら、下記コメント有り。 AAA has shared photos with you.
Create a free account to view photos. We will not sell your personal information. Join now for free and get 10 FREE 4 x 6 prints when you join.**
>>43 ありがとうございました! The longer the period of time, the prospects of reviving the constitution get less and less. という文の構造だったんですね。一目では気づきませんでした…。
もうひとつ昨日のJapan Timesの記事(3面)で分からないところがあったのですが,
We need to teach that there's a real risk to them. If you make it specific enough, they'll finally understand. Things like saying that you are basically having sex with everyone your partner's had sex with for the last few years.
"Things like saying that 〜 few years."の文の訳をどなたかお願いします。 saying that以下の意味自体は一応分かるのですが, "Things like saying that"が文頭に入ると,この文章の動詞がなくなって, Things以下は,名詞のThingsを修飾するにすぎなくなってしまうように 読めてしまうんです…。
We must be prepared to sacrifice individual freedom and liberty if the threat of terrorism is to be managed. What are the arguments both for and against this proposition?
マザーテレサに関する文です。 No president or king or general or scientist; no banker or merchant holds the key to as much power as she has. None is as rich. For hers is the invincible weapon that cannot be beaten in the fight against the evils of this earth: the caring heart. And hers are the real riches of this life: the wealth of the compassionate spirit. 難しい。おねがいします
>>73の続きですが マザーテレサに関する文です。 To cut thorough the smog of cynicism; to take only the tool of uncompromising love; to manifest the capacity for healing; to make the story of the good Samaritan a living reality; and to live so true a life as to shine out from the back streets of Calcutta – these things take courage and faith we cannot find in ourselves and cannot be without. I do not speak her language. Yet her life speaks to me, and I am shamed and blessed at the same time. I do not believe one person can do much in this world. Yet there she stood, in Oslo[ノーベル平和賞を授与する街], affecting the whole world. I do not believe in her idea of God. But the power of her faith shames me. And I believe in Mother Teresa. December in Oslo.[平和賞を授与式は12/25に行われたか?] The message for the world at Christmas is one of peace. Not the peace of a child in the Bethlehem stable long ago.[a childはキリスト?] Nor the peace of a full dinner and a sleep by the fire on December 25. But a tough, vibrant, vital peace that comes from the gesture one simple woman in a faded sari and worn sandals makes this night. A peace of mind that comes from a piece of work. 難しいです。おねがいします
It is no longer possible to ignore もはや無視することは出来ない that more and more thoughtful people 人々が考えるようになればなるほど、 are slowly losing their faith in 信仰を、徐々に失いつつあるということを、 what was to them once 自分たちにとって、かつては the inspiring ideal of democracy. 民主主義という人を感動させる理想であったものに対する
メール有難う。 返事が送れてごめんなさい。 あなたの言っている銅の液っていうのは、多分ダマシンプロセス(The damascene process ) の事を言ってるんだと思うけれど、だけど、残念ながら日本ではあまり使われていません。 AMDやIntel,AtiやnVidiaもそうだけれど、技術があっても 自分の国でその生産を手がけることは少ないでしょう。
Thank you for your e-mail. Please forgive me for being so late in answering.
May be you means copper solution is for the damascene process. But in Japan, vely little client use it. Like AMD,Intel,ATI and nVDIA, If they have skill of the process, they don't manufactured their own countly. Alike them, our client will be use the damascene process in Filipin or Taiwan.
When it comes to driving in America,the first thing you notice is that traffic moves on the right ,and the streeing wheel in most cars is on the left. Driving in Japan is the opposite,with the traffic flow on the left and the driver seated on the right. Thus,for Japanese,driving a vehicle in America can take quite an adjustment.Actions that once seemed natural must now be re-learned. The first time a Japanese friend of mine drove in America,he started out in the wrong lane. But when an on-coming driver started waving and honking at him,he quickly moved over to the right. He has also often turned on the windshield wipers when he really meant to use the turn signal. With the high costs of gasoline,insurance ,parking space rent and car inspections,owning a car in Japan is very expensive. At the same time, however,Japan has an excellent public transportation system. Railroads extend into every region of the country,and buses continue where the rail systems to offer commuters fast,frequent and on-time service. So most Japanese don't really need to drive in the big cities. Public transportation in America is not nearly as well developed. There are fewer commuter trains,subways and buses. As a result,Americans are generally more dependent on their cars for transportation.For most,cars are a necessity. Fortunately,the cost of owning a car in America is much lower than in Japan. And America's roads and highways are excellent . But with so many cars on the road,drivers have to allow plenty of extra time and be extra patient,especially during rush hour.
For most people,the family is the most sacred part of private life, and therefore the bit they are keenest to keep the state away from. That is the British government has a child-care strategy sounds so immediately repellent. Surely the state already encroaches far too far in our lives: do we really want it playing with our babies? Yet in this area it is worth curbing a natural aversion to government interventionism: chid-rearing is part of the state's business. Children are the focus of much the British government's current hyperactivity. ・・・・(以下続く)
2行目のthe bit、4行目のfar too far、5行目のwantの後のit、が特によくわかりません 長くなり申し訳ございませんが宜しくお願いします
The government has got into the nannying business for both good and bad reasons. The first bad reason is its determination to envelop everybody in the warm embrace of a Scandinavian-style welfare system. Its child-care policies are the sharpest illustration of the olan to extend tax-funded benifits up as well as down the income scale by providing preschool education for all and also, increasingly , keeping schools open after hours to offer child care to hard-pressed parents. In the background lies the idea that by providing the well-off as well as the poor with tax-funded benefit which they will want to hang on to, Labour will make it that much harder for a future Tory government to roll back the state.
Although there was no application for his system in 1679,in computers 1 and 0 can be expressed as either an open or closed circuit,a pair of magnetic states, or many other opposite conditions.
・the bit は、前の the most sacred part の part を言い換えたもの。 the most sacred part と the bit( = part) they are keenest 〜 が 対応。 ・far too far は、もともと too far が一組でよく使われますが、 (take 〜 too far とか carry 〜 too far など) これに too を強調する far を付加したもの。 ・want の後の it はすでに>>98さんが答えを出しておられる通り。
>>117 時事英語マンさん、いつも素敵な訳をありがとうございます。 そして申し訳ありませんでした。3行目はThat is why the idea that the British 〜 でした 確認したつもりだったのですが不備がありごめんなさい。 こんな遅い時間にお手数おかけしてしまい本当にすみませんでした。 さらに108でも間違い見つけました。 3行目olanは planでした。 今日でなくてもかまいませんのでもし出来ましたらこちらも 教えて下さると助かります。 よろしくお願いします
In the 1980s,conservative economic policies of President Ronald Reagan (Reaganomics)were aimed at getting "government off your backs" ,that in practice meant lower taxes for those with higher incomes,reduced regulation over key industries,and fewer public services such as education for the rate of the people. the president call for a general lowering of income taxes "was always a Trojan horse to bring down the top [income tax] rates".
many parents bring in the heavy artillery when all the bad behavior requires ーat its earlier stage ーis a warning shot. この文の訳し方がなんぼ考えてもわかりません。 訳してくださいおねがいします!
At close range, the live Japanese "looked like badly wrapped brown parcels someone had soaked in a tub",recalled John. "Jumping around on their bandy legs, they jabbered or grunted; their eyes were glazed over and fixed as though were in trance." He supposed he and his friends looked much the same.
The pictures don't do these mousepads justice, they look AMAZING! Unlike many other sellers we show the actual pads not some sort of compter generated mockup.
It is very important to speak at length, even if there is more chance of making grammatical errors. The listener needs more information to have more choice of which part of the information to respond to. A short bit of information, such as “My pen is red” may be grammatically perfect but is worthless as far as conversation goes.
The listener ... で始まる第2文のみ和訳をお願い致します。出来れば文法的な 構造についても教えてもらえないでしょうか? to have more choice ... 以下が よく分かりません。
>155 聞き手が(話の)情報のどの部分に受け答えするか(which part of the information to respond to)の選択肢をもっと多く得るためには(to have more choice) 、 より多くの情報を聞く必要がある。「このペンは赤い」のような 少ない情報は、文法的には完璧かも知れないが、会話の上では無意味だ。
これで@文です。一つ目の and の手前で一度切れるのは分かるのですが、長すぎて訳がよく分かりません。 どなたか通して訳していただけませんか?
It means that one is able to understand people in other countries and with this understanding see the virtues and defects of one's own with an eventual aim of devoting one's efforts to making both one's own country and the rest of the world more decent places for human beings to live.
159ですがもう一つ質問させてください! so to gain attention, he had resorted,successfully,to bad behavior. この文の訳を私は一応 注目を集めるために行儀の悪いふるまいに訴えたのだ。 って訳したんですがsuccessfullyの訳がはっきりしないんです。 なんて訳したらいいんでしょうか?
I don't have many friends in school, so I don't want to abandon the ones I like... But I have to choice, nobody has no choice. I hope I'll see some of them few times again, because I will have and I want to say "Thank you" to some people.
"But why do you think he said it?" I asked her later when we were both quiet, sitting on a wall at the end of the Big Meadow, watching the shadows of the evening deepen between the beeches, putting off the time when we'd have to go into the house, not unlike two grown children.
Using silence and politeness like a single weapon, we refused to be drawn in; and when pressed to stay the next morning, we said unequivocally that we had to get back. Expect for one summer when I went to work in England, the summer my father married Rose, I had always gone home to help at the day; and after I entered the civil service I was able to arrange holidays so that they fell around haytime.
Why is the Mona Lisa the best-known painting in the entire world? A simple glimpse at even some of her features - her silhouette, her eyes, perhaps, just her hands - brings instant recognition even to those who have no taste or passion for painting. Its commercial use in advertising far exceeds that of any other work of art. There are works of art that appear to be universal, in the sense that they are still loved and enjoyed centuries after their production. They awake instant recognition in millions throughout the world. They speak not only to their own time - the relatively small audience for whom they were originally produced - but to worlds beyond, to future generations, to a mass society connected by international communications that their creators could not suspect would ever come into being. It is precisely because such universal appeal cannot be separated from the system which makes them famous that one should question the idea that the success of artistic works lies within the works themselves. The Western origin of so many masterpieces suggests that they need, for their global development, appropriate political, ideological and technological support. Mozart was, we know, greatly appreciated in his lifetime, but only in Europe. He would no be as widely known as he is today throughout the world without the invention of recording equipment, film music, and plays and films about his life. Mozart would not be ‘Mozart’, the great universal artist, without adequate technical and marketing support.
I wonder if I could run a full marathon with an artificial leg. By the end of the marathon, Chris had made up his mind to run the marathon the next year.
修正御願いします。 The Watergate scandal had reached a peak, and President Richard M. Nixon was furious about press leaks. (ウォーターゲート事件のスキャンダルはピークを迎え、リチャードエム ニクソン氏は記事の漏洩について怒り狂っていた。)
If intervention substantially improves the prospects of the children concerned -and the gain must be substantial, to override the presumption that parents make the best parents- then that is justification in itself.
>>214の続き 構文・文法補足説明 ・Its child-care policies are the sharpest illustration of the plan 〜 の部分の解釈はやや自信なし。いちおう、the plan 〜 (most sharply) illustrates its child-care policies と解釈してみた。 さらに長くてわかりにくいので2文に分けて訳してみました。 ・ (tax-funded benifits) up as well as down the income scale 〜 as well as が、up と down をつないでいるので the income scale が 両方にかかる。 「所得による階層分類の下層だけでなく上層にも」 ・In the background lies the idea that 〜 この文は倒置。通常の語順は、the idea that 〜 lies in the background. idea that 〜 の that は「同格の接続詞の that 」 ・the idea that (by providing the well-off as well as the poor with tax-funded benefit which they will want to hang on to, → ) Labour will make it that much harder for a future Tory government to roll back the state. the well-off と the poor はともに「the + 形容詞」=「〜の人々」 のパターン。 providing [the well-off 〜 poor] with 〜 provide + 目的語 + with 〜 = (目的語)に〜を供給する ・〜 make it that much harder for a future Tory government to roll back it は形式目的語で、本当の目的語は (for a future Tory government) to roll back 〜 という to不定詞。 that much harder の that は「それほど、そんなに」の意味の修飾語。
1980年代、ロナルド・レーガン大統領の保守的な経済政策 (レーガノミクス)の目指すところは、「政府という重荷を国民の 背からおろす」ことであった。すなわちそれは、現実面では、 高所得者層に対する税率を引き下げること、ポイントとなる 産業の規制緩和、教育等の公的サービスの縮小、などを意味した。 (for the rate of the people は意味不明。原文の引用ミス じゃないの?)レーガンが所得税率の全般的引き下げを求めたのは、 "実際常に高所得者層の税率引き下げをもくろんだ「トロイの木馬」 的奸計だった"。
This book seeks to expand the study of consumerism once again be focusing on the formation of a national ethic of consumption: a set of values, assumptions, and practices that bring a population together while consciously distinguishing that population as unique.
In the historiography of consumerism there are few studies that make food consumption their central focus. perhaps this is because studies of food consumption are now labeled part of food studies, an interdisciplinary movement analyzing the meaning of food historically and across cultures.
>>226さんどうも有難う御座います。 もう言いたい事すら判らなかったので大変助かりました。 こちらは何となく、限りなく何となくしか解らないのですが …教えていただけませんでしょうか?consumerismは私は消費者 保護と見ていました。 Pioneers in the field like Sidney Mintz, Stephen Mennell, Jack Goody, and Hans Teuteberg argued that food habits should be viewed as communicative processes encompassing whole societies, with important distinctions to be made between economic classes or populations from diverse regions.
AHDの解釈だと n. 1. The movement seeking to protect and inform consumers by requiring such practices as honest packaging and advertising, product guarantees, and improved safety standards. 2. The theory that a progressively greater consumption of goods is economically beneficial. 3. Attachment to materialistic values or possessions:*deplored the rampant consumerism of contemporary society.
この分野における先駆者達、Sidney Mintz, Stephen Mennell, Jack Goody, Hans Teuteberg、は食物摂取に対する個人的な傾向 は経済的な社会階層ないし多様性のある地域から成り立っている 人口構成に主な相違点をおきつつ社会全体を包含するような相互 に影響しあうプロセスと捉えるべきであると論及しています。
>>228さん 前の文章はこのようになっています The Italian ethic of consumption was not based on the expansion of desire or the abundance of goods. Rather, austerity, limited choices, and very real constraints dictated the shape and development of consumerism in Italy. These characteristics are not unique to Italy, as other nations struggled with issues of wartimes shortages and nutritional standards, for example. However, the Italian case provides an alternative path to the world of mass consumption. Italy's differences are worth thinking about, inasmuch as they reflect the difficulties and challenges governments faced -and continue to face - when providing food to citizens.
"And now I suppose we better go in and face the ogre." My father tried to be charming when we went in, but there was a false heartiness in the voice that made clear that it grew out of no well-meaning. どなたか和訳をよろしくお願いします!
You can contact people by speaking and sending e-mail through a cell phone any time you like. Now the cell phone is indispensable to a lot of people as a communication tool.
ありがとうございます(>_<)続きなんですが Now the cell phone is indispensable to a lot of people as a communication tool.These days you can take a picture with a camera inside your cell phone and send it to another one.お願いします(>_<)
確か時事英語マン氏が”「トロイの木馬」的奸計”としている部分 を「何々を目論む呼び水」として氏から意訳しすぎとたしなめられ たと思います。教育の価値は下がることがないから、ここの部分で は、公共サービスの縮小、例えば 、for the rate of the people 「アメリカ国民の人口年齢(人口構成比かな?)に見合った公的教 育」とでもしたように思います。
〔動〕〔他〕 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 [III〔名〕/doing/that (should)節]〈問題などを〉持ち出す,提案[建議,発議]する(⇔withdraw);〈なぞ・質問などを〉出す;〈…しようと〉言い出す(suggest) ・ 〜 an urgent motion 緊急動議を提出する ・ He 〜d (to us) that it (should) be done at once. ただちにそれをしたほうがよいと(我々に)提案した(shouldを用いるのは《主に英略式》)
修正、御願いします。 However, BoA is likely to oppose strongly a second investor getting a substantial chunk of equity in CCB, leaving Temasek to consider whether a small stake of 5 per cent or less is worthwhile.
When it comes to driving in America,the first thing you notice is that traffic moves on the right ,and the streeing wheel in most cars is on the left. Driving in Japan is the opposite,with the traffic flow on the left and the driver seated on the right. Thus,for Japanese,driving a vehicle in America can take quite an adjustment.Actions that once seemed natural must now be re-learned. The first time a Japanese friend of mine drove in America,he started out in the wrong lane. But when an on-coming driver started waving and honking at him,he quickly moved over to the right. He has also often turned on the windshield wipers when he really meant to use the turn signal. With the high costs of gasoline,insurance ,parking space rent and car inspections,owning a car in Japan is very expensive. At the same time, however,Japan has an excellent public transportation system. Railroads extend into every region of the country,and buses continue where the rail systems to offer commuters fast,frequent and on-time service. So most Japanese don't really need to drive in the big cities. Public transportation in America is not nearly as well developed. There are fewer commuter trains,subways and buses. As a result,Americans are generally more dependent on their cars for transportation.For most,cars are a necessity. Fortunately,the cost of owning a car in America is much lower than in Japan. And America's roads and highways are excellent . But with so many cars on the road,drivers have to allow plenty of extra time and be extra patient,especially during rush hour.
A person who obtains credit for a partnership, either by their words or conduct, can be liable as an 'apparent' partner. If, as a result of the action of the 'apparent' partner the partnership is sued, the partnership can in turn sue the 'apparent' partner. The partnership itself is not liable unless the partner accept the actions of the 'apparent' partner or in some other way acquiesce in this 'holding out' process.
の最後の’Holding out process’って何を指して、どのような意味で使われているのでしょうか? hold out は「持ちこたえる」といった意味だと思うのですが、それだと文が繋がらないような気がして・・・。
You asked what I was looking for, well that is a tricky question. I have lived my life to the point where anything is possible. And the people we meet can come from any direction. So, I guess I was just looking to see who would cross my path and see what I was able to make of the time I spent on the site. Nothing really, If you want the truth. Just a way to pass some time and see how the site actuall worked. How about yourself? One may never know how his life will unfold, but we must be a player in life or our life is just played out in front of us. Do you agree?
The ancient Romans probably invented sales by auction,and the English word comes from the Latin auctio,meaning 'increase'. The Romans usually sold in this way the spoils taken in war;these sales were called sub hasta, meaning 'under thw spear',a spear being stuck in the ground as a signal for a crowd to gather. In England in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries goods were often sold 'by the candle': a short candle was lit by the auctioneer, and bids could be made while it stayed alight.
>>281 How did the scientist come to know that the dolphin tries to sound like people though the noise it makes sounds like a bird's ? どうやって科学者は知るようになったのか、イルカはは人の(音の)ように聞こえる音を出そう としていることを、それ(イルカ)は鳥の(音の)ように聞こえる音をだしているが。 -> どうやって科学者は、イルカは鳥の音のように聞こえる音をだしているが、実は人のような音を 出そうとしていることを知るようになったのであろうか。
多分古代ローマ人が入札による商品の販売方法を生み出した。そして 英語のauctionは富の拡大を意味するラテン語のauctioに由来している。 ローマ人は大抵戦争で得られた戦利品を売り出して、その商いは「槍の 下に」、地面に突き立てられた槍は人々が集まる徴(しるし)を意味する、 sub hasta と呼ばれていた。18世紀から19世紀の英国では商品はしば しば「蝋燭の側」で販売された。短い蝋燭が入札者の側に立てられて点 され、競はその蝋燭が輝いている間にのみ行われた。
rate の意味が「割合」という解釈ももちろん考えたのですが、 それにしても依然として英文に違和感を覚えました。 (おそらくfor the rate of the people という長い修飾語が fewer という一語にかかることになり、非常にバランスが悪いという点に その一因があります)
それで、実は for the rate of the people を検索して確認する つもりだったのがめんどくさくなって書き込みした次第。 (今、検索してみると一件しかヒットしません) また、ここでの質問にはしょっちゅうスペルミスがあるので とりあえずもう一度原文を確認してもらった方が安全かつ余計な 時間を使わなくていいと判断しました。
そうですか。 政府の育児政策のなかにこれこれの計画が含まれる、こういう言い方 はごく普通の言い方だと思うのですが。 (ちなみに Its child-care policies の Its は the government つまり 英国政府を指しますよね) 政策のなかに具体的な計画がある方が普通の感覚だと思うのですが。
One of its most memorable practitioners was Andre Kaminker, a Frenchman, who would sit with his head in his heads, listening glumly, then stand up and render the address from English to French without notes. It was when the General Assembly met for its second session, at Flushing Meadow, New York, that simultaneous interpreters debuted at the United Nations.
1. getting は動名詞で、oppose の目的語になっています。 a second investor はその意味上の主語。 〜 oppose (strongly) (a second investor → ) getting a substantial 〜 (a second investor が) 〜を get することに反対する
The contradictions of her life and faith are nothing compared to my own. 「彼女の人生と信念を否定することは私のと比べると意味のないことだ」???わけわからん訳だ。ownの後には何が省略されているのでしょうか また前文訳おねがいします。
Its child-care policies are the sharpest illustration of the plan to extend tax-funded benefits up as well as down the income scale by providing preschool education for all and also, increasingly, keeping schools open after hours to offer child care to hard-pressed parents.
the planを、前文で示されている its determination to envelop everybody in the warm embrace of a Scandinavian-style welfare systemとして捉え、 さらに「to extend tax-funded benefits〜」をthe planを修飾する形容詞的用法の 不定詞ではなく、結果を表す副詞的用法の不定詞として解釈すると意味が 明確になると思います。
>>309 そもそも言っているのは>>216の >・Its child-care policies are the sharpest illustration of >the plan 〜 の部分の解釈はやや自信なし。いちおう、the plan 〜 >(most sharply) illustrates its child-care policies と解釈してみた。 という取り方(言い換え)が無理じゃないかということです。 its child-care policies illustrates the planならいいけど主述逆は無理では、と。
Claudio and Hero are young,beautiful and in love,but when Claudio thinks Hero has been unfaithful,he turns on her and denounces her. They are more conventional than the other couple,Beatrice and Benedick, who spend most of the play bickering and making fun of each other, because they are too proud to admit that they are in love.They are the stars of the play.Shakespeare makes the story of conventional“true love” into the secondary plot,and concentrates on the more intereting, sophisticated lovers whose relationship is more complicated.
お願いします Embarrassment is probably the only emotion that is triggered by different causes depending on one's culture and upbringing. Fear,love,hate,joy and all of the other emotions tend to be caused by very similar elements on a universal basis, whereas something that embarrasses a Japanese person may generate no feelings whatsoever in the heart of a person brought up in Great Britain.
The summer has also been very bad so far here in Scandinavia. Mostly rain and cold weather. 10-16 degrees C.Although this is quite normal You get disapointed every year the summer starts this way. It has to do with where the polar cap of cold air places it self over the northpole.If it tilts towards Europe we get the cold but if it tilts towards the U.S. we get the warmth. This is the problem with living in Sweden as we see it. The summer is a kind of lottery.
>>326 Embarrassment is probably the only emotion that is triggered by different causes depending on one's culture and upbringing 当惑というのもは、おそらく、様々な要素によった各々の文化や育ちによってひきおこされる。 Fear,love,hate,joy and all of the other emotions tend to be caused by very similar elements on a universal basis, 恐れ、愛、憎しみ、喜びなどの他の全ての感情は、普遍的な基準の、とてもよく似た要素によってもたらされる傾向がある。 whereas something that embarrasses a Japanese person may generate no feelings whatsoever in the heart of a person brought up in Great Britain. そういうわけで、日本人を当惑させるものは、英国で育った人の心では、何であれ、何の感情ももたらさないかもしれない。
It has to do with where the polar cap of cold air places it self over the northpole.If it tilts towards (上の部分ですが、気象の知識がないのでよく訳せないのですが、どうやらある気象現象について語っているようす) ・・・もしそれがヨーロッパ側に向かっていたら、寒くなるし、もしそれがアメリカ側だったら暖かくなるんだ。 これはスウェーデンにすんでいればよくみられる問題で、 夏ってのは宝くじみたいなもんなんだよね。
You can also use it as a TV phone. Even when you are far from other people, you can talk with them, rseeing their faces and showing them sights of the places where you are traveling .
We can't make a decision for a (future) prime minister right now, regardless of the political situation and all other factors that might be in place at that time," Hosoda told reporters at the Prime Minister's Official Residence. よろしくお願いします
>>349 結果の不定詞ってあるんですよ。例文を挙げると、 He tried to make love to her to fail. 彼は彼女を口説き落とそうとしたが、結局は駄目だった。 > >342も、from以下の修飾句はpulesesまででto以下は結果の不定詞。 システムクロックは安定したデジタルパルスストリームを供給する クォーツクリスタルから来る固定振動を利用し、(その結果システ ムクロックが)プロセッサのスピードを調整する。
I've got a problem.( )if you gave me your advice. 1.I will be grateful 2.I am grateful 3.I would be grateful 4.I was grateful 答えは3らしいのですが、意味が分かりません。すれ違いかもしれないですがよければ解説お願いします。
Among the important services performed for the burgeoning engineering profession by the institutions which it created was that of education and training.
自分でやったら変な訳になってしまいました 誰かお願いします。 A search uncovers no suitable candidate other than a bumbling female agent (Sandra Bullock). Reluctantly, her captain (Ernie Hudson) agrees to let her join the team working the case.
ifから直訳すると<私に助言をくれたならば()>になるから 1〜4を当てはめていくと3のI would be grateful がしっくり くると思うよ。これまた直訳すると<私は感謝するだろう。>という 風になります。 もしあなたがアドバイスをくれてたら私は感謝するだろう。という意味 でないかな?gotで過去形になってるからwillの過去形の would を使用。
speaking of pics. it would be cool if you could take pictures of the stuff you incounter in your daily life. Like famous land marks or whatever, and of you of course.
You probably don't realise it, but every week you make dozens of decisions that directly affect the environment of the planet Earth. At work, at home, and at play, whether shopping for life's basic necessities, taking a vacation, or cleaning the house, the choices you make are a never-ending series of votes for or against the environment.
これもオークションの話なのですが…どなたかお願いできないでしょうか…? Practically all goods whose qualities vary are sold by auction. Among these are coffee, hides, skins, wool, tea, cocoa, furs, spices, fruit, and vegetables and wines. Auction sales are also usual for land and property, antique furniture, pictures, rare books, old china and similar works of art. The auciton-rooms at Christie's and Sotheby's in London and New York are world-famous.
1、You get married and, in order to have your own house, you spend all your life paying back loans. 2、Young people have begun to have doubts about this type of lifestyle. 3、When they learn about a country where they can buy a nice large apartment, one that if bought in Japan would cost from 30-50 million yen, for one tenth of the cost, it's only natural that they start to have doubts about having to work hard in Japan. 4、Soon the ill effects of living in a country which has both the highest salaries and the highest prices will no longer be a problem for Japan's youth alone.
There is a problem in the world today. To some people, it may be a big problem, and then there are just some people who just don't care. But this problem needs to be cared for. This problem is tearing up many kids all across America. The problem we are faced with along with all the other problems is Morbed Obesity at an early age. No one ever knew that they were going to be faced with this problem and many did not care, but for a child this could be unforgetful. A child should never have to go to schook and be called all kinds of names. School should always be a safe productive environment. Often times, a child dreds going out with a friend because of the way they look. This is a topic that I feel needs to be looked upon in an ordely fashion because the longer we put it off the more overweight children will hurt.
Whether we're teling the boss that we can't work late or teling a neigher we can't work his dog, we feel abbigated to justifly our "no" with a detailed explanation after a ficititious one.
Among the important services performed for the burgeoning engineering profession by the institutions which it created was that of education and training.
They can wake up right away and be ready to chase their prey at any time. People can spend hours just watching cats at they play with string or a ball. Yes, people tamed cats because they were useful.
With each step together, the earth beneath our feet, Gives us peace and give us love for each new friends we meet, With each new smile of each new child a flower comes to birth, The life of each is holy ground on the one and only earth.
One speaker after another describe schemes to apply the techniques of molecular biology to computational problem from cracking codes to building a "universal computer," a device that can carry out any combination of logical and arithmetic operators.
When your mind is a mess So is mine I cant sleep Cause it hurts when I think My thoughts aren't at peace With the plans that we make Chances we take They're, not yours and not mine There's waves that can break All the words that we say And the words that we mean Words can fall short Can't see the unseen Cause the world is awake For somebody's sake now, please close your eyes woman Please get some sleep
And know that if I knew All of the answers I would Not hold them from you'd Know all the things that i'd know We told each other, there is no other way
We also had to determine what would be a representative sample of America population -across age, gender, and ethnic groups- to produce meaningful average within each group.
This is Mark Edwards with your WWTA hourly weather report. Well, folks, it's been a cold day, and there's no end to the cold snap in sight. It's hard to believe that just yesterday it was practically springtime outside - 65 degrees and sunny. Today we didn't even make it above freezing. The high was 29 degrees, after an overnight low of - ouch! - a bone-chilling 17 degrees Fahrenheit. Outside righ now, the sun has set and the temperature is falling fast. Currently, it is 22 degrees.
But with the wind chill factor figured in, it feels like it's only 10 degrees out there tonight. It should fall to about 12 degrees by midmight - which will be the coldest temperature this month so far. Then tomorrow it will be a little warmer, making it into the low thirties - but still below freezing. Thursday doesn't look much better: partly cloudy skies and cold, cold temperatures - in the twenties and thirties. More of the same on Friday. The only good news in this whole outlook is weekend - we should see a break in the weather, with the sun shining and temperatures finally aboue the freezing point, with high in the low to mid-forties. Until then, bundle up and keep warm!
その理由は、 1、「the planを、前文で示されている its determination 〜 system として捉え〜」と書いておられますが、determination を the plan で 受けるのは無理があること。 2、the plan to extend 〜 の to 〜 を結果を表わす副詞的用法と 解釈するためのなんらかの指標が見あたらないこと。 などです。
自分の感覚としては、 1、〜 are the sharpest illustration of the plan to extend 〜 は「〜を拡張する計画を最もはっきりと示すものである」 2、〜 the plan to extend 〜 は、「〜を拡張する計画」という 意味で、to 〜 はあくまでもthe plan を修飾する形容詞的用法の不定詞。
夜遅くに申し訳ありません。どうしてもわからない記事があったのでお願いします To err is human but when it comes to deciding who to put on death row or give asylum in Japan,that error can cost them a lifetime of bodage or trauma -- or worse -- their lives.
To err is human は諺から過つのは人の常と訳したのですが。but以下の構造がよくわかりません。 comes to の後が原型でなくing形になっています。途中まで訳したのを書きます。 よろしくお願いします。
It is important when human lives are at stake that proper decisions be made' on capital punishment and refugee politics,especially in light of a high risk of a 'miscarriage of justice,'
Feeling loneliness without you I feel all alone miserable by myself Only silence my flat is run down can't find appearence anymore Maybe this is the sign of end resignation sign At the time phone call rin a bell the night Every little small coincidence happen over and over Realize why you and me have met in this world Happiness as much as we want it to be so meaningful related
I am finishing my studies in Business Administration and I work part time,Now,I am feeling a little better but still not very happy, since the presure to write my disertation and to take the exams is still there.Also,my boyfriend is leaving Tokyo and going to Hong Kong, when I finish my exams in September, the plan is for me to join him and live together in Hong Kong. I have to resign my current job and look for a new job in Hong Kong, it is very important for me to have a job and my own financial stability.I hope I find something before I leave Swiss to Hong Kong. Please pray for me when you go back to Meiji shrine,ok?
My job is so very busy from September through June that sometimes I feel that I have barely enough time to think! I am very thankful that the pace is much slower during the months of July and August and I am looking forward to relaxing and reconnecting with my family and friends.
さらに、私の試験が九月に終わる時、ボーイフレンドは東京を去ろうと しています。私の計画は、香港へ行って彼に合流して、香港で一緒に住 むことです。 私は現在の仕事を辞職し、香港で新しい仕事を捜さなければいけません。 仕事と自分の金銭面的な安定を持っていることは私にとって非常に大切 です。 Also,my boyfriend is leaving Tokyo and going to Hong Kong, when I finish my exams in September, the plan is for me to join him and live together in Hong Kong. I have to resign my current job and look for a new job in Hong Kong, it is very important for me to have a job and my own financial stability.
I hope I find something before I leave Swiss to Hong Kong. Please pray for me when you go back to Meiji shrine,ok? 私は、スイスを去り香港へ行く間に何か(仕事?)見つけられることを 期待しています。 あなたが明治神宮へ行った時には私の為に祈ってね?
That is why we are planning to move somewhere varmer in a couple of years.This summer we will take our vacation on Croatia where we have rented a sailboat together with another family.This way we are at least guaranteed 2 weeks of sun. We are actually leaving the day after tomorrow. Right now I am waiting for a decision regarding the jobb in Vietnam. They haven't decided yet if they need people.Otherwise there is a chance that I will start flying long-haul this autumn that means I'll be coming to Tokyo now and then.
I am finishing my studies in Business Administration and I work part time,Now,I am feeling a little better but still not very happy, since the presure to write my disertation and to take the exams is still there. 私は、経営学の研究を終え、そしてパート・タイムで働いています。 今、私は博士論文を書くプレッシャーとそして、試験を受けてから、 少し気分がよくなっているが、まだ余り楽しくありません。
Many thanks for your prompt response to my message, I appreciate your kind gesture to find time to give reponse to my message to you and I got your great picture and I like it.
First and foremost and brief self introduction,I am Kudirat Jessica Oke.,23years old and the only daughter of my late parents Mr.and Mrs.Oke Robert. My father was a highly reputable busnness magnate-(a cocoa merchant)who operated in the capital of Ivory coast during his days. It is sad to say that he passed away mysteriously in France during one of his business trips abroad year 12th.Feb. 2004. Though his sudden death was linked or rather suspected to have been masterminded by an uncle of his who travelled with him at that time. But God knows the truth!.
My mother died when I was just 11 years old,and since then my father took me so special. Before his death on Febuary 12 2004 he called the secretary who accompanied him to the hospital and told her that he had a sum of $28.5 million US DOLLARS (two eight million five hundred thousand USD)deposited in a suspence account with one of the local banks here in Abidjan, Ivory Coast.
He also said he used my name to Deposit the fund with the bank as his only daughter, as well as the next of kin to the fund. He also explained to me that it was because of this wealth that he was poisoned by his business assocaites, That I should seek for a foreign partner in a country of my choice where I will transfer this money to and use it for investment purposes. I want you to assist me in clearing this fund into your account overseas as a beneficiary of the fund,and also use it for an ivestment purpose.
I am just 23 years old and a high school leaving certificate holder and really don't know what to do.Now I want an account overseas where I can transfer this funds. This is because I have suffered a lot of set backs as a result of incessant political crisis here in Ivory coast.The death of my father actually brought sorrow to my life.
Dearest one,I am in a sincere desire of your humble assistance in this regards Your suggestions and ideas will be highly regarded.
Now permit me to ask these few questions:- 1. Can you honestly help me as your daughter or your wife? 2. Can I completely trust you? 3. What percentage of the total amount in question will be good for you after the money is in your account?
Please,Consider this and get back to me as soon as possible, as well I will like you to forward your private telephone and fax number if you are willing to have the relevant documents to confirm the existence of the fund for verification from the bank and to confirm the authenticity of my proposal to you also for easy communication.
製品に問題が起きたので、色々質問したり、修理する手順ひとつ ひとつの時間を今後教えて欲しいと言ったら、下記のように返事が ありました。 これは、うっとおしいと思われているのでしょうか? また、何を言っているのかよくわかりません。宜しくお願いします。 I am having a pleasure of addressing the issues and questions that you raised above. This is due to the fact that you are, quite rightly, asking questions not pertaining to this particular problem or to this particular issue, but asking general questions on some of our internal procedures.
That is why we are planning to move somewhere varmer in a couple of years.This summer we will take our vacation on Croatia where we have rented a sailboat together with another family.This way we are at least guaranteed 2 weeks of sun. We are actually leaving the day after tomorrow. Right now I am waiting for a decision regarding the jobb in Vietnam. They haven't decided yet if they need people.Otherwise there is a chance that I will start flying long-haul this autumn that means I'll be coming to Tokyo now and then.
My job is so very busy from September through June that sometimes I feel that I have barely enough time to think! I am very thankful that the pace is much slower during the months of July and August and I am looking forward to relaxing and reconnecting with my family and friends.
And all the roads we have to walk along are winding And all the lights that lead us there are blinding There are many things that I would Like to say to you I don't know how
Because maybe You're gonna be the one who saves me ? And after all You're my wonderwall
450です。 「put on death row が that error can cost them their lives.」、 「give asylumがthat error can cost them a lifetime of bondage or trauma」に対応するものと考え、give asylumを「刑務所に収監する」と 訳しましたが、わたしもいろいろ調べた結果「give asylum」にはそのよ うな意味はなく、528さんのご指摘通り「難民の認定をする」と訳すのが 適当だと思います。失礼しました。
That proper decisions be made ’ on capital punishment and refugee politics, especially in light of a high risk of a‘miscarriage of justice’ is important when human lives are at stake.
In fact, on Friday I will be traveling to Philadelphia Pennsylvania with my brother and two sisters and their families, as well as with my mother who will turn 80 years old on June 30. While in Philadelphia, we will be attending three baseball games between the Boston Red Sox and the Philly's. As you may have guessed, we are huge,Life-long Red Sox fans. It was a very exciting time here last October when the Red Sox finally won the World Series (Should it be called the American Series?). Only my grandmother,who will be 104 years old in July,remembers the last time that the Red Sox were champions back in 1918.The celebration in Boston was very special! I have been to Fenway Park several times this season already and hope to go to many more games before the end of the summer.
I'm at the end of my report again For those who won't do apathy You had the perfect opportunity But pled the fifth and walked away Say something Make us proud Cast the first stone Say anything at all For every one thing we're ignorant of A thousand more things beat the maze You saw the apple hanging on the tree But missed the orchard in your gaze Make a move (hands on the eyes are the engines of demise) I'm cautious of who I would call a friend Who you aquaint is who you are The darkest hours are when we choose a side So make your pick and take a fall
卵についての説明文です。 Overnight it was steadily breathing, wheezing out and pulling in all the gases in the refrigerator atmosphere. It did its breathing little holes on its surface, and while those holes might be just the thing to bring in oxigen for any embryo(胚) that was to form within the egg, they also have the bad habit of letting in any bacteria --often cousins of the same creatures we met on the table--that happen to have ended up on the face surface of the egg. The holes are shaped like hollow golf tees, and are broad enough for a dozen or more mooching(うろつく) bacteria slide down each hole at time.
Whether we're teling the boss that we can't work late or teling a neighbor we can't walk his dog, we feel obligated to justifly our "no" with a detailed explanation after a fictitious one.
The aggressively sleek Mod is fused with the hippie in moulded leather trousers, studded denim, brocades chunky knits and kitsch Indian prints; suiting is non-traditional in soft leather and anoraks are invested with sharp lines in the sportswear and tailoring exchange; textures are explored with embroidery, animal prints, mohair, sequins, and tie-dye; Raf Simons' romantic play on volume and shape is balanced with the new gothic; denim is a whole world in itself.
>>546の文章の続きです。ちょっと長いですがお願いします。At the bottom of those holes the bacteria do not get a simple swim across to the yolk where the nutrients they could use are located. There's something in the way. Right at the bottom of each hole, a hard rubbery membrane(膜) is streched across. (In hard boiled eggs it's noticeable as the translucent(半透明の) firm around the egg.) Getting through is no easy job. The bacteria have to twist and probe(to search about), secrete(分泌する) dissolving enzymes(酵素) and then push some more before they can pierce a hole through this stage-one barrier. And considering the fate that lies in store for them on the other side, it might be better if they didn't make it.
However, we can guess about these things, and it does seem reasonable to suppose that some of all this great number of suns do have planets. Furthermore, it also seems reasonable to suppose that conditions on some of these planets (if they really exist) are such that life has had a chance to be created and to develop.
The wearing of a pair of jeans by a young male today is as much of a formality as was the wearing of a top hat by his equivalent in previous times.He may feel that he is free to wear anything he likes,and is rid at last of the rigid rules of costume etiquette that once dominated social life,but what he wears is as much a uniform today as the costumes of his predecessors were in earlier times.
Feeling loneliness without you I feel all alone miserable by myself Only silence my flat is run down can't find appearence anymore Maybe this is the sign of end resignation sign At the time phone call rin a bell the night Every little small coincidence happen over and over Realize why you and me have met in this world Happiness as much as we want it to be so meaningful related
Associated Press-When 43-year-old Akira Maki, an employee of Chase Manhattan Bank, growled at a group of youths after one of them stepped on his foot during his train commute home, they growled back.
Complimenting and making excuses are important in the United States. Being stingy with your compliments is not likely to make you popular. Failure to offer an excuse at the right time may get you into trouble.
Let's take a closer look at compliments. Compliments on possessions ties, watches, cars, houses are very common. They make people feel good, and they are easy to give, too. The grammar and the words used to express a compliment are very simple. Consider these: "That's a nice tie.";"What a lovely dress!";"I love your car.
Excuses,too,are easy to produce. "I'm sorry I'm late. Traffic was heavy." "I'd love to come to your party,but I must study for my English test." "Eucuse me,but may I get ahead of you [in line]?
I have an important appointment this morning." Remember in the United States you must make an excuse if you are late. You must make an excuse if you cannot accept an invitation.
You must make an excuse if you are rude. If you remember these things, you will enjoy your stay and probably make many friends,too. お願いします
Feeling emptiness witkout you I fell meaningless immature it is like Something missing in the fairy tale has no Cinderella awoken up Maybe it's only over thought it is one of nervous days At the time knocking the door of my closed heart Fill up with love again there is nothing but you, very special I'll be with you won't leave you alone never
The sunlight burnt the air around my window pane, In broken dreams I feel the fear of night again, I'm lost without a place without a home or womb, Its empty objects now that hold me in this room. She said she read my eyes and danced me to the floor, But in her shadow stood the devil at the door, The smile that hid her life was thin and straining fast, Her carefree movements masked the truths within her past. The sunlight burnt the air around my window pane, In broken dreams I feel the fear of night again, and God he clicks his tongue in a moment of silence This tearless story unfolds while her tears roll down Just close your eyes and see what you can see Just close your eyes and see what you see Just chose your eyes and see what you can be
The purpose of this study is to examine the historical development of Waikiki from 1900 to 1949,and the decisive transformation of its envi ronment from a primarily agricultural land to a resort from area. By taking the methodological approach of alandscape study,the disserta tion explores the images and movements behind the scenes and beneath the surface,and correlates these developments with evoliving economic,social ,and cultural values.The central thesis is that Waikiki's changing landscape from 1900 and 1949 reflects the formation of the American idea of resort paradise,serving primarily the affluent,provileged class.
574 名前:名無しさん@英語勉強中[] 投稿日:2005/06/23(木) 23:17:13 lipid profile(s)ってどゆ意味なんでしょうか? screening fasting lipid profiles were found in 62.6%of patients.って書かれてます
If you treat a person as he is, he will stay as he is; but if you treat him as if he were what he ought to be and could be, he will become what he ought to be and could be. 和訳お願いします。後半部分がよくわかりません。
Every evening, we played a strange game. Boys and girls must stand in a circle and there is one (or more, but 1-2 is best amount) normal playing card. One person must fasten it onto his mouth (by lungs and air) and a person near to him must take this card. But not by hands but by mouth. And this person must send it farther and so on... But if this card suddenly falls down very close to another person's face, there is big chance that there will be a kiss.
At this time of year our weather is just lovely.It is about 75 degrees and beautiful.The grass is so green and the trees are full and the flowers are just coming into their peak. I enjoy the summer months very much,but also love the fall season when the leaves begin to turn colors and paint spectacular views in the distant hills.This summer, my husband Roger and I will be driving to the White Mountains in New Hampshire for a few days of hiking in the mountains.Later this summer, we will be traveling to Cape Cod to spend some time at the ocean. My daughter, Laura, and I will be running in two road races in August: Beach to Beacon in Maine and the Falmouth Road Race at the Cape. We love to run in races together just to stay in shape and enjoy the social time with other runners. There will be elite competition at both of these events but we will not ever be in sight of those gifted runners! Still, it is fun to be involved in the same events.
Do you want us to send proforma invoice forapprova? Also will let you know the shipping cost to Japan, please let me know your city.
Thank you for the reply. I want you to send the proforma invoice for approval. I would like to send the commodity to Fukuoka Prefecture(Fukuoka-ken) . Sincerely Ikedal
Thank you for your reply. Yes, please send me the proforma invoice for approval. I would like to have the merchnadise sent to Fukuoka Prefecture(Fukuoka-ken)
Kini, peperangan kesatuan telah kembali kepada pelayan Sakray!! Fungsi peperangan kesatuan akan dilancarkan dalam pelayan sakray bermula pada pukul 17.00 ~ 21.00, dari17-11-04 sehingga 21-11-04.
A few years ago I became involved in a sequence of events in Japan that completely puzzled me
and only later did I learn how an act seen from the viewpoint of one's own culture can have an entirely different meaning when looked at in the context of the foreign culture.
>>647 Il y a quelques années je suis devenu impliqué dans une séquence d'opérations au Japon qui m'a complètement embarassé et seulement plus tard j'ai appris comment un acte vu du point de vue de sa propre culture peut avoir une signification entièrement différente une fois regardé dans le contexte de la culture étrangère.
Feeling emptiness without you (あなたがいないと空しく感じる) I fell meaningless immature (私は意味のない未熟さを感じた) it is like Something missing in the fairy tale (それは、おとぎ話の中でなくした何かと似ている) has (( no Cinderella )) awoken up → have + (( 人 )) + 過去分詞 (でも、その何かがシンデレラを目覚めさせることはない → でも、その何かで目覚めるシンデレラはいない。) Maybe it's only over thought (たぶん、それは単に考え過ぎにすぎないのだろう) it is one of nervous days (それは不安な毎日の中での出来事のひとつ) At the time knocking the door of my closed heart → When you knock the door of my closed heart と置き換えて考えてみる。 (あなたが、私の閉ざされた心をノックする時、) ( I )Fill up with love again (わたしは再び愛で満たされる。) there is nothing but you, ( you are ) very special (わたしにはあなたしかいない。あなたはとても特別な人) I'll be with you // ( I ) won't leave you alone never (私はあなたと一緒。もう二度と離さない)
Two important stager came not so long before the dawn of written history. The first was the domestication of animals; the second was agriculture. Agriculture was a step in human progress to which subsequently there was nothing comparable until our own machine age. Agriculture made possible an immense increase in the number of the human specices in the region where it could be successfully practised. These were,at first,only those in which nature fertilized the soil after each harvest.
663の続き Agriculture met with violent resirtance from the pastoral nomand,but the agriculture way of life prevailed in the end because of (provided/it/comforts/the/physical) 訳と最後の並べ替えをお願いします。
The quantitative features of semiconduction can be explained in terms of "energy bands," which constitute the allowed electronic energy lexels in crystalline solids, and which relate to the inter-atomic binding.Chemists are accustomed to describing chemical bonds in terms such as cocvalent, ionic, partially ionic, etc. These are useful in a qualitative way in solids,hut a more exact description of electronic energies is necessary to understand semiconductor behavior.
And when I [=Englishman in France] asked for marmalade, they [=French people] brought strawberry jam. And do you know, they insisted it WAS marmalade. The trouble is they don’t know English. I thought it useless to explain that we borrowed the word “marmalade” from French, and that it means, in that language, any kind of jam. 以上の文脈でAnd do you know, they insisted it WAS marmalade.だけでいいので訳してください。お願いします。
At this time of year our weather is just lovely.It is about 75 degrees and beautiful.The grass is so green and the trees are full and the flowers are just coming into their peak. I enjoy the summer months very much,but also love the fall season when the leaves begin to turn colors and paint spectacular views in the distant hills.This summer, my husband Roger and I will be driving to the White Mountains in New Hampshire for a few days of hiking in the mountains.Later this summer, we will be traveling to Cape Cod to spend some time at the ocean. My daughter, Laura, and I will be running in two road races in August: Beach to Beacon in Maine and the Falmouth Road Race at the Cape. We love to run in races together just to stay in shape and enjoy the social time with other runners. There will be elite competition at both of these events but we will not ever be in sight of those gifted runners! Still, it is fun to be involved in the same events.
>>706 すみません。 Patients with uncorrected cyanotic cardiac malformations develop myocardial dysfunction or damage because of perfusion of the coronaries with blood of low oxygen content over a period of years. です。
Chinese has difficult written characters to express foreign words. There are Chinese characters to express コカコーラ in China. China traditionally thinks that it is the center of the world. China and Japan are the only two nations which use Chinese characters. There are three different characters in Japanese writing,if the Roman alphabet is also included. うまく日本語に訳せません、よろしくお願いします
At this time of year our weather is just lovely.It is about 75 degrees and beautiful.The grass is so green and the trees are full and the flowers are just coming into their peak. I enjoy the summer months very much,but also love the fall season when the leaves begin to turn colors and paint spectacular views in the distant hills.This summer, my husband Roger and I will be driving to the White Mountains in New Hampshire for a few days of hiking in the mountains.Later this summer, we will be traveling to Cape Cod to spend some time at the ocean. My daughter, Laura, and I will be running in two road races in August: Beach to Beacon in Maine and the Falmouth Road Race at the Cape. We love to run in races together just to stay in shape and enjoy the social time with other runners. There will be elite competition at both of these events but we will not ever be in sight of those gifted runners! Still, it is fun to be involved in the same events.
"The Tokyo defendants were selected mainly for their role in the prosecution of the war," Minear says. "The charge was that 'aggressive war' itself ? whatever that is ? was a crime."
>>749 ありがとうございます。疑問点があるので追加質問させてください。 訳からすると、select は訴追という意味があるのでしょうか? "The charge was that 'aggressive war' itself ? whatever that is ? was a crime." についての訳はなるほどと納得できるのですが、1行目の訳がよくわかりません・・・ お手数ですが、よかったらもう少し解説をお願いしたいのですが・・・
We can use the scratch paper, ask for less packaging when we buy things, and have our names taken off of junk mail lists.
That banana trees can be processed into paper is good news, especially because they are grown in many of the developing countries that need more paper. Soon we may be importing not only bananas but also banana tree for paper making.
>>762 ありがとうございます^^; Above all, they passed down to modern engineers their conviction that by hard work the world could be molded and reshaped for the benefit of the people in it. こちらもお願いします。何を伝えたいのかよく分からないのです。。
Browser-Check: Your browser configuration will be checked for risks now. Visual Basic Script (VBScript) Test: VBScript is activated! VBScript is not dangerous in general. But it is used by worm virus authors to embed harmful code in HTML emails. Ensure to have the latest security updates of your browser installed to stay protected against harmful VBScripts. Secure ActiveX Test: Invocation of secure ActiveX controls is activated. ActiveX controls are a kind of enhancement plugins for the browser (as e.g. the Flash plugin). The classification if an ActiveX control is secure or not is done by the developer of the control. So it is also possible that a secure control can contain insecure code. Please notice, that the online Windows-Update doesn't work without ActiveX controls. Insecure ActiveX Test: Invocation of insecure ActiveX controls is deactivated. Insecure ActiveX controls may contain harmful code and therefore they should be deactivated or set to prompt the user before running to block controls of Dialers, etc. Internet Explorer makes a difference between signed and unsigned ActiveX controls. Always check controls with invalid signatures before you accept them and let them install on your computer.
I have some brown rice vinegar here that came from that part of the country :) I also remember once seeing a documentary about some kind of strange monkeys that live there... they would take things like sweet potatoes to the sea for a wash before eating them. Very clever.
Well Aiko, what can I say?? Of course I was overwhelmed by my activities and of course I am lazy writing letters!! But believe me,I often think of you and your wonderful country. I especially think when news come from Japan for various reasons like heavy rains,earthquakes etc.It seems to me that during the last months those events happened very often and I am sorry for that.
I hope you are well. Don't be sad just because your relationship has ended. It happens frequently that relationships do not work. And don't try to kill other or yourself, a relationship that ends often happens...Of course you will be sad at first.. but it will pass....
Given the expertise that (社名1) has developed in natural resources, we look forward to briefing all our shareholders further on I(社名2)'s strategy in due course, which will include an expansion into this area.
In your previous letter you were stating that crime is more frequent in your country lately and you believe that this happens because people tend to forget about religion and old customs. Well, I agree and besides I believe that all that free and rapid information that overwhelms us all the time is the other reason together with the very difficult and lonely life that people have in those "monster-cities" of our times. That is why I believe that good friends are precious to everybody and I understand your distress after the death of your friend last September. I wish you to keep the best memories of him in the bottom of your heart.
Nothing remarkable was noted about the patient until the tenth week; while nursing in the bottle, the onset of an unusual group of symptoms occured which consisted of paroxysmal(発作性の) attacks of accute discomfort precipitated by the exertion of nursing. The infant appeared at first to be in obvious distress, as indicated by short inspiratory(吸息の,吸入時の) grunts, followed immediately by marked pallor(蒼白) and cold sweat with a general appearance of severe shock.
Fandom-the obsessional identification with a sports team-is universal. The greatest book ever on the psychology of being a fan, Nick Hornby's Fever Pitch, was written about a London soccer team but easily translated into a film about the Boston Red Sox. Particularly in the U.S., it seems possible to be a fan of a team that's based far from where you have ever lived, but I suspect the origins of my obsession are more common. I didn't have much choice in the matter. Both my parents were born in tiny row houses a stone's throw from Liverpool's stadium. My father took me to my first game as a small child, and from the moment I saw what was behind the familiar brick walls-All those people! That wall of noise! The forbidden, dangerous smells of cigarettes and beer-I was hooked.
No1,When are you coming to visit? I have been tempted by some air fair prices I have seen at the travel agents to come visit you.Are you going to come visit? we would have a blast,
No2,Its not the cough that carrys you off, its the coffin they carry you off in!
No2のご指摘に件ですが、前後に下記の様な文章があるのですが..。 the weather here is about to go very hot, we generally see temps from 90F-110F from now to September, it can be very warm, and good beer drinking weather! Its not the cough that carrys you off, its the coffin they carry you off in! Later on brother, thanks for writing and check back soon. Your Brother in California misses hearing from you,
お願いしますm(_ _)m ******************* Only recentry have I learned that life does not copy itself on paper, and that to make, with lines and colors, an image that looks like something real, takes technique. ******************** これで一文なんですがどこで区切ったら良い逃れわかりません、、orz
You tell me about the rainy season in Japan and I agree that rain, although very useful for the plants is kind of boring for humans!! I am happy to leave in a country where all seasons are moderate (we usually have a mild winter, very nice springs and automnes and worm summers).
>>822 lifeは紙の上にそっくりそのまま(何も特別なことをしないで)できあがるのでは ないこと、そして、線や色を使って本物のそっくりに見える一つのimageを作るためには、 テクニックが必要なことを最近学んだ。 Only recentry have I learned that life does not copy itself on paper, and that to make, with lines and colors, an image that looks like something real, takes technique. は、次のように書きかえるとわかりやすいかも。 I have learned only recently that life does not copy itself on paper, and (I have learned) that to make, with lines and colors, an image that looks like something real, takes technique.
Only recentry have I learned (A) [that life does not copy itself on paper, ]and (B)[that to make, with lines and colors, an image that looks like something real, takes technique].
(A)、(B)の後に続くそれぞれのthat節は共にlearnedの目的語である。 an image that looks likeのthatは主格の関係代名詞。
和訳お願いします。さっぱりわかりません。 It is paticulary unfortunate that September should be the season of greatest typhoon frequency,for the earlier varieties of rice flower in that month and a heavy storm does much damage not only crops but also to life and property.
this is a return for an intermediate shipment that went to FRANCE in feb 04. this return was processed back through our accountinc system in juli 04. basically what happens,is that france invoice us with the return ,when then have to re-invoice japan.
it seemed but yesterday that Bella was little more than a baby herself,when Valmont ,in riding through the gateway,had found her lying asleep in the shadow of the big stone pillar. 先ほどの文の続きなのですが まったくわかりません・・・
During the last 100 years,ever since the W.WT,there has been a rather precise connection between the length of female skirts and the periods of boom and depression.On the surface,one would expect long skirts,employing greater guantities of material,to be related to the boom periods,and the shorter skirts to be made when money was short.But an analysis of the facts reveals that the exact opposite is the case.
Use on time when you are talking about something that is running according to a schedule-it's not delayed or early. Use in time when the amount of time to do something is limited.
Sure Start, the version the British government is pushing, looks more promising- it starts earlier,is more intensive and involves mothers, which evidence suggests are all important -but as it rolls out, the British government needs to pay closer attention than America's has to whether this is a good way to spend money.
Not the least of the Zoological Germans' many attraction is their inexhaustibility. There is always something new, and -- what is not less satisfactory -- there is always something old that you had previously missed. How is that? How is it that one may go to the Zoo a thousand times and consistently overlook one of the most ingratiating denizens, and then on the thousand-and-first visit come upon this creature as though he was the latest arrival? There the quaint little absurdity was, all that long while, as ready to be seen as to-day, but you never saw him, or at any rate, you never noticed him. The time was not yet.
(2) If, in any proceedings with reference to any decision or act done or proposed to be done by a registration officer any of these regulations, a person claims -
(a) that he enjoys the right of abode in Hong Kong ; or (b) that he is entitled to a permanent identity card, the onus of proving the same shall lie on that person.
Some teachers have the same mistaken idea and take great pains making students learn English phrases and constructions that are likely to appear in the entrance examinations of higher institutions.
They should also be urged to realize that the knowledge of English is a big asset that will lead them to wider knowledge, higher cultural development and greater service to the community.
・Sure Start, the version the British government is pushing, Sure Start と the version (which) the British government is pushing は「同格」。 ・which evidence suggests are all important which の先行詞は前の文の it 〜 mothers 。 ・the British government needs to pay closer attention than America's has to whether this is a good way to spend money. America's は American government の代名詞。 pay closer attention (than America's has) to [whether 〜 ]. than 以下は、America's has (paid close attention) の省略。
Well, in September I was in Cuba. What a wonderful country!! Nice ( a little humide though) climate, beautiful landscapes, imaginative architecture and open hearted people. It is an historical island but I think people until now have many financial, social and political problems which do not deserve. It happened, while we were there to experience "Ivan" the tornado which created major destructions in several areas. I saw all the preparations of Havana in order to protect people from it and I felt the thrill of the heavy winds, thank God, without any risk.
Found in Chesapeake Bay, the crab is both male and female
Researchers at the Virginia Institute of Marine Science (VIMS) are holding an extremely rare type of crab that was pulled from the Chesapeake Bay last month by watermen David Johnson and Robert Watson of Deltaville.
The crab, called a "bilateral gynandromorph," is split right down the middle -- its right half female and its left half male.
Neither the watermen nor VIMS crab expert Rom Lipcius have ever seen a crab like this one, and all have spent more than 25 years on the water.
With one week to go before the Tokyo Metropolitan Assembly election, a new poll shows that support for the opposition Democratic Party of Japan is up 10 percentage points from four years ago. よろしくお願いします
intercrossing plays a very important part in nature in keeping the individuals of the same species, or of the same variety,true and uniform in character. よろしくお願いいたします。
888>Some teachers have the same mistaken idea and take great pains making students learn English phrases and constructions that are likely to appear in the entrance examinations of higher institutions. 同じく誤った考え(前の文章のideaを受けている?)を持った先生たちもいて、大学などの入試に出そうな語句や構文を覚え させるのに一生懸命なのです。
889> They should also be urged to realize that the knowledge of English is a big asset that will lead them to wider knowledge, higher cultural development and greater service to the community. 英語の知識は大いなる財産であり幅広い知識や高い文化的発展や社会への 大きな貢献に通じるものであるということを理解するように熱心に言い聞かされるのです。 (英語の知識は〜というおおいなる財産であるということを理解するように)
921> Ways of talking are rarely if ever composed entirely of one approach or the other, but rather are composed of both and interpretable as either. 話し方というものはあるひとつの方法あるいは別の他の方法だけ(entirely)でなっている というのはきわめてまれで、両方のやり方(が一緒になったもの)とその (ふたつのうちの)うちのどちらかの方法に解釈しうる ものとによって成り立っているものなのです。rarely if ever=あったとして もきわめてまれ、ほとんどない. 文脈不足で全体からの意味検証ができませんが。
I just faxed you the new proforma invoice and passed your order to factory already. After you received my fax, please check and confirm back again. Please note that bag gloves in full thumb, if you need them in open thumb, let me know urgent.
The goods will be delivered by mid of July by air freight.
923> DarwinのOrigin of Species種の起源みたいですね。 http://www.bartleby.com/11/ もう少し文脈が欲しいです。 intercrossing plays a very important part in nature in keeping the individuals of the same species, or of the same variety,true and uniform in character. 交配は自然界で、性質が同じで画一的な同種あるいは同じ種の亜種の個体 を維持する上で重要な役割を演じています。
(2) If, in any proceedings with reference to any decision or act done or proposed to be done by a registration officer any of these regulations, a person claims -
(a) that he enjoys the right of abode in Hong Kong ; or (b) that he is entitled to a permanent identity card, the onus of proving the same shall lie on that person.
「passed your order to factory already. After you received my fax, please check and confirm back again. 」 上記の英文については、以下のような内容になると思います。残りの部分の解釈 には問題ないと思います。
928> passed 送りました。渡しました。工場(製造)に回しました。 check and confirm back 確認してもう一度(メイルか何かで?)私に お知らせください。 gloves in full thumb, gloves in open thumb??これは業界の専門用語 ですか。どのようなものかわかりません。 英語圏の人の英語ではないようですので、冠詞が落ちていたりしていて はっきりと構文が取れません。factory-->the factory urgent-->urgently
Well, in September I was in Cuba. What a wonderful country!! Nice ( a little humide though) climate, beautiful landscapes, imaginative architecture and open hearted people. It is an historical island but I think people until now have many financial, social and political problems which do not deserve. It happened, while we were there to experience "Ivan" the tornado which created major destructions in several areas. I saw all the preparations of Havana in order to protect people from it and I felt the thrill of the heavy winds, thank God, without any risk.
Among the important services performed for the burgeoning engineering profession by the institutions which it created was that of education and training.
>>933 I think people until now have many financial, social and political problems which do not deserve. -->I think people until now have had mandy financial, social and political problmes which they do not deserve. 必要もないような(持たなくてもよいような) たくさんの問題を抱えてきた。 It happened--->I happened?, while we were there to experience "Ivan" the tornado which created major destructions in several areas. I saw all the preparations of Havana in order to protect people from it and I felt the thrill of the heavy winds, thank God, without any risk. I happened to experience Ivan the tornado Ivanと呼ばれる竜巻をたまたま 経験した。そこに滞在している間に。その竜巻はあちらこちらで大被害を 引き起こした。ハバナでその竜巻を防ぐための(にされた)準備をすべて見ることができた。 おかげで(thank godなんと、こんなことを言って不謹慎かもしれないけれど) 何の危険もなく暴風のスリルを感じることさえできたのでした。
どなたか和訳よろしくおねがいします。 He is so mean annoying, bossy and has a bad attitude! When he's arround me, i always get into a bad mood just from being around him!! Perhaps you know who..
>>930,940 (2) If, in any proceedings with reference to any decision or act done or proposed to be done by a registration officer any of these regulations, a person claims - の英文はどこか単語が抜けていませんか。もう一度確認してみてください。 anyの前にconcerningとかなにか?
>>937 Among the important services performed for the burgeoning engineering profession by the institutions which it created was that of education and training. itが主語です。itは前の文の何か(政治体制?)を指していると思われます。 that of education and trainingのthatは代名詞。この場合は、 the serviceのこと。those (the services)を使った方が正しいような 気もします。itが作り上げた組織、機構によって成されたサービスの内に、 芽を出し始めた技術系の職業のためにitに作られた組織によってなされた 最も重要なサービスの内に、教育と訓練のそれ(service)がありました。
In the days to come the moment might arrive at any point of the journey, halfway or when arrival was imminent,with the island appearing so suddenly Marc thought he might run the boat right up the banks of the river.
it starts earlier, is more intensive and involves mothers, who evidence suggests are all important
原文を勝手に上記のように書き換えて、who以下をevidence suggests (mothers)are all importantとして解釈してしまいしたが、
it starts earlier, is more intensive and involves mothers, which evidence suggests are all important として解釈しなおすと、「whichが前文の内容を指す」、「evidenceを動詞」、 そして「suggestsを名詞」として捉え直し、下記のように訂正します。
Instead of just making these precepts a throw-away aspect of the plot, they are integral to its development and success. Take away Asimov's Three Laws,and there is no movie.
>>930 >>944 (2) If, in any proceedings with reference to any decision or act done or proposed to be done by a registration officer concerning any of these regulations, a person claims - If はa person claimsにつながります。 これらの規約に関して、登記官によってなされた決定あるいはなされた行為、 あるいはまた、なされるように提案された行為に対しての手続き について、次のような申し立てをする場合には、(1.2の条項に ついて証明する責任は自らにあります。)
1.当該人物が香港に住む権利を有していること 2.永久身分証明書?を保持できる権利があること
(a) that he enjoys the right of abode in Hong Kong ; or (b) that he is entitled to a permanent identity card, the onus of proving the same shall lie on that person.
>>942 これはちょっと簡単だと思います。ご自分の訳をまず提示できませんか。 In the days to come the moment might arrive at any point of the journey, halfway or when arrival was imminent,with the island appearing so suddenly Marc thought he might run the boat right up the banks of the river.
>>909 I'm a bisexual boardroom with a homosexual glass of water どういう文脈ですか。前後はありますか。 男女どちらも性的に愛せる重役室に置かれたホモのコップの水 ホモが男性系だとしたら、重役室に男でも女でも入っても構わないが 水を飲むのが女性だといやだな、という意味で、女性に重役室の メンバーとして居座ってほしくないという差別発言でしょうか。 前後関係がないとわかりません。
In the days to come the moment might arrive at any point of the journey, halfway or when arrival was imminent,with the island appearing so suddenly Marc thought he might run the boat right up the banks of the river. In the days to come (やってくる日の中で)=そのうちに、旅の どの時点においてもその瞬間がやってくるかもしれない。 旅の途中かもしれないし、到着間近のときかもしれない。 到着予定の)その島がそんなにも急に現れれば、マークは、 (突然すぎて)船を川の 堤防に乗り上げてしまうかもしれないと思った。
with the island appearing 分詞構文 理由、条件この場合は条件かもしれ ません。ーので、と訳しても意味はだいたいわかります。
Because men and women are regarding the landscape from contrasting vantage points,the same scene can appear very different to them,and they often have opposite interpretations of the same action.
(2) If, in any proceedings with reference to any decision or act done or proposed to be done by a registration officer under any of these regulations, a person claims -
(a) that he enjoys the right of abode in Hong Kong ; or (b) that he is entitled to a permanent identity card, the onus of proving the same shall lie on that person.
>>958 Instead of just making these precepts a throw-away aspect of the plot, they are integral to its development and success. Take away Asimov's Three Laws,and there is no movie.
Having enough of the right kinds of foods to eat cannot be underestimated because food links one's own body with the broader world, economic structures and individual choices, excess and necessity.
Italy is no stranger to the nation's history, so many individuals and groups struggled to have enough of the right kinds of food to eat and many failed in that effort. In fact, it makes more sense to write, as some Italian historians have, the history of appetite rather than write about what Italians actually consumed. イタリアは国の歴史を知らない人でないので、多くの個人とグループは 食べる正しい種類の食物の十分な量を持つのに苦労した、そして多くは その努力に失敗した。 実際、それはイタリア人が実際に消費したものについて書くよりはむしろ 歴史家が持つ一部のイタリア人として、食欲の歴史を書くだけのより多く 意味をなす。
When the right coronary artery reaches the posterior longitudinal sulcus, if frequently gives off one posterior descending artery, then makes a U-shaped curve toward the junction of the mitral and tricuspid annuli.
この文章訳してみたのですが・・・ 「右冠状動脈が後縦溝に達する時とき、もし頻繁に1本の後下行動脈を出すなら??、そこで僧帽弁と三尖弁annuliの連絡部に向かってU字形のカーブをなすだろう。」 ってな感じで、ifのところと、annuliの意味が分かりません(辞書に載っていない)。 if節(?)には主語がないけどthe right coronary arteryが主語でしょうか? 頻繁に動脈を出すというのも変ですし・・・
Oil prices vaulted over the $60 mark Monday to trade at record highs amid concerns that supplies would not meet demand, especially in the United States, the world's largest energy consumer.
The likelihood that indviduals will tend to interpret someone else's words as one or the other depends more on the hearer's own focus,concerns,and habits than on the spirit in which the words were intended.
When the right coronary artery reaches the posterior longitudinal sulcus, if frequently gives off one posterior descending artery, then makes a U-shaped curve toward the junction of the mitral and tricuspid annuli. >>985ですが、もう一度文を読んでみるとやはり倒置ではなく、 仰るように前節の主語でよいと思います。 give off arteryなら、動脈が枝分かれする、と捉えてはどうですか?
>Oil prices vaulted over the $60 mark Monday to trade at record highs >amid concerns that supplies would not meet demand, especially >in the United States, the world's largest energy consumer >1、この文(英文)の中には更新という単語は入っていません。 >2、trade と言う単語が訳されていません。
それに対して 野党の保守党(Tory government)=「小さな政府」志向(最後の文の roll back the state)
もちろん現実の政治は単純ではなく、ブレア首相自身「ニューレイバー」 および「the third way (第3の道)」を標榜し、伝統的な労働党との 違いを強調していますし、実際の政策では、公的サービスを縮小する 例も当然あります。ただこの対立的イデオロギーを知っていれば 問題文の理解が容易になるのではないかということです。
The likelihood that indviduals will tend to interpret someone else's words as one or the other depends more on the hearer's own focus, concerns,and habits than on the spirit in which the words were intended. 個々の人が他の人の発言を話者本人の意向通りに解釈するか或いはそれ以外に捉えるか の見込は、その言葉に意図された真意よりも聞き手の着眼点や関心、習慣に依存するところが大きい。