Generally, the working condition at Japanese companies is very bad. If employees work overtime, they should receive overtime pay, but it is not common to receive additional pay in Japan. Plenty of Japanese employers, consequently, make their employees work for long hours without paying. It’s not uncommon for Japanese workers to work from 9:00 am to 11:00 pm. We have a nominal law in Japan that states if employees work overtime, their employers need to pay overtime pay, however, most companies in Japan don’t obey this law since no penalties are not given to employers who break the law. Japanese employees are human right victims. I would appreciate it if you could help with improving the working condition in Japan.
890 名前:朝まで名無しさん :2005/05/31(火) 01:12:28 ID:SO7rEaOe The TUC says investigations have shown that regularly working more than 48 hours a week increases the risk of a range of illnesses, from heart disease to mental illness.
891 名前:朝まで名無しさん :2005/05/31(火) 01:13:20 ID:SO7rEaOe Full-time workers in the UK work for an average of 44 hours, compared with about 40 hours in the 14 other longstanding EU member states, according go the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC).
892 名前:朝まで名無しさん :2005/05/31(火) 01:14:05 ID:SO7rEaOe The TUC also argues that excessive hours undermine economic performance. Despite working longer than most other EU members, Britain ranks only tenth in terms of productivity per hour.