「Hiroyuki西村は、アーカンソーで一年の留学から帰国した後に2ちゃんねるを開設した。ウェブサイトは、月に 540万人のビジター(大半は世間に発言したい鬱屈した日本人)が訪れる。 金曜日に、西村氏は、ウェブサイトのサーバの利用料として、カリフォルニアのパロアルトのある企業に月額で2万ドルを 払ったと言った。広告でどうにかトントンにはなっているという。 In keeping with his detachment, Mr. Nishimura said he was bored with his Web site and did not believe it was worth enough to attract buyers. 2ちゃんねるの日本の社会における役割について尋ねられると、彼はあっさり「みんなヒマなんだろ」と言った。 ひろゆきは「2ちゃんねらーの大半は、ただのバカだ」と決めつけた。 「あれこれ書いても、なんか変わるわけじゃないよ。本当になにかしたいなら、他にやる事があるだろ?」
↓の訳をお願いします。特にthey are up to no good.は意味してることすら分かりません。 お願いしますm(_ _)m
This phrase refers to people who live next to each other and are close in space but remain isolated from one another in other respects.If you do not know what your neighbours do for a living it is easy to imagine that they are up to no good.There is little common interest to build upon.This absence of common interest minimizes the role of mutual obligations among people living in the same neighbourhood.
Chapter One defines the nature of the problem of food consmption in Italy by examining the history of popular diet from Unification to the First World War.
Here I have turned to the most common sources on food habits-scientific and social scientific monographs and dietary inquiries-to trace the development of an emerging public discourse on food consumption as an urgent problem that unified and divided the nation.
The writings of experts were particularly suggestive; scientists and social scientists were part of an emerging professional community that felt empowered to direct the future of young Italy.
Another significant source for understanding the formation of nation identity through food consumption were the vast numbers of Italians who left to find better lives.
修正、御願いします。。 All seven major Japanese banks achieved the government-set target to slash their nonperforming loans , getting out of a decade-long problem that has dragged down their profitability and seriously jarred the financial system, it was reported May 25. (日本の全ての主要行は、政府目標とする不良債権の削減を達成し、 収益を減少させ、深刻に金融システムをjarred な十年の長い問題から抜け 出せた、と5月25日に発表。)
Chapter One defines the nature of the problem of food consmption in Italy by examining the history of popular diet from Unification to the First World War. 1章は、統一から第一次世界大戦まで庶民の食事の歴史を 調べることにより、イタリアの中で食料消費の問題の性質を定義します。
Here I have turned to the most common sources on food habits-scientific and social scientific monographs and dietary inquiries-to trace the development of an emerging public discourse on food consumption as an urgent problem that unified and divided the nation. ここはほとんど解りませんでした。
The writings of experts were particularly suggestive; scientists and social scientists were part of an emerging professional community that felt empowered to direct the future of young Italy. 科学者と社会科学者は、若いイタリアの将来を指図する権限を 与えられたと感じた新興の専門のコミュニティーの一部だと 専門家の著述は特に暗示しました
>>13の続き(これでおわり) Despite their improved financial health, experts said the banks may still have a long way to go to boost their profits amid rock-bottom interest rates and few new attractive products. (銀行の改善した財政にもかかわらず、専門家は、銀行は最低 金利と新しい魅力的な商品があまりない中で利益を押し上げる のはなお長い道のりだといっている。)
和訳お願いします↓ To live in Alaska and Canada's far North when the average temperature has risen nearly 4 degrees centigrade over the last 30 years means learning to cope with a landrcape that can sink, catch fire or break apart in the turn of a season.
Of course we will see each other. I would expect that ...for sure.. I have so many places to show you...perhaps you've seen them before. We will find out.
What we have lost is the organic community with the living culture it embodied. Folk-songs, folk dances, Cotswold cottages and handicraft products are signs and expressions of something more: an art of life, a way of living, ordered and patterned, involving social arts, codes of intercourse and a responsive adjustment, growing out of immemorial experience, to the natural environment and the rhythm of the year. That is why it is difficult to take revivals seriously.
It is no more than a tool, but a tool of such immense possibilities that no one can yet see the full extent of what it might achieve for mankind. よろしくお願いします。どうも機械の自動化は恐ろしいという話のようです。
Submit clear and readable copies of the following documents to us:
(i) the front and back of the credit card; AND (ii) recent credit card statement signed by the credit card owner (purchase or ATM advice slips cannot be accepted); AND (iii) valid official identification document with picture (such as ID card, passport or driver's license).
Kakutougi: In a recent rumor to sweep the internet, you and Lebanner have had some sort of incident in Marselles. Can you tell us what happened, and what lead up to this incident?
Abidi: After what happened in Bercy in 2003, each of us was keeping to ourselves. Then, once again, he opened his mouth to the press. This time saying that I was afraid of him in Bercy and that I went to hide in my corner..., which is absolutely not my way of dealing with things. I always accept to fight against anybody, anytime, so it is certainly not he who would scare me. Anyway, I heard he was passing time in Marseille, in my old club, and I couldn't let the lies go on. I went to the club to challenge him, but he refused to fight and settle things. Then there was a bit of a problem because his friends jumped me; we fought each other, and there were three then four of them attacking me. Finally, LeBanner agreed to fight alone with me, and in the end, he ate a high kick, finishing the fight. So yes, I confirm the rumor is indeed true.
the Court frequently may have good, context-specific reasons not to enforce what would be the Justices' best, personal understanding of the meaning and requirements of particular constitutional norms.
It was interesting to see how easily the flight attendant could change from Japanese to English when she asked each of us a question. She would say to me,"Would you like some tea?" よろしくお願いします。
You ain't got no alibi you ugly I didn't see your damage from that far away I should have got a clue when the kids started screaming You walked up to me with your buck teeth a-gleaming When looks were handed out you were last in line Did you fall off a building and land on your head Or did a truck run over your face instead Uncle Fester remember him I never knew that you had a twin You can't disguise your googly eyes In the Miss Ugly pageant you win first prize Your mama says you ugly, you ugly Quasimodo Camelbreath Squarehead Chicken legs Pigface Chin like bubba Fish lips Toad licker Poindexter Spaghetti arms Limp butt Freakshow
In Chapter Three, I use a variety of sources-archival, cookbooks, periodical literature-to define the contours of state intervention in the years 1922-35 and to assess its impact on the Italian population. (定期刊行物に)3章では、私は方面文書保管所のことに種類を使用します、 料理の本、1922-35年の中で国家干渉の輪郭を定義しイタリア人の人口への その衝撃を評価すること。
Chapter Four then analyzes the overt and unintintional consequences of fascism's policy of economic self-sufficiency as the nation moved toward empire, war, and military disaster. その後、国家が帝国、戦争および軍事の災害に近づいたとともに、4章は、 ファシズムの経済自給自足の政策の公然で故意でない結果を分析します。
Archival evidence from the years 1935-45 underscores the severity of living conditions while scientific and social scientific evidence confirms the radicalization of fascist rhetoric regarding food and its relationship to the nation. 科学的と社会の科学的な証拠が食物に関するファシストの弁論の 過激化および国家とのその関係を確認している一方、1935-45年からの 文書保管所の証拠は、生活状態の厳しさを強調します。
>>52 これを訳すのはかなり難しいと思う。特に、 >an art of life, a way of living, ordered and patterned, involving social arts, codes of intercourse and a responsive adjustment, の所で日本語に詰まる。orz
In Chapter Three, I use a variety of sources-archival, cookbooks, periodical literature-to define the contours of state intervention in the years 1922-35 and to assess its impact on the Italian population. 第三章では、様々な情報源― 公文書、料理本、定期刊行物など―を使用して 1922〜35年の国家介入の概略を明確化し、それがイタリア国民に与えた影響を 見極めた。
Chapter Four then analyzes the overt and unintintional consequences of fascism's policy of economic self-sufficiency as the nation moved toward empire, war, and military disaster. その上で第四章ではイタリアが帝国から戦争そして敗戦の悲劇へと移行していく時代の ファシズム政権による自給自足経済政策の明白且つ必然的結末を分析している。
Archival evidence from the years 1935-45 underscores the severity of living conditions while scientific and social scientific evidence confirms the radicalization of fascist rhetoric regarding food and its relationship to the nation. 1935〜45年記録によると、当時食及び食と国家の関係についての極右論が激化したことが 科学、社会学的根拠が明らかである一方で、国民の生活環境は極めて厳しいものであったと 強調されている。
Of course,the theory and practise are not totally separated. It is precisely in the course of the dialogue itself that one discovers the questions that need to be addressed to Judaism,andthe answers too are influenced by what the partner brings to the encounter.
I want to strip off the school bathing suit that you wear. And, I kiss your nipple. Many time until you scream. PussyCat will request me before long besides your intention.
Here, we examine the controversy surrounding spermatozoal mRNA carriage, the evidence refuting its presence as an artfect and how spermatozoal mRNA is leading us to suspect that, quite apart from its undoubted diagnostic potential, it might have an important role in the establishment and maintenance of a viable paternal genome.
初カキコです。 失礼があったらごめんなさい。 BackstreetBoysの「As Long As You Love Me」を和訳したいのですが、 歌詞中の "Doesn't really matter if you're on the run It seems like were meant to be ”を どう訳していいのかわかりません。
Here, we examine the controversy surrounding spermatozoal mRNA carriage, the evidence refuting its presence as an artfect and how spermatozoal mRNA is leading us to suspect that, quite apart from its undoubted diagnostic potential, it might have an important role in the establishment and maintenance of a viable paternal genome. ここで我々は精子内のメッセンジャーRNA誘導体にまつわる論争の検証及び
Miraculous Medal Prayer O Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee, and for those who do not have recourse to thee, especially the enemies of the Church and those recommended to thee, Amen.
The minimum amout of fissionable material required to sustain a fission chain reaction is called a critical mass. The ffissionable material in the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima was uranium 235. This U-235 was kept in two pieces, each smaller than a critical mass. To trigger the bomb, a conventional explosive forced the two pieces together, instantly creating more than a critical mass. This was called a gun-barrel bomb.
>>133 辞書には無いみたい。検索してみると。 You know you're a pikey when..... 1. The Halloween pumpkin on your front porch has more teeth than your spouse. 2. You let your twelve-year-old daughter smoke at the dinner table in front of her kids. 3. You've been married three times and still have the same in-laws.
To women, usually the ones saying this to men, these four words are often an expression of a desire to connect, to address something with a man on a deeper, more satisfying level. It often means, "Let's get together and see if we can move things to a better place." Saying this to a man can feel dangerous. As one woman put it," Get ready for World War Three." To men, these may be among the most feared words in the language. They often stimulate what we call male relational dread. One man's response was, "Let me out of here! " Another man said," To me those words mean: 'Next stop, divorce.'" 和訳をよろしく御願いたします。m(__)m
英語苦手なんでお願いします。 We have some very good descriptions of the fire that night. Samuel Pepys was an important man in the government of King Charles,and every day he wrote a diary about his life in London at that time. He wrote that one of the women in his house,Jane,`called us up about three in the morning, to tell us of a great fire in the City. So I rose...and went to her window... I thought it far enough off,and so went to bed again to sleep.'
She doesn't have a recognizable language. She is fairly pre-Women's Lib. And she's in SERIOUS need of saving. But Yorda easily gets my pick as the best Supporting Actress of the year, if not because she's the easiest to fall in love with. There's an innocence, a puppy love, that makes her endearing. And when bad things happen, and they do, you really WANT to be the one to save her. Now THIS is a supporting actress.
We are sending you this email to notify you that your return has reached us and we should be handling it within the next few days as per the instructions you have left with us on the back of your invoice.
修正を宜しくお願いします。三つ目の所で、I and the immediate postwar というのが私と終戦直後の年。と訳してしまい、他に思いつきません… そうやってみると益々変になるしで解りません。 By so doing, Italians immigrants invented a national cuisine outsides of Italy and created a worldwide demand for characteristically Italian foods. 非常に勉強して、イタリア人移民は国民の料理を考え出しました、 それによりイタリアの外部、また特徴的にイタリア人の食糧の世界的 な需要を生みました Chapter Two, Three, and Four reveal the unfolding of state intervention through food policies and their impact on consumers in the First World War and fascist eras. 2章、3章および4章は、食糧政策と、第一次世界大戦とファシストの時代 の消費者へのそれらの影響による国家干渉の展開を明らかにします。 Chapter Two concentrates exclusively on world War I and the immediate postwar years, describing how and why state intervention shaped national cuisine. 2章はほとんど世界大戦に集中します、私と直後の戦後の年、記述、 どのように、そして、なぜ国家干渉は国民の料理を形成しましたか。 Archival sources trace the history of and debates surrounding state intervention, while more descriptive sources(scientific and social-scientific monographs) delineate the unification of consumer desires during and after the war by describing significant changes in consumer habits. 貴重な記録の出典は歴史を引用します、また国家干渉を取り巻くことに ついて討議し、より記述的な出典(科学的・社会の科学的な学術論文)は、 消費者性向の著しい変化についての記述により戦争の間、およびその 戦争の後に消費者要望の統一を描写しています。
>>143 彼女は言葉を使えない(認識可能な言語を持たない)。 彼女はまさしく初期?ウーマンリブ。ウーマンリブ以前?? 彼女には切実に貯金が必要。 But Yorda easily gets my pick as the best Supporting Actress of the year, if not because she's the easiest to fall in love with. There's an innocence, a puppy love, that makes her endearing. And when bad things happen, and they do, you really WANT to be the one to save her. Now THIS is a supporting actress.
You ain't got no alibi you ugly I didn't see your damage from that far away I should have got a clue when the kids started screaming You walked up to me with your buck teeth a-gleaming When looks were handed out you were last in line Did you fall off a building and land on your head Or did a truck run over your face instead Uncle Fester remember him I never knew that you had a twin You can't disguise your googly eyes In the Miss Ugly pageant you win first prize Your mama says you ugly, you ugly Quasimodo Camelbreath Squarehead Chicken legs Pigface Chin like bubba Fish lips Toad licker Poindexter Spaghetti arms Limp butt Freakshow
とにかくやってくださってありがとうございます。 一応後ろの文も一部載せさせていただきます。>>139の続きです。 These words often mean something quite different when they are said to someone of the same gender. When women say to other women, "We have to talk," it can mean a multitude of things. If the other woman is someone new with whom the woman feels friendly, it can mean, " Let's get to know each other." If it's an old friend whom she hasn't seen for a while, it can mean, "Let's catch up - do I have things to tell you!"
We have in many ways moved to a new paradigm of public policy in recent years: one based on supporting not supplanting the market, on using neither the invisible hand nor the heavy hand, but the helping hand of government. This approach maximizes the results our economy delivers for American families.
Trinity Shot was part of the secret Manhattan Project - the atomic bomb project charged with designing, developing, testing, and firing a weaponization of the newly discovered phenomenon, fission, the splitting of nuclei of heavy particles to release energy. Nicknamed "Gadget," the device was exploded at the Trinity Site in southeastern New Mexico, near Alamogordo as the first proof test of the concept of implosion. This involved taking a critical mass of plutonium and using detonators to set off high explosives to cause the mass of radioactive material to squeeze in upon itself until it reached a super critical mass. This implosion, then, resulted in the splitting of the nuclei in the plutonium atoms, which produced heat, blast, and radiation.
Perry was one of the first to give some consideration to the physical form of the neighborhood unit. It is substantially the same as that in the diagram by Stein but suggests that the maximum radius for walking distance from the home to the comunity center should be only one-quarter mile. Accepting the practice which was then, and still is, generally prevalent, shopping areas are situated at intersecting traffic streets on the outside corners rather than at the center of the unit.
To the latter part there is a second element - namely,how does one address “the folks back home”,one's co-religionists who may view the whole enterprise with suspicion or at best scepticism.
The names of foreign citizens of Japanese ancestry(日系)are also written in this set of characters(文字),indicating that while they may have Japanese names,they are not,well,really Japanese. ニューヨークタイムズからの抜粋です。構文がよくわかりません。 どなたかご教授ください。
>>139 女性にとって、ことにこの言葉を男性に向けて言う場合、これら 四つの単語(We have to talk)は人とつながりを持ちたい、より 深く満足のいくレベルで男性に何かを語りかけたいという欲求の 表れなのである。それがしばしば意味するのは「いっしょに話し 合って、もっとうまくやれないか考えてみましょうよ」ということ である。「We have to talk」というセリフを男に言う場合は あやうい感じがする。ある女性によれば、「第三次世界大戦の 準備をせよ」ということだ、と言う。男性にとっては「We have to talk (話し合う必要がある)」という言葉は、言葉のなかで もっとも怖れられるたぐいのものかもしれない。それはいわゆる 「男性の関係恐怖」をしばしば刺激する。ある男性のこの言葉に 対する反応は「ここから出て行かせてくれ!」だった。また、 もうひとりの男性が言うには、「自分にとってはこのセリフは "次の段階は離婚"ということだ」とのことであった。
どなたかお願いします。The world is so made that it probably never happens that a person lives who has not,or has never had ,any one to love him.There is the love of parents,of brothers and sisters,or relatives and companions.
修正を宜しくお願いします。三つ目の所で、I and the immediate postwar というのが私と終戦直後の年。と訳してしまい、他に思いつきません… そうやってみると益々変になるしで解りません。
By so doing, Italians immigrants invented a national cuisine outsides of Italy and created a worldwide demand for characteristically Italian foods. 非常に勉強して、イタリア人移民は国民の料理を考え出しました、 それによりイタリアの外部、また特徴的にイタリア人の食糧の世界的 な需要を生みました
Chapter Two, Three, and Four reveal the unfolding of state intervention through food policies and their impact on consumers in the First World War and fascist eras. 2章、3章および4章は、食糧政策と、第一次世界大戦とファシストの時代 の消費者へのそれらの影響による国家干渉の展開を明らかにします。
Chapter Two concentrates exclusively on world War I and the immediate postwar years, describing how and why state intervention shaped national cuisine. 2章はほとんど世界大戦に集中します、私と直後の戦後の年、記述、 どのように、そして、なぜ国家干渉は国民の料理を形成しましたか。
Archival sources trace the history of and debates surrounding state intervention, while more descriptive sources(scientific and social-scientific monographs) delineate the unification of consumer desires during and after the war by describing significant changes in consumer habits. 貴重な記録の出典は歴史を引用します、また国家干渉を取り巻くことに ついて討議し、より記述的な出典(科学的・社会の科学的な学術論文)は、 消費者性向の著しい変化についての記述により戦争の間、およびその 戦争の後に消費者要望の統一を描写しています。
Chapter Two concludes with an examination of the debate over the 'alimentary problem' and a detailed account of the public's violent reactions to state reversals of policy. 2章は、政策の逆転を述べるために、「食物の問題」についての討論 の検討と国民の猛烈な反抗の詳細な説明で締めくくります。
The next two chapter with the fascist era, charting the rise and fall of fascist food policies. ファシスト食糧政策の上昇と落下を図表にするファシスト時代の 次の2つの章。
Unlike many other fascist policies that failed to motivate Italian or achieve consensus, food policies had certain and lasting effects, measurable even after fascism's collapse. イタリア人に動機を与えなかったか、一致を達成しなかった他の 多くのファシスト政策と異なり、食糧政策はある不変の効果 (ファシズムの崩壊の後にでさえ測定可能)がありました。
mobile phones. unbelievable!! its gonna take ages till we'll be up to that. what a shame. however, i'll buy a new mobile next week and i shall be looking for one to receive emails. but with noone apart from business man owning one of those hight tech thingies, no one will be able to "play" with me.
It But for the people who like the some music as us. I guess it's pretty popular to be straightedge. (which means you don't do any drugs or drink, or do anything to poison your body.)
The blast that lit up the entire New Mexico sky at 5:29:45 a.m. on July 16, 1945 was "brighter than 20 suns and the most spectacular sunrise ever seen." That's how Ben Benjamin, a retired Sandia weaponeer and member of the Manhattan project, described the first test of an atomic bomb at the Trinity Site. In 1945 Ben was a 22-year-old Army sergeant assigned as a technician to the photo-optical division in the Manhattan Project. Selected for the job because of his earlier work in industry making lenses and prisms, he was one of a handful of people in the division responsible for photographing the blast using both still and motion picture cameras.
There are six official U.N. languages―Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Spanish and Russian―but speakers tend to talk fast no matter which one they use. And there is no time to look in a dictionary once the talking starts.
空欄補充と和訳お願いします。 Nowadays the kitchen has become a place ( )you simply do the cooking and wash-up and nothig else. @whereAasBwhenCwhich 答えはwhereだと思うのですが最後のand nothig elseをどう訳すかわかりません。どなたかお願いします。
The growth of interest in communications is an important response to this new situation. It came,really,as a breakthrough in experience,cutting across our usual categories. Already some of our basic ideas of society are being changed by this newemphasis. From one familiar approach,through traditional politics,we have seen the central facts of society as power and government. From another familiar approach,through tradtional economics,we have seen the central concerns of society as property,production,and trade.
___The Japanese have a saying: "If you can't make the numerator rarger, make the denominator smarrer." The Japanese also have a saying: "To eat fast and shit fast is an art." ___We were discussing a perfectly legitimate limitation of the language, and speakers raised thereunder. Why the racist outburst? And just for balance, I'll point out that the Japanese are oft baffled over English speakers' inability to distinguish long and short vowels. I had an Ono-san and an Ohno-san in my office, and I couldn't have told them apart if my wasabi depended on it.
As for the April 20th order it is scheduled for completion in the next two weeks. The additional order you sent via email on May 27th and requested be shipped with the April 20th order will take longer however. I might suggest that you let me send the completed April 20th order and send the May 27th order separately upon completion.
Also, it will be a good chance for me to meet new people and find a chance to find someone special. maybe.. Of course, everything is best to start with friendship! You will easily see that I am a fun guy that loves to laugh, positive, and a bit unique.. How about you? How are you?
We are talking about where the hell we are going to be the next week, the next day, where we are going to be in two hours, wondering if we are going to get through this mess.
While the hybrid models lack the power, luxury and space of some of their gasoline-only-powered counterparts and are relatively expen-sive, the trade-offs for efficiency and the environment are well worth considering.
When they do, sometimes it has a sense of invitation, as in, "Hey, let's catch up!” But often it has the connotation of "You're in big trouble with me.
The McDonald Ranch was where the core of the bomb was assembled; "Ground Zero," the location where the bomb -- always referred as "the Gadget" -- was exploded; and the concrete bunker six miles west of Ground Zero where some of the optics division's cameras were placed to record the blast. He pointed to two other monitoring stations, one six miles south that served as the control station and another six miles north, a photo station.
He sounded great on-line. He claimed to have a good job as an advertising executive, said he was of "average height and weight" and "better than average looking," and seemed as nice as could be. My friend and the man communicated for several weeks on-line before they finally spoke on the phone. He still sounded great.
It is nice to hear that you have a nice girlfriend.I wish you and her a lot of luck and happiness. Do you mind telling me her name? You said that you and her must live with your mothers,is this an inconvienience to your relationship? I know that the Japanese people are very family oriented and I think that is a nice thing. Here we do not take care of our elderly in the same respect. We do respect them but we expect them to live alone. I find it nice that you can live with your mother like that. Also I found that the elderly in Japan to be very, very nice. If you did not have to take care of your mother would you and your girlfriend marry? You do not have to answer that if you do not wish to.
The critics may mean that the mind is hypnotized by Zen to a state of unconsciousness, and that when this obtains, the favourite Buddhist doctrine of emptiness is realized, where the subject is not conscious of an objective world or of himself, being lost in one vast emptiness, whatever this may be.
The biological approach to depression, for example, tries to undersstand this disorder in term of abnormal changes in levels of neurotransmitters,which are chemicals produced in the brain that make communication betweennerve cells possible.
1 St.Paul's will shine tonight St.Paul's will shine St.Paul's will shine tonight St.Paul's will shine St.Paul's will shine tonight St.Paul's will shine When the sun goes down and the moon comes up St.Paul's will shine
2 St.Paul's will shine tonight St.Paul's will shine Will shine in a beauty brught all down the line Won't we look neat tonight dressed up so fine When the sun goes down and the moon comes up St.Paul's will shine
But there were two another problems. The first was that Czechs don't like Russians so much, because of communistic regume from Russia and maybe some other reasons. So when I was younger, many people from the school jibed at me and sometimes also vituperated. And the second thing was that they didn't knew how it hurts. So by and by I've became more and more taciturned. And it still remains. Now I'm older, people around me aren't so stupid (but there still are some idiots who jibe at me, but hopefully there are only very few of them and not in my school now) and they know that I'm a human like others. Because of that I'm still introvert now, I'm not so much communicative (but it's really better now!...) and I'm something like "person in addition" in groups etc. I hate racism and racists and bigheaded people and I don't have so much close friends.
However, it is thought a fine could amount to millions of pounds – possibly exceeding the ユーロ17.5m($22m)profit the bank made on the controversial transactions. (しかしながら、これは罰金が総額数百ポンド、つまり銀行が問題と なった取引業務の 利益を超えるものだろうと思われる。)
The whole fort was abuzz with excitement since not often was a wedding held at a fort.
Framed by the door stood a man in a tattered uniform, his face deathly white, his right temple bloody from a fierce blow of an Indian axe, his eyes, under the scalped head, gaping wide and motionless.
As significant as morphological adaptations are, the chemical defenses that occur so widely in plants are even more crucial. Best known and perhaps most important in the defenses of plants against herbivores are secondary chemical compounds. These are distinguished from primary compounds, which are the components of a major metabolic pathway, such as respiration. Many plants, and apparently many algae as well, contain structually diverse secondary compounds that are either toxic to most herbivores or disturb their metabolism greatly, preventing, for example, the normal development of larval insects. Consequantly, comst herbicores tend to avoid the plants that possess these compounds.
As with all foreigners learning English, no matter how erudite they are, and how much cleverer they might be than a native speaker, they will always sound foreign; and whereas other nationalities might be fluent in their foreigness, the Japanese will be slow, will not speak with the gay abandon of the Chinese stall-holder, for instance, and will feel uncomfortable, and make his listener feel uncomfortable. Pronunciation is the Cinderella of language teaching -- dreadfully neglected -- and with no whiff of a Mr Charming on the horizon.
I hope you never lose your sense of wonder You get your fill to eat But always keep that hunger May you never take one single breath for granted God forbid love ever leave you empty handed I hope you still feel small When you stand by the ocean Whenever one door closes, I hope one more opens Promise me you'll give faith a fighting chance
And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance I hope you dance I hope you dance
I hope you never fear those mountains in the distance Never settle for the path of least resistance Living might mean taking chances But they're worth taking Lovin' might be a mistake But it's worth making Don't let some hell bent heart Leave you bitter When you come close to selling out Reconsider Give the heavens above More than just a passing glance
And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance I hope you dance (Time is a real and constant motion always) I hope you dance (Rolling us along) I hope you dance (Tell me who) I hope you dance (Wants to look back on their youth and wonder) (Where those years have gone) I hope you still feel small When you stand by the ocean Whenever one door closes, I hope one more opens Promise me you'll give faith a fighting chance
And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance Dance I hope you dance I hope you dance (Time is a real and constant motion always) I hope you dance (Rolling us along) I hope you dance (Tell me who) (Wants to look back on their youth and wonder) I hope you dance(Where those years have gone) (Tell me who) I hope you dance (Wants to look back on their youth and wonder) (Where those years have gone) 歌の歌詞なんですが訳していただけますか?
WASHINGTON (AP) — Microsoft acknowledged Thursday that hackers booby-trapped its popular MSN Web site in South Korea to try to steal passwords from visitors. The company said it was unclear how many Internet users might have been victimized. http://www.usatoday.com/tech/news/2005-06-02-hacked_x.htm?csp=24&RM_Exclude=Juno
You may also have heard of a network computer. That's a general term thet refers to a device thet doesn't use either the Windows or Macintosh operating system. But it still lets you access the Internet, or when installed at an organization, your company's LAN. ネットワークコンピュータについても耳にしたことがあるかもしれない。 それはウィンドウズもマッキントッシュオペレーティングシステムも使わないデバ イスに適用される一般的な用語である。 しかしそれもまた、あなたにインターネットにアクセスさせる、(どうつながるの かわかりません・・・)
>>496 ありがとうございます。ちなみに 「You don't go nowhere with me, I didn't fuck you.」 の前の台詞は 「You're here for the sex, right?」 でした。状況は、1回だけ体の関係がある男女が 久々に会ったときの場面です。 あと何故[I didn't fuck you]と過去形になっているのですか。
Using generic interpolation machinery based on solving Poisson equations, a variety of novel tools are introduced for seamless editing of image regions.
What we have lost is the organic community with the living culture it embodied. Folk-songs, folk dances, Cotswold cottages and handicraft products are signs and expressions of something more: an art of life, a way of living, ordered and patterned, involving social arts, codes of intercourse and a responsive adjustment, growing out of immemorial experience, to the natural environment and the rhythm of the year. That is why it is difficult to take revivals seriously. 以下⇒ It is not merely that life, from having been predominantly rural and agricultural, has become urban and industrial. When life was rooted in the soil town life was not what it is now. Instead of the community, urban or rural, we have, almost universally, suburbanism←(文献の引用). We dwell where we find it convenient or where we can, pay our rates and taxes if we have to, and live in agglomerations united only by contiguity, the system of transport and the supply of gas, water and electricity.
Subject: Re: few images are not refering to actual site ins Author: Dinesh Date: 21/05/2005 02:51 Hi
I myself got the solution. it was really kool
1) images were not coming as httrack was checking robot.txt on server and robot.txt was not allowing any image to be downloaded. so httrack was using the full url in local site for images instead of a relative url at ur own pc
2) solution : a) just disable the robot checking in httrack now it will download all the files and it will use a relative address in all the placess b) in expert option : change to original url option (last in select list) now even httrack is using robot.txt and not downloading any image from server but still using a relative url for images (same as actual site on internet)
A Group of Eight summit meant to enshrine a new era of *trans-Atlantic unity ended Thursday with fresh splits over Iraq, but with new pledges to fight poverty and terrorism and revive global trade talks. *trans-Atlantic unity…「大西洋横断の団結」(アメリカのフランス・ドイツとの団結)
The three-day meeting in a locked-down resort off the U.S. East Coast witnessed the world debut of Iraq’s new leader, a U.S. plan for reform in the Islamic world and a fresh call for action on the Israeli-Palestinian quagmire.
But an attempt to portray the Western world as once more united on Iraq, after a *U.N. Security Council resolution on sovereignty passed unanimously Tuesday, foundered on a familiar scenario: U.S.-French antagonism. *U.N. Security Council resolution on sovereignty…「(イラクの)主権に関する国連安全保障理事会決議」
U.S. President George W. Bush and French President Jacques Chirac met face to face on the last day of the summit, which also brought together Britain, Canada, Germany, Russia, Italy and Japan.
But they could not narrow differences on how NATO should operate in Iraq after the U.S. leader suggested the Western alliance should play a greater role.
ドイツ人から貰ったメールなんですが翻訳して頂けるとたすかります。 おおざっぱには解るのですがNow we need yourから後の部分で相手が何を要求しているのか いまいちよくわかりません
You ordered any parts in our Shop. Now we will sent you the pakages by conveyance, because 2 of 4 Pakages are bulk goods. The total forwarding changes amount to 454,20?.
Now we need your affirmation for the conveyance, that you adopt the consignment.
The Orderlist sent by another mail, there you can take the complete invoice.
chemical defense 化学防御 herbivore 植食者 resipiration 呼吸(ガス交換とは違う生物現象) the normal development of larval insects 幼虫個体の正常な発達 (進化は違う) 未訳出の最後の文:結果的にほとんどの植食者はそれを有する植物を避ける傾向がある。
1 He has to know exactly what actions are crimes and what evidence can be used to prove them in court.
2 Most television crime drama is about finding(←斜字体でした)the criminal:as soon as he's arrested,the story is over.
3 A detective has to be out at all hours of the day and night interviewing his winterness and persuading them,usually against their own best interests,to help him.
3 A detective has to be out at all hours of the day and night interviewing his 「witnesses」 and persuading them,usually against their own best interests,to help him.
・That is why it is difficult to take revivals seriously この文の revivals に its か、せめて the がついてないのが 非常に気持ち悪い。 ・That is why it is diffivult 〜 (そういうわけで〜難しい) という文章も前との論理的つながりがいまひとつはっきりしません。 ・and live in agglomerations united only by contiguity, the system of transport and the supply of gas, water and electricity. contiguity のあとに the system 〜 と the supply 〜 が続く のも形式的に調和がない。
It's very neat that you got to see our island on television. We did not see the broadcast though as we watch very little TV. Our island seems to be a good place for old people as there are many here. However,today I'm going to a funeral for one of my friend's sisters who is not very old - less than 60, I think.
I would appreciate it so much if as many people, as many times as possible, would visit my website during the next couple of weeks. I am trying to make the website popular for search engines so that it will reach the top of the list when people go to look for translation services.I know you all are busy but I would really appreciate it if all of you would visit my site at least once or whenever it comes to mind.It would really help me get my business off the ground this summer.If you could also pass my website on to your own mailing lists and have your friends hit my site at least once, it would help me out more than you could ever imagine.
This usage rejects the interpretive utility of the idea of separate spheres,maintaining that to study women in isolation perpetuates the fiction that one sphere, the experience of one sex, hasIittle or nothing to do with the other.
It is one thing out whether, how, and why the Earth's climate is changing, but it is quite another to work out what to do about it. Decisions have to be taken before all the evidence is in to prevent possible disasters like massive crop failure; moreover, they have to be taken internationally with agreements pulled in from hundreds of compteing positions and interests, not least because our climate dose not recognize national boundaries. よろしくお願いします。
Whenever Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi finds himself pushed into a corner on the slide in bilateral relations with China, he often answers with a rhetorical question. よろしくお願いします。
I would appreciate it so much if as many people, as many times as possible, would visit my website during the next couple of weeks. I am trying to make the website popular for search engines so that it will reach the top of the list when people go to look for translation services.I know you all are busy but I would really appreciate it if all of you would visit my site at least once or whenever it comes to mind.It would really help me get my business off the ground this summer.If you could also pass my website on to your own mailing lists and have your friends hit my site at least once, it would help me out more than you could ever imagine.
One of the things that he thought could be done was that two messages could be sent over a wire at the same time. Everybody said he was crazy, but it was not long before he showed the people that he could send four messages on a wire at the same time.
Overall, the decade of the 1980s is likely to be the warmest ever recorded, with temperatures now roughly half a degree centigrade above those that prevailed a little over a hundred years ago.
Yet you might think that an increase of less than one degree centigrade in a hundred years doesn't sound very much to get excited about in everyday terms.
It is less than the amount by which the temperature varies during the day, or from day to night, and far less than the seasonal variations that inhabitants of temperature latitudes are used to.
One way of putting the seemingly small figures in a proper perspective is by thinking in terms of the effect over a whole year, or a season, rather than an individual day.
(前文:毎日の気温が、前年と同じ日より1度高くなるとしたら…) Such a change will also bring with it a change in the frequency with which occasional in the warmer world ――the occasional very hot.
>>時事英語マン そうです、F.R.Leavisという批評家の文章でThe training of critical awarenessという副題がついたCulture and Environmentという文献です。 初版が1933年と古く、しかも洋書なので一般に入手するのはかなり困難 だと思います。大学の図書館にあったので全文コピーしたのですが、総 ページ数が百数ページあります。>>511はIntroductionの中の一部をお願い しました。時事英語マンさんをはじめ、ここにいる方々の和訳は大変参考 になります。
I am out of town for a few days so I can't calculate the shipping. You can take off a pound or two for the total weight I have shown for each doll. I will try to get back to you next wednesday. I don't overcharge for postage - and can either ship surface or airmail. Sorry to not be more helpful
It's very neat that you got to see our island on television. We did not see the broadcast though as we watch very little TV. Our island seems to be a good place for old people as there are many here. However,today I'm going to a funeral for one of my friend's sisters who is not very old - less than 60, I think.
For Japanese children who've spent time abroad and can speak English fluently (kikoku shijo), bullying from classmates can be swift and cruel. There is one exception though -- the Celebrity Factor. If one becomes a Japanese celebrity, singer, actor/actress, etc., then paradoxically all is forgiven. Then the cruelty is turned on its ear and you become a paragon of Japanese achievement. This all sounds contradictory, but the Japanese often follow such an irrational and unpredictable course.
I just knew that I had cut that main artery that was coming down there in my groin and I knew it was so high I couldn't get a tourniquet up above it there to stop the bleeding and at that time I guess I thought that I had bought the farm up there.
>>702 辞書で kind を引くと載っているけど、kind of は口語では非常に良く使われる 言葉で、日本語に訳すなら「とか」「くらいの」などのような、『言葉を少しあいまいに して、自分の言葉が断定的に聞こえてしまうことを避ける潤滑油』みたいなもの。
I kind of promised to have lunch. だったら、たぶん、 「まあ、ランチの約束をしたようなものさ」みたいな感じだと思う。もし kind of が 入っていなかったら、事実として「私はランチの約束をした」と明言していることに なるけど、kind of が入っていると、「そんなようなこと」というあいまいなニュアンスに なるわけ。
One way of putting the seemingly small figures in a proper perspective is by thinking in terms of the effect over a whole year, or a season, rather than an individual day.
例の文章を読み進めていったところ、ふたたび分からないところがあったので、日本語訳を教えていただけるとうれしいです。 No matter how small the temperature differences might seem to those of us who live in centrally heated or air-conditioned houses, work in similarly insulated offices, and take skiing holidays in winter but fly off to the sunshine in summer, even the more cautious projections now predict that by the early twenty-first century, the world's climate will have shifted into a state that has never existed during the entire time that modern agriculture, on which we all depend for our food, was being developed.
The US could expect 'abnormally' hot summers two years in every six. 以上です。お願い致します。
As for Ohka, he became the second pitcher this season to show up Robinson. On May 3, in Los Angeles, right-hander Zach Day had his back turned to Robinson as the skipper was taking Day out of the ballgame. Day was not disciplined, but he was demoted to the bullpen before being sent down to the Minor Leagues.
On Saturday, Ohka responded like Day by having his back turned as Robinson walked toward the mound to take the hurler out. But unlike the day in Los Angeles, Robinson snatched the ball out of Ohka's hand.
After the game, MLB.com approached Robinson and Ohka about the incident, and both had different takes.
"We will deal with it privately and we will try to keep that in-house," Robinson said. "It's something I will not tolerate."
Asked if Ohka will be suspended, Robinson said, "I don't know. I haven't had the chance to think about it. All I'm thinking about is [Saturday's] game and some of things that were going on around here today. I was focused on that. I will wait until tomorrow. I will talk to the front office."
Ohka, who pitched 3 1/3 innings and gave up three runs -- two earned -- said he was not showing up Robinson. All he was doing was talking to catcher Gary Bennett on the mound. It was the same excuse that Day gave in the similar situation last month. Day said he was talking to catcher Brian Schneider.
"After I threw a ball, I walked back to the mound with Gary Bennett. We talked a little bit," Ohka said.
Japanese business executives are less concerned with quick profits to please stockholders than with long-term growth to increase the company's market share and win national and international prestige.This is the best way to achieve both personal and company goals. よろしくお願いします!
One of the most outstanding characteristics of the Japanese economy is the lifetime employment system. In their early years they are all trained thoroughly, often through advanced study in Japan or abroad and through a variety of jobs in order to broaden their knowledge of the company's activities.
The worker finds that his close identification with his company satisfies his need for membership in a group, and the steady rise of his wages with age fits his economic requrements as he progresses through the various stages of life-marriage, having children, paying for their education, and, finally, preparing for his retirement.
So here's the way I'm gonna break it down. Speak my mind anytime for myself. It's all about me,it's all about girls. I gotta get out,get the hell out now.
「ココアを作るとき」の文章 Don't measure out how much milk you need by filling the mug to the brim before pouring the milk into the pan to heat -the same measure of milk will be too big for the mug when it is hot.
What was 'abnormal' is becoming the standard; 'normal’ summerswillbe as rare now as 'abnormal' ones were twenty years ago, and the Midwesst drought of 1988 is probably only a taste of things to come.
This is about as difficult to interapt as the temperature record, and uses similar statistical techniques to unravael the complexities of tide-gauge measurements from around the world. お願いいたします。
Presently the reports for lost mail shipments are negligible so this is a safe manner for you to order but with no guarantees. No shipment can be assumed lost until the expiration of 30 business days from time of shipment for Courier, Domestic Priority and International Air Mail. 45 business days for Domestic Media Mail and International Surface Mail. If you are unfortunate enough to have not received a shipment past these mandatory wait times as specified above then please contact our Returns & Replacements Department on [email protected] and advise of non delivery.
>>771 In many cases 副詞句 《it》 takes the student at least a term 《to be able to understand his lecture 》 it=to be able to understand his lecture and 接続詞 by the time he has lost the basic groundwork of his courses これは副詞節のみで文にはなっていない希ガス。 ひょっとして別々のもの? timeが先行詞で間に関係副詞が省かれている。
So estimate Unicef,which on Wednesday marked its 50th anniversary by releasing an annual report focusing on child labor.Unicef would like the situation to spark as much moral outrage as did adult slavery in the 19th century,and a photograph on the report's cover should help.
(続き) 3回3分の1を投げ、3失点、自責点2の結果におわった大家は、 ロビンソン監督に恥をかかせるつもりはなかったと述べる。ただ マウンドでキャッチャーの Gary Bennett と言葉を交わしていた だけなのだ、と。先月 Day が同様の状況で口にしたのと同じ弁解の セリフである。キャッチャーの Brian Schneider と会話をしていた のだと Day は主張した。
よく分からないので訳していただけませんか? We will need to change our ways of life to make travel less essential. When fixing the price for products, we will need to add on the true cost of cleaning up the pollution caused in their manufacture and disposing of them safely afterward.
We do use wear with them,too,and I think most people say "put on" and "take off", but I do hear other people say "put them in" and "take them out". And in the case of perfume, you put it on and you also wear it but I suppose that it has to be washed off, not taken off.
If so, how is the cellular memory system that ensures fidelity of the differentiated cell type circumvented?Dose the oocyte, primed to remodel nucleoprotamine, recognise the chromatin configuration of the somatic cell and establish an epigenetic state equivalent to that of the fertilised oocyte?
My first clear sky I have never seen such a sky My first clear sky Since you disappeared into the sky
Please call my name again Please please kiss me again
Wind wind blow in the wind Feel feel feel your love in the wind Back to me and sleep in my arms Wind wind blow in the wind Feel feel feel your love in the wind Take me to your side again
My first clear sky I'm dying to show you the sky And take a nap together We had to love one another again
>>821 朝からむずいの〜。日本語の改訳たのみます。 If so, how is the cellular memory system that ensures fidelity of the differentiated cell type circumvented? もしそうならば、分化細胞種の情報の正確さを確実なものにする細胞情報記憶システムは どうやって妨げられるのだろう? Dose the oocyte, primed to remodel nucleoprotamine, recognise the chromatin configuration of the somatic cell and establish an epigenetic state equivalent to that of the fertilised oocyte? 精子中のヌクレオプロタミンの構造改編に欠かせない卵母細胞は 体細胞のクロマチン調整を認識し、後成の細胞形勢を受精卵母細胞のそれに 等しく作るのだろうか。
>>819 それら(前出のものを指している)にもwearを使います。ほとんどの人は "put on"(着る)と"take off"(脱ぐ)のように言いますが、他にも "put them in"や"take them out"を同じ意味で使うのを耳にします。 香水の場合ですが、服と同じように身に付ける、身にまとう(put it on やwear it)と 表現しますが、取る場合はbe taken off(脱ぐ)ではなく、be washed off(洗い流す) と言うべきだと思います。
My guess is that anon is saying that if you reconcile (confirm), for example, two due-from accounts at different times, it's possible that an inappropriate entry could be hidden by moving it from one to another in the interim. The solution, as I see it, is to reconcile them at the same time, and to trace all material reconciling items to clearing and to also vouch that entry.
According to E.O Wilson, a scientist at Harvard University, our view of the Earth is mistaken. We should not think about how the Warth can serve human needs; instead, we should think about how we ourselves can serve and conserve the Earth. With this view, we will come to treat all living things with respect and responsibility. We must hand down the beautiful Earth on which we live to the people of the next generation.
How far might the U.N. be willing to go this time around? In an effort to improve regional representation, the panel came up with two alternatives for changing the Security Council's composition. But neither idea grants the new members the right to veto resolutions −or the influence that it bestows. Such power would rest only with the original five.
Chapter Five assesses the impact of the fascist years by describing how national cuisine did not change all that dramatically, despite the enormous economic, demographic, and cultural transformations after the war. 5章は、戦争の後の巨大な経済変化、人口統計の変化および 文化的変化にもかかわらず、国民の料理がどれほど劇的にそれを 全く変化させなかったか説明することによりファシストの影響を 評価します。 Studies of consumer trends after 1945 yielded mixed results in terms of dramatic change: while Italians consumed more meat and more food outside the home, their shopping habits remained mostly the same, despite a rising standard of living. 1945年の後の消費者傾向に関する研究、混合されて、産出された、 劇的な変更の点から生じる:イタリア人は国内外部により多くの肉と より多くの食物を消費しましたが、それらの買い物をする習慣は 成長する生活水準にもかかわらず、ほとんど同じのままでした。 In fact, the Mediterranean diet resisted the onslaught of consumer abundance, the economic miracle, European integration, and Americanization. 実際、地中海ダイエットは、消費者裕福の猛襲、経済奇跡、ヨーロッパ の統合および米国化に抵抗しました。
Preoccupied by the war in Iraq, Washington has assumed a wait-and-see attitude. Its outgoing ambassador to the U.N. , Jhon Danford says Washington wants to ensure that any reform would make the Council more, not less , efficient. An expanded Security Council would not necessarily satisfy that requirement, since the addition of new members would mean that council debates might drag on even longer. But right now the US khows it has to keep its allies happy. ゜This is a huge party for many of the countries we deal with. Even though it may not be on our front burner, it is on theirs. We are going to have to deal with.″ notes a senior State Department official.
840です。追加なのですが、 5行目の that requirement と 後半の゜ ″部分の意味も全く分かりません。 前後関係もあるかと思いその前後の英文も書きましたが、この部分だけでいいので 説明、及び訳を教えてください。 困っています。お願いします!
That's awesome!!! You are funny. Sounds like you're working a bit too much. Work isn't the good life, but it's gotta be done. So the review of the show was a good one. Excellent! Are you going to Summer Sonic? What else is new?
1,The most powerful and effective “noes" are the least complicated, 2,but most of us have a great deal of difficulty saying no politely and leaving it at that. 3,Whether we're telling the boss we can't work late or telling 4, a neighbor we can't walk his or her dog, we feel obliged to justify our “no” 5,with a detailed explanation - often a fictitious one. 長文の一説なんですが3〜5が訳せないのでお願いします!!
We mostly fall, we mostly run And every now and then we try To mend the damage that we've done Tonight, tonight i just can't rest I've got this joy inside my breast To think that i did not forget that child That song of bernadette 「ソング・オブ・バーナデット」の歌詞の一部です。 この部分がどうも上手く解釈できないので、お願いします。
Chapter Five assesses the impact of the fascist years by describing how national cuisine did not change all that dramatically, despite the enormous economic, demographic, and cultural transformations after the war. 5章は、戦争の後の巨大な経済変化、人口統計の変化および 文化的変化にもかかわらず、国民の料理がどれほど劇的にそれを 全く変化させなかったか説明することによりファシストの影響を 評価します。 Studies of consumer trends after 1945 yielded mixed results in terms of dramatic change: while Italians consumed more meat and more food outside the home, their shopping habits remained mostly the same, despite a rising standard of living. 1945年の後の消費者傾向に関する研究、混合されて、産出された、 劇的な変更の点から生じる:イタリア人は国内外部により多くの肉と より多くの食物を消費しましたが、それらの買い物をする習慣は 成長する生活水準にもかかわらず、ほとんど同じのままでした。 In fact, the Mediterranean diet resisted the onslaught of consumer abundance, the economic miracle, European integration, and Americanization. 実際、地中海ダイエットは、消費者裕福の猛襲、経済奇跡、ヨーロッパ の統合および米国化に抵抗しました。
This chapter uses these studies and the history of the postwar modernization of the food industry to argue that food habits forged in the earlier part of the century were difficult to discard, even after the state minimized its role in governing food habits. 本章は、国家が食性の統治におけるその役割を最小化した後でさえ、 その世紀の早期の部分に作られた食性は捨てるのが難しかったと主張 するためにこれらの研究、および食品産業の戦後の近代化の歴史を 使用します。 Finally, the book concludes with an epilogue on the legacy of Italian cuisine. Populations throughout the world find Italian food tremendously appealing;pasta and pizza are dishes with universal appeal. 最後に、本は、イタリア料理の遺産上のエピローグで締めくくりとします。 世界じゅうの人口は、イタリアの料理がとても懇願しているのを見つけます; パスタとピザは普遍的な訴えを持った皿です。 At the same time that Italian cuisine has gone global, Italians in recent years have confronted external and domestic threats to the foods they eat and the ways in which they prepare and eat them. イタリア料理が悪くなったのと同じ時に、近年のイタリア人は、それらが食 べる食品、およびそれらがそれらを用意し食べる方法に対する外部・国内 の脅威に直面しました。 As Italians rally to defend their food habits, they have discovered that politics still matter, at least in the sense that current controversies over fast-food, globalization, and genetically modified foods are all about contents of power. イタリア人が結集し、食性を保護するとともに、それらはその政治を いっそう悟りました、問題、少なくともファースト・フード、国際化 および遺伝子組み換え食品上の現在の論争が、力の内容に全く関係し ているという意味で。
Houston is really nice too- the people are very friendly but as in many big cities in the United States there can also be a few crazies and some people drive too fast.everything is fast paced here. Houston has advantages and disadvantages. Its advantages are that also, becasue it is a big city, it has a lot to offer and you can find restaurants of different countries.Like yesterday, for example,I took my friend Zoila,and she and I went to eat at a famous japanese sushi restaurant- in my opinion the best sushi restaurant in town.There are some other less expensive sushi restaurants in town but they are not real japanese sushi restaurant- they are korean people to pretend to be japanese hahah and the food (nomimono?) is not soo good and since they are not professional cooks it could be risky and one could get sick, so I don't go there.
>>880 こんな風にするんですよ。 Chapter Five は、戦後、the enormous economic, (enormous)demographic, and (enormous)cultural transformations にもかかわらず、 どのようにしてthat dramaticallyにnational cuisine did not change all なのかをdescribingすることにより、 the impact of the fascist years をassessesします。
At the same time that Italian cuisine has gone global, Italians in recent years have confronted external and domestic threats to the foods they eat and the ways in which they prepare and eat them. As Italians rally to defend their food habits, they have discovered that politics still matter, at least in the sense that current controversies over fast-food, globalization, and genetically modified foods are all about contents of power. イタリア料理が悪くなったのと同じ時に、近年のイタリア人は、 彼らが食べる食品、および彼らがそれらを用意し食べる方法に対する 外部・国内の脅威に直面しました。 イタリア人が結集し、食性を保護するとともに、少なくともファースト フード、国際化および遺伝子組み換え食品上の現在の論争が、力の内容 に全く関係しているという意味で人々はその政治問題をさらに悟りました。
Yet there is drama in the struggle to get by: mothers made superhuman efforts to provide for their families; fathers made anguished choices about whether to resort to charity or go without; doctors pleaded for state intervention to improve diet; cabinet ministers made difficult financial decisions that affected thousands of families.
In the most general sense, this is a history of food consumption in Italy that looks at how and why people eat the food they do. This has been my primary and guiding interest throughout the research for and completion of the project. 最も一般的な感覚では、これはイタリアの食料消費の歴史です、 どうやって、そして、なぜ人々は、(???) これは私の予備選挙そしてプロジェクトの完成および研究の全体 にわたり導く関心でした。 ↑の(???)の部分がhow and why people eat the food they do. になると思うのですが、以下の文章と共にまったくお手上げです… 以下の文章も考えては見たものの、post-subsistence economy を辞書で調べてみたところ、ポスト自給自足、としか出てこなくて 何が何だかさっぱりと予想がつきません。何となく、産業化前の話題 と大量消費の話題なのかな、程度しか予想がつかず…
Admittedly, the history of a post-subsistence economy lacks the drama of a preindustrial world where populations face starvation, or the spectacle of a world of mass consumption where consumer desires are fulfilled.
「あなたが住んでいる地域を、久しぶりに地図開いて探しました」の返事が 「When I read Atlas I asked myself how did you learn where I work... only after a minute I realized what did you mean by atlas. I work in A. Yes, I know, I was a bit tired when I read your answer!」 なんですが、私は何か失礼なことを言ったのでしょうか。。 相手は何と言いたいのでしょうか?よろしくお願いします。
We'vewatched some documentary film on telly one day covering everyday life in Japan. And it seemed to be kind of strange. You know stuff like dog-eating people, living in a tiny little room with 20 flatmates sleeping on loft beds. Other documentaries covered topics like packed citites, massive advertisements and on the other hand picturous rural places, people working on paddy fields, carrying their stuff on their shoulders.
>>897 以下のように解釈しました、絶対とは言えませんが、参考にしてください。 that looks at how and why 〜は、後ろからa history of food consumption in Italyを修飾しています。 throughout A and B で、AからBまで通して、という副詞句になっています。 research for と completion of はどちらも the project に掛かっています。
If I leave my front door open Would U come and visit me Just 2 slander my name hopin' That I would pack my bags and leave? If I did would U remember 2 feed the dove and clean the cage And never count in front of the children Lest they die of old age? I don't really know Why we have 2 go our separate ways (Separate ways) Whether or not we grow after the seeds are sown Only time can say-ay-ay Can I offer U baklava Or a bagel with cream cheese? Will we say grace 2 Our Father Holding hands down on our knees? Or are we better off just fighting: U on your side, me on mine? (We don't have 2 fight) (No we don't) Are the words that I keep writing Only pearls b4 the swine? What makes men claim that U're a friend When U're not at all? (They just want) They knock U down and then They lift U up again Just 2 see U fall But like a bird I'll keep on singing A song that never leaves your mind If nothing else U've taught me one thing: "Never cast your pearls b4 the swine"
In developed countries from Australia to Finland, people are getting bigger-much bigger. Decades of better nutrition and health care, coupled with sedentary lifestyles, have had predictable effects on the human form: we're getting taller, wider, and heavier.
Okada's birthday is in May. He had already turned twenty. So we dicided to throw a coming-of-age party for him on June 10. The place is DOUTOR as usual. Party admission fee is two thousand yen which will be used for buying him a present.
Well,I move to my new apartment next week.I am very excited because I found a beautiful apartment nestled in the middle of a beautiful forest. And when I have friends come over,the leasing office has bicycles that they lend out to us and next to the apartments there is a long 11 acre beautiful bike trail. When I get completely settled and unpacked and get everything organized I will let you know so that I can invite you to stay at my apt. I have an extra room for my guests.
I interviewed last week with a dental company and did very well during my interview.I guess the employer must have been impresse due to my previous military experience and the knowledge of languages(spanish,french and german)that he called me last week to tell me that I was on the top of his list.I thank God that everything is going well.I begin to realize now that the decision for me to leave the military airforce was the best thing i could do because i was not very happy there because the people were not very friendly.Not Japan! just my work- at my work the people were sometimes rude.But I am very thankful that I have been able to live in Japan for 3 years. I really miss Japan a lot. I felt very much at home in Japan.I feel like your country is very spiritual and the people care about each other a lot.
Then when we try to understand something in the real world, we shift the problem into the relevant part of our imaginary world and solve it there in the hope that the solution will apply equally to the real world. Theory lovers would disagree with the distrusters and would argue that you can't even identify a problem in the real world, let alone solve it, unless you have some theories.
With the rapid expansion of cameras and consumer photography today, it may be difficult to imagine a world without photographs. We have grown up with it, and the talking and viewing of photographs has become a part of everyday life. It is important to stress, however, that in the early days photography was something wonderful and new. Onve the technology had been perfected, what was this thrilling new medium going to be used for? The technology, it seemed, perceded the purpose. For the early pioneers, it was enough to demonstrate that it worked, and that the natural world could be "frozen.” Their photographs didn't tell us much new about the world, other than that it could now be photographed. Once the novelty wore off, however, photography began to open up a visual world as never before. Photography allowed people to see places they would not otherwise have been able to see. For example, few people were able to travel to Egypt themselves, but thanks to photography, they were now able to see such wonders of the world as the pyramids. In addition to places, people could now see people. Nowadays, we are entirely used to seeing photographic images of the politicians and the celebrities of the day. Of course, this has been the case only recently. Until photography, most Americans had never seen a "true likeness” of their President.
International solidarity support leads to release of Mr Parviz Salarwand say his fellow workers, who continue their campaign for recognition of their rights and for improved working conditions at the Iran Khodro auto plant.
I wish to send my heartfelt gratitude to everyone who attended the exhibition at the ☆ last weekend. I enjoyed very much sharing my work with you, and appreciated all the wonderful support from my dear friends, colleagues, ☆ staff, and visitors. Because of you, the exhibition was a success. I am truly overwhelmed by the generosity and kindness shown to me here in ○○. (☆=場所の名前 ○○=土地の名前)
With my deepest appreciation, Rachel Helena Burnett
Well,I move to my new apartment next week.I am very excited because I found a beautiful apartment nestled in the middle of a beautiful forest. And when I have friends come over,the leasing office has bicycles that they lend out to us and next to the apartments there is a long 11 acre beautiful bike trail. When I get completely settled and unpacked and get everything organized I will let you know so that I can invite you to stay at my apt. I have an extra room for my guests.
I interviewed last week with a dental company and did very well during my interview.I guess the employer must have been impresse due to my previous military experience and the knowledge of languages(spanish,french and german)that he called me last week to tell me that I was on the top of his list.I thank God that everything is going well.I begin to realize now that the decision for me to leave the military airforce was the best thing i could do because i was not very happy there because the people were not very friendly.Not Japan! just my work- at my work the people were sometimes rude.But I am very thankful that I have been able to live in Japan for 3 years. I really miss Japan a lot. I felt very much at home in Japan.I feel like your country is very spiritual and the people care about each other a lot.
When designing anything that's intended for use by lots of people, whether it be a desk or the air bags in your car, engineers must rely on databases of anthropomorphic measurements to make sure things are neither too large nor too small for most of us.
It’s not just a matter of putting what’s said into another language, but of putting it elegantly―and quickly. “Sometimes the speakers are going so fast I doubt if people understand them in the original,”says Evelyn Moggio-Ortiz, who has been interpreting from English and French into Spanish for 25 years. “A person can’t speak faster than they think,” she says. “Sometimes you come out of a meeting and you feel your brain has been squeezed like an orange and all the neurons are gone. “That’s the downside. when you do a good job, you come out of there feeling on could nine.”
Certainly,any program will have to process only a tiny fraction of the possible digraphs;indeed,the numbers are so large that we can be certain that virtually all digraphs will not be among those processed by any given program.
Well,I move to my new apartment next week.I am very excited because I found a beautiful apartment nestled in the middle of a beautiful forest. And when I have friends come over,the leasing office has bicycles that they lend out to us and next to the apartments there is a long 11 acre beautiful bike trail. When I get completely settled and unpacked and get everything organized I will let you know so that I can invite you to stay at my apt. I have an extra room for my guests.
>>981 you know はそうつながっているんじゃなくて、 単独で、「ね、そうでしょ」みたいな意味で使ってると思う。 挿入句的なもの。 I started out a crazy kid Miracle I made it through the things I did The things I did わがままな子供になった私 いろんな事があったけどその結果 奇跡は起こった
Hi.I am sayo, 23years old girl,.am a Sales Clerk. I like movies, music, I'm English now. have quite a few friends,so want to speak english more !!!and would like to know another I want to and culture!!
>>985 when you do a good job, you come out of there feeling on could nine.” ここはやっぱり on cloud nine で、「雲に乗ってるみたいにふわふわした 感覚」でいいと思う。 いい仕事をした時は会議が終わったら体が宙に浮いたみたいになる。
>>968 “Sometimes you come out of a meeting and you feel your brain has been squeezed like an orange and all the neurons are gone. “That’s the downside. downside は悪化とか弱点という意味だから、 会議が終わって脳が絞ったオレンジみたいになってすべての脳細胞がなくなってしまう ように感じることがあるが、そういうときはあまりいい仕事をしなかった時。 というふうに解釈していただきたいです。