Stop playing games till I'm done exchanging names. I've been dead, I've been shot, and you know I'm the reason why. You've got to know it now, girl, I've got to win you back. But I know I'm not the man, the man who thinks is making more.
This is an automatically generated Delivery Status Notification. THIS IS A WARNING MESSAGE ONLY. YOU DO NOT NEED TO RESEND YOUR MESSAGE. Delivery to the following recipients has been delayed.
And don't miss mine.I love you. You know that. And it's very real. It's so real that it's kept me moving, mostly running from it, never ready for it. And I love him. He's my soul mate. He's tied to my childhood, and it's a love that is pure and eternally innocent. I can't be let off the hook because I might just get the notion that it's ok to keep running.
I mean, we agree you and I know, said things- and done things that... we regret, but... we've changed, haven't we? So I'm gonna go... think about some things. And... you're gonna think about things. And you should probably go now before I lose my ability to think clearly about things.
とつぶやくのですが、訳は 「好調を維持しなければ」(だったかな?)です。 でも waveが絶頂、高まりだとすると work onをつけるのがよく分かりません。 じゃあ wave を 辞書にある a large number of people or things と理解すると、 大勢の人間を相手に仕事に取り組まなきゃ(文が長いけど)、 という意味にした方が正しいのでしょうか。
what kind of sport is famous for japan. do you do a lot of tai-chi, chi-gong and those things? i am taking a course on relaxing techniques where we talked about chi-gong. and may be i will take another course that is only on tai-chi.
He had single-handedly brought their difficult situation to the attention of his goverment. 前スレで回答がいただけなかったのでもう1度失礼します。 single-handedlyとhis govermentwをどう訳したらいいのかわかりません。 彼が厳しい状況をどうにかしたというのは理解できるんですが。
>>21 what kind of sports is famous for japan? 日本では、どんな種類のスポーツが有名ですか。 Do you do a lot of tai-chi,chi-gong and those things? 太極拳と気功やそれらの物の多くをやってますか。 I am taking a course on relaxing techniques where we talked about chi-gong. 私は気功について話してたリラックス術コースをとってます。 and may be i will take another course that is only on tai-chi. そして、太極拳でしかない別なコースをとるかもしれないです。
Third-world leaders argue that while their countris have faster rates of population growth their citizens on average consume less than people in first-world countris.
>>24 Kiyoshi Atsumi(渥美清が), Japanese first Yankee(日本最初の風来坊), made it in(帰ってきた!) on its first day(最初の日に) of the 2005(2005年の) ball year(ここは文脈が分からないと判断できない)!
it's the afternoon here now. その午後は今やってきた。 it looks nice outside, but i have been in since 645, so i am not sure if it is nice or cold out. 外は良い状況に見えるが、西暦645年以来、私は外が良いのか寒いのか確かではない。 what kind of work do you do? or type of place? あなたはどんな仕事をしてますか、またはどんな形の建物ですか?
>>68 what kind of work do you do? or type of place? ↑ このwhat kind of work do you do?に続いているor type of place? は とても関連しているとは思えませんが、もし、そうなら聞いた相手が「は?」と言うでしょう。 それに、「place」 は「場所」です。わかりましたか? ところで、or type of place? ←これは何を質問したかったのですか?
The Japanese cherry blossoms open all at once and the petals fall after a relatively short span, about one week or 10 days, and their very delicacy and transience have poignant and poetic appeal.
It was not until 1972 when a United Nations conference highlighted the alarming increase that the world began to realize the nature of the threat and need for global solution.
The story had held us, round the fire, sufficiently breathless, but except the obvious remark that it was gruesome, as, on Christmas eve in an old house, a strange tale should essentially be, I remember no comment uttered till somebody happened to say that it was the only case he had met in which such a visitation had fallen on a child.
I have been attemting to shoot the cherry blossums in Kyoto, where I am at right now. Thank you for emailing me. I have wondered how you are doing. I am soaked in water right now so I will talk to you soon
Your last order that was shipped to you has been returned to us. We are not supposed to ship anything to Japan worth more than $500 in one package with UPS. They did not notice our past shippments to you but they noticed this one. So we will have to break it up into six packages and ship it again. I will let you know when the packages ship and if there will be any further charges.
I should here from James this week. I have asked the office to make sure we get an answer from them this week. I am sorry it is taking so long. Thank you for being so patient.
A survey to locate other plants with morphology similar to that of BJNK was conducted among the old local mango population in La Gomera,and in nuseries located in Tenerife and La Gomera. お願いします。
The following material was used for ploidy analysis: the 19 standard G-1 trees used in the progeny studies;the G-1-P plant;30 seedlings of standard G-1,of which 15 had normal phenotypic characters and 15 exhibited characters similar to G-1-P;and three seedlings from G-1-P. 宜しくお願いします。
Hi. My name is Yuki Japanese female living in Tokyo. I wanna make English native speaker friends who can teach me British English, and if you want to know japanese and about japan, I will help you.
hobby: I do love British music. (以下好きなバンド名を書くつもりです) Movie, Video geme, Manga
The histogram of fluorescene intensity obtained was analyzed with the DPAC v2.0program incorporated in the cytometer;for each analysis,this program determines the peak positions,the coefficient of variation,and the relative ploidy of the samples. お願いします。
5 days off!!!? curious how much you make...but you dont have to tell me. Working as a buyer....? Ive never heard of such a job...Fashion...ever considered modeling? 訳おねがいします
訳よろしくお願いします But yes you should enjoy LA but before careful. Alot of cf gansters there. Especially black people. abunai! LA would be a good place to visit but live? I dont think so. Japan is best!
They believe that change in language is undesirable and that we should do everything we can to stop it because change can be dangerous and confusing, In particular, these people do not want words to mean something that they have not always meant. This leads such people to argue that we should determine what a word means by looking at its origins. So, for example,they claim that it is wrong to talk about having three alternatives, because alternative comes from the Latin word alter, which means other, and that nice really means precise__ and so on. よろしくお願いします。
>>157 まず添削から・・・そっくりそのまま書き換えるわけには いかないので、できるだけ。 But(?) yes you should enjoy LA, but be careful. A lot of cf gansters (ex.are, hang)there. Especially blacks. abunai! LA would be a good place to visit but to live? I don't think so. Japan is the best! でもLAは楽しめるよ。 でも気をつけてね。 ギャングメンバーが屯してるから。特に黒人のね。 アブナイ!LAって遊びに行くにはいいけど、住むとなると? そうでもないと思う。日本が一番!
続き P :When were classes over, Evelyn? E :At 2:20. Then we had lunch and a siesta. Sometimes we had club activities from 4 to 5. G :A siesta! That's nice. What club did you belong to? E :I was a member of the Young Farmers Club. We grew different kinds of vegetables, and it was a lot of fun. Did you belong to any club in high school? P :I belonged to the "Rum Thai" Club. Rum Thai means Thai dance. G :I like sports and Japanese culture, so I joined the Judo Club.
G :After the club activity, we sometimes went to a "karaoke" bar because I like pop music. Have you been to a "karaoke" bar in Japan, Evelyn? E :I hear it's fun, but I haven't been to one yet. P :I like pop music, too. Japanese pop music is very popular in Thailand. Did you sing songs in Japanese? G :Not many, but yes. I studied Japanese as well as English at high school. What foreign languages did you study, Pichai? P :I took English and French. And you, Eveelyn? Is English your native language? E :No, but in my high school all classes were taught in English. G :No wonder you speak such good English.
A survey to locate other plants with morphology similar to that of BJNK was conducted among the old local mango population in La Gomera,and in nuseries located in Tenerife and La Gomera よろしくお願いします。
Q. Is there anything about you which your future spouse would want to know before becoming involved with you? A. You will become a special person in my life and I will make you feel good about yourself.
Hi. My name is Yuki Japanese female living in Tokyo. I wanna make English native speaker friends who can teach me British English, and if you want to know japanese and about japan, I will help you.
hobby: I do love British music. Movie, Video geme, Manga
I was just thinking of e-mailing you...I am coming to Japan again in May! We leave the 7th of May for Singapore, and are there for several days.Then on to Tokyo. I am not quite certain of the dates yet..but that is a rough idea. We will be in Tokyo for a few weekdays;and are leaving on Saturday afternoon/evening for Beijing. I was thinking of taking a train to Kyoto one day during the week; staying overnight there for one night and then returning to Tokyo in the morning. It would be fun to see one another again.....hopefully we can catch up!
Upsetting others is not your objective. But you’ve now sidestepped potentially the troublesome situations so many times that you’re beginning to think that you’ll just have to live with them. On the contrary, it’s vital that you address issues. Others are aware that something’s wrong, and although they may not welcome confrontations, they know that they’re long overdue
ORDER OF PRECEDENCE The terms of this Agreement shall supersede without exception the terms of any present or future order from Licensee concerning the Technical Data hereunder. Licensee agrees that its acceptance of delivery of any Technical Data from MOSIS is conclusive evidence of Licensee's agreement that the license for such Technical Data is governed exclusively by the terms of this Agreement.
@A survey to locate other plants with morphology similar to that of BJNK was conducted among the old local mango population in La Gomera,and in nuseries located in Tenerife and La Gomera.
AThe following material was used for ploidy analysis: the 19 standard G-1 trees used in the progeny studies;the G-1-P plant;30 seedlings of standard G-1,of which 15 had normal phenotypic characters and 15 exhibited characters similar to G-1-P;and three seedlings from G-1-P. BAfter a gentle shaking,the sample was filtered through a 35m mesh and 5m of 4,6-diamino-2-phenylindol staining was added. CThe histogram of fluorescence intensity obtained was analyzed with the DPAC v2.0program incorporated in the cytometer;for each analysis,this program determines the peak positions,the coefficient of variation,and the relative ploidy of the samples. 長いですがどなたか本当に宜しくお願いします。
About that thing with Japanese characters... I wanted to say, that my e-mail server "" can't correctly display e-mail with Japanese characters in it... And sometimes it can't even deliver it to me! =( But I think it will not so big problem... I hope you understand now.
英字新聞の見出しで分からないところがあります。タイガーウッズがマスター ズで優勝したときのものです。 Tiger is Back in the Chips Woods' Chip lodged in Masters Lore Masters Magic as Tiger Roars Back の3つです。どなたかお願いします。
@A survey to locate other plants with morphology similar to that of BJNK was conducted among the old local mango population in La Gomera,and in nuseries located in Tenerife and La Gomera. AThe following material was used for ploidy analysis: the 19 standard G-1 trees used in the progeny studies;the G-1-P plant;30 seedlings of standard G-1,of which 15 had normal phenotypic characters and 15 exhibited characters similar to G-1-P;and three seedlings from G-1-P. BAfter a gentle shaking,the sample was filtered through a 35m mesh and 5m of 4,6-diamino-2-phenylindol staining was added. CThe histogram of fluorescence intensity obtained was analyzed with the DPAC v2.0program incorporated in the cytometer;for each analysis,this program determines the peak positions,the coefficient of variation,and the relative ploidy of the samples. 長いですがどなたか本当に宜しくお願いします
I sat and took it all in with and iced coffee in hand, while the chill of the morning air seemed to magnify the sights around me. どなたか和訳をお願いします。もしくは考えたかを教えてください^^; お願いします
Reliance on machines may forever be seen as the greatest failure of man. Only skilled technicians adept in old arts, but with an eye to the future, will survive.
This not only saves the supermarket money by not having to give every customer a new bag,but saves the shopper sivce of course the supermarket s don't really give the bags away for free.
no...the charge was authorized but I voided it out because of 2 things... there will be additional shipping charges...and I dont have the quantity of bleached bobby you need... only one of each size. So, i dont know what to do. I am just nervous because I had some fraudulent purchases in the past for japan. Do you know what the customs charges will be to import these, because you could pay a lot. Email me back and lets see if we can work this out.
Colin works for a company called Brookfield Lepage Johnson Controls. He used to have a contract with Shell Canada. (Shell you probably recognize as they are worldwide, like the petrol stations). But just a few months ago he got transferred to a different contract with Telus which is a Canadian based phone company. He is the operations manager and he over sees all the workers. They take care of the buildings ensuring all the sites are ok and there are no dangers. Since he's been back all the managers from across Canada have been in intensive meetings so he's been very very busy. I haven't even seen him in two days!
There's a new theory about how children learn that is becoming popular in classrooms. What's the main idea of this new theory? It's that all children are smart, and the job of teachers and parents is to help children find the style of learning that uses their natural intelligence. According to educator and psychologist Thomas Armstrong, the traditional way of teaching suits some children but not others. Armstrong says, "We need to recognize that different children learn in different ways, and that all these ways of learning are okay." Verbal and logic skills, which are so important in traditional teaching methods, are just two of these intelligences. Armstrong calls these "Word Smart" and "Logic Smart." But he emphasizes that the other intelligences are equally important. So, the question for teaches and parents is this: How do we match children's learning styles to what is being taught ? As he pointed out , most teaching today is based on the first type of intelligence called World Smart , and the second type, Logic Smart. Children who are word smart learn by listening , reading , speaking and writing . Parents of these children need only to encourage them to keep up with their assignments. The other style of traditional teaching , Logic Smart , uses numbers , facts and scientific principles . Children who are logic smart like to observe and experiment on their own . They respond well to questions starting with "What if・・・"
Thirdly, there are the Picture Smart children . These children like to visualize in their mind or actually see what they are learning . For instance , they would learn a lot from a visit to a museum . Next comes the Music Smart children , the fourth kind of intelligence . They readily absorb information presented rhythmically , such as the ABC's or multiplication tables . Fifth are the Body Smart children . Most small children are in this category . They want to touch and feel things when learning . Older Body Smart children might learn faster by performing a historical drama , for example . Following this are the People Smart children , the sixth type . They are very sociable . Group projects , which make children compare notes , discuss and decide , are the best ways for People Smart children to learn . All children can use each of these learning styles , but they naturally use one or more of their stronger styles . Also , a child's preferred style of learning can change from year to year . Knowing which style of learning best suits each child at a particular time can help teachers and parents make learning more fun and rewarding for children .
"Are you Dr.Alexandra Ho ? We are looking for doctors who can leave for Mozambique immediately , to work on the cholera epidemic there ." And so , in the corridors of the MSF-Belgium office , my mission to Mozambique started . The first case of cholera in Beira , Mozambique's second largest city , was reported on 26 january , 1998 . Four days later , there were 245 cases in Beira alone . In the light of these catastrophic developments , the government of Mozambique appealed to the MSF for emergency assistance . My team arrived in Beira on 7 February and went straight to work . We took over a disused warehouse and converted it into a Cholera Treatment Center (CTC) in three days. On the first day alone , 15 patients did not survive the transfer from Beira's Central Hospital to the CTC. It was the first time I had witnessed so many patients die in such a short time . Things got worse the next day as patients continued to flood in . Within 24 hours , more than 370 were admitted . We dashed from patient to patient. At the end of the day , we were exhausted . In the first two weeks , we treated more than 1500 patients in the CTC. Many of us worked 20-hour shifts , seven days a week , until more local medical staff could be sent to Beira . The Mozambican health authorities mobilized nearly all their doctors to fight the epidemic
The earth's surface normally obtains its heat from direct sunlight and is cooled by the emission of infrared rays.Recent increases in worldwide excessive industrial activities as well as man-induced ecological disturbances have contributed to the so-called greenhouse gas effect in the earth's air.
John the one = (何かで有名な)、あのJohn かな? the one who made millions of dollars. なのか、 the one who can eat 2 dozen hanburgers. なのか、 何なのか全然わからないですが、まあ何かあるぞと思わせるタイトルなんじゃないでしょうか。
I may not always love you But long as there are stars above you you never need to doubt it I'll make you so sure about it God only knows what I'd be without you
If should ever leave me Though life would still go on Believe me The world could show nothing to me So what good would living to me God only knows what I'd be without you
Notably there has been a build up of carbon dioxide and methane gases to such an extent that the International Panel on Climate Change a group of scientists specializing in the monitoring of climate alterations predict that if the present trend continues the earth's temperature will go up by 2℃ and the sea level will rise by 50cm by the 21st Century.
イデアの世界という長文の一部です。和訳をお願いします。 And in the same way, one needs speed in a mental sense -- intellectual vitality and curiosity -- to see the eternal world of ideas that lies behind the changing face of the mental world.
>>323です。もうひとつお願いします。 Greek thought threw out the baby with the bath water. Since the philosopher spends his life trying to ignore the real world and study the world on 'the other side of the fence', he will achieve fainal freedom in death.
I am waiting to hear back from our Japan promoter about a possiable fall tour to Tokyo and Osaka again. our CD is doing well there, they have it in Tower, the bands name is WOLFPAC, the CD is named "Evil is" you should pick it up! he he he! Im totaly down for fun when we come there again with you! What sort of fun are you talking about? he he he???
早速の回答どうもです。 そうです!オーストラリアです!大正解。 てことは”Do you need tax invoice?”になるのですね。 今回は”わかりません”と答えていつものような領収書、 税込みの宿泊料とその下に合計金額さらにその下に税金分が明示されてました。 必要なしと判断されたのでしょうか?
Mr.ABC has long had a passion and interest in Japanese culture and business. Mr.ABC did his undergraduate studies at Columbia University, graduating in 1988. He also has a law degree (J.D.) from Georgetown University (1992) and an MBA from Columbia University (1997).Mr.ABC has lived in Japan for intensive study of business and legal Japanese. Prior to founding Pacarc,Mr.ABC practiced corporate and international trade law and later served as the Senior Business Manager for Worldwide Operations at Microsoft.
It is found that when a Resnel Hhologram is made of a non-diffusing object, such as a photographic transparency immered in a medium of matching refractive index, the quality of the reconstruction is strongly influenced by any scratches or marks on the hologram it self.
>>358 I have a younger sister. (私には妹がいます) I have a elder sister. (私には姉がいます) でも普通は I have a sister. としか言わない。 日本人が「鉛筆持ってるよ」というときに一本か複数本かなんて気にしないように、 英語ではsisterが年上か年下かは特別なとき以外は気にしない。
Mr.BB enthusiasm for extraordinary products, their development, and the marketing behind their success has been the primary driver behind his professional career. After completing his undergraduate work at Occidental College in Los Angeles, California, in 1988, he returned to his hometown of Seattle in 1990 to attend the University of Washington's Film Program. After completion, he launched Breakaway Productions in order to Produce and Direct feature length and corporate films. In 1997 Mr. Rosen became Vice President of Production for go2net, inc., where he oversaw the front-end development of the company's numerous websites.
Mr.CC brings years of business development experience along with personnel operations management expertise to Pacarc. Mr.CC received his bachelor’s degree in economics with an emphasis in finance and international trade from the University of Washington. Prior to founding Pacarc, Mr.CC helped to establish the finance department of World Stream Communications where he later served as the head of business development and strategic alliances.Mr.CC currently manages sales for Pacarc as well as developes new business partnership opportunities.
and so annie waits annie waits annie waits for a call from a friend the same it's the same , why's it always the same? annie waits for the last time the clock never never stops never waits she's growing old it's getting late and so he forgot, forgot but maybe not maybe he's been seriously hunt would that be worse? headlights crest the hill shadows pass her by and out of sight annie sees in dreams friday bingo , pigeons in the park annie waits for the iast time just the same as the last time annie says, you see? this is why i'd rather be alone and so annie waiths annie waiths annie waiths for a call from from friend the same it's the same, why's it always the same ? annie waits as the last... headlights crest the hill who will be the one forever more annie, i could be if we're both still lonely when we're old annie waits but not for me お願いします。