ヒカルが英語を教えてあげる【lesson 1】

1ヒカル ◆xi5122Vvs.
Me? I'm the English specialist. Come on baby.
I can teach you English, so you are welcome!
Like me, everyone in the world speak English,
however, poorly the Japanese's English level is low,
so you know my ability is not only for me but
also to you, so don't hasitate and you can do it!
If you wanna use English like my level, it's not
a dream, so do you wanna do that? alright, let's do it!
2TOEFL513:05/01/29 14:23:25
is she kanako?
no,she is not.
it is a GETABAKO.
3ヒカルは死にました。:05/01/29 14:24:09
                  0 │ |∞∞∞ |::|∞∞田田∞∞|::|∞∞∞ | ::|  0
            [二] | ::|       |::|┏━━━━┓|::|       | ::l [二]
◎○@※◎○@※. |□|.│ |┌┬┐ |::|┃/ヒカル\┃|::| ┌┬┐| ::|. |□| ◎○@※◎○@※
ii|iiii|iiii|iiii|iiii|iiii|iiii|iiii| `)三(´| ::|├┼┤ |::|┃ ∧_∧ ┃|::| ├┼┤| ::|`)三(´il|iiii|iiii|iiii|iiii|iiii|iiii|iiii|
@※◎○@※◎○ | ::| | ::|└┴┘ |::|┃(´∀` ) ┃|::| └┴┘| ::| | ::|  @※◎○@※◎○
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◎○@iiii※◎○@ ┣┳┳┳┳┳┫|::|┗━━━━┛|::|┣┳┳┳┳┳┫ ◎○@iiii※◎○@
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               ○○  ●●      iiiii iii ii iiii       ●●  ○○
           [ ̄ ̄] [ ̄ ̄]   ( ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄)    [ ̄ ̄] [ ̄ ̄]
                |_○_|  .|_○_|     |_____|     |_○_|  .|_○_|

    ∧_∧ ∧_∧ ∧_∧ ∧_∧ ∧_∧ ∧_∧ ∧_∧ ∧_∧ ∧_∧
    (    )(    )(,    )(,,    )    ,,)(    )(    )(,    )(^×^ ;)
4TOEFL513:05/01/29 14:24:21
is it a GETABAKO?
no, it is not.
it is kanako.
5名無しさん@英語勉強中:05/01/29 14:26:49

6名無しさん@英語勉強中:05/01/29 14:30:08
7名無しさん@英語勉強中:05/01/29 14:35:09
>If you wanna use English like my level, it's not
>a dream,

English at >1's level is certainly a nightmare.
8ヒカル ◆xi5122Vvs. :05/01/29 14:35:31
well well well, i don't understand what you are talking.
First of all, my English is not a half way, and everyone can
understand it. If you don't understand my perfect English,
it's your fault. Because of your lack of your English.

Oh well, I have many experience of course, but you know,
my English is so inteligent and my English not from the men.
And I'm not the language study abroad, I am in the USA
since I was a child until grown-up.
9名無しさん@英語勉強中:05/01/29 14:37:51
☆ チン     マチクタビレタ〜
       ☆ チン  〃 ∧_∧   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
        ヽ ___\(\・∀・) <  この糞スレのサクジョまだ〜?
            \_/⊂ ⊂_ )  \_____________
          / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ /|
       | ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄|  |
       |  正月みかん |/
10ヒカル ◆xi5122Vvs. :05/01/29 14:39:04
What are you saying? My English is perfect and if you don't
understand my English, that's because you have a bad English.
Well, I live in USA for a long long time, and my English ability
that wouldn't have been surpassed by anybody makes me proud.
11名無しさん@英語勉強中:05/01/29 14:39:10
12ヒカル ◆xi5122Vvs. :05/01/29 14:40:13
Are you nuts? Why do you think this great thread as a
bad one?? And you know, I think your mandarin is
already rotten.
13名無しさん@英語勉強中:05/01/29 14:41:10
  \     毛       /
  腿  \_  |   _/
          ミミミミ クリトリス
         ミミミミ / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
         ノ σ ヽ 尿道
       / / ゜ヽ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
大陰唇 / //\\ \ 
 ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄  ( ( 膣 ) ── 小陰唇 チーズの腐ったオイニーです。
      \ \\// /
         `   \/  '
\         *──アナル      
14ヒカル ◆xi5122Vvs. :05/01/29 14:41:35
Really?? That's too bad, oh my godness.
Why?? I built a wonderful thread for everyone,
and if this thread will be deleated,
and everyone will be sad and crying.
Because this thread is more than beneficial.
15名無しさん@英語勉強中:05/01/29 14:41:51
         ,,        )      )
         ゙ミ;;;;;,_           (
          i;i;i;i; '',',;^′..ヽ
          ゙ゞy、、;:..、)  }
         /;:;":;.:;";i; '',',;;;_~;;;′.ヽ
        ゙{y、、;:...:,:.:.、;:..:,:.:. ._  、}
        ".¨ー=v ''‐ .:v、,,、_,r_,ノ′
       /;i;i; '',',;;;_~⌒¨;;;;;;;;ヾ.ミ゙´゙^′..ヽ 
       ゙{y、、;:...:,:.:.、;、;:.:,:.:. ._  .、)  、}
       ".¨ー=v ''‐ .:v、冫_._ .、,_,,、_,,r_,ノ′
      /i;i; '',',;;;_~υ⌒¨;;;;;;;;ヾ.ミ゙´゙^′.ソ.ヽ
      ゙{y、、;:..ゞ.:,:.:.、;:.ミ.:,:.:. ._υ゚o,,'.、)  、}
      ヾ,,..;::;;;::,;,::;):;:;:; .:v、冫_._ .、,_,,、_,,r_,ノ′
16ヒカル ◆xi5122Vvs. :05/01/29 14:42:20
You shouldn't arasu in this thread.
And you know, your picture is horrible.
17名無しさん@英語勉強中:05/01/29 14:42:25
  |∵∵/   ○ \|
  |∵ /  三 | 三 |  / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
  |∵ |   __|__  | < ここをうる馬鹿スレとする
   \|   \_/ /  \_____
18ヒカル ◆xi5122Vvs. :05/01/29 14:43:13
>>15 >>17
Hey, you guys are nuts, and go away right away.
19名無しさん@英語勉強中:05/01/29 14:43:58
Hikaru, you are very welcome to this thred
20名無しさん@英語勉強中:05/01/29 14:45:46
                           / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄\ 
                         /          ヘ 
                        |⌒   ⌒   /ヘ  
                        |(・)  (・)    |||||||   
                         |⊂⌒◯-------9)  <ワシでぬけ!
                        | |||||||||_    |  
                         \ ヘ_/ \ /   
                   ,.r '´    ー-`  '´ - ‐  ̄    `'ー 、
                  ,/  _,.                      ヽ
                  ,レ' ´                i      l
                /           ,             ,l      l
               。'i            !     r',ヽ    l l       l
        ,、r;,         i'゙            !      ヾ'-'    l. l     l
    _,r'´、l.レ'、         '、          , '、          ,/ l     ,.!v-、,_
   l L.., }   !         ハ、     , ‐'  ヽ、       ノ  /!    /`,/_,l L,
   l゙l ヘ」/   l.      /  `''┬ ' ´     `'ー----- '´ ,/ l   /  !:イ、_ノ l、
21名無しさん@英語勉強中:05/01/29 14:46:30
  __                                       rr‐-、
       l´ li                                      |l、_i
.       lー‐' !                                   i   l
       l   |                 ,,----、,,,,,,,,,、、            l   |
.      |   |              / ,,-‐―、ヽヽヽヽ           |  │ ___ .__
      l    L_.             〔/     ))))ヾヽヽ       _/ ̄ヽ   !r´   i´ 〉
    /⌒'|  / ̄ヽi ̄ヽ          /.,,,,、、 ,ヽξ\Ξ/      /  ',   |  ,|Y    | /
  r‐'i   |  |    |   |.         / ==/  .,==-   レi!     |    |   !   `´   l |
  | !   '   !    !   l、      `〔、 ,(_,、ノ( "",,ノ:: 6)      ..!    '            | !
  ! ,!               |      λ:" ‐=‐^ン ...::::: |/     |                 ' |
  | ヽ             |        λ:::::. .::.. ::...::::::/ /      |               /
.  \                 |        \::::::::::::::/ /        .!              /
.    \          /       _/           ヽ、       ヽ           /
       \           |--‐┬=''´              `Tー‐┬ |         |
22名無しさん@英語勉強中:05/01/29 14:47:30
      / ̄\
   /''''''   '''''':::::::\
  . |((O)),  、((O))、.:|
  |   ,,ノ(、_, )ヽ、,, .::::| ←コソドームマソ
.   |   `‐=ニ=‐ ' .:::::::|
   \  `ニニ´  .:::::/
,,.....イ.ヽヽ、ニ__ ーーノ゙-、.
23名無しさん@英語勉強中:05/01/29 14:50:32
                ■■■■■■ 〜〜 ■■■■■■
             ■■■■■ 〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜 ■■■■■
             ■■■■■   ■■〜〜■■   ■■■■■
           ■■■■■  ■■■■〜〜■■■■  ■■■■■
           ■■■■         ||          ■■■■
          ■■■■■   〓〓〓〓||〓〓〓〓   ■■■■■
          ■■■■   〓〓     ||    〓〓   ■■■■
          ■■■■        //  \\       ■■■■
          ■■■■      //( ●● )\\     ■■■■
          ■■■■    // ■■■■■■ \\   ■■■■
          ■■■■■  / ■■■■■■■■ \  ■■■■■
          ■■■■■   ■/〓〓〓〓〓〓\■   ■■■■■
          ■■■■■■ ■ /▼▼▼▼▼▼\ ■ ■■■■■■
          ■■■■■■■■■ ▼▼▼▼▼▼ ■■■■■■■■■
           ■■■■■■■■■   ■■   ■■■■■■■■■
24名無しさん@英語勉強中:05/01/29 14:51:48
25名無しさん@英語勉強中:05/01/30 00:35:46
恥 さ ら し
26竜起 ◆uXfAtSKLqM :05/01/30 00:39:56
27名無しさん@英語勉強中:05/01/30 17:53:21
Your English sucks!!
28名無しさん@英語勉強中:05/02/03 20:54:27
Is there Hikaru??
29 :05/02/04 10:49:22
30名無しさん@英語勉強中:05/02/05 03:12:51

      ,..-‐−- 、、
  /:::::::::::::::;;;;;;;;iii彡" ::ヤi、
 ./::::::::::::;:"~ ̄     ::i||li
 |::::::::::j'_,.ィ>、、   .:::iii》
 ヾi´`,  `‐-‐"^{"^ヾノ"    <見ろ!!スレがゴミならレスもゴミのようだ!!
   Y     ,.,li`~~i
    i、   ・=-_、, .:/          ______
  . < \    '' .:/           │  | \__\___
 / \.` ー 、、ノ             |  |   |= |iiiiiiiiiii|
/⌒ヽ.  \_/\|/\           |  |   | =. | !!!!!!!|
|   ヽ____| l___ _.    |  |   |三 |_「r.、
|  //     // ̄.\ //⊃ヾ)   |._.|_/(  ) ̄ ))
ヽ ______//r_/| |.||⌒ヽ〜〔 ̄ ̄! ̄ ̄ ̄/ ̄ ̄\((

age is my business.