Mr.President, a top level of the White House sergent says you have three and imaginary thread. Is that true? That's not true falsity. He's not a imaginary. Sir, when you see is not a imaginary this that you mean you think is "real"? Ok, we look fellows, this guy has come all the way from some crazy Africa place to be here today. So I'd appriciate we could focus the questions on the issues concerned both for me and…uh...Mr. man who came here from Africa. Thank you folks I don't see press conference.
I tell you will. Whollys funny foreign names in my head child in the enough How's fellow suppose remember how to pronounce them all? It's easy W! Don't let them trouble you. Watch! I show you how. When you took his foreign names sides your tongue is not, to think words like not to use a lot, Put the words together then you'll know you can remember funny foreign names like a pro.
I used to be the owner of a Texas baseball team. I drink a bit you much in work in Yo-yo industry. So when you think Sosa, then Cardoso. When you think It'd be finally, think Khatami. Used to take a flash time with your jin. So used to yummy drink to reach cos I'm Jiang Zemin . When I went to India come may change I would tread. Who is the name of that man with the dot on his head? Remember your D.U.I.? And you'll know his name is Bashpai.
You think? I know! Watch! Take for Sosa, Cardoso! Oil will be finally, Khatami! Can I can jin? I think Jiang Zemin ! I can remenber the funny names with the song we sing! Kick far me your world leader with the crazy ass name get his keesh from the Washington. We'll have another press conference,boys!
press: Mr. President, top level White House sources say you have a free-installed(?), imaginary friend. Is that true?
Bush: That's not true. Falsity. He's not imaginary.
Press: Sir, When you say he is not imaginary, does that mean, you think, he is real?
Bush: O.K. Well, look fellows, this guy has came all the way from some crazy African place to be here today, so I'd appreciate it if we could focus the quesitions on the issues (they concern ?) both for me and ..uh Mr. man who came here from Africa.
Powell: Thank you, folks. That will conclude today's press conference.
Bush: I will tell you, Rumple.(アニメの男の子の名前みたいだね.) Follies(ばかげたこと). Funny foreign names have my head tired and ▲※⊇¬∇∂.... How the hell am I supposed to remember how to pronounce them all?
K. bush is getting inagurated tommorow. And Dr. rice is taking Powells job. 1 woman and 1 man voted against her. Woman: Boxer Man:John Kerry Oh wait did I say 1 woman and 1 man? I mean 2 WOMEN! So ya. In honor of this I'm giving you the lyrics to's latest political parody. "Second Term" Starring: George W. Bush Judge: Do you swear to preserve protect and defend the consitution? Bush: You betcha!
Bush: Yes, I’m comin’ back to serve a second term. This time I won the national elec-she-un! Oh, thanks to you O-hi-a, And dear brother Jebedia, We get four more years to rule in Washington!
People: (including Woopi goldeberg, Michael JAckson, and Michael Moore) Good God he’s comin’ back to serve a second term. Kerry/Edwards: We were hoping in ’04 we’d get a turn. Democrats: But we lost the vicious battle, Bush: Now they’re stuck without a paddle! Clinton: (reading playboy) Who will save us from con-ser-va-tiz-eum? (Hillary slaps him)
Bush: (with Iraq deck of cards arranged in one of those houses) I will stabalize Iraq in my second term. And I will amend the con-sti-tu-sheun.(Writes NO GAY MARRIGE!!! with crayons) Then I’ll eliminate all the taxes, Rich People: That are breakin; all our back-siz. Bush: And push for more pri-vat-i-za-she-un!
U.N: We cannot believe he won a second term. French man: (with pic of him and Saddam Hussein in backdrop) He destroyed the trans-atlantic alli-unce! Bush: Heck, I’ll extend a friendly offer, Barbeque and beers in Crawford! Republicans: (including Bush and Cheny)Mending fences broken by pre-emp-she-un!
Pope John Paul and others: (machine guns in background) We want peace on earth throughout his second term. Army: We want Iraqis to have free elec-she-uns. Bush: There’s a beef here, let’s dispatch it, Bush/Kerry: And bury that ol’ hatchet.
Bush: Yes, we’ve been through stormy weather, Democrats: Now it’s time to work together! Bush: Gather round the ol’ chuck wagon, It’s a grand time we’ll be havin’, All: In the four years he has left in Wash-ing-ton! Bush: Ye-hah!
"Second Term"の歌詞で分からん箇所があるのですが? ttp:// <該当部分の歌詞> I will stabalize Iraq in my second term. And I will amend the con-sti-tu-sheun. Then I’ll eliminate all the taxes, That are breakin; all our back-siz. ←ここの"back-siz"の意味 And push for more pri-vat-i-za-she-un!� <歌詞ここまで> "back-siz"の意味がよく分からない。 車から顔を出してるのは誰?減税策で損する人たちの事? このギャグのバックグラウンドもよくわからん。 だれか詳しい人教えてください。