Looking into the inside, she saw several coats hanging up—mostly long fur coats. There was nothing Lucy liked so much as the smell and feel of fur. She immediately stepped into the wardrobe and got in among the coats ...
君はとても楽しい人だから、何度でもきてください。 Such ( the parents, that you, come, you give, is , cannnot) too often. という問題なんですがどう考えても日本文にあわないですよね? あと、When she entered the room, the children stopped talking. という文をentranceを用いて単文にするにはどうしたらようですか? 教えてください
1 [ ] being nothing to do, he went to bed early. ア.As イ.His ウ.There エ.It 2 [ ] with her sister, she is friendly. ア.Comparing イ.Being comparing ウ.Compared エ.Comparison 3 Your composition is [ ] from perfect. ア.all イ.free ウ.far エ.long 4 The horse stopped and [ ] not move an inch. ア.shall イ.should ウ.will エ.would 5 [ ] you are a college student, you should know better. ア.So that イ.After that ウ.Now that エ.In order that 6 He has decided [ ] the girl. ア.to be married イ.to get married ウ.to marry エ.to marry with 7 You [ ] call on him today. ア.had not better イ.had better not ウ.had better not to エ.had not better to 8 He is a man [ ] I believe can help you. ア.which イ.whom ウ.whose エ.who
Japan and the U.S.formally agreed Monday that the U.S.military will vacate more than one-fifth of the land it currently occupies in Okinawa Prefecture and return a key airfield withhin five to seven years. The accord was ( ) in a final ( ) by a special bilateral panel on U.S.bases in Okinawa that was ( ) up in the wake of the ( ) of a local schoolgirl by U.S. ( ) in September,1995.
Where do the advertisers go next. They have fluttered televisions, magazines, newspapers, broadways. But the competition for the consumers is increasingly fierce, and the companies want research them must innovate. So the advertisers have discovered on-line cinema. Here is ABC's Dan Harris with advertising on the cutting edge. Films are released every two weeks on the internet each with different BMW and different director. Anne Lee of "Crouching Tiger hidden Dragon" cocks a sort of car chase ballet. Guy Ritchie casts his wife and Madonna as a pre-Madonna in need of attitude adjustment.
>>73 It is said は使い方を注意しないと「で、誰が言ってるの?」 と突っ込まれる。 こういうときは (many of) My (Japanese) friends が言っているとしておく。 加えて71の訳文をあれこれ直したいが、眠いので寝る。 でも"correct"はちょっと・・・ねぇ。 僕には性格が悪いのを矯正してるみたいに聞こえる。 そもそも英語的には、人のcharacterとかpersonalityは 「変える」ことはできても「直す」対象じゃぁ無い ようにも思う。(英語圏に長い人、どう?)
My friends often say I have some habits that blood-type-B people are supposed to have. I agree with them. But my blood type is A, actually. I want to change myself so that they say my blood type is A.
Type A is: Of or relating to a behavior pattern marked by tenseness, impatience, and aggressiveness, often resulting in stress-related symptoms such as insomnia and indigestion and possibly increasing the risk of heart disease.
私はA型だけどB型みたいな性格だといわれます。 自分でもそう思います。少しずつ直していきたいです。 Some of my freinds say that I seem to be a person with type B blood, even though mine is actually A. I can't agree more with them. I'm thinking of changing myself little by little.
・イギリスに留学してたくさんの外人さんと仲良くなりたいです。 I would like to study abroad to England, and get along well with a lot of people with a different nationality.
1,He is a famous actor with whom I have been acquainted for a long time. He is a famous pianist of ( my )( long )(acquaintance). 2.(A good many, Many a, A great many, A lot many) student has failed the test. 答え:Many a 3,They little know how hard you worked in your task. Little ( do) they know〜 4,He appered only after the meeting was over. It was not ( until) the meeting was over that he appered.
添削をお願いします。4番はuntilとbeforeとどちらでしょうか・・・。 あと 「あなたが何を言っているのかさっぱり分かりません」 I haven't the ( ) idea of what you've talking about.
1、If you go along this road, you will get to the museum. ( This roadを主語にして) →This road will make you to get to the museum, →This road will get you to go to the museum.
2、彼の顔を一目みたら彼が病気だと分かった。 (me, at,will ,glance, was our, told, he,his face)
どうでもいいけど,This road will get you to the museum. でいいんじゃない? ホントは This road will lead you to the museum. にしたいんだけど。 並べ替えは,単語のうち間違いはともかく,our を使わなかったんだけど,いいの?
1、There are no students in school today. 1、今日学校には生徒は1人もいない。 2、I had little time to study yesterday. 2、私は昨日勉強する時間がほとんどなかった。 日本文を英文にする問題です。 これであってるか添削をしていただけないでしょうか? お願いします。
あと一文、添削お願いします…。 Even the well-known Pasteur Institute announced that it world begin to publish its international journal only in English because too few people were reading it in French. かの有名なパスツール研究所でさえも、フランス語で国際ジャーナルを 読む人が少なすぎたために、英語でそれを出版し始めた。
great 【形-1】 大きい、大きな、大の、巨大{きょだい}な ・ The greater your hopes, the greater your disappointments. 期待し過ぎると失望も大きい。 【形-2】 偉大{いだい}な、卓越{たくえつ}した ・ He was a great president. 彼は偉大な大統領だった。 【形-3】 すてきな、素晴{すば}らしい ・ Great! がっかりだ!◆Great を下降調で言った場合 ・ I think that would be great. それは素晴らしいと思います。 ・ You are the greatest. 君は最高だ。 ・ You look great today. 《褒める》今日は格好いいね。 【形-4】 おいしい 【形-5】 重大{じゅうだい}な 【形-6】 多い
If we are 10 or 15 pounds overweight, that may correspond to only a 10 percent or 20 percent increase in risk of several common cancers. But if we are badly overweight, severely obese, the risk may be 100 percent or 200 percent increase for several important cancers.
なんとなく意味はとれるのですが、「several common cancer」と 「several important cancer」のうまい訳(というかニュアンス) が分からないので、それを含めて教えていただけないでしょうか? 「いくつかの一般的なガン」・・・?だと日本語的にもかなり謎ですよね・・・。
>>134 common cancer = stomach cancer, colon cancer... high rate to occur and relatively easy to cure. important cancer = pancreas cancer, gall bladder cancer... high rate of death and hard to cure It's not a problem of language. You need to knowledge of medicine.
>>109 1 Yesterday I bought six books, two of which I have already read. 2 On my way to school I met Mr. Yamada who told me the news of your success. 3 Mr. Suzuki, who(m) you met in the library, will invite you to the party.
>>140 Overweight is related to the incidence rate of breast cancer, prostatic cancer and colon cancer. Hyperlipidemia causes to produce estrogen, androgen made of lipid more. That's why some kinds of cancer increase.
「Tom has flown only small planes and only for a couple of years at that, but he 's undaunted.」
「some compertitors would appear to have a bit of an edge on others, whose reach may well exceed their grasp. But one Canadian team says it may be ready for launch later this year, and who knows what happen this year?」
二つの文をくっつけろ。なおかつ可能な関係詞を全部使え。 という問題なんですが 1 I used a man`s cell phone.He was very friendly. 2 I played on a baseball team. They were very talented. 3 she broke the girl`s doll. She began to cry. whose をつかうんでしょうか?おねがいします。
The word "health" has come to have a wider meaning than it used to. Health is now used to mean the well-being of your body, your mind, and your relationships with other people.
上の文の訳が分かりません・・・。 「has come to have」と「it」がよく分かりません。お願いします。
BBCのページで 「The mystery over what happened to Japanese citizens who went missing in North Korea always appeared too fantastical to be true.」 ってのがあったんですけど、ここの”always”ってどんな意味なんでしょう?
「The mystery /over what happened to Japanese citizens /who went missing in North Korea// always appeared too fantastical to be true.」 スリムにするとこうなる。 The mystery always appeared too fanstical to be true.
What exactly is a lie? Is it anything we say which we know is untrue? Or is it something more than that? の訳と文の構成を教えてください。
自分なりに考えたのですがIs it anything we say which we know is untrue? のwhich we knowは 関係代名詞でanythingを修飾してanything ... which we knowを「私たちが知っているあらゆる物事」と訳し、 we sayもanythingを修飾する関係代名詞で「私が知っていて話している物事」と訳し、 is untrueはanythingの補語で「私たちが知って話しているあらゆる物事は真実ではない」とし、全体を名詞節にしてIs itの補語になり Is it anything we say which we know is untrue?を「それは私たちが知って話しているあらゆる物事は真実ではないかということですか?」と訳す。 そしてOr is it something more than that?はthatはa lieのことを表しmore than thatを「あれ以上の〜」と訳しsomethingを修飾して 「それはあれ以上の物ですか?」と訳す と考えたのですがどうなのでしょうか?教えてくれれば幸いです。
@If you were to fall from that bridge,it ( ) almost impossible to rescue you. 1 is 2 was 3 would be 4 would have been AI'm sorry to hear about your problem.But if you had taken my advice,you ( ) in such trouble now. 1 haven't been 2 would be 3 would have been 4 wouldn't be B"If I ( ) you,I would not marry him," she said. 1 were 2 had been 3 were to be 4 would be CI don't know what I would do for relaxation,( ) for the innumerable detective stories. 1 without 2 were it not 3 it were not 4 with DHe wouldn't have to be out of work right now if he ( ) from Harvard 1 graduated 2 is graduating 3 was graduating 4 had graduated EYou talk of him as if you ( ) him personally 1 are known 2 had been known 3 knew 4 were knowing
1、彼は翌朝テレビをつけて初めてその知らせを聞いた。 1、He ( ) hear the news ( until) he switched on the TV the next morning. 2、He is( no)(longer)the selfish boy that he used to be. 2、彼はもう昔のようなわがままな男の子ではない。 3、These vegetables are perfectly ( ) from chemicals. 3、これらの野菜は一切農薬を使っていません。 日本語の意味にあうように( )に適語をいれる問題で 一応やってみたけどわからないので教えてください。 よろしくお願いします!!
>>223 問5の問題は後半が4の文になっているから、問題のミスで解答できない。予測ではCくさい。 問6は with 。付帯状況を示す用法。with A + B 「AをBの状態にして」→「ラジオをつけたままにして」 B 部分は分詞句になっている。参考書では前置詞(または分詞構文)のところに説明がある。
Bonjour Masure Tom. I can speak a little French, German, Spainish, Chinese, Korean, Italian, and Japanese. Yes, most Americans do study Spainish in school because it is so simular to English, so it is easy. Yes, you are right *pinpon* "Don't ask me" = "I don't know" also you can use "Don't search me" but I think the popular phrase is "I haven't a clue" or "I don't have clue" both have the same meaning just different ways to say it. I can't think of time when I thought "ra" sounded like "d" sorry. Maybe in another part of Japan it might sound like that due to accent. A B C ya
Coffee and tea was served to people attending the morning session of the meeting, while in the afternoon cold refreshments were served. 1.was 2. attending 3. while 4. cold
The value of the dollars declined as the rate of inflation raises. 1.of the dollars 2. declined 3. as 4. raises
They have frequently done business together when they graduated from the same college. 1.frequently 2. when 3.graduate 4. the same
I was not much more than a boy in those days,and of all the half-witted ideas I had,the one that a woman could mean everything has come back to haunt me.
She and I went walking and arguing about her face.Though it was night,the dark brushed its hair aside,as she brushed her hair aside,and I clearly saw it.It was
what happened in a planetarium when the lights faded out and the stars came on and were set turning.Way back.Way back.Fooled by the illusion so the mystery
could take place.Squinting to make the ceiling vault again.Just try and forget it.
LIGHT SONNET FOR THE LOVER OF A DARKという英詩だそうです。 自分なりにがんばってみたんですがどうしても頭がこんがらがって 訳ができません。 おこがましい(?)かもしれませんがどなたか意味の通じる訳を してみてはいただけませんか;;
参考までに私が調べた単語を書いておきます。 not much more than〜・・・〜に過ぎない、in those days・・・その時は、half-witted・・・まぬけな、haunt・・・つきまとう、Though・・・〜だけれども、the dark・・・暗がり、fade out・・・次第に消える、Fool・・・だます、take place・・・起こる、vault・・・跳躍(?)
>>235 haveは確かに普通の動詞と較べてややこしいかもしれない。 特に、have+過去分詞=現在完了形とかいうけど、現在完了って何?ここのhaveって何? 助動詞の一種というけど、これだけがwill have とか他の助動詞とダブって使えるし、何か曖昧でイヤな感じ。
ある本では、このhaveも普通の動詞として「持っている」とイメージすれば良いと言ってます。 have studied なら、(状態を)持ち続けてる+勉強してきた(状態を) →(以前から)勉強してきた have known 持ち続けてる+知った(状態を) →(以前から)知っている ・・・というように、点ではなく、帯のように繋がっている状態を表わすのに「have」が使われます。
連続や継続を表わすなら〜ingで良いのでは?との質問だけど、 〜ingはその場だけで、そのうち終る動作の状態を表わすものだから、 He is studying・・・・だと、今(だけは)勉強をシコシコとしている(だけどそれ以外の事は分からん)、となる。 そこでhaveを使って (現在完了系) He has studied・・・ にすると「(以前のある時点で)勉強を(始め、今現在まで)続けてきた」と、彼の歴史が見える。 そもそも実際に終ってもいないのに「現在完了」なんて言葉が良くないね。 時制がややこしくなったら、横線を引いて過去→現在→未来と区切ってイメージすると解かりやすいよ。
1,Whenever I go on a trip, I take a few books with me. 1,I (never) go on a trip (without) taking a few books with me. 2,The boy was always reading comics all day long. 2,The boy did (nothing)( but) read comics all day long. 3,Her first concert was far from a success. 3,Her first concert was ()()sucess. 4,She would never say such a silly thing. 4,She is ()() person to say such a silly thing. 各組の文がほぼ同じになるように( )に適語をいれろ という問題なんです。一応やってみたのですが 全くわからなくて何が入るか教えてください。 お願いしますm(_ _)m
@カッコ内の動詞を正しい形に変えなさい。(変えない場合、また一語のままとは限らない) 1...I insist that she (go) there. 2...I used to (smoke). 3...We were told that the earth (move) around the sun. 4...If I had a glass of milk every day, I (be) much taller than I am now.
彼等は記念館をつくるのに7000万円集めただけだった。まだ3000万円必要な金額に足りなかった。 They raised only ( ) 70 million yen for creating the memorial hall; they ( ) still 30 million yen ( ) ( ) the amount they need. of short have full areを使いなさい。ただし一つだけ不必要な物がある。 という問題です。お願いします。
Getting familiar with this information could save you countless hours of troubleshooting network programs that aren’t behaving the way you think they should. の訳を教えてください。
添削お願いします! 1, He is not contented for all his wealth. (Though) he is (rich), he is not contented. 2, To the best of my knowledge, he is honest and sincere. As (far) an I (know), he is honest and sincere. 3,Whatever you may say, I can not accept your invitation. (With) (all) your words, I can not accept your invitation.
近畿大の問題で "Didn't I lend you some books?" "( )" 1. No, you didn't. 2. No,you lent me some. 3. I hope so. 4. I'm sure I did. という問題があったのですが、正解が1だということは理解できますが、4はなぜだめなんですか?
この新型クーラーは電気代をおよそ10%節約してくれます。 This new type of air conditioner (will save you about 10percent) on your electric charges. 日本語の意味にあうように( )の語を並び替える問題です。 やってみたのですが添削をお願いいたします。
The two women next to the big star Madonna are Britney Spears and Christina Aguilera. In August 2003, the three popular singers had a chance to perform together. People were excited when they saw them on the same stage. Britney and Christina are great singers and have many things in common. People often compare them to each other. Many young American ask, "Who do you like better, Britney or Christina?"
次の発言を伝える文を指示に従って完成させなさい “I’m leaving for America tomorrow.”(聞いた一週間後に伝える) →He told me これはhe told meの後を埋める問題なんですけど、 ()内の指示の意味が分かりません? 一週間後に伝えるってどういう意味ですか? だれかお願いします。
Programmers without access to any of these systems will not be able to develop C# programs—but there is a solution to this, as will be explained later in the C# Runtime Environment section. お願いします>訳
How many people to be in this country is increacing. ではどうだろう。 識者 ご意見求む。 「この国の人口は増えている」の意味でHow を使うのは自然ではない。 人口=population を知らなければ number of people で言い換えればよい。 >>381質問には学年をつけようね!
>>381や>>386を直訳すると、 How many pepole are in this country is increasing. この国にどのくらい多くの人々がすんでいるかということが増えつつある。 How many people to be in this country is increasing. この国にどのくらい多くの人々が住もうとしているかということが増えつつある。 となってしまい「増えつつある」に対応する主語としてはおかしくなりませんか? どちらにしても People who are in this country is increasing. People to be in this country is increasing. ほどのすっきりさがない。 もっと別なhowの使い方があるんですかね?
>>379 間接話法の問題だが、1週間後という限定が付いているのは I'm leaving for America tomorrow.という発言がなされたのと He told me...という発言がなされたのが同じ日なら 間接話法内でもtomorrowという言葉が使用可能になって 問題の趣旨が損われるからだろう。
1 Tell me the reason ( why ) you are angry with me. 2 Take me to the place ( where ) we can see various alpine plants. 3 May 5 is the day ( when ) my parents got married. 4 This is an age ( how ) technology plays an important part.
>>407 Studying abroad has become a lot more popular than thirty years ago. Before, there were some students who had hard time, as they could not understand the language spoken in the country as well as the culture.
I followed the dealser's instructions,but reparing the car was easier said that done.
ア I was told that it would be better if the dealer repaired the car. イ It was easier for me to repair the car than listen to the dealer's long instructions. ウ Repairing the car was much easier than the dealer led me to believe. エ The dealer's advice was easy to understand,but actually repairing the car was difficult.
( )の中に従って書き換える句と節の問題なんですが、 @He spoke so eloquently that we were moved to tears.(Hisで始めて) AThey persuaded Robert that he should see a doctor.(Robertを主語にし、to不定詞を用いて) この二つをどうやって変えたらいいのか分かりません(>_<)どなたか教えてください!
Leveraging established technologies such as these gives the general public greater access to your software service because most users will already have a Web browser or email client on their computers. お願いします>訳
Any extra buisiness you get will be from customer who come in only because you are offering a discount or running a sale or giving away a premium or doing more advertising. 約お願いします
1We were disappointed that she refused our proposal. 1( )( )( ) our proposal disappointed us. 2No one knew she was interested in math and science. 2No one knew about ( )( )( )math and science. 3By looking at this meter, you know how the engine is. 3This meter ( )( )how the engine is. 各組の文がほぼ同じ意味になるように( ) 適語をいれる問題です。全然わかりません。 教えてください。お願いします(>_<)
>>488, >>493, >>495 place to be の be は、「居る」の意味。 直訳すると、「いるべき場所」。 an inviting place to be で 「居たくなる場所、来たくなる場所」。
work to do, a book to read などの場合は、 名詞が不定詞の意味上の目的語になっているが、 an inviting place to be の場合は、 意味上の主語でも目的語でもなく、 不定詞が名詞の内容を説明している。 It is time to go home. などと同様の用法。
その芸術家は月に2枚以上絵を描くことはめったにない を英語で書くと, ・The artist seldom draws paintngs more than two each month. ・The artist seldom draws more than two paintings each month. のどっちが正しいですか?
あと, We safely arrived home at 5 o'clock in the moring yesterday. という文で,最後の日時を指定する部分の順番はこれでいいんでしょうか?
句と節の問題で日本文と同じ意味になるように( )内に適当な語を入れたいんですが、分からないので教えてください! @私たちが帰ると、彼は礼儀正しく私たちを迎えた On(we)(returned),he greeted us very politely. A悪天候にもかかわらず、その船は予定どおりに到着した。 (Indeed)the bad weather,the ship arrived on schedule. B海王星に生物がいる可能性はどうか。 What is the probability( )( )( )on Neptune? C彼女は運転免許試験に落ちてとてもがっかりした To( )( )( )she failed her driving test. D雨が降るといけないから、彼はレインコートを持って行った。 He took his raincoat( )( )that it might rain.
>>513 @ On (our)(return), he greeted us very politely. A (Despite) the bad weather, the ship arrived on schedule. B What is the probability (of)(life)(existence) on Neptune? C To (her)(great)(disappointment) she failed her driving test. D He took his raincoat (for)(fear) that it might rain.
I am sorry that she is absent from the conference. I am sorry about( )( )from the conference. He is not contented for all his wealth. ( )he is( ),he is not contented. To the best of my knowledge,he is honest and sincere. As( )as I( ),he is honest and sincere. Whatever you may say,I can not accept your invitation. ( )( )your words,I can not accept your invitation. I'm sorry I am so late. I( )for being so late. 二つの文が同じになるように( )に適語を入れるにはどうすればいいでしょうか?
(1)sorry about 名詞句 I am sorry about (her) (absence) from the conference. (2)for all 名詞句 (〜にもかかわらず) 「彼の富にかかわらず」ですから (Though) he is (rich), he is not contented. (3)To the best of my knowledge(私が知っている限りでは), =As (far ) as I (know ), *これは非常に良く出る書き換えです。 (4)Whatever you may say, (あなたが何と言おうとも) =Despite of 名詞句 =In spite of 名詞句 かっこの数は2なので--- (Despite) (of)your words, (4)apologize for (こと)、(またapologize to (人)) I (apologize) for being so late. ------------------------------------------------ 非常に細かいことを言っていいだろうか? , の後は半角開けるのが正書法です。 例) (Though) he is (rich), he is not contented.
2文が同じ意味になるように、( )に適当な語を入れる問題なんですが、 Soon our house will be buit. It will not be( )( )our house is built. There is little hope of her recovery. There is little hope that( )( )( ). As he is wealthy, he can buy anything. He can buy anything( )of his wealth. He doesn't know how he should drive a car. He doesn't know how( )drive a car. Don't speak while your mouth is full. Don't speak( )your mouth is full. どなたかお願いします!
1 I was about to go out. Then I felt the house shake. 2 I met him at two. Then it began to rain. 3 We walked together as far as the station. We parted there. 4 Tokyo is really overpopulated. More than ten million people live there.
1 I was about to go out, when I felt the house shake. 2 I met him at two, when it began to rain. 3 We walked together as far as the station, where we parted. 4 Tokyo is really overpopulated, where more than ten million people live.
( )の中に従って書き換える句と節の問題なんですが、 There can be no doubt that he is intelligent.(単文に) On seeing the cat,the dog ran after it.(複文に) With all his faults,I like him.(複文に) どなたか本当にお願いします!
>>558 主張といっても単に事実や経験などを主張する(言い張る) という意味なら直説法。例えばinsistについても同様。 I insist that she takes the medicine. 彼女はきっとその薬を飲んでますよ。 I insist(ed) that she take the medicine. 彼女はその薬を飲むべきだと強く勧めた。
( )の中に従って書き換える句と節の問題なんですが、 On seeing the cat,the dog ran after it.(複文に) With all his faults,I like him.(複文に) It seems that she was beautiful in her day.(Sheを主語にして単文に) どなたかお願いします!
In the field of politics women play an important part also. Not many women have been elected to the nation Congress, and though there have been women governors of two states, there has never been a woman president.
575さんへ。 複文って主節と従属節から成り立ってる文だよね。違うかもしれないけど、 とりあえず、 As soon as the dog saw the cat, it ran after the dog. Though he has faults,I like him. これでいいと思うけど・・・・ 最後のやつは簡単。よくある問題。 She seems to have been beautiful in her day.
fairy tales can do for small children waht myth and religious ceremonies did for primitive peoples ---give their fears names to identify them with 訳は「神話や宗教上の儀式が未開民族に対しておこなってきたこと、つまり彼らの 恐怖に名前を与えてそれを認識可能なものとすることを、おとぎ話は幼児のためにすることができる」 と書いてあるのですが、最後部のto identify them withのところで、 なぜidentify with them ではなくてthem withと順序が逆になっているのでしょうか?
恐怖に名前を与えてそれを認識可能なものとする→恐怖を認識させる物は名前 だからgive their fears names to identify them with(their names) となり、their namesがwithの後ろに省略されているのでしょうか? 30分近く考えたのですがこんな結論しか浮かびませんでした
The wretched Subject of this History,was born at Wolcerbampton in Stafford-sbire and to do Jistice to his Original,his parents,though mean,had the repute of Honest and Industrious People,his Father being a Carpenter.
This work of science is much more difficult of attainment than those who have not tried imagine この文の形は、those who have not tried(it) imagine (this work of science is difficult) のカッコの部分が省略されていると考え、「科学のこの仕事は、これをやろうとしたことがない人が 考えるよりももっと難しい」と訳せばいいのでしょうか?
質問です。 Imagine you are a top international journalist. Describe the person you would mosr like to interview and ewplain what you ould want to ask her or him. 60語ていどで英語で述べなさい
1 We sang ( ) danced at the party. 2 I like Jim, ( ) my sister doesn't. 3 Is he going there by train ( ) by car? 4 Take a bath, ( ) you will be refreshed. 5 Take good care of yourself, ( ) you will catch cold.
Althogh he is still very young, he ( ) the store very well. (A)charges (B)look after (C)manages (D)runs ()内に入らないものを選ぶ問題で答えが(A)なんですが、 (C)は何故当てはまるのですか? また、(C)を入れて和訳するならどういう訳になりますか?
The wretched Subject of this History,was born at Wolcerbampton in Stafford-sbire and to do Jistice to his Original,his parents,though mean,had the repute of Honest and Industrious People,his Father being a Carpenter.
Not yet familiar with the conditions in the stratosphere―nor with the power of color―when he set out on his flight in 1932, he painted his gondola white.
More than once he sold human blood by obtaining the conviction of the innocent,but,on the other hand,he brought murderers to justice with no worse motive than the hope of gain.
You can't avoid him. You can't ever get away from him. Every day you have to report to him. No one else can see him. No one else matters quite as much. That person is the person in the mirror. The person in the mirror is your final accountant each and every day of your life. Late at night, when you go into the bathroom and close the door, he is there. The bad part is, you can't fool the person in the mirror. You can't trick him. It's his judgement and nobody else's that really matters. You have all the praise of the world. Everybody can say you're a great person; everybody can say nice things about you, but you can't fool the person in the glass. If you can't look him straight in the eye, you've failed. If you're exactly where you want to be in your life,great. But if you're less than you thought you'd be, less than you planned to be, maybe you don't like him so well. Maybe you avoid looking sometimes because it's too painful. But when you're there in the bathroom with that person late at night, it doesn't matter what the world says about you. You know what the score really is. You know whether you can look at that person and smile or whether you look and see the man (or woman) who might have been――but wasn't. Go and do it. You've got nothing to lose and everything to gain. Don't keep holding back thinking you're protecting yourself from disappointment. You're only protecting yourself from life. ――A.L.Williams:All You Can Do Is All You Can Do But All You Can Do Is Enough これをお願いします
こちらは、この教会について何でも教えてくださる方です。 This is (the man/tell/us/who/will) all about this church.
ハリーはその部屋で見たものをできれば忘れたいと思った。 Harry wished that (could/forget/he/he'd/what) seen in that room.
ハーマイオニが先生の質問に答えなかったのはこれが初めてだった。 It was the (to answer/failed/first time/had ever/Hermione) a teacher's question.
並び替えです、お願いします。 ちなみに自分はこれになりました。 1,This is (who the man will tell us) all about this church. 2,Harry wished that (he could ferget what he'd) seen in that room. 3.It was the (first time Hermione had ever failed to answer) a teacher's question.
He believes that even if many new kinds of English become common in the future, a new form of English, which he calls "World Standard Spoken English," will develop. 彼は、たとえこの先多くの新しい種の英語が当たり前となったとしても、 新しい形の英語−彼がワールドスタンダートスポークンイングリッシュと呼ぶもの−が発展するだろうと信じている。
Any encryption algorithm that substitutes one character for another can be broken without knowing the key or even the mechanism by which the text was encrypted. 訳をお願いします。 that substitutes one character for another can be broken の部分が特に理解できません。
1. I didn't come here to be pushed down and crushed. 2. I'm looking forward to sitting next to you during my term here. と、答えには、書いてあったんですけど…… これはあっているんでしょうか??? もう少し簡単な表現でも言えるんじゃないかな、という気はするのですが…… 悲しいかな、じぶんの頭では判断もできず……(つд`) よろしくおねがいしまつ。
This makes it much more secure than the previous encryption methods described, which would be more akin to a combination lock, where the combination needs to be set when inserting the bolt into the lock. お願いします。
1,My son is not good at schoolwork,(but)he is good at sports. 2,Would you like to go out,(or)would you rather stay home? 3,I didn't ask him for help,(but)do I want to. 4,Go straight for two blocks, (and) you'll find the hospital on your right. 5,He is both a good guitarist (and)a good singer. 6,He was very tired,(and) he went to bed early. 7,Don't be noisy, (or) I'll make you go out of the room. 8,We have to go shopping, (for) there is little food left in the refrigerator. [for/or/so/nor/but/and]←から適当な接続詞を選んで( )に入れなさい。 同じ語は何回使ってもよい。という問題です。 入れてみたんですけど添削をしてくれませんか? よろしくお願いします。m(_ _)m
1.ジョージは父親と同じくらい上手にテニスをします。 George plays tennis as well as fathers. 2.暗くなるにつれて、ますます寒くなった。 The darker it grew, 3.天気は昨日よりずっと悪い。 The weather is 4.トムはクラスの誰よりも背が高い。 Tom is taller than anyone in the class.
1 George plays tennnis as well as his father. 2 The day had been darker and colder little by little. (自信なし) 3 The wether is pretty worse then yesterday. 4 Tom is the most tallest person in this class.
put someone on the spot 【1】 (人)を質問{しつもん}で困らせる、(人)を苦境{くきょう}に追い込む ・ Our little daughter always puts us on the spot at home. まだ小さい娘は家で私たちに質問ばかりして困らせる。 【2】 (人)の命を狙う、(人)を殺すことに決める
More emails are sent every day than postal mail. Why? Because email is cheap, informal, fast, and can be picked up at the receiver's convenience. Emails can be automatically generated and sent, making them ideal for automated status notification. 電子メールの説明らしいんですけど、よろしくお願いします。
I've already had breakfast. という文を否定文にしなさいという問題が出て、私は I haven't had breakfast yet. と解きました。 でも学校で答え合わせの時に先生は I haven't already had breakfast. と言いました。 どっちが正しいと思いますか? 先生が正しいと思いたいけど、 私の学校の英語の先生はちょくちょくミスをしているので 正直言って信用出来ないのでこのスレのみなさんにお聞きします。
他人のタバコの煙を吸わされることによって、 自分の健康が損なわれるのは納得できない。 >>809 I couldn't understand that I am hurted by the smoke onother smoke. ……ダメポ >>813 それがあたしのやりかた(wayを手段と解釈)/それがあたしの道(wayを方向と解釈) I amで私がそのなかにいると強調してるわけね。
( )にいれるのに不適切なものを選べ ( ) did I learn to write essays and papers. a. Not until I went to college b. Only after graduating from college c. When I was a college student d. At no point in my formal education って問題なんですけど。分野は倒置なんですがいまいちわかりません。 解説お願いします。高1です。
ガッコの宿題かよ? アシュリーシンプソンの曲の題だって,初めからゆえってんだよ。 [Chorus] That's just the way I am I do it just because I can Anything I want to I'm not gonna ask you no You better understand That's just the way I am
>>817 「【否定】の副詞」が文頭に来ると、倒置が起きる。この場合の「倒置」 とは「疑問文語順」になるということ。つまり、問題文の「did I」の部分 が「倒置」。 さて、選択肢はすべて「副詞(節・句)」。したがって、【否定】の要素を 含んでいるかどうかを考えればよいことになる。 a. 【Not】until I went to college b. 【Only】after graduating from college c. When I was a college student d. At【no】point in my formal education
というわけで、「c」以外すべて【否定】の要素を含んでいる。 「only 〜」は「〜しか【ない】」ということで【否定】扱い。 ベタに訳すと、 a. 私は「大学に入るまで」学ば【なかった】 b. 私は「大学を卒業した後でしか」学ば【なかった】 d. 私は「正式に受けた教育のどの時点においても」学ば【なかった】 となる。ちなみに c. When I was a college student, I learned 〜
リラックスしてA,3回ゆっくり息を吸って吐いてください。 Relax and breathe out a couple of times in now.(自信ない) 訂正 Breathe in and out a couple of times in relax now.かも・・・(やっぱり自信ない)
カッコ内の選択問題なんですが、お願いします。 I recommended that he (go went gone) to school My uncle provided me (with for of)food when I was a child Osaka has a (big much large)population I go to the flower shop every other (week weeks weekly) In spite of the (much heavy large)traffic Jack managed to go to the statio at 3,00pm Please make (myself yourself itself)at home My plan to get the money was (succeed success successful)and I became rich The shop is alomst finishing so we have only three more minutes (atlast atmost atleast) Sven years (have passed had passed passed)since I met you last time Take this umbrella with you in caseit (rains rained will rain)
The car is(less last theleast) expensive of all Suppose you (see saw seen)him now , you would be surprised I have no money to eat this week (what where which)is a serious problem John is very kind He helps (whose whoever whom) needs help Please do not forget (wisit to visit visiting)my mother tomorrow Had it not been for miki's advice ,I would possibly still(be am havebeen) She will finish the job(after in by)a half day
The fast-food hamburger industry offers tasty but not nutritious food.
The hamburgers have a high-fat content, and the restaurants promote fries and pies, two products high in starch and fat.
In satisfying consumer wants, they may be hurting consumer health.
The American auto industry traditionally catered to the American demand for large automobiles, but meeting this desire resulted in high fuel consumption, heavy pollution, more fatal accidents to those in small cars, and high fuel consumption, heavy pollution, more fatal accidents to those in small cars, and higher auto purchase and repair costs.
The soft-drink industry has catered to the American desire for convenience by increasing the share of one-way disposable bottles.
However, the one-way bottle represents a great waste of resources in that approximately seventeen bottles are necessary where formerly one two-way bottle made seventeen trips before it was damaged; many one-way bottles are not biodegradable; and these bottles often litter the environment.
The detergent industry catered to the American passion for whiter clothes by offering a product that polluted rivers and streams, killed fish, and recreational opportunities.
1 It is three years (私が日本に戻ってから). 2 I visited the British Museum twice (ロンドンにいる間). 3 I had to carry the package by myself, (たとえとても重くても). 4 Would you do (私が言うように)? 5 (もし彼が現れたら), please hand this book to him. 6 (彼が望んだので), we went out to a restaurant for dinner.
On one occasion Touji shot dead on the highway a mutinous disciple, and claimed honour for having rid the world of a scoundrel. ある時トウジの射殺死体が公道にあった反乱を起こした弟子、そして 悪党を世間から取り除く名誉が主張された
His assistance was invoked by one Johson,the captain of his sloop,who had been arrested. John came at the call,and provoked a riot,enableing Johnson to escape. An information was laid against him for rescuing Johnson,and,after he had hidden for three weeks, he was on 15 Feb arrested at his house and committed to Newgate. while he remained there an information of eleven articles was laid against him,but he continued to carry on his business,and,among others,received the cisit of Catherine Statham,who paid him ten guineas for procuring the restoration of some lace of which she had been robbed. 長文ですがよろしくお願いします
I don't want ( a fool , to , myself , make , of out ) 並び替えて、「物笑いにはなりたくありません」という文を作る問題です。 「make a fool of oneself」が、ばかなことをして物笑いになるというのは分かるのですが、 out がどこに入るのか分かりません… どなたか教えてくださいませ。
He paid considerable sums for mention of his name as thieftaker general in the newspapers and in broadsheets published at the execution of notorious criminals/ 訳お願いします
His assistance was invoked by one Johson,the captain of his sloop,who had been arrested. John came at the call,and provoked a riot,enableing Johnson to escape. An information was laid against him for rescuing Johnson,and,after he had hidden for three weeks, he was on 15 Feb arrested at his house and committed to Newgate. while he remained there an information of eleven articles was laid against him,but he continued to carry on his business,and,among others,received the cisit of Catherine Statham,who paid him ten guineas for procuring the restoration of some lace of which she had been robbed.
すみません。大学入試の過去問なんですが。。。 Although my brother has ( ) deifferent birth date than me, many think we are twins. @other A a B the C one 答えAなんです。「誕生日って 一人1日しかないんだから 限定のthe では?」 と、考えたのですが なんでa なのでしょうか。 教えてください。 御願いしますm(__)m
His assistance was invoked by one Johson,the captain of his sloop,who had been arrested. John came at the call,and provoked a riot,enableing Johnson to escape. An information was laid against him for rescuing Johnson,and,after he had hidden for three weeks, he was on 15 Feb arrested at his house and committed to Newgate. while he remained there an information of eleven articles was laid against him,but he continued to carry on his business,and,among others,received the cisit of Catherine Statham,who paid him ten guineas for procuring the restoration of some lace of which she had been robbed. 長文ですがよろしくお願いします
The life and times of the famouse GOEMON are largely apocryphal,and the same must be said of the numerous biographies which apperaed shortly after GOEMON's execution 日本語訳をどうかお願いします
・この薬は1日に二回までしか飲んではいけない。 Don't take this medicine ( )( ) twice a day. ・ちょうどフランスの人々がワインをたしなむように、イギリス人はビールをたしなむ。 Just ( ) French people enjoy their wine,( ) the British enjoy their beer. 何を入れればいいのか分からないので 教えて頂けませんか
The life and times of the famouse GOEMON are largely apocryphal,and the same must be said of the numerous biographies which apperaed shortly after GOEMON's execution 日本語訳をどうかお願いします
すみません、おたすけを(泣) Elderly Rnick(人物名です)swept sourly in before Lewin(名前です) had finished speaking. "The law defines a heg as one with human form who is not human. Medical evidence of brain pattern or nerve and muscle deviations is required prior to execution, but for a first hearing it is enough to the establish that tha subject can perform one or more of the following: mind-reading, kindling fire or moving objects at a distance, healing or killing by the use of the mind alone,surviving shooting, drowning or suffocation, or enslaving or otherwise afflicting the mind of a beast or human." 長いですがぜひお願いしますm(__)m