First Annual Japan-United Kingdom Clairville Conference on International Business
Difference in management styles, marketing strategies, and research and defense policies will be covered.
Host: London Institute of Far Eastern Economic Studies
Guest: Sir Rutherford Cummings Minister of Trade, U.K. Dr. Hideki Sato Tokyo Technology University. Dr. Benjamin Sales Victoria Science College Dr. Kenji Tanaka Daikobe University.
Conference Date: Jan.4-7 Conference Site: Waterloo Hotel
問 What is a major focus of this conference? A. Trade barriers B. Management styles C. East-West politics D. Economic development
【英文】 Garbage is piling up everywhere. At home, I sigh whenever I take out our household garbage, which gets hauled off to the dump several times each week. But how many of us realize that the lifestyle that produces so much waste is a very recent thing? In Japan, we take care to sort our garbage, separating organic wastes, newspapers and magazines, cans and bottles. In spite of our best efforts, if we burn some of these wastes without care, we may produce some poisonous chemicals. They pollute our environment, or these poisons may be gradually building up in our bodies. A process moving toward the end of the Japanese race has already started, as chemicals are cutting the sperm count of Japanese males. Other nations are poisoning themselves in similar ways, but we produce far more garbage per person than Europeans. It is clear that we are the leading consumers of the earth's resources.
【質問(解答も英語で)】 Why are the Japanese people the leading consumers of the earth's resources?
この英文は、日英間の国際商業会議みたいな話だと思うのですが、 問いの「この会議における最大の焦点は何か?」に対して考えられる答えは、 B. Management styles D. Economic development のどちらかだと思います。 それでmanagement stylesはこの会議の話題の一つであり、major focus ではないと思います。 経営方法や市場戦略や調査や守備政策を含めた、経済発展についてだと思ったのですが、どうでしょうか? お願いします。