Explaining something to others is a good practice for your language skills. In American schools, this is done by "Show & Tell" in which the pupils bring an object and then talk to the class about it.
Now, please practice your English by posting some of the famous AA (or S_JIS Art, whatever) of 2ch and explain their names, characteristics, and so forth. I'll start!
∧ ∧___ My name is Shii. I am a cute, /(゚ー゚*) /\ deserted cat, living in a box. /| ̄∪∪ ̄|\/ Some people cannot stand | |/ how cute I am. But Gikoneko likes me!  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
I'm dead meat. Some people call me a living sandbag only good at weighing too much. But because I lose all too early in spite of huge expectations and money put on me, I became the most famous k-1 fighter among 2channelers. What a lucky guy I am!
Hey, that was pretty good, >>3! Since you're doing so fine, I think I can just stay lying on the floor here. It's actually quite comfortable. You should give it a try sometime!
巛彡ミミミ彡彡 巛巛巛巛巛彡彡 |::::::::: | |:::::::: ___、 ,_,l |::::::: =・ニ , 〔・={ |(6 ` _ 」 } / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ | l ┃' ー-=-'┃ / Hey,fuckin' asshole Anonymous. Stop wanking and I give you an idea | 、 ┃ ⌒┃! < Do it by yourself! Shake and suck your own cock!! ,ノ`ヽ、 ヽ、. ━━/ \ And spread dirty white liquid in your own mouth!lol _,;-'"´´`ヽ、 ` - 、,  ̄ ノ``-;,_ \________ _,;-'"´ r‐-‐-‐/⌒ヽ '"´ ``-、_ // ヽ、 |_,|_,|_,h( ̄.ノヽ ヽ ヽ | | ー-ヽノ| `~`".`´ ´"⌒⌒) ', i | ヽ、// ノ |ヽ、_入_ノ|´ ̄ ノ | ヽ / / \ _ ,/ | _ , イ y ノ ト、l イ /B u f f a l o e s /____| ヽ、 ノ | /|____,,ゝ \__/ | 5 | | |
./"´:;;::;;;: ::::;::"ソヽ / ,ヘ〜-ー'´⌒``ヽ:ヽ / ノ 彡:三:三:三:ミ |: \ | |. __,,;;ィ t;;;;,,,_ :ヽ│ | |シ ,ィェァ') (.yェュ、 ミ| | Anonymous,you're an idiot. !r、| ''''''. | | '''''' Y ) Why don't you try stickin your head up your ass?See if it fit's... ヽ{ ヽ. (r、 ,n) /:: };ノ Bush is a great man. し} : 、___二__., ;:::::jJ Yeah, great at getting us into trouble !、.:. ´ ..::::... `ノ::::ノ _,〉、ゝ '""'ノ/:| __,,ィ';;;;ト `ニニ: ::..ノ|ヽ、_ IRAQI WARS EPISODE IV: A NEW HOPE -ー''''"";;;;;;;;;;;;ヽ \::::::::/ /;;;;;;;;;;;`''ー-、,,,,__ ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ヽ >< /;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;"'' ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ヽ /|;;;jヽ、/;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
Thanks for all of your reviews and comments. But most of the AAs have the unique connetation inherent to their Japanese expresions which I can't sacrifice. I'm not saying I will do it all in Japanese. Well, what do you say to >>62? Looks cute, huh?
>>134 Where is the thread? Um, it's better to keep it away, I guess. So I'll look for it.
To tell you the truth, though, 4ch seems like it's shrunk lately, stepped back. As for me, I sometimes take a gander at it even now, but I'm not motivated to post because of what they call a diminishing scale: Something like "you don't post? Then I don't post, too" kind of idea comes to me.
Sorry, I'm feeling negative. Well, anyway, I hope I can find your thread.
I have heard about that movie (it's called "Die fetten Jahre sind vorbei" in German - what does "Bokuranokakumei" mean?) but I haven't seen it. Generally, I don't like movies from Germany. They are mostly boring or unpleasantly political in a naive way. I like German movies from the 1920s, though, especially the works of F.W. Murnau and Fritz Lang (although, technically, he was Austrian).
And I guessed that Zonu is a dog - but what is he like? What does he do? When does he appear? Same questions for Dai-chan... History, characteristics, etc.
>>143 Oh, you don't like it? I myself haven't seen Germany movies before because they weren't introduced to Japan before or not advertised so much. But this time I read on the news paper that the movie I referred to is very interesting though not exciting like Hallywood movies. And, yes, the paper said it includes political issues but the way is not aggitating. Hmmm, I'm sorry I can't read Germany language...But I'd translate "Bokuranokakumei" as "our struggling to reform a social structure" or something. I'm not sure what Die fetten Jahre sind vorbei means correctly, though.
Concerning Zonu, I know little of him. All I know is he was made out as a joking charactor. As you may know, イヌ(pronounced as INU) in Japanese means dog. And some 2ch'er posted like "Do you know? There're some people around the world who eat ○ヌ." and in return other replied "ゾヌ?"(pronounced as Zonu) " before Zonu got suddenly popular. After that, some programer created a new interface like Internet Explore to make sure that 2ch is more user-friendly. I installed and used it before intializing my PC.
Then next, about Dai-chan( We japanese folk use "chan" in Japanese to express someone is adorable, especially for children but informally for adults), he was a superviser of a professional baseball team in Japan. But Dai-chan blew it. Under his control, the team took a devastating record. it was positioned at the bottom of a league two years in a row! It turned out he was an incompetent superviser. We didn't like his strategy. So this may strike you as odd, but we loved him because of his charactor, very cheerful even if his team failed to win. That's why he was let go from the team this year, but he got a chance. He belongs to another team as an assistant superviser now!
>After that, some programer created a new interface >like Internet Explore to make sure that 2ch is more user-friendly. I installed and used it >before intializing my PC. Sorry.I must've been too short. The reason I brought up a new interface here is because it is named after Zonu: Hot Zonu, which can be used only for 2ch.
"Fette Jahre" is a (German) idiom used to describe times in which business goes well. Fett = fat, Jahr = year "Sind" is the plural present form of "sein" (to be), and "vorbei" means "gone", "over" or "passed". So the original title roughly translates to "The fat years are over"...
About Zonu... I see. I mean, I see what you mean, but I guess it's one of these 2ch things that you only really understand when you actually spend some time here and understand Japanese to begin with. Thanks for taking your time to explain, though!
The fat years are over? That makes a comletely different impression to me, compared to "Bokuranokakumei" in Japanese. Does the title in Germany sound positive to you? When I hear "Bokuranokakumei", it sounds very positive and aggresive, which reminds me of "Youth" or "Energy". But it sounds a bit painful or frail when I hear "the fat years are over".
That being said, did I miss living up to your expectations about Zonu? To be honest, I found some description about him on a searching engine, look it over, and get some knowledge on him before posting, though. It sure is not understandable to anyone who didn't spend time. I must've lacked common sense. I feel sorry for you. And I'm also sorry I don't know when he appears, or when to use the AA. I'll let you know when I'm clear about it.
,-,ii|||||||||||||||||ii、‐、 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,_/ i|||||||||||||||||||||||||i ヽ_,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ゛゛llll||||||||||/ ' i|||||| |||||||||||||||||i ` ヾ|||||||||||llll"" ゛lll/ ||||||| |||||||||||||||||| ,llll"" \ l|||||||||||||||||||||||||||l / / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ 彡 ゛ll||||||||||||||||||ll" ミ | I'm Freeza. I come from the planet Freeza. \_ ゛゛Y"" __ノ | Respect me. Obey me. I'm the best of the best. | ]下ミ─-。、_|_, 。-―テ「 [ l | I'm looking for the dragon balls. ゝ_,. lミミi=´<_,.`=i=ヲ 、__ノ < Go find me all of them, Dodoria. ヽlミ| 「‐、=ラ7 |ヲ'´ | I'd love to live permanently. _______ , へ ノ`i=、_ 二 _,=iゝ、_,へ、 _ \_________ i i i  ̄| |――-\ ̄∠-――| | ̄ i i i
,-,ii|||||||||||||||||ii、‐、 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,_/ i|||||||||||||||||||||||||i ヽ_,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ゛゛llll||||||||||/ ' i|||||| |||||||||||||||||i ` ヾ|||||||||||llll"" ゛lll/ ||||||| |||||||||||||||||| ,llll"" \ l|||||||||||||||||||||||||||l / / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ 彡 ゛ll||||||||||||||||||ll" ミ | \_ ゛゛Y"" __ノ | Well, well, well, it seems like I was a bit | ]下ミ─-。、_|_, 。-―テ「 [ l | beside myself. But I'm gentle and calm. ゝ_,. lミミi=´<_,.`=i=ヲ 、__ノ < Come near me. You're adorable. ヽlミ| 「‐、=ラ7 |ヲ'´ | _______ , へ ノ`i=、_ 二 _,=iゝ、_,へ、 _ \_________ i i i  ̄| |――-\ ̄∠-――| | ̄ i i i
>>147 > Does the title in Germany sound positive to you?
Well, it's to be taken ironically, I think. And I guess the Japanese title is, in the context of the content of the movie, also to be taken ironically. If you ever go and see it, please tell me if I am right with this assumption. And don't feel sorry for anything. I am grateful for any bit of info I can get and there's no pressure.
>>170 I've never saw the AA before, but I'd translate the phrase as "I'm just writing an e-mail now", "I'm busy writing an e-mail now" and so on. Aother situation I can think of is: if she didn't touch PCs before and so she never wrote e-mails, but now that she enjoys PCs, she wants to tell someone she can be computer-savvy, then she may say "I can send e-mails". Depends on the situations, I think.
_ −  ̄ − ̄ − _ | | |___________| |____________ | /____________\ _|」 / | | \ |」_ ( d / o| ∩ |o \ b ) (_] \_ / ( )\_/ [ _) / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ | _ __`´__ _ | < Dooone! | | | ̄| ̄| ̄| ̄| ̄| ̄| | | \____ | | ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄| | | ヽ┬┬┬┬┬┬┬ ノ | \_  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ /___ / ̄\ ̄ ̄ ̄――― ̄ ̄ ̄ /| \ , ┤ ト、 / \ / | \ | \_/ ヽ \ / | \ | __( ̄ | / | < | __)_ノ \ / | / ヽ___) ノ \/ | / This is Moguro Fukuzo, a sales man, often smirking, evil. When someone gets stuck, going nowhere, Moguro appears in front of them, saying "I can help you out. You can count on me". But once they do, he shows himself. What he really wants is mess their lives up. "Dooone!" is a kind of mement mori. When he says it, it means the end. They'll die and he is celebrating!
------------------------------ 1. Copy and paste the texts above and make a text file. 3. Change the extension (.txt) to .html. 4. Open it by a browser. 5. See what happens.
/ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ | I told you this was some primo stuff. \_ _____________ ∨ / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ∧_∧ | Oh, Man! Is my heart suppose to beat so fast?! ( ´∀`) /へ.____________________ ( っ-~ ∧ ∧ ∧_∧-ニニニニニニニ─、(゚Д゚;) ( ・∀・ ) ヽ⊂ ヽ ( つヽ、 ∧_∧\ ノ〜 し__) \ ニニ( ). \ / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ || ̄ ̄ ( ) ̄|| < Relax, dude. You've had just one hit. (__○ノ \_______________ ∧ / ̄  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ | What's really funny is it's just a clove cigarette. \____________________
today, i woke up with perspiration all over my body. i saw a dream about my ex-boyfriend. after all i still care about him. our relationship lasted almost 3 years & we had broken up 5 months ago. i stopped crying after 2 month since we broke up. the wound will eventually healed. thank God.