すみません。和訳ではないのですが、次の文章読むときの 発音の仕方を教えてください。 たとえばMichael Jacksonだったらマイコージャクスンみたいな、、、 お願いします。 One life received the life to this world on January 24, 2004.
In ,Mother it is a bland character and a too detailed thing is a person do not worry about.
Two people marry and five years. The dressed day finally came to my child.
As is still true, people gladly march off to horrible wars it they believe that the cause for which they fight is noble, true, and greater than themselves.
2.Mix the milk and butter with a whisk until butter is fully melted. Add active dry yeast, salt and sugar ,and mix lightly . Add flour and mix lightly with chopsticks until just biendcd. In microwave cooking,it is best to avoid overmixing batter. 長いですがお願いします
3.Cover the batter loosely with a microwavablelid and microwave at 150-200 watts for 30 seconds to compiete primary fermentation by the yeast. 4.Place a wet paper towel under the lid, and let the dough sit for about 10 minutes at 28 C or 27 C until it doubles in size. 続けて悪いんですがお願いします。
5.Place the dough on a lightly floured boardand flour it lightly by turning it upside down with a rubber spatula. Roll the dough out to an 18-centimeter-diameter circle. 6.Place the dough in a buttered pie pan. Roll out the dough to the edge of the pan with floured fingers.
7.Trim excess dough with a knife,while using a little water to add dough to make up for deficiencies. Press the dough on the pair with a knife at one-centimcter intervals. 8.Place mascarpone cheese inside the dough. Cut parmigiano reggiano cheese into two-three-millimeter slices and place them on the mascarpone cheese. 重ねてお願い申し上げます
9.Combine starch and sugar for the filling in a bowl with a whisk until they become smooth. Add vanilla extract and egg yolk ,and mix well. Add whipping cream and gently pour over the chees. 10.Bake at the bottom of an oven preheated to 200 C to 220 C for 15 minutes until the pie fully rises. Then place the pie on the upper rack and bake it for eight to 10 minutes until golden brown on top.
Whether an action is helpful or harmful is not always clear at first sight. For example, two people may see a big dog barking beside a small child. One of them may be sure that the dog is going to hurt the child. The other may recognize that the dog is protecting the child.
1.To make the matter worse, his mother was taken ill and died her unhappy death in a small cottage by the river. 2.He wanted to have his children stay in the country during the long summer vacation in order to promote their health. 3.Coal was the most important of all the minerals found in this country half a century ago. 4.It is told in a myth that every day these horses come out of the east drawing a car of fine with its golden weels. 5.Most of the actors and actresses were poor and ragged persons wandering from town to town.
The first suffrages believed in being legal and peaceful. They used to write letters to parliament and organize petitions. Nothing happened Nobody noticed them. この和訳お願いします。
I know the tone, It signifies the start of a nasty conversation. But it takes two to have one and I'm not up for sparring. Not over this. すみません和訳お願いします。
<B-1,Noun,26,agape> The significance of which has been pointed out in connection with No.A-1, is always rendered "love" in the Revised Version where the Authorized Version has "charity," a rendering nowhere used in the Revised Version; in Rome 14:15, where the Authorized Version has "charitably," the Revised Version, adhering to the translation of the noun, has "in love."
How do you think a tourist could handle himself in Japan, without talking japanese? Are there alot of people who can talk a little english or do you Have to learn Japanese if you want to go somewhere else then the big cities?
handle oneselfを辞書で調べたら、「行儀よくする」とあったのですが、 全体の意味がよく分かりません。 あと、then the big citiesはthan bigger citiesってことでしょうか。
長いですが、和訳お願いします。 In a typical game of digital cat-and-mouse, Robinson said one of his first moves was to block the points of entry,or ports,into the network used by popular file-trading software like Kazaa.
"You'll notice in the window is glass, and there is also glass in the mirror. But the glass in the mirror has silver painted on the back, and once there's the silver you stop seeing everybody else and you only see yourself" in the window のところがよくわかりません。 長いですが、どなたか訳していただけないでしょうか?