>>781 My PC was broken a year ago. Though it was a painstaking job to restage my pc, I had a kind of satisfaction after all like a thorough house clean
My computer also broke down completely (last year) a year ago. ん? 「install し直しました」かな。 Then I installed all from scratch. It was quite tough but I felt something like refreshing as if after the year end cleaning.
>>809 間違ってる。 I remember the letter that I dropped into a mailbox. だとキチンとした文にはなるが,日本語の意味とはズレル。 I remember that I dropped the letter into a maibox. でもいいけど。
>>789 I guess Xmas in your family is really fun. what kind of gifts did you buy? I bought some gifts for people who I met over here. I'm going back to Ehine on Dec 30th and stay there around 1week. I have to work until 29th, so I've decided I'll spend xmas with my coworker. We are planning to eat dinner and to see night view in the town. えひめか…いいとこだな。
My computer was also broken a years ago. At that time, I downloaded all. Yes it was a heavy task. But I also felt a kind of exhilaration like after the cleanup.
>>832 She took her mobile phone, and the moment she said "will call again", she hung up. He with her felt the sence of guilt because he had known the phone was you.
>>830 by recent servey, it is said that more than half of Japanese junior high school students have no opportunity that talk with their fathers. This showes that their fathers have been out of home, and students almost have been out of home for their cram school too. このことは家庭を長時間留守にする 父親が多く、また塾通い等で子供たちが家で過ごす時間が減少している傾向を 示している。その結果、家庭は子供を教育し、しつける機能を失いつつある。
>>830 according to all kind of servey, more than half of all junior high school students rarely have an oppotunity to talk to their father. this fact indicates that many fathers are out of their houses for a long time and the time children spend at their places tends to decrease. as a result, the function of families, which is education and discipline by them is falling. もう最後のほうは適当です…
>>841 If the sun disappear, the earth will freeze soon, and flowers will be dry, birds throw their wings and people lose the smile. Sun, oh, you are our mind star. happiness oh you are our flame to protect us. Eagle, Shark, Pancer! Eagle, Shark, Pancer! our soles are burning too. We are Sun Soldier, Sun Barkan. ICHI TAS NI TAS ICHI TAS NI TAS SA-NBA-RUKA-N..
>>845 I want to explain about billiards nine ball. Nine ball is two players game. What you should do at first is that your ball throw to the lowest number ball and fall the hit ball to the pocket. If you can fall nothing to the pocket, must change the hitting player. Finally, the man who fall nine number ball is the game winner.