Where is the guy of a poor academic record who has written just before? He or she lives a very lonely while spending his or her English ability in this kind of desolate thread. If she or he is older than 30, how can I stop laughing?
>>951 Have the seemingly non-educated guy who was translating here gone? LOL He/she must be living a lonely life to think that he/she has no chances to put his English command to use but translating here. If he/she is over 30, I can't help but feeling pity for him/her.
Where is a moron of low academic record who has been wiritng here? Yes many times! he has repeated posting. His life may be lonley. Tell me how to laugh when we found he is above 30.
>>972 Hello again! Been a while hasn't it? Thanks a lot for the email and photo(s). I'm relieved that you seem to be doing well. Over here it's already winter. I also went to プーケット* last month. How long do you plan to be in New Zealand for? Take care of yourself. Hope to hear from you soon. * って何でしょうか。 >>970 command of English でいいですが、english command はおかしいですね。
>>972 Long time no see. Thanx for your e-mail and photos. I am relieved to know you are in a good shape. It's winter here. I went to プーケット, too last month. Until when Are you going to stay in NZ? Take care.
Are you a man with a feeling of paranoia? Why are you describing your writing as "tranaslating"? It must be "has written ", isn't it? And your usage of "einglish COMMAND" is too extravagant enough to make me laugh. Usually we say "English ability", Don't you think so? Unfortunately a man with a poor English is tempted to use too complicated and pompous expression, because he believes it is handsome writing. You are too clumsy and exposing your inability. I recommend you to stop and think. Inversely I can say a wise man will use a concise and well summarized expression,