English Monologue(英語で独り言) PART 6

291ロス級原潜NY@英語勉強中 ◆tcoxttj3uA
..LIKE AND DISLIKE............................................................

I generally listen to whom making an excuse, however it is hard for me to
treat them, boys and girls have impolite thinking and messaging kind of
"shit, sex, fuck, ass" in my respectful manner. I dislike those young networks
and bogus human relation in a drag sales style, as you may be mostly.

From view for sociality, I feel like and love in scientific pursuit. I feel
cozy in safer internet and ration station.。o○ that may be a reason I put
my small words @2ch.

Finally, I don't why you steal my life and killed my family experiences.
>>291 typo correction↓

> From view for sociality
 From view [of]
> ration