as for the city of BA.. i havent explored the neighbourhoods all yet.i had spent my mon and tues finding and choosing my span course.. and then the past 2 days i have been there in class. i want to go back to the colourful barrio of la boca.. the houses have been painted so because la boca used to be a first port of BA for italian immigranst..and they used to use left over paint from their boats to paint their houses.. resulting in a random colourful array of houses./.ever since the tradition has continued. i'll let you know more about diff barrios as i get to know them a bit better. ブエノスアイレスの町に関して、私は近辺の全てを探検したのではないけど。 私はママと過ごした、そして ?(この後がわかりません)...そして それからそこで二日間が過ぎ去った。私はLa bocaのカラフルな居住地に 戻りたい..La boca イタリア移民のための最初の港として使用されたので 家々はペンキで塗られていた..そして、彼らは自分達の家々からボートまで 、過剰なペンキを塗りたくった..結果として勝手にカラフルなペンキを塗った 家々が並んでいる.伝統は続けられていたけど。私が少し知っている事に 関して、あなたにお話しさせてください。
I just wanted to say hello to you! and tell you that i will always be here to hear you and to tell you my stories.. for the moment i can tell you only all my research and my reading in Paris..most is cultural learning...and spiritual practice also through meditation.
Lest, thou(汝) not tasting, diffrent degree / Disjoin us.
Here and there on some stone...a prentice hand had carved symbols; but, this notwithstanding, the whole wore by the light of the smoky lamp an aspect far from sacred.
M:Soseki went to Britain about 100 years ago. He was 33then.He left Yokohama by ship in September 1900.It look him almost two months to reach London. R:That's a long trip! It only took me about 12 hours to get to Tokyo from London. But of course, by airplane. M:His trip was really difficult.Eating Western food every day, he became quite tired of it. And he got seasick. R:Didn't the JApanese in those days eat Western food? 和訳をよろしくお願いいたします。
どなたか,和訳をよろしくお願いいたします。 To rejoice in life, to find the world beautiful and delightful to live in, was a mark of the Greek spirit which distinguished it from all that had gone before. It is a vital distinctin. The joy of life is written upon everything theGreeks left behind and they who leave it out of aacount fail to reckon with something thatis of first importnace in understanding how the Greek achievement came to pass in the world of antiquity.
"In the old days, we talked about things being therapeutic or cosmetic," says Susan Pisano,vice president for communications at the health plans association. "Now there is something in between." おねがいします
As for Viagra, "plans are doing a variety of things right now, "masao says. A number of plans are covering it, Rika says, but concerns about long-term effects are making them limit the number of pills men can get.
グレイシーのインタビュー記事なのですが、この辺さっぱりわかりません。おながいします。 A; People must expect more out of you with carrying the Gracie name,do you feel the Family name has been sort of a blessing and a course?
Even if we assume that, as shields against ordinary laws, constitutional rights command greater support among the citizenry than most ordinary laws, there would still be constitutional rights opposed by some of the citizens.
For example, for those Americans who favor state aid to parochial schools, the Spreme Court's interpretation of the Establishment Clause as forbidding such aid might well seem as oppressive as the state prohibition against contraceptives dis to those who challenged it as violative of their constitutional privacy rights.
To what a living brain function you need only to instruct a volunteer to lie down in an MRI machine and perform a mental task,such as thinking of a certain word.
Our political reporters say the officials will confirm that they will first hold a dialogue of strategy to formulate common perceptions of security before discussing individual cases of realignment of US forces in Japan.
The Talmudic Commentators tell us that in Manna every one found the taste he liked best, and so in Nature every one who seeks will find what he most enjoys.
Those who have, as the saying is, "seen life,"and think they know "the world," are very much mistaken; they know less of the realities of existence than many a peasant who has never left his own parish, but has used his eyes wisely there.
Our political reporters say the officials will confirm that they will first hold a dialogue of strategy to formulate common perceptions of security before discussing individual cases of realignment of US forces in Japan. は
This shows that the pattern of cutting represents a unique series of targets in DNA, determined by its organization, with only some slight preference for particular sites imposed by the individual enzyme.
As for sending mail, I'm fine with it! Of course we can send emails still right? Because mail would take so long to recieve! It's up to you though. どなたかこれを訳していただけませんか? お願いします。
While first set up to develop foreign trade, joint-stock companies soon engaged in wide variety of enterprises. Between 1660 and 1719 fifty-four major joint-stock companies received charters-twenty-three in mining and manufacturing, eleven in overseas trade, and twenty in banking, insurance, fishing, and other fields of endeavor. However, many of these later companies were fraudulent, set up by their organizers simply to flees investors of their money. Finally, in 1720, fraud in the sale of stock in the South Sea Company led Parliament to pass the Bubble Act, legislation that placed severe restrictions upon the formation and operations of joint-stock companies. Already in decline, they became unimportant in the British economy. The demise of joint-stock companies did not retard Great Britain's economic development, for merchants found other ways to raise the funds they needed and were sometimes able to protect themselves from personal liability for their debts through a variety of legal stratagems.
A life of indulgence, a "gay life," as it is falsely called, is a miserable mockery of happiness. Those who have fallen victims to it complain of the world,when they have only themselves to blame.
"I am young," said De Musset, "I have passed but the half of the road of life, and already weary, I turn and look back." What a melancholy confession! If he had lived wisely he would have looked back with thankfulness, and forward with hope.
LONDON, England (AP) -- A slimmed down Renee Zellweger ditched the large pair of "granny pants" she wore in "Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason" for a slinky dress at the movie's premiere Tuesday. お願いします。
There are scores of Islamic clerics in the West who command the credentials to officially declare al-Zarquwi an apostate, that is, one who falsifies the roots of Islam.
In this film the producer want trasport the legend in the roman age(with much historical wrong), the cherachters and the cast is wrong(at the end of film I hope that the evil barbarian chief kill Arthur. all the dialogues are based on quarrel..well ,for me this is how a film not to be..
2つあって、大変申し訳ないのですが、お願いします。 By showing world how to understand risk,measure it,and weigh its consequences,they convert risk-taking into one of the prime catalysts that drives modern Western society.
By defining a rational process of risk-taking,these innovators provided the missing ingredient that has propelled science and enterprise into the world of speed,power,instant communication,and sophisticated finance that marks our own age.
Some people can't sleep well no matter how tired they are. People who suffer from insomnia, or sleeplessness, are called insomniacs. They have trouble falling asleep, or they wake up every few hours night after night. Often they also have trouble getting back to sleep. So they are usually tired during the day. The quality of their work often goes down. Sometimes their general health gets worse. Because many Americans experience insomnia, hundreds of products are sold to help people sleep. Sleeping pills are the most common. Then there are head-warmers, knee pillows, and recordings of soft music or gentle ocean waves. There is even a mask that is supposed to help a person sleep. The list goes on. Some products are stranger than others and many are quite expensive. There are many good reasons to stay awake. But it seems that for the sake of both our bodies and our wallets, we should try to get a good night's sleep.
We now know that the situation was far more nuanced: certain historical forms continued trought the edo period, more than 200 years after they were created.
it has often happened in science that theories have been proves right in the end, with the contradictory observations falling into place for a rea son that was not at first suspect.
She knew she had changed too, but not as they had changed, and it puzzled her. She sat and watched them and she felt herself an alien among them, as alien and lonely as if she had come from another world, speaking a language they didn't understand and not understanding theirs.
While the average American drinks 3438-ounce serving of Coke annually, the typical Hungarian drinks about 125 of the 8-ounce serving each year. But if you live in southern California,you likely drink even less.
おねがいします。翻訳サイトつかっても意味不明です。 とくにservingsの使い方と、最後のeven less
This approach is incompatible with IP security as it employs TCP header information and it only works in the direction from the wired Internet towards a wireless host due to its reliance on TCP ACKs.
With the US-led occupation likely to be declared over the next year, Mr Bremer said that work would start on a constitutional settlement. "We'll have a bill of rights. We'll recognise equality for all citizens. We'll recognise an independent judiciary. We'll talk about a federal government," he said.
>>160 あら、全然違いましたね・・ありがとうございます。 では As a matter of convenience, the Roman Empire is held to have begun with the constitutional settlement following the Battle of Actium in 31 BC. の "constitutional settlement"はどうなのでしょうか? 憲法ではおかしいのでどうもうまく訳せないのです。 一番それらしいのは 直訳の政体の安定でした。 "constitutional settlement"でぐぐったら出てきた1文です。 個人的には 便宜上、ローマ帝国はBC31年のアキュリウムの戦いの後の 国の安定をもって開始したとする。 ですが添削をどうかよろしくお願いします。
自分なりに訳してみました。添削お願いします。 She knew she had changed too, but not as they had changed, and it puzzled her.She sat and watched them and she felt herself an alien among them, as alien and lonely as if she had come from another world, speaking a language they didn't understand and not understanding theirs. 彼女は自分が変わっていることにも、けれども彼らと何も変わらない事を知り、困惑した。 彼女は彼らを座らせ、見て、彼らのなかの外国人としての自分と、まるで彼女が別世界からやってきて、 彼らが理解できない言葉を話し、分かり会うことができないという外国人としての孤独を感じた。
as for the city of BA.. i havent explored the neighbourhoods all yet.i had spent my mon and tues finding and choosing my span course.. and then the past 2 days i have been there in class. i want to go back to the colourful barrio of la boca.. the houses have been painted so because la boca used to be a first port of BA for italian immigranst..and they used to use left over paint from their boats to paint their houses.. resulting in a random colourful array of houses./.ever since the tradition has continued. i'll let you know more about diff barrios as i get to know them a bit better. ブエノスアイレスの町に関して、私は近辺の全てを探検したのではないけど。 私はママと過ごした、そして ?(この後がわかりません)...そして それからそこで二日間が過ぎ去った。私はLa bocaのカラフルな居住地に 戻りたい..La boca イタリア移民のための最初の港として使用されたので 家々はペンキで塗られていた..そして、彼らは自分達の家々からボートまで 、過剰なペンキを塗りたくった..結果として勝手にカラフルなペンキを塗った 家々が並んでいる.伝統は続けられていたけど。私が少し知っている事に 関して、あなたにお話しさせてください。
I just wanted to say hello to you! and tell you that i will always be here to hear you and to tell you my stories.. for the moment i can tell you only all my research and my reading in Paris..most is cultural learning...and spiritual practice also through meditation.
The WTO determined in August that the US system of charging foreign competitors a fee that was then turned over to US makers violates trade rules. To compensate, the WTO authorized the EU, Japan and nine other countries to levy retaliatory tariffs on US products.
前半 の〜that was then turned over to US makers violates trade rules. までの和訳をどうかお願いいたします。
He exceptionally gifted. Whether he's just sketching someting on paper, doing a a project for school, christmas gifts, whatever, he does is really easily and it always looks amazing. Sometimes I'm a bit envious as he has a very obvious 'gift',
Energy Secretary Spencer Abraham recently told Nevada state officials that the nuclear waste burial project is scientifically acceptable. He also said placing all of the country's nuclear waste at Yucca Mountain would help protect against terrorist attacks. Mr.Abraham said he will ask the President to approve the project. Officials of nuclear power industries also support the plan.
as for the city of BA.. i havent explored the neighbourhoods all yet.i had spent my mon and tues finding and choosing my span course.. and then the past 2 days i have been there in class. i want to go back to the colourful barrio of la boca.. the houses have been painted so because la boca used to be a first port of BA for italian immigranst..and they used to use left over paint from their boats to paint their houses.. resulting in a random colourful array of houses./.ever since the tradition has continued. i'll let you know more about diff barrios as i get to know them a bit better. ブエノスアイレスの町に関して、私は近辺の全てを探検したのではないけど。 私はママと過ごした、そして ?(この後がわかりません)...そして それからそこで二日間が過ぎ去った。私はLa bocaのカラフルな居住地に 戻りたい..La boca イタリア移民のための最初の港として使用されたので 家々はペンキで塗られていた..そして、彼らは自分達の家々からボートまで 、過剰なペンキを塗りたくった..結果として勝手にカラフルなペンキを塗った 家々が並んでいる.伝統は続けられていたけど。私が少し知っている事に 関して、あなたにお話しさせてください。
Overnight stay at a discounted rate The best rate available will be automatically selected for you Rate per room per night excluding breakfast (EUR 15 p.p.p.n.) and city tax (5%) Based on Availability
You didn't specify an understandable Zip or Postal Code for United States(Please verify that you have selected the correct Country.) You need to enter the code shown to verify your registration
Coke's struggles in southern California are not symptomatic of the company's performance in 1995,says Beverage Digest's John Sicher. Coke has had a tremendous year, Sichers says. It wouldn't surprise me if they figured a way to have Coke placed intravenously to drip into the arms of every American.
わかる方いましたら よろしくおねがいいたします。 In war people lost their familes and their lives. He has been teaching English in this school since 1986. When I went to the station, the train had already left. I have often been to the lake. They immediately hid the cards and took out thair textbooks.
To everybody who's a part of the Virgin Division,especially the Miyake-room; the engineer and assistant-engineers who spent late nights and mornings for me in the stadio; the arrangers,programmers,and musicians who laid down these great tracks;all FM and AM stadios who gave me support,airplay and Global Rights; I know I don't get to say this often,so....Thank you!! Tom!keep your mixes hot!And thanks for the surprise e-mails♪ Mom and Dad,I guess I'm followin' your footsteps and carryin' on the family business after all. I know few families are lucky enough to have what we have. And to my friends,I hope I tell you often enough,how much I love you;thanks for the love and support.Keep in real.
I saw the picture.You became beautiful, didn't you? In addition, your style became more beautiful?<lol> I will go when I have time.
not really!maybe im become a woman.otona poi.because when we met in 北(店名) im only just a girl.somehow it develop my personality.thank you very much.sometimes will you visit me in ニュー北(店名)?its my birthday on 〇月〇日
"The research conducted in that facility appears to have been selectively reported in order to favorably shape public impressions about the safety of passive smoking."
a story appeared in a national business magazine suggesting that three major studios were about to announce their support for the HD DVD format, whipping up the usual froth of spin, non-denial denials and follow-ups based on "published reports."
There are concerns over a possible power struggle that might follow within the Palestinian community and chaos is likely to cloud the path toward Israeli-Palestinian peace for the time being. アメリカの4ちゃんねるにこんな英文があったので貼ります。 This is a severe internet. 1 Name: A wise anarchist thinker 2004-11-05 14:27 @ jHabpUlA Don't you understand people's hardness? Since you is anonymity, it is irresponsible. Are victims' human rights disregard? The Internet said Mr. Chikushi as the toilet. Is it known? You will not know news, since you do not watch television. I am amazed very much. My grandmother came. The after 6 minutes sister came. It laughs at you. My family said that this was strange. A mother comes back for three years and does not become precocious but she will say that it is strange. I am a relaxation store. I comes three days after.
I'm not sure what it does mean.If it means news covering besides manhwa database, I don't agree.It's not because I'm Japanese, but because ANN covers *Japanese* culture.
What Darwin was to Lamark, what Copernicus was to Ptolemy, that was to Newton to Einstein. There is, indeed, a somewhat instructive parallel between the last two cases . . . Each of them has brought about a revolution in scientific ideas so great that it can only be compared with that brought about by the other.
The research conducted in that facility appears to have been selectively reported in order to favorably shape public impressions about the safety of passive smoking." その施設において実行される調査は、間接喫煙の安全について有利に公共の印象を形づくるために選択的に報告されたように見える。」
>>271 ホテルの宿泊は大体予約してから行くものだけど、まぁ予約無しで言うとして こんなところだね。 Can I have a non smoking room with (a) king size bed(s) on a higher floor if possible? I would like to have も可。 (しかしnon smoking roomって有るのかね) .
Some of these linguistic reforms work both ways. Hurricanes, typhoons and cyclones were previously given women's names. Since the practice could be considered an example of sexism ― or reverse sexism, to be more exact ― these storms can now be called Carol and Charles. No distrimination Please!
Secondly, these reforms show that American English is particulary receptive to innovation. Unlike some languages that are bound to tradition, American English, stimulated by the media, seems to encourage new linguistic creations. This tendency explains the brief lifespan of many neologisms. But not all the new words and phrases are linguistic butterflies.
Well youre right - japan is way different than china!!!! kinda been a bit lost in translation - found some buddies but only for a few beers last night - the rest has been wandering around in silence - gawping at the fashions and how many beautiful women there are - any of your friends, nice, single and interested??!!
中国から日本にたどりついてきて、女がきらきら見えてしょうがないよう なんですが、彼は私に素敵なシングルの友達を紹介してくれと言っているのでしょうか。 any of 以下がよくわからないので、アドヴァイスをお願いします。
I don't know what it is That makes me feel alive I don't know how to wake The things that sleep inside I only wanna see the light That shines behind your eyes
I hope that I can say The things I wish I'd said To sing my soul to sleep And take me back to bed You want to be alone When we could be alive instead
Because we need each other We believe in one another And I know we're going to uncover What's sleepin' in our soul
Mr.Flowers' glass-houses were very close to a public path. This path was always used by children and young people walking to and from school. Boys of around thirteen years old, in particular, were often tempted to throw a stone or two at one of Mr.Flowers' glass-houses. They managed to resist the temptation when Mr.Flowers was about, but the temptation often proved to be too strong when Mr.Flowers was nowhere to be seen. For this reason, Mr.Flowers did his best to be in or close by his glass-houses at the beginning and end of the school day.
>>269 >What Darwin was to Lamark, what Copernicus was to Ptolemy, that was to Newton to Einstein. There is, indeed, a somewhat instructive parallel between the last two cases . . . Each of them has brought about a revolution in scientific ideas so great that it can only be compared with that brought about by the other.
Rivers flowing through spectacular canyon landscapes, rich colorful soils, and seemingly barren deserts are just a few of the powerful images evoked by the southwest a world unto its own.
If only all journalists could be as vigilant with their news reports, instead of "shooting for the ratings" and giving us little more than the basic ID's of a story, maybe the media could actually begin to HELP the situation as it is today, instead of indirectly contributing to it.
It is not clear if you want the characters to look at the audience. To acknowledge them – they never looked in my eyes – just looked out in general. Raise the house lights if you want them to us more clearly.
They have not caught the thief yet. →彼らはまだ泥棒につかまっていない。 By the next time you come,I will have completed the work. →By the next timeがわかりません。 He wasnot a stranger I had met him once before. →彼は見知らぬ人ではない、私は前に一度彼に会った。 過去完了ですか?最後、会ったことがあるにしようとしたのですが、 ことがある は経験ですよね? 問題によると これは完了の文と書いてあります
I want to have sex with Japanese girls. I want to make love to Chinese girls. I want to score with American women. I want to bonk Korean women away. I want to screw with Canadian girls. I want to bang my sister up. I want to bang away little girls. I want to get it on with Spanish girls. I want to mess around with teenage girls. I want get it off...! Thus,I want to screw around!!!!
If only all journalists could be as vigilant with their news reports, instead of "shooting for the ratings" and giving us little more than the basic ID's of a story, maybe the media could actually begin to HELP the situation as it is today, instead of indirectly contributing to it.
President intends to use the next four years to spend the capital of the United States for a Plastinian state.
これには訳もあって、 大統領は時期4年を使ってアメリカの総力をもってパレスティナ人の国を 作る〜 とあるのですが、 the capital of the United States の直訳はアメリカの首都ですよね?それとも これはアメリカの資本と訳すべきなのでしょうか?もしくは首都=国を挙げて という意味で、総力と訳してあるのでしょうか? どうかよろしくお願いします。
I'm looking for that one perfect person. I can't describe who he is, we're all so uniquely different, that it seems crazy to me to try and have imagined who this person is or whats he like. There will just be something special about him that I dont want to be without. Tough to describe. なんで結婚しないのって聞いたらこう返って来ました、 皆目わかりません、おねがいします。
>>399 私:please tell me about your family. 漠然としすぎている。 相手が気のいい奴なら適当に答えるだろうが、神経質な奴や重箱の隅をつつきたい性格の奴だと なんやかんや言ってくる可能性がある。 (特にイギリス人に多そうだ)
相手:what do you want to know? これはまぁ普通の範囲の答え。
私:anything、i want to know your family. 漠然としてる感じがまったく変わってない。 Do you have any kids?などと聞けば、まだ答えようがあるが 相手は、すでにwhat do you want to know? と言ってきてるわけで、 またしても漠然とした質問を繰り返されてる状態で、 これじゃ堂々巡りで、相手の性格からして 「おいおい、いったい、どういうことを聞きたいの、何から説明したいいの・・・」と 思ったんだろう。 ま、相手が気のいい奴なら別に普通の会話になっていくが、ちょっと神経質な奴や ちょっと性格の悪い奴だと、まともに答えない奴がいるだろうな、という感じの会話。
追加 私:anything、i want to know your family. これは、英語があまり得意じゃない人間が言った言葉だとしたら 聞いた人間は、i want to know about your family.という意味のことを 言いたかったんだろうなと推測するだろうけど、 i want to know your family. の意味は、 「あなたの家族と知り合いたい」と意味に取れる。 というわけで、漠然とした質問の上に、この点についても 突っ込まれる可能性がある。 まぁ相手が気さくな奴なら、良心的に意味を推測して、適当な返事を 返してくるだろうけど。
Mr.Flowers' glass-houses were very close to a public path. This path was always used by children and young people walking to and from school. Boys of around thirteen years old, in particular, were often tempted to throw a stone or two at one of Mr.Flowers' glass-houses. They managed to resist the temptation when Mr.Flowers was about, but the temptation often proved to be too strong when Mr.Flowers was nowhere to be seen. For this reason, Mr.Flowers did his best to be in or close by his glass-houses at the beginning and end of the school day.
Take the time to make some sense Of what you want to say And cast your words away upon the waves Bring them back with Acquiesce On a ship of hope today And as they fall upon the shore Tell them not to fear no more Say it loud and sing it proud And they...
Will dance if they want to dance Please brother take a chance You know they're gonna go Which way they wanna go All we know is that we don't know What is gonna be Please brother let it be Life on the other hand won't let you understand Why we're all part of the masterplan
>>407さん Sorry my question about your family was too blur. It was frankly because I felt like getting a bit closer to you by knowing a piece of your personal life while avoiding an impression of sticking my nose in your privacy. なんて説明したら分かってくれるかも。
Millions of people all over the world now use those small plastic cards-- American Express, Visa, Mastercard and so on-- to pay for everything from a restaurant meal to a round-the-world airline ticket. The big advantage, we always thought, was that it was safer than carrying a wallet or handbag full of ordinary money. In recent years, though, thieves have found ways of using our cards against us. お願いいたします
>>420 This yellow part has been taken off (the) intagrating anither(←これは意味不明) parts in the hole. だとしたら、 the holeの中のthe intagrating anither partsから、This yellow partは取り除かれている
My paper holds no prejudice to me. I am a pen! Wether I decide to write in blue, black or red. My paper feels no offense to words LIKE bitch, racist, bigot asshole. Paper listens to everything I have to say, everything I write wether the topic at hand is agreeable or not....
Whether or not you approve of these linguistic reforms, they illustrate two important points about language in general. First of all, they show that a living language is in a continual state of flux. It exists under the daily bombardment of conservative, moderate and radical forces that try to impose themselves on its structure.
Japanese youth fashion had its own unique features,notably its eclecticism. Taking a walk on Saturday afternoon around the busy hub Harajuku is like sampling a visual encyclopaedia of 40 years of popular culture. Mixed with the mods, rockets, punks and queens found in most Western cities,teens ape the kitsch look of Hello Kitty dolls, Yakuza gangsters and vampires. These style pilferers pickpocket from every conceivable popular reference with a gleeful irreverence to trends and conventions. この訳をどなたかおねがいします!!
Anguish and vacillation gave him the ability fo love only those who loved him, [because his love of writing meant that whoever loved him would have to do so in spite of its unshakable domination, a torment which he could not share.]
[ ]内がよく分かりません・・・。 its unshakable dominationのitsはhis writingのことでしょうか? よろしくおねがいします!
He shuns capital letters and though his theme is , unashamedly, The Making of a Writer his attention to time and place gives it the perspective that essays into literary salad days usualy lack.
Some of these linguistic reforms work both ways. Hurricanes, typhoons and cyclones were previously given women's names. Since the practice could be considered an example of sexism ― or reverse sexism, to be more exact ― these storms can now be called Carol and Charles. No distrimination Please! Whether or not you approve of these linguistic reforms, they illustrate two important points about language in general. First of all, they show that a living language is in a continual state of flux. It exists under the daily bombardment of conservative, moderate and radical forces that try to impose themselves on its structure. Some tendencies are accepted and create important changes in the language, while others fade away after a few months of linguistic notoriety. Secondly, these reforms show that American English is particulary receptive to innovation. Unlike some languages that are bound to tradition, American English, stimulated by the media, seems to encourage new linguistic creations. This tendency explains the brief lifespan of many neologisms. But not all the new words and phrases are linguistic butterflies.
>>461 He shuns capital letters and though his theme is (unashamedly) The Making of a Writer, his attention to time and place gives it the perspective that(which) essays into literary salad days usualy lack.
>>461 こうした方がより分かりやすいか He shuns capital letters and though his theme is (unashamedly) The Making of a Writer, [his attention to time and place] gives it the perspective that(which) [essays into literary salad days] usualy lack.
Something needs to be said of Japan's take on Ronald McDonald. If nothing else, they deserve huge amounts of praise for coming up with an original take on such an established icon. Personally I don't know about the metrosexual McDonald, but their female version gets a great big thumbs up in my book. I've never understood the logic of using a frightening clown as a mascot when you could just use a sexy woman instead. Or if not a sexy woman, at least a mildly attractive one dressed up in an altered clown costume.
Some of these linguistic reforms work both ways. Hurricanes, typhoons and cyclones were previously given women's names. Since the practice could be considered an example of sexism ― or reverse sexism, to be more exact ― these storms can now be called Carol and Charles. No distrimination Please! Whether or not you approve of these linguistic reforms, they illustrate two important points about language in general. First of all, they show that a living language is in a continual state of flux. It exists under the daily bombardment of conservative, moderate and radical forces that try to impose themselves on its structure. Some tendencies are accepted and create important changes in the language, while others fade away after a few months of linguistic notoriety. Secondly, these reforms show that American English is particulary receptive to innovation. Unlike some languages that are bound to tradition, American English, stimulated by the media, seems to encourage new linguistic creations. This tendency explains the brief lifespan of many neologisms. But not all the new words and phrases are linguistic butterflies.
she is likely to be a good girl in everyones eyes, she is quite somehow and seldom hang around with those teeny-boopers-like gang, she only stick with books n anime. Although i`m a very carzy person, and sorta hipper hip-hop kind, but i`m cool with everyone, and so i don`t mind hanging with her.
さらに詳しく言うと The system (which is) known as Juki Net その、住基ネットとして知られているシステム "Juki Net," as the system is known 住基ネット(このシステムは、この名前で知られている) ということになるんだけど下のじゃ自然な日本語にならないので上の訳でまぁオッケーということ。
One quiet Saturday morning in New Jersey, 7,000 miles from an alter ego appearing on television dribbling basketballs for beer or gas or shoes, Yuta Tabuse was just a gardener's son playing a game.
Some of these linguistic reforms work both ways. Hurricanes, typhoons and cyclones were previously given women's names. Since the practice could be considered an example of sexism ― or reverse sexism, to be more exact ― these storms can now be called Carol and Charles. No distrimination Please! Whether or not you approve of these linguistic reforms, they illustrate two important points about language in general. First of all, they show that a living language is in a continual state of flux. It exists under the daily bombardment of conservative, moderate and radical forces that try to impose themselves on its structure. Some tendencies are accepted and create important changes in the language, while others fade away after a few months of linguistic notoriety. Secondly, these reforms show that American English is particulary receptive to innovation. Unlike some languages that are bound to tradition, American English, stimulated by the media, seems to encourage new linguistic creations. This tendency explains the brief lifespan of many neologisms. But not all the new words and phrases are linguistic butterflies.
They brought the tradition of sculpture and stone work similar to the great Incas. Later other people arrived from the west, which started a war that in time destroyed the complex society on the island.
Millions of people all over the world now use those small plastic cards-- American Express, Visa, Mastercard and so on-- to pay for everything from a restaurant meal to a round-the-world airline ticket. The big advantage, we always thought, was that it was safer than carrying a wallet or handbag full of ordinary money. In recent years, though, thieves have found ways of using our cards against us. お願いいたします
They only good point of this simple diet was that growing sweet potatoes and raising chickens was rather easy, which left a lot of time for other activities.
・It is natural that you should get angry. ・It is good that we get up early. ・These facts are in many different computers. ・Nothing terrible happened then. ・We gave the schools the lowest price possible for using it. 上記文の日本語訳を教えてください。 お忙しいところ恐れ入りますがよろしくお願いいたします。
In so many ways,Bread's is a quintessentially L.A.pop story.An Oklahoman and a Tennessean make their separate ways to Hollywood in the 60's and establish footholds in the nascent pop industry.they tire of lobouring as backroom boys and decide to from a band that will give them control over their own,Acoustic oriented songs.
先程は解りにくく書いてしまって申し訳ございません。 しつこいようですが、明日中に相手にFAXしないと いけないので、マジで上に挙げたサイトの expiring on( )authorise の所とRupees(ここは商品名?) only to my abovementioned Credit Card against purchase of ( )from(売り手の名前) の訳をどなたかお願いします。
先程は解りにくく書いてしまって申し訳ございません。 しつこいようですが、明日中に相手にFAXしないと いけないので、マジで上に挙げたサイトの expiring on( )authorise の所とRupees(ここは商品名?) only to my abovementioned Credit Card against purchase of ( )from(売り手の名前) の訳をどなたかお願いします。
Rivers flowing through spectacular canyon landscapes, rich colorful soils, and seemingly barren deserts are just a few of the powerful images evoked by the southwest a world unto its own.
In a surprise entry, buildings are cleared from the top down, when possible. If forces do enter at ground level, they might demolish a wall, rather than using a door or window. Rooms and buildings are marked with tape, spray paint or chalk as they are cleared. Markings point out safe entry points, dangerous areas or signal that a medic is needed within. Under concealed risk, the threat of enemy fire penetrating walls, floors and ceilings heightens risk.
某掲示板で今論争になってる一文なのですが、どう解釈できますか? 「That photo is way too big. Can you send a much smaller one? That`s a joke! I can`t even see your face. You could be a man.......I can`t tell.」
自分ではThat photo is way too big. Can you send a much smaller one? は単なる皮肉で本当はもっと大きくてはっきり顔のわかる写真を送って欲しいと 解釈しますが。
I'd like to get this, (これが欲しいけど、) but I don't have enough cash on me. (十分なお金を持ってないの) ↑on meの役割がわかりません。 Do you take traveler's check? (旅行用小切手を利用する?) ↑おかしな訳になってしまいました。
ちょっと長めになりますが Jacky. What can I tell you about Jacky? I can tell you how she looked that bright February morning when she stepped out into the new sun, as the snow was falling off the roofs, as she went out to buy something for a dress she was making. For a special dinner―we had been married for three years I have a film library of her in the back of my head:in the office; our first Christmas together,skiing in Scotland;the wedding;the trip across France to our new home in Italy;and...and... I also have ten photographs of her that I took. Just ten out of the hundreds. Afterwards,when I was able to ,I looked through all the photos of our life together and carefully chose the ten I liked the best.I then had them enlarged,and put them in a special photo album.Which I have never opened since.All this was many years ago. I am an old man now.
The japanese government said earlier on Saturday it would rescue Japan's fifth biggest banking group Resona Holdings with a huge injection of funds after tougher accounting rules exposed a gaping hole in its capital. The capital injection will be the first for a major Japanese bank since March 1999.
Some of these linguistic reforms work both ways. Hurricanes, typhoons and cyclones were previously given women's names. Since the practice could be considered an example of sexism ― or reverse sexism, to be more exact ― these storms can now be called Carol and Charles. No distrimination Please! Whether or not you approve of these linguistic reforms, they illustrate two important points about language in general. First of all, they show that a living language is in a continual state of flux. It exists under the daily bombardment of conservative, moderate and radical forces that try to impose themselves on its structure. Some tendencies are accepted and create important changes in the language, while others fade away after a few months of linguistic notoriety. Secondly, these reforms show that American English is particulary receptive to innovation. Unlike some languages that are bound to tradition, American English, stimulated by the media, seems to encourage new linguistic creations. This tendency explains the brief lifespan of many neologisms. But not all the new words and phrases are linguistic butterflies
In some ways the most characteristic expression of the times is the campaign against old age,which holds a special terror for people today. As the proportion of old people in the population increases,the problem of old age attracts the anxious attention of doctors,psychiatrists,medical reserchers, sociologists,social reformers,and policy makers. A growing number of sciences concern themselves specifically (A) aging and death. (A)には前置詞が入るんですが、和訳お願いします。
「I see a summer of winters merging gracefully.」と「year of summer」、 どちらも何を意味してるのか全然分かりません。 「冬の夏が優雅に混ざり合うのを観た、はぁ?夏の年?何それ?」という感じです。 どちらもどういう意味なのか教えて下さい。よろしくお願いします。
He thought it peculiar that his main interest in life had always come out of jobs he had done. Work was the only thing that demanded all he had got, and to which he had given everything that was in him. [Interest and knowledge had come from work, the basis of all experience, enriching his life because it effectively helped him to escape from it.]
[ ]でくくったところの訳を教えてください。 とくに、escape from itのitは何をさしているんでしょうか? workでしょうか?
>>595 It exists under the daily bombardment of conservative, moderate and radical forces that try to impose themselves on its structure. これは「それは保守的な日々の攻撃のもとに存在し、節度があり、根本的な力で、構造にいやおうなくなく影響を与えようとする。」 こっちのほうがいいんじゃない?
It was the only restaurant in town aspect enough to require that its male customers wear jackets, proper shirts and shoes, and neck ties. aspectの訳が良くわかりません、お願いします。
If domestic life insurers can meet this challenge, then they could enjoy long term growth. The drive to recruit more professional staff and provide a more consumer-friendly service suggests some firms are trying to rise to the occasion. よろしくお願いします。
>>598 [Interest and knowledge had come from work, (which is) the basis of all experience, enriching his life because it effectively helped him to escape from it.]
The defference between them in terms of environmental impact is one of degree and, when you come right down to it, pretty trivial.
訳は「環境上の影響という面では、両者の差はわずかであり、しかも、その差は微々たるものである」と書いてあるのですが when you come right down to it, pretty trivial. この部分の訳である「その差は微々たるものである」という部分はなぜこのように訳してあるのでしょうか?
>>597 It will not be long before it becomes possible to travel to the moon. 月面旅行が可能になるのはまもなくであろう。 His life was free from any trouble, but he was anything but content with his lot. 彼の人生にはいかなる問題もなかったが、自らの運命には決して満足していなかった。 When I went through the streets, I did nothing but look at the shoes on passers-by. 街路を抜けてゆく際、私はただ通行人の靴のみを見ていた。
On every single day in the U.S.A., more that 10,000 credit cards are stolen from over 5,000 people. In one year in the U.S.A., 750 million dollars are lost to thieves using stolen credit cards. In the next few years this figure is expected to grow to 1.5 thousand million dollars. Europe is little better. In Britain, for example, 2,000 cards a day are lost or stolen. The amount lost by the illegal use of them is over 50 million pounds sterling (about 75 million dollars).
>>660 It's been a couple day は本当は since I last talked with you / since I first met him / since I started studying English みたいな文が続いてるるんだが、それが省略されてる。 というわけで、〜から2日だね、2日ぶりだね、という意味になる。
I still havent decidedwhat to do yet and my weekend is 1/2 over already.what a bummer that is, whll i just wished to reachout and say hi and let you know that im still think about you. 長いですがお願いします。
こんにちは、某大作RPGの話をしていた時に・・・ I know this is not a Japanese game, but AMERICAN IDOL is really fun. Yeah yeah, you might think it's corny, that was what I thought before, but it's really something. こう云われました。自分なりに訳してみたのですがイマイチ意味が理解できません。
You cannot be too careful in the choice of books. A book may be compared to your neighbor ; if it is good, it cannot last too long ; if bad, you cannot get rid of it too early.
More than half the population of the world is not sufficiently nourished not because it cannot be avoided, but because the richer nations prefer killing each other to keeping the poorer nations alive and helping them to achieve a higher standard of life.
Clearly, mankind's successful harnessing and direction of cellular activities has had many health, social, environmental, and economic impacts on past and contemporary human civilization. An interwoven fabric of research in molecular biology and microbial genetics has led to fundamental understanding of many of the controls and catalysts involved in complex biochemical syntheses conducted by living cells.
Both rest more on hope―and on a powerful aversion to the prospect of bodily decay―than on critical examination of evidence. Both regard old age and death as“an imposition on the human race,”in the words of the novelist Alan Harrington―as something“no longer acceptable.” すみません。お願いします。
The only time we mimed a prop was painting the bridge/tree by the stagehands – we never mime again. The character freeze with the drum strikes was added into the play late also – it could have been earlier. It is not clear if you want the characters to look at the audience. To acknowledge them – they never looked in my eyes – just looked out in general. Raise the house lights if you want them to us more clearly. 誰かおねがいします!
どなたかよろしくお願いします We have shipped to Japan many times but not this time of year. Try back early May and we could send a order then. You can view the strain availability in our collection section.
Walk your way to the figure you want. Aside from the fact that everyone already knows how to do it, the reason people support walking is that it works.
>>744 ありがとうございます。 読み終えたらが・・・ have done with なんですね。わかりませんでした。。
間違ってたら、訂正おねがいします。。 He is to start for Sydney tomorrow. →彼は明日シドニーに出発することです。 We have been married for the past three years. →私達は結婚して3年になる。 He is writing to his pen pal in Canada. → Snow covered the hills.→ 雪は丘をつつんでいた。 (なんで hillにsがつくんでしょうか?) Coffee is grown in Brazil.→ コーヒーはブラジルで栽培される(コーヒーって栽培??・・・?)
MMC's domestic sales plunged 43.7 percent in the April-September period from a year earlier to 95,876 vehicles, a record in terms of percentage of decline and volume for any half year since the company was founded in 1970
It's like those 5 extra feet of room between me and where the line is supposed to start would be making their time in the store that much longer and that just won't do.
There is a specified place for where the line starts for check out. I believe it says something along the lines of, "Line Starts Here". I could be wrong, but I don't think so. With that already said, do not wait for me at my counter. When the person in front of you is done with their transaction and I am ready for the next, I will call you- I PROMISE. Lately, people have just been so impatient. この後に、767の文です。ここまではなんとか訳せたんですが…
あまり聞かないが気になるので色んな辞書調べて見たら。leave for absence はある事はあるが、その後があって leave for absence for children 育児休暇、とか leave for absence for training 有給休 暇訓練制度、みたいな特定の目的で有給を長期使うような休み方みた いね。俺米軍関係だが普通の有給休暇はleaveとしか言いません。
leave of absence : a period of time that you are allowed to spend away from work for a particular purpose : She's been given leave of absence to attend a computer course.
The japanese government said earlier on Saturday it would rescue Japan's fifth biggest banking group Resona Holdings with a huge injection of funds after tougher accounting rules exposed a gaping hole in its capital. The capital injection will be the first for a major Japanese bank since March 1999.
Three-quaters of the world's available fresh water is used for irrigation; in the poorest countries,the proportion is 90%. Much of that water is wasted, and most is lost in the countries that can least afford it. The poorer countries use about twice as much water per acre as the richer ones do, but manage to achieve crop yields that are only one-third as high.
Mr Koizumi hopes to meet Chinese President on the sidelines of the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation forum which starts on Saturday in the Chilean capital of Santiago.
Japanese artists frequently draw eyes as oval orbs with the upright measurement exeeding the horizontal measurement, and they often ink in only the bridge of te nose, ignoring the nostrils. These tequniques make the faces as Caucasian as possible.
To subscribe to, become a member of and co-operate with any other association, club or organisation, whether incorporated or not, whose objects are altogether or in part similar to those of the Club provided that the Club shall not subscribe to or support with its funds any club, association or organisation which does not prohibit the distribution of its income and property among its members to an extent at least as great as that imposed on the Club under or by virtue of rule 25(j); ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・
you can say we are kind of group, because we are in the same major so we are with each other in the college, helping each other also when we hung out, 長いですが、お願いします。
"Make a choice right now," she said, "between two things. Do you want to have me ugly and old, but a true and humble wife that never displeases you all your life ? Or do you want to have me young and pretty, and take your chances on how many lovers come to your house to see me? Now make a choice. Which of these two do you prefer ?" The knight thought long and hard and let out a deep sigh. After a long time, he said, "My lady and my love, my wife so dear, I leave the decision up to you. You choose which will give most pleasure and most honor to both of us. お願いします
In the meantime, my five-year-old son is progressing well with his reading. The other day, I laid a bunch of comic books from around the world in front of him and asked which character he most identified with. He chose a talking beetle called Dim, from A Bug's Life, "because he has blue skin and six legs." But that's a kid for you. Long may he remain racially color-blind.
we went to eat at my favorite cafe and I tried wild mushrooms. They were disgusting and the nice lady let me get french toast at no added coast! Moral: wild mushrooms are bad and french toast is tasty.
Being a bachelor has turned me into a housewife, a lousy housewife. And I now have a different perspective on the traditional woman's role in socirty. A housewife has to be a chemist, engineer, mechanic, economist, philosopher, and workaholic. That's just to pick up after herself. I shudder at what it must be like when there are kids, pets, and somebody like me in the home. Therefore it is with profound respect that I ask advice from home my women friends.
>>889 独身だったことは、私を主婦のようにした。できの悪い主婦にだ。 そして今は、社会での伝統的な女性の役割(=主婦の役割)について異なる見方を持っている。 主婦は化学者、エンジニア、メカニック、経済学者、哲学者でなくてはならないし、 仕事中毒というくらい働くなくてはならないのだ。 That's just to pick up after herself. 家に子供、ペット、私のような他の誰かがいたらどんなだろうかと考えると ぞっとする。だから女性の友達には大いなる尊敬を持ってアドバイスを求めるのだ。
Yesterday from 6:30 in the Am until today at 7 in the AM could quite possibly be noted as one of the most tiring lengths of time during my days on earth.
Only one person has meant so much to me that even after two years I cannot quite come to grips with it. She fits me so well it scares me to think of my life without her.
Yesterday from 6:30 in the Am until today at 7 in the AM could quite possibly be noted as one of the most tiring lengths of time during my days on earth.
すみません、どなたかお願いします。 When I asked my bank to transfer the money to your company's account,they told me, that the fees would be nearly as high as the sum of your invoice.
I am so sorry for the wait on your bag. I expect your bag in on Thursday, they had to make it special. This shouldn't happen again as I have a HUGE order of bag coming in. I will mail this out on Thursday thanks again
One thing that you always see on TV here in Europe are short clips from Japanese TV shows....they're very strange!! You know, very explicit, even sexual, very in-your-face. It's not that we don't have our share of in-your-faceness over here, but these shows really are very ... strong. Do you think that they function as a kind of "outlet" to an otherwise quite regulated life?