>757 ありがとうございます!!全くわからなかったので助かります。 よろしければ続きもお願いしたいです。 Nobel was very unhappy about the image that the world had of him, but he did not know what to do about it. He thought about the best way for people to use his fortune of nine million dollars after his death. Then, in 1895,a Swedish adventurer named Salomon August Andree made plans to reach the North Pole. People all over the world were excited about Andree`s adventure. Nobel read about his plans,too,and had an inspiration. He finally Knew what to do with his fortune. He wrote a will in which he told people to use his money for an award to honor leaders of science, literature,and peace. He stated that these leaders could be men or women of any nationality.
To cut through the smog of cynicism; to take only the tool of uncompromising love; to manifest the capacity for healing; to make the story of the good Samaritan a living reality; and to live so true a life as to shine out from the back streets of Calcutta -- these things take courage and faith we cannot find in ourselves and cannot be without. I do not speak her language. Yet her life speaks to me, and I am shamed and blessed at the same time. I do not believe one person can do much in this world. Yet there she stood, in Oslo, affecting the whole world. I do not believe in fer idea of God. But the power of her faith shames me. And I believe in Mother Teresa. December in Oslo. The message for the world at Christmas is one of peace. Not the peace of a child in the Bethlehem stable long ago. Nor the peace of a full dinner and a sleep by the fire on December 25. But a tough, vibrant, vital peace that comes from the gesture one simple woman in a faded sari and worn sandals makes this night. A peace of mind that comes from a peace of work.
またクラウンのLESSON1なのですが All of this has meant that individuality was not encouraged. Japanese children today are taught that the nail thatsticks up gets beaten down. American children,on the other hand,are taught that the noisy wheel gets the oil. 以上をお願いしますm(_ _)m
すみません。 クラウンの 「CROWN」English Reading レッスン3のp34、12行目〜の In Barrow, the northernmost city in North America, it means coping with mosquitoes in a place where they did not exist, and rescuing hunters trapped on ice at a time of year when such things never happened. の文章がうまく訳せません。翻訳ソフトを使っても、ヘンな訳しか 出てこないのでどなたかよろしくお願いします。
プログレス、BOOK6のLesson1の短文和訳 It has been shrewdly said that when men abuse us we should suspect ourselves, and when they praise us, them. It is a rare instance of virtue to despise censure that we do not deserve, and still more rare to despise praise that we do. なんですが、何を言いたいのか今ひとつわかりません。 プログレスという教科書は全体にキリスト教の教えがちりばめられていて、 これも200年くらい前のアメリカの牧師の言葉だそうです。
>>774 All of this has meant that individuality was not encouraged." これらが、個々の特徴は促進されるものではない、ということを意味している。 Japanese children today are taught that the nail that sticks up gets beaten down. 今日の日本の子供は、出る杭は打たれる、と教えられます。 American children, on the other hand, are taught that the noisy wheel gets the oil. アメリカの子供は一方、うるさい車輪は油をさしてもらえる、と教わります。
長いけど、良かったら和訳してください。俺は所々しか訳せれないorz。 MILESTONE English Course T
G :Evelyn, what's happening outside ? E :Nothing. I was just admiring the cherry blossoms. Aren't they pretty? G :Yes. Starting a new school year with cherry blossoms is kind of nice. In our country, the school year starts in March and ends in December. So we don't have cherry blossoms at the beginning of the school year. How about in Thailand, Pichai? P :It starts in May and ends in March. How about yours, Evelyn? E :It begins in September and ends in June.
E :I like another thing about Japanese colleges. Classes start at 9 in the morning P :What time did they start when you were in high school ? E :7:30. G :Wow! That early? Our classes also started at 9. So you had to get up really early, Evelyn? E :No, not really. I lived on campus and breakfast was served at the school cafeteria after the second period. P :Our school started at 8. It took me about an hour to get there by bus. But if I went by boat, it only took 30 to 40 minutes. So I usually went by boat. G :You went to school by boat? P :Yes, a large river runs through Bangkok. The traffic on the streets is terrible.
続き P :When were classes over, Evelyn? E :At 2:20. Then we had lunch and a siesta. Sometimes we had club activities from 4 to 5. G :A siesta! That's nice. What club did you belong to? E :I was a member of the Young Farmers Club. We grew different kinds of vegetables, and it was a lot of fun. Did you belong to any club in high school? P :I belonged to the "Rum Thai" Club. Rum Thai means Thai dance. G :I like sports and Japanese culture, so I joined the Judo Club.
G :After the club activity, we sometimes went to a "karaoke" bar because I like pop music. Have you been to a "karaoke" bar in Japan, Evelyn? E :I hear it's fun, but I haven't been to one yet. P :I like pop music, too. Japanese pop music is very popular in Thailand. Did you sing songs in Japanese? G :Not many, but yes. I studied Japanese as well as English at high school. What foreign languages did you study, Pichai? P :I took English and French. And you, Eveelyn? Is English your native language? E :No, but in my high school all classes were taught in English. G :No wonder you speak such good English.
G :イヴリン、外で何かあったの? E :特にないわ。ただ桜の花に見入っていたのよ。Nothing. きれいじゃない? G :そうだね。新学期を桜の花と一緒に迎えるなんてちょっと素敵だね。 僕らの国では、学年は3月にスタートして12月に終わるんだ。 だから学年の初めには桜の花は咲いていないんだ。 ピチャイ、タイではどうなんだい? P :5月に始まって3月に終わるね。イヴリンはどうなの? E :9月に始まって6月に終わるわ。
E :日本の大学にはもう一つ好きなところがあるのよ。 授業が朝9時から始まること。 P :君が高校の頃は何時から始まってたの? E :7:30。 G :へぇ!そんなに早く?僕らも授業は9時スタートだったよ。 それで君は本当に早く起きなきゃいけなかったんだ、イヴリン? E :ううん、そうでもなかったわ。 私は学内(寮)で暮らしてたし、朝食は2限目の後に学校のカフェテリアで食べてたから。 P :僕らの学校は8時スタートだったよ。 学校はバスで1時間ほどのところにあったんだ。 でもボートで行けば、たった30分から40分しかかからなかった。 G :ボートで学校に通ったの? P :うん、バンコクには大きな川が流れてるんだ。道路の交通渋滞はひどいもんだよ。
>>787 P :イヴリン、授業は何時に終わってた? E :2:20。それから昼食をとって昼寝をするの。 4時から5時までクラブ活動がある時もあったわ。 G :昼寝だって!それはいいね。何のクラブに入ってたの? E :私はヤング・ファーマー・クラブ(若者の農業クラブ)のメンバーだったの。 いろんな野菜を育てていて、とても楽しかったわ。 あなたは高校の時何かクラブに所属してた? P :僕は「ラム・タイ」クラブに入ってたね。ラム・タイはタイのダンスのことなんだ。 G :僕はスポーツと日本文化が好きだから、柔道部に入ってたよ。
G :僕はポピュラー音楽が好きだから、クラブ活動の後には時々カラオケに行っていたね。 イヴリン、日本のカラオケ店に行ったことはある? E :面白いとは聞いてるけど、まだ行ったことがないわ。 P :僕もポピュラー音楽が好きだよ。日本のポピュラー音楽はタイでとても人気があるんだ。 君たちは日本語で歌を歌ったの? G :そんなに多くはないけど、歌ったね。僕は高校で英語も日本語も学んだんだ。 ピチャイはどの外国語を学んだの? P :僕は英語とフランス語を勉強したよ。で、イヴリンはどうなの? 英語が君の母国語なの? E :ううん、でも高校では、すべての授業は英語で教えられていたわ。 G :君がそんなに流ちょうに英語を話すのは当然だね。
There's a new theory about how children learn that is becoming popular in classrooms. What's the main idea of this new theory? It's that all children are smart, and the job of teachers and parents is to help children find the style of learning that uses their natural intelligence. According to educator and psychologist Thomas Armstrong, the traditional way of teaching suits some children but not others. Armstrong says, "We need to recognize that different children learn in different ways, and that all these ways of learning are okay." Verbal and logic skills, which are so important in traditional teaching methods, are just two of these intelligences. Armstrong calls these "Word Smart" and "Logic Smart." But he emphasizes that the other intelligences are equally important. So, the question for teaches and parents is this: How do we match children's learning styles to what is being taught ? As he pointed out , most teaching today is based on the first type of intelligence called World Smart , and the second type, Logic Smart. Children who are word smart learn by listening , reading , speaking and writing . Parents of these children need only to encourage them to keep up with their assignments. The other style of traditional teaching , Logic Smart , uses numbers , facts and scientific principles . Children who are logic smart like to observe and experiment on their own . They respond well to questions starting with "What if・・・"
Thirdly, there are the Picture Smart children . These children like to visualize in their mind or actually see what they are learning . For instance , they would learn a lot from a visit to a museum . Next comes the Music Smart children , the fourth kind of intelligence . They readily absorb information presented rhythmically , such as the ABC's or multiplication tables . Fifth are the Body Smart children . Most small children are in this category . They want to touch and feel things when learning . Older Body Smart children might learn faster by performing a historical drama , for example . Following this are the People Smart children , the sixth type . They are very sociable . Group projects , which make children compare notes , discuss and decide , are the best ways for People Smart children to learn . All children can use each of these learning styles , but they naturally use one or more of their stronger styles . Also , a child's preferred style of learning can change from year to year . Knowing which style of learning best suits each child at a particular time can help teachers and parents make learning more fun and rewarding for children .
ォひさし鰤です♪♪ CROWN2のlesson1のこの部分がうまく訳せないんですが・・・ なるべくカッコいい訳教えてください All of this has meant that individuality was not encouraged. ``Japanese children today are taught that the nail that sticks up beaten down. American children, on the other hand, are taught that the noisy wheel gets the oil.
All of this has meant that individuality was not encouraged." これらが、個々の特徴は促進されるものではない、ということを意味している。 Japanese children today are taught that the nail that sticks up gets beaten down. 今日の日本の子供は、出る杭は打たれる、と教えられます。 American children, on the other hand, are taught that the noisy wheel gets the oil. アメリカの子供は一方、うるさい車輪は油をさしてもらえる、と教わります。
UNICORN ENGLISH COURSE 2 のLesson2-2です。 よければ訳お願いします。
Before coffee became a drink, it was around A.D.1000 as a kind of food by the Galla people of Ethiopia. the berries were first crushed, mixed with animal fats and eaten on long trips. also, around 1000, coffee plants were taken from Ethiopia to some of the Arabian countries. the drink coffee that we know today probably originated in turkey. often spices such as cinnamon were added for flavor. KivaHan, which opened in the city of Istanbul about 1475, was the first coffee shop in the world. politicians, philosophers, artists, students and travelers all got together for the lively discussions. often musicians could be heard playing there as well. around 1600, Italian traders introduced roasted coffee as a kind of medicine. by 1645, as the drink become more popular, one of the first European coffee houses was opened in Venice. later, coffee houses also became popular places for people to gather.