if Japan is going to play a full role on the world stage and become a full, active participating member of the Security Council and have the kinds of obligations that it would pick up as a member of the Security Council, then Article 9 would have to be examined in that light.
While it may not be possible to lay down rules that will inevitably guide us to analyze intelligence information correctly, it is nevertheless useful to try to identify intellectual errors or deficiencies that may be characteristic of the analytical process, either generally or as it exists at a certain time and place.
i am also going back to the topography of terror.. i was there yesterday,but didnt have enough time to see everything. its a pictorial history of the place, right there on the site, where the gestapo planned their crimes against the jews and other poeple. it also talks about the peoples courts..and how many of the accused murderers were virtually let off through bad trials, or some of them commited suicide if it looked like they would be convicted. there is also a large section of the wall remaining here.yesterday, i took some time to explore some of ther sites of berlin.. its very interesting to cross the neighbourhoods from former east to west..but now after 14 years the differences are not so obvious... the city has been and is undergoing so much change and construction that it all seems to be integrating together nicely. the hostel i am staying in is located in a great neighbourhood in the former east. yesterday however, after walking around for the morning, i joined a walking tour for the rest of the afternoon. i havent taken any walking tours before, but everyone i have spoken to whom has visited berlin suggested that its the best way to see and lean about the city. the guide obviously had a knack for storytelling,and everyone was absorbed by the tales he told... some things which because of the changes happening here are not so easy to imagine for yourself. for example, we saw the site where hitler had his main bunker, the place where he commited suicide.. what happened to his body, and the many myths that surrounded it. and apparently no, he didnt escape to latin america to live out his days on a yaught. did stalin use part of hitlers skull as an ashtray?? who knows, but i enjoyed the tales and rumours.
Wake up kids It's half past what youth Ain't nothing really changes but the dates You're a grand slammer But you're no Babe Ruth You gotta learn how to relate Or you'll be swinging from the Pearly gate I got all answers lo and behold You got the right key baby But the wrong key hole, yo
I had the flu recently so I've been a bit behind with everything .My training is still going quite well and I'm starting to get a bit nervous as the day of the Marathon is fast approaching. Work has been very busy too as altogether I now have 5 part time jobs 4 inthe fitness industry and 1 at the bank.The weather here has been very cold and rainy today it hasn't stopped raining. We are going away for a weekend to Lakes Entrance soon and i am looking forward to a break in the routine. Usually we go away 3 or 4 times a year for a weekend and once either interstate or if we're lucke overseas!The Olympic are now on but I havent had a chance to watch it as the times have been around 3am.I certainly will be interestedinthe running-particularly the Marathon.My son Liam is standing next to me while I write this and he would like to say hello to you
"Minneapolis? What do they think about niggers up in Minneapolis?" "Pardon me?" I'd become a pretty jaded guy, but these two really shocked me. I considered Minneapolis a tolerant city.
Thinking back, I honestly don't know how Leslie survived her marriage to me. I wasn't a real stable partner. We lived well, but I was so irresponsible. お願いします、