>962 The bottom line is the new federal guides open up the potential for revolution in medical science leading to dramatic new ways to treat almost every human disorder. The embryos used will be from the surpluses for futility clinics, in other words, they would have already been destroyed as waste, if not used for research. Scientists working under framework of old guidelines have already made breakthroughs in medical science. Don N reports. "So you gonna use this for a 分からん experiment" The researcher Irvin ワイスメン says, his Stanford University lab was one of the first to isolate blood stem cells from mice. That helped him to be among the first to isolate adult stem cells that form human blood. That's led to experimental cancer treatments using a patient's own stem cells. '"For the most important thing about stem cells is they are the only cells in the body that can both make more themselves and differentiate to give rise to the important functional cells in say a liver or blood." In another lab, Theo Parmer is working with stem cells derived from adult human brains to learn how to use them to repair nerves or grow new brain tissue. "The question that remains 聞き取れん cells from adult can actually make the repairs we need them too.
4行目……if not used for (the) research. 5行目……working under (the) framework 6行目……Don N → Don Nell (かと思われる) 7行目……分からん→transferring (あまり自信なし) 8行目……ワイスメン→Weisman (かな?) 13行目……In (an) another lab 15行目……聞き取れん→is whether the 同じく15行目……the repairs (that) we (※かすかながら that が聞こえる。)