In your district A, there is a foreign language class for Japanese that runs by the local authorities. In addition, I found lots of refereces in Internet when I searched in the neighboring district B.
>>17 A waste...It's a waste so I hate, waste, waste...
This flavor is the flavor of liars.
I, Giorno Giovana, got a "dream"!
"Fuck you up." ...There's no need to use such a phrase. The reason is that whenever our friends or I think of it right in the head, we actually HAVE fucked you up, and it's already been done!
What nauseating "EVIL" is! That to control the ignorant, who knows nothing, just for your own fuckin' advantage!
□100人前後の人間が、40日間に渡り、たったひとりの少女に度重なるレイプ・リンチをした事件。 It's a case that alone helpless girl was raped and rinched by about 100 peoples for 40days. ◆陰毛を剃り、陰部にマッチの軸木を挿入して火をつける。 They shaved her underhair, then sticked a match into vagina and lighted it up. ◆全裸にしてディスコの曲に合わせて踊らせたり、自慰行為を強要。 They stripped her and forced to dance and masturbate. ◆性器や肛門に鉄棒、瓶などを挿入。花火を挿入して性器や肛門内で炸裂させた。 They inserted steel bar over a inch diameter, bottle and fireworks into her vagina and anal, then exploded. ◆性器を灰皿代わりに使用した。 They used her vagina instead of ashtray. ◆殴打された顔面が腫れ上がり変形したのを見て「でけえ顔になった」と笑う。 They blaw her face likes her cheak higher than nose and laughed her "Her become BIG-FACE". ◆度重なる暴行に耐えかねて、「もう殺して」などと哀願することもあった。 Couse She couldn't bear up to violence, she sometime asked them about "Kill me, please...". ◆顔面に蝋を垂らして顔一面を蝋で覆いつくし、両眼瞼に火のついたままの短くなった蝋燭を立てる。 They dropped waxes of lighted candles on her face likes full-covered her face and stood shorted candles on her eyes still lighted.
◆衰弱して自力で階下の便所へ行くこともできず飲料パックにした尿をストローで飲ませる。 She couldn't go to lady's room by herself 'cos she was too weaken, then she used pack of drinks. They forced to drink her piss of herself. ◆顔面を回し蹴りし、倒れると無理やり引き起こして、更に蹴りつける。 They rolling-kicked her face. When she down, they forced her stand up and kicked more. ◆鼻口部から出血し、崩れた火傷の傷から血膿が出、室内に飛び散るなど凄惨な状況となった。 She bleed her mouth and nose but no treated. Then she suppurated her injuary. The room spotted by her pus and blood. ◆素手では、血で手が汚れると考え、ビニール袋で拳を覆い、腹部、肩などを力まかせに数十回強打。 She got hard-blow on shoulder and abdomen for some ten-times by fist in plastic-bag for avoid her blood. ◆1.74kgのキックボクシング練習器で、ゴルフスイングの要領で太腿部等を力まかせに多数回殴打。 She was full-power-blowed by kick boxing trainer about 4lb. on her thigh likes golf-swing. ◆揮発性の油を太腿部等に注ぎ、ライターで火を点ける。 They sprinkled lighter-oil on her thigh and fired. ◆ストレスと恐怖から、頭髪が抜け落ちてしまう。 She dropped her hair by heavy stresses and fears. ◆最初は手で火を消そうとするしぐさをしたものの、 やがて、ほとんど反応を示すこともなくなり、ぐったりとして横臥したままになった。 She had behavior which is going to extinguish fire by hand at first was carried out. but she remained having become soon, without almost showing a reaction and lying as log. ◆死んだのでコンクリート詰めにして放置。 She finally dead. They put her in drum with concreat and stay alone. (裁判資料より抜粋) (There are based on court-text.)
>>48 40日間に渡り、たったひとりの少女に度重なるレイプ・リンチをした事件で、 この犯罪を目撃したり関わった人間は100人前後いるといわれています。 It is a case that one highschool girl became a target of a group of teenagers for repeated sexual assaults and physical abuse for 40 days, which caused her death, and it is said about 100 people witnessed and/or participated in this crime.
>>48 陰毛を剃り、陰部にマッチの軸木を挿入して火をつけた。 They shaved her underhair, and they placed a match stick into her sexual organ and lit it up.
性器や肛門に鉄棒、瓶などを挿入。花火を挿入して性器や肛門内で炸裂させた。 Into her sexual organ and anus, they inserted alien substances, such as a steel bar that is over an inch in its diameter and drink bottles. They also put fireworks into her body, and burst them.
度重なる暴行に耐えかねて、「もう殺して」などと哀願することもあった。 Because of their severe, repeated assaults which were already out of human capacity, she sometimes implored, "Please kill me!"
>>48 顔面に蝋を垂らして顔一面を蝋で覆いつくし、 両眼瞼に火のついたままの短くなった蝋燭を立てた。 They dripped melting wax to cover her entire face, and they stood short candles with fire on her eyelids.
As a result of her enervation, she could not go to the restroom downstairs by herself, and they forced her to drink, with a straw, her own urine which she urinated in a paper pack of the beverage.
顔面を回し蹴りし、倒れると無理やり引き起こして、更に蹴りつける。 They kicked into her face while she was standing, and they grabbed her to have her stand up again, and they kept on kicking.
>>68 Kwachi-ondo is a kind of Bon Dance originated in Kawachi, Osaka and widely known throught Japan. It has its piculiar image different from ones of Bon Dance. What makes it different from other types of Bon Dance is that it is accompanied by live music, not recorded one. Also, it is not bound to tradition and music and keeps changing through time.
Another characteristic of it, which facinates Kawachi-ondo fans, is its dance stye. It's such a fast tempo and body actions are so fast that you can't believe it is one of Bon Dances. Its body actions aren't so difficult to learn than you'd expect. Everyone can learn it while dancing, looking at other dancers' way of dancing.
素手では、血で手が汚れると考え、ビニール袋で拳を覆い、 腹部、肩などを力まかせに数十回強打。 She got struck hard on the shoulder and abdomen dozens of times by their fists that were covered in plastic bags to avoid her blood.
>>49 1.74kgのキックボクシング練習器で、ゴルフスイングの要領で 太腿部等を力まかせに多数回殴打。 Her thighs were beaten with full of strength with a kick boxing trainer that weighs about 4lbs. as if it were golf swing.
>>84 Wanpaku is a word used to describe lively kids.
It's a national Sumo championship for forth, fifth and sixth graders. It is gong to be aired on TV a few days later after the event is held. Check it out.
>>84 1. "Wanpaku" means a kid who is cheerful and in high spirit. 2. This is a nationwide sumo wrestling tournament fought by 4th, 5th, and 6th graders. It will also be aired on TV in a few days. Please check it out.
>>49 揮発性の油を太腿部等に注ぎ、ライターで火を点ける。 They poured lighter fluids over her thighs and so, and lit it with their lighter.
ストレスと恐怖から、頭髪が抜け落ちてしまう。 She lost her hair for her stress and fears.
最初は手で火を消そうとするしぐさをしたものの、やがて、 ほとんど反応を示すこともなくなり、ぐったりとして横臥したままになった。 At first, she was taking her attitude to put the fire out with her hands, but, later, she showed almost no response and senselessly remained lying.
As for the homework, please give me a little bit time because I'm still investigating on that subject. But I've never imagined that someone would assign a homework to me at my age. >>88
Use this (programme) at your own risk. Support is available only in the Japanese language. By using this (programme) you agree to indemnify us [me] from any liability that might arise from its use.
>>94 "Please use by your accountability. Moreover, there will be no correspondence other than in Japanese. Any damage generated on the occasion of use does not assume our responsibility here."
As for the usage of this goods (package, software, etc.etc) , please be noted your own risk. Supprot is only available in Japanese. We shall take no responsibility for any loss or damage incurred by your misconducts or of bona fide parties.
>>106 This is a study conducted by research institutes including 米国小児医療センター in Washington D.C., and it is still unclear that there is some relationship between them. They say that further research is required to conclude that the use of multi-vitamin drugs in the early childhood is the cause of the increase in the number of people who have asthma and food allergy.
so I thought I should learn (or master) English much more intensively. とか so I thought I could be proficient in English. とか so I wish I could learn English intensively. (これだと「やろうと思うが出来ない」 になっちゃうか。)
study は大学レベルの高等研究だし、overcome は「難局とか、障害とかを乗り越 える」でちょっと英語を学ぶには使かえないと思うんですが。。。
The personal computer came to the sitting room of my home last year. The father thought that he was probably useful to all families. We have acquired various information from the Internet. I sometimes send an E-mail to a friend. We will find more uses of a computer.
It's extreeeeeeeemely hot in this season here in Japan! Unlike in CA, humid, with terrible humidity! So when I was there (in CA) I found what a comfortable climate it is!
◆殴打された顔面が腫れ上がり変形したのを見て「でけえ顔になった」と笑う。 They blaw her face likes her cheak higher than nose and laughed her "Her become BIG-FACE".
They smashed her in the face so many times that it swelled up with black and blues, and mocked "You have a larger face. (or You got your face blown up.)"
◆度重なる暴行に耐えかねて、「もう殺して」などと哀願することもあった。 Couse She couldn't bear up to violence, she sometime asked them about "Kill me, please...".
Being so agonized at times, she almost lost herself in asking them "Kill me, please..."
◆顔面に蝋を垂らして顔一面を蝋で覆いつくし、両眼瞼に火のついたままの短くなった蝋燭を立てる。 They dropped waxes of lighted candles on her face likes full-covered her face and stood shorted candles on her eyes still lighted.
They dropped hot waxes of lighted candles to coat up her face and then stood a pair of small lghted candles onto her coated eyelids respectively.
◆衰弱して自力で階下の便所へ行くこともできず飲料パックにした尿をストローで飲ませる。 She couldn't go to lady's room by herself 'cos she was too weaken, then she used pack of drinks. They forced to drink her piss of herself.
She was too exhausted to go downstairs to a washing room. She had to suck a packed beverage through a straw. To take advantage of her worries, they poured her urine in a pack and forced her drink.
◆顔面を回し蹴りし、倒れると無理やり引き起こして、更に蹴りつける。 They rolling-kicked her face. When she down, they forced her stand up and kicked more.
They carried a round of high kicks in her face. When she collapsed, they forced her stand up again for more kicks.
◆鼻口部から出血し、崩れた火傷の傷から血膿が出、室内に飛び散るなど凄惨な状況となった。 She bleed her mouth and nose but no treated. Then she suppurated her injuary. The room spotted by her pus and blood.
She bled in her mouth and nose but nothing was taken care. Her suppurated bruises broke down and blood and pus spattered here and there in the room.
◆素手では、血で手が汚れると考え、ビニール袋で拳を覆い、腹部、肩などを力まかせに数十回強打。 She got hard-blow on shoulder and abdomen for some ten-times by fist in plastic-bag for avoid her blood.
At the thought of soiling with her bood, they wrapped their fisks with plastic bags and smashed her shoulders and belly for more than ten times.
◆1.74kgのキックボクシング練習器で、ゴルフスイングの要領で太腿部等を力まかせに多数回殴打。 She was full-power-blowed by kick boxing trainer about 4lb. on her thigh likes golf-swing.
Like a golfer's swing, they beated her many times in the thiges with a 4lb. kickboxing trainer
They sprinkled lighter-oil on her thigh and fired.
They poured a little amount of volatile oil on her thighs and lit up.
◆ストレスと恐怖から、頭髪が抜け落ちてしまう。 She dropped her hair by heavy stresses and fears.
She lost her hair under unbearable fears and psychological pressure.
◆最初は手で火を消そうとするしぐさをしたものの、 やがて、ほとんど反応を示すこともなくなり、ぐったりとして横臥したままになった。 She had behavior which is going to extinguish fire by hand at first was carried out. but she remained having become soon, without almost showing a reaction and lying as log.
At first, she seemed to have put a fire but soon looked senseless and lay down deadly.
◆死んだのでコンクリート詰めにして放置。 She finally dead. They put her in drum with concreat and stay alone.
Finally, she died. They put her body in a drum, filled it up with cement, and left it alone.
I am one Japanese citizen. Please give your time if you please for 1 minute for me.
1988,It was a case that one highschool girl became a target of a group of teenagers for repeated sexual assaults and physical abuse for 40 days, which caused her death, and it is said about 100 people witnessed and/or participated in this crime. Only four persons were arrested ,and three persons were released among those in ten years.
And one of three persons caused the kidnap confinement incident "again" about several days ago. He has said, "It is the same, although one person will kill and two persons will kill." and, "Even if arrested again, I learn well the way of touching which receives a public prosecutor, and the method of making a punishment light."
However, mass communications of Japan have not reported this incident. The police is applied to arresting also for one month, although the victim has asked for help. Japanese society is going to hide this incident and this criminal. Now, only a part of Internet communities and BBS are a noise about this incident.
If you please, please tell this incident to the mass communications of your country. And please help so that a miserable thing like the incident in 1988 never happens. We want to lose society where an offender pushes himself forward.
We have been under big pressure. If you please, please help in how. Finally, the details of the incident in 1988 are written.
Kimchi is a low-calorie food mainly composed of vegetables. It contains a lot of fibrous components, smoothing the action of intestines to reduce the values of sugars and cholesterols, which helps you prevent or remedy life-style-related diseases such as diabetes, heart diseases, and adiposis.
In the previous transaction I received 4 sets, but only 1 off of them was like a distinct type. Please include one of this type so that I can combine it with my previous one to make a set to match!
>>180 I have ordered 2 pairs of XXXX. However, I have received one pair that contains one that is slightly different from others. I would like you to replace that one with the one shown in the picture, since I was supposed to get complete two pairs. I am going to order another two pairs, so I ask you to send the replacement with my new order. 訳すとこんな感じですが、ペアでセットウリなら、4つのうちのひと つではなく、1ペアそのものを変えることをオススメします。そのほ うが、問題が少ないのでは。たとえば、靴下2足頼んで、そのうちの 1足半がしろで、1本が赤で届いたとしても、その赤だけを取り替える より、白赤の1足まるまる取り替えるほうが、問題が少ないかと思い ます。ちょっとしたアドバイスです
I hope you can come before Aug.11, since I will be packed after that day for the orientation and training for our company's new employees.I am in charge for the training.
>>176 I was so sleepy and almost have fallen asleep dribing on the way home on a highway. I was slapping in my face to keep myself awake telling me "if i fall asleep here, I will not making home, never again." Well, I made it anyways, though.
>>176 I got very exhausted and sleepy so that nearly fell asleep while driving home on a highway. Thinking that I would be dead if sleeping,slapping myself on the cheek,I could manage to get home.
>>213 I love Oregon which has both sea and mountain. Rocks of extraordinary sizes and shapes along the coastline, and the charming driving route overlooking the splendid billows... Driving the Oregon Coast on and on remains この先パス
Though Kawachi Ondo or "Kawachi Bon Dance" which had originated in the Kawachi region of Osaka has become widely known in every region throughout Japan, in several features this differs greatly from other local Bon Dances.
First of all, a singer and his accompanying musicians always lead dancers in a quite lively mood and the tone of songs always varies unlimitedly free from rules and restrictions.
Another remarkable fascinating feature of Kawachi Ondo lies in a style of dancing, that is, a cobmination of rapidity and activeness in an up-tempo.
At a first glance, you might be surprised and wonder if this is a kind of Bon dances. Nevertheless, its posturing is not so difficult as you assume, so once you join in a circle, you will be able to follow easily and enjoy Kawachi Ondo heartily in a festive mood.
>>235 滅相もない。そげなえらい暖簾貰えまへんわ。わしいつも アホの後知恵で蛸つられ(be scoled or called on the red carpet) まっさかいに。
河内音頭普及の為に、まずは一座のみなさまへ。鉄砲はんがまず 出だしに口上唱えまんな。
えー、さては一座の皆様へ、Dear ladies and gentlemen ちょいと出ましたわくしはHere I am before you お見かけどおりの若輩でyoung and inexperienced you see 歌はちっとも巧くは歌えはしないがI can't sing songs like a virtuoso 八百夜毎の不如帰like a love-sick cuckoo singing crazily 血反吐はくまで努めます。You, everybody, let me try to do my best until I vomit bleeding, okay?
Kawachi Ondo is superb in its enegetic improvisation of words by the singer. He tunes anything in life, history, politics, and so forth. Connoisserus enjoy his spontaneousness too.
It is said that 3 factors chiefly trigger a mental disorder (disease). 3 factors are said to be a major cause of a metanl disorder. Mental disorder is attributable to 3 major factors.
>>243 A man who was recently arrested on charges confining and abusing his acquaintance was found to be one of the assailants in the highschool girl rape murder case that happened in Adachi ward, Tokyo, in 1988.
Thank you for your reading my mail all the time. Writing something in Englsih is very difficult fo me and I can rarely improve my Englsih no matter how much a time I spend; however, even under such a situation, you always write me back. I appreciate it very much, and I feel like I am understanding English bit by bit and more and more, thanks to your cooperation.
>>294 A man who was recently arrested on charges confining and abusing his acquaintance was found out to be one of the assailants in the high school girl rape murder case that happened in Adachi ward, Tokyo, in 1988.
これでもいいかな。ワープロソフトで見たら、highschool に赤線が入ったので high school に直しました。
ところで、1988 の前って二つ目の in が必要でしたっけ? それとも省いてもいいのかな。書いてから気づきました。 誰か自分より文法に詳しい人いませんか?
It has been already shipped out. Is somebody living there? If so, just ask him/her to send it fowarded. If not, it must come back to me. Then, I will send it to the address newly given.
>>185 It's necessary to let off steam now and then. (正解っす。) How do you let it off? In my case, it is shopping. It is to buy things that I want, decisively. Speaking of shopping, a few years ago, I was absorbed in Net auctions, and there was a time in which I often checked auction sites while waking and sleeping. How unhealthy it was if I think about it now! I quit it now. It's boooring. And, now I don't have things that I want so much.
...But, if I dared to say one thing, I would want to have a travel suitcase of ○○.
>>311 Thank you very much for inviting me to the party. But unfortunately I have a plan to go back to my parents' home on that day and I don't think I can make it. Looks like it's going to be a wonderful party. If you get a chance, just let me join you next time.
>>314 言いっ放しじゃあれなんで、自分なら、こう書く↓ It was so bad that he lost the game, though it was a good one to watch. He is now listed No.5 in the latest ranking, which topped, of course, by A.
あ、いい試合、の意味がいまいちあいまいだったんで、 「見ていて楽しいゲームだった」としましたが、例えば 「接戦でよかった」というのなら、it was a very close gameとか 「彼の良さが出ていた」とかなら、he displayed his XXXX(strength, power, speed, etc.適当に入れて)
「ウェディング」という言葉がもともとは「賭」の意味であることは 言語学者以外に一般に知られていない It is not commonly known that the word "wedding" is originary after "bedding," except for linguistist.
condolence って、どうしてもお悔やみに聞こえてしまうなぁ。 それと、あまりにも事務的な感じがする。ビジネスレターならいいと思うけど、。 どうせなら、 We express our sympathy and we are willing to giving out for any help that you need. とか、 We are sorry to hear for the disaster. Please let us know if we can help with anything. とかのほうがいいと思うが。
説明不足でしたが、実はフォーマルなビジネスレターで、 この文章の前には、以下のような内容を書いています。 We are concerned about the damages of your facilities and the properties of your staff. We do hope that you can minimize the damages and the damaged places get recovered as soon as possible. If we can be of help in any way, please don’t hesitate to let us know.We are prepared to do what we can do.
で、最後に「取り急ぎ書面にてお見舞い申し上げます」 と締めたかったのですが,condolence を sympathy に代えたら問題ないでしょうか。 We hasten to express our sincere sympathy by this letter.
>>354 The lesson of English in a university differed from the lesson of English to a high school. Therefore, it was puzzled at first. Since English was weak, I was not able to catch up with a lesson. But the lesson of a university pulled my interest from the lesson of a high school which only merely stuffs English knowledge. For example, it is discussion in English etc. It was difficult to express one's idea in English. However, discussion in English was pleasant. I want to strive for English study hard so that its opinion may be expressed in English after this. And although it was a short time, it was indebted to the teacher. I appreciate very much. I want you not to give results severely.
A guy who wears orange cloth, and was outrun at the front of Penalty Area(No.#237)
Marking(Score?):2.5 though he cut onside when he marked jimmy, he did make a fatal mistake of possisionnig not to 腰を落とす and allowed jimmy brilliant score.
>>366 You called me up drunk heavily after we met sometimes, as you may have forgot it owing to your drinking too much. I was happy to your words "you love me".
>>359 Getting married, one of my friends lives near the XX store in London. Is your house located near here? We worked with the same kind of occupation before, right? What kind of occupation do you work now?
"Tsuri-Shinobu" is a kind of small potted work of Shinobu-Kusa. In a pot, Shinobu-kusa spirals up to a core made of bamboo or wire on which a bunch of moss is knotted with a thin copper wire.
The shape of "Tsuri-Shinobu" varies in "Yakatabune" or Japanese leisure houseboard or "Toro" or lantern or "Kame" or tortoise and more. People sometimes hang a wind bell beneth it.
4、瑞々しい若葉は、絶えず夏の風物詩として人々に"涼"を 呼んでいます。
Fresh green leaves (of Tsuri-Shinobu or Shinobu-kusa) let us feel a sense of coolness amidst a hot summer. Thus, "Tsuri-Shibnobu" is (being) appreciated (or loved as) one of summer commodities (here in Japan).
>>422 I am sorry. The examination began from last week and the hand was never able to be attached to the subject. There will be an examination also on the 11th. Since it is busy and you never manage a subject, please submit at next week. It is reflecting on having said a little early.
「I am sorry to have not been unable to contact you for a while. Since I moved the other day and changed the address, I tell the new address. Henceforth, please send a letter to the following addressing to the address. "
初めてメールを出すときに、相手と私は知り合いないんだけど、相手が私の名前を覚えているか ほんの少し不安で、メールを出しているのが、相手とときどきしゃべっているこの私である事が わかるかどうか気になって、 「私が誰だか分かる?」 と聞く場合、 Do you know who I am ? でいいんでしょうか。それとも、良くないんでしょうか。 また、他にもっと良い言い方があるんでしょうか。
>>433 we cool down the normal hot coffee with ice to serve the iced coffee. so, you won't quite get the cold one without ice. So, could you let me put some ice in it, only a little?
>>497 I began to grow my public hair at 6th grade in elementary school, and be able to retreat my prepuce of glans at 2nd grade in junior high school. But my penis glans is not completely exposed by foreskin, what you call, 'uncut' or half-grown penis.
At 19th, June I orderd "smash hits'99 "from you in I Never get your goods,so please let me know(mailto:貴方のメールアドレス) if you have sent it or not. Could you send me "smash hits'99" asap. I apologize if you had sent it before you got my mail.
>>566 It came to my head by the milky way, but the starry night that I saw in Australia was so gorgeous. It was so mesmerizing that I could not speak and I almost cried. I wanted you to see it together.
>>566 When it comes to the Milky way, the starry sky I saw in Australia was very beautiful. It was so wonderful as to find no word to explain, and I was almost moved to tears. I wanted to make you see it.
Since American is a nationality, it is rare that they call themselves as “One-eighth American”. In that case they will think you are gone. It might not be an answer though. Sorry.
I've ordered a (or the) CD smash hits '99 with Amzaon on June 19, 2004. I haven't received it yet. Could you check? If not processed (shipped) yet, please reply as earliest as possible to this mail account (reply by return soonest). Please be excused (Pardon me) if you've already done (if shipped).
I shall return はもう誰かが言うとるが、General Douglas MacArthur (finally Field Marshall)が日本軍に攻められて部下置き去りにしてフ ィリピンのコレヒドール要塞からオーストラリアに逃げた時に、残した 台詞や。「俺は何が何でも死んでも戻ってくるぞ。」や。ワレも根性入 れて勉強しいや。
I am XXXX who stayed in YYY on April, ZZZ, 2004. This is to remind you of my deduction on your charges. I think it's double. I am afraid you might have billed twice. I paid mine with my Visa card. Could you check and send me the breakdown by return?
>>654 XX told me that all the japanese towns look so inviting that i don't know quite where to visit first. i know that his remarks are no more than complimentary, but am glad to hear.
In the Crime White Papaer, we can't possibly admit that juvenile deliquencies are rising in number year by year and the nature of crimes are becoming brutal. A rough comparison , 97 in 1996 against 370 in 1965, boys, those who were arrested on the charge of murder.
Recommendable sports are "Aikido", "Taikyoku-ken", "Yoga" and more. These are favored by women. When you go back to the States, it will be helpful in your occupation.
Everybody wanted to talk to a (the) teacher so I thought it was not good to have him (or her) all to myself. I remember someone told me a bit harsh words "You always try to chat with him (her)."
Mr. (Ms. Mrs.) XX told "Every Japanese city (town, village, etc.) looks quite fascinating, so I can't be a chooser of where to go." I will be glad if it were his lip service.
Real hot summer has set in. You must be surprised to bear this extreme heat first of all you came to Japan. Amidst hotter weather, local high school baseball game tournaments are scheduled in every prefects. Players do their best with sweat and soil toward a representative to the national games in August. Challenging in youth is really wonderful, isn't it?
He was quoted as saying in the brutal scene that "I am one of offenders of the lyching murder case. I know better what to do for lessening penalties." I believe it is an absolute injustice to see his name and photos unrevealed.
Thank you for your familiarizing with me throughout a year I was so glad to become friends with you. I wish for your life-long happiness and sound health.
>>692 Hey tiny girl! Do you think you would follow our dance? you know we are the national champions of the U.S. I just wonder you guys dilettanti could follow us,and pain in my ass!
>>692 Hey Bitch! Do you think you can keep up with our dance moves? We are the best cheerleading squad in the U.S. I wonder if a pixie like you can really dance, anyway.
>>754 When you come to Japan, tell me that with out any reservations. I might know you like old and calm street. So I will guide you there which is not introduced by guidebook.
Please don't hesitate to contact me when you next come to Japan You seem to be fond of (be interested in) old and quiet towns, so I will guide you to very best places that are not covered in popular guide books.
>>744 What I thought when I started learning Italian is that you shouldn't hope for both[another], when you are on a halfway through in learning English. You won't fully understand both.
>>740 You needn't fill your mind with what you see as something disgusting. What you have in your mind or on your tongue will be real to you. Your loving to the other one never fail to come true to you. It should make you unhappy, on the contrary.
私は高所恐怖症なので観覧車に乗るのが怖いです。 窓から外をみると心臓が止まりそうになります。 って since I have acrophobia,it is fearful to take an Ferris wheel. The heart will become stopping if outside is seen from a window. でいい?
>>516 1. Everything was fun in my youth, and the time flew as in some Japanese saying, "Light and shadow pass like an arrow." By the way, I guess the fastest stuff was an arrow in their knowledge when the saying was made.
2. Having been now, it would make my position untenable if my child asked me how my youth had been. By the way, I assume it means it is hard to stand right in a fast moving stream by the saying, "To make one's position untenable on a shoal."
>>835 First of all, I would like to mention why Japanese people started to use word "Manga". たぶんもっといい訳がある。で喪れ限界。 相手が漫画の意味を知っていればこれで十分 そうでない場合は最後に。(Comic in Japanese)
Don't be addicted with nasty ideas. If you think or speak it up, it will really come true. If you curse someone, it will actually bounce back on you. In the end, you will be unhappy.
The earth faces a serious environmental crisis. We have to cope positively with varous environmental preservation measures right now in order to have all animals survive and live all together.
When I was young, I was so amused in life and spent days as if time flies like an arrow. By the way, as for an origin of this saying, I assume that there was nothing faster than an arrow in those days, right?
When asked by my children of my youth, I am ashamed to say that it was sound and fruitful. By the way, "Tatsu se ga nai" means that we can't stand firm in a rapid stream, doesn't it?
It seems to me that you don't like that player particularly. Certainly, player A looks nice in shape but player B charms funs with his well trained body. His shapr and elastic strength like a black panther is worth admiring (appreciating).
As a policy (an aid, a measure) of the techonological assistance project sponsored by our government for the 3rd world countries, we are poisitvely working for the personnel training for the promising people so that they (help) contribute to the promotion of industries in their home countries. They are all excellent and ambitious trainees who try hard to master various vocational subjects.
Once I was suprised to hear that water is more expensive than Coke in a country. In my childhood, it was as a matter of course that water is free, but nowadays we see (a bottle of) water and tea sold as industrial products. In some countrysides, people still use pure non-poluted well water. It is richer in taste, cool in summer, and warm in winter, that is, milder and healthier for our life.
How do you do? I am a walk-by. I got here through my midnight Web searching. I want a Gmail account but don't have a close holder of the Invite right. It seems prevailing largely so I am a bit irritated.
Being demanding I know myself, could someone, if an extra remains (又は an extra you may have), send me a copy of Invitaion?
Let me introduce myself briefly I am a student living in the Metropolitan area. My hobbies are travels and listening music, my taste, ELO and Phil Spector. I am trying to build up my web site now.
>>881 At one time, I was surprised to hear that coke is more expensive than water in a certain country. It was natural that we got water for nothing, but today we are not surprised that water and tea are sold also in Japan. Some people in countryside even now use well water, which has not contaminated yet. Besides being tasty, well water is hospitable to our life all year long because of its temperature.
I am scheduled to visit Vancouber from August 18 to September 2. So I plan to go and see you to Prince George with XXXX. When are you available? (When do you spare time? When do you have time?) May I ask you of my lodging for a couple of nights?
>>887 In the old days they expressed about summer heatin some sayings: "Mind controls senses." It means that when you think it's cool it's cool; on the contrary,"I hate to say the word hot,but I can't stop saying‘What a hot day!'" It means that you admit it's hot." I would rather agree with the latter one. I'm waving a fan to feel cool while remembering that saying.
"Geish" or professional entertaining ladies live in a quarter of which I suggested to you before. I sometimes see them by twos or threes. Mostly they are about to go to their "Okiya" or their booking office or to a training school. As they are in plain and western clothes, we can not distiguish them from usual ladies.
Against an unbearable hotness, ancestors say that "The resolved mind has no cares." On the other hand, they also say "Refraining from saying but (I say) it is hot today." For myself, savoring a wisdom of the latter, I cool myself down slightly with an "Uchiwa" or a handy fan
But that halftime show has become a kind of national moment and the grotesque way it came out really captured what has bothered me most about how this war is being conducted: The whole burden is being borne by a small cadre of Americans - the soldiers, their families and reservists - and the rest of us are just sailing along, as if it has nothing to do with us.
>>896 The rate of ex-juvenile criminals comitting a crime again is said to be 27.2 percent. I'd feel terrible when I imagine what is going to be when those children grow up.
色素, a pigment (not a dye); 合成系, a synthesis system; 酵素, an enzyme; ORF, an ORF; 制御因子, a controling factor; 転写, transcription; 翻訳, translation; (共)発現, (co-)expression;
You seem to be so busy. You work home too? It is wonderful and ideal not to rely on TV in our life. I am apt to see TV while I do something. There are lots of things to do so I should utilze my time more effectively. I should follow you.
>>947 I've never heard a word "A", so I looked it up in a dictionary. I think you would ever hear this word, "B", but it's one of many Japanese words which are commonly used widely all over the world.
The weather was very hot and I didn't want to go out. But a clothes shop I always go to, emailed me that the cool clothes came from America. In case you care, I am into the Item which is one of the South California brand.
I didn't feel like going out amidst this crazily hot summer but I dared to go to my favorite clothing shop, which mailed me informing of an arrival of cool products made in America. In any case I favor a brand of South California.
I replaced my PC for the first time in 5 years. Old one was not fully functional though, I got used to it somehow and wouldn't make up my mind chaniging it. Finally, it was broken. I had to buy a new one. I was surprised to find so many new features applied in it. I felt it a bit worrisome, if I was able to make fully use of it.
For an issue of "blue rose" man in the street and followers often criticize the focal points, that is, "1. it colors not blue" or "2. what it for?" We can't help it since they only see results.
For the 1st thesis, it is not well known that a research concerned has continued for as long as 18 years but hardly achieved well in a case of a combination of an ORF consisting of whole synthesized enzymes for other blue pigments and of their controlling factors.
For the 2nd thesis, luckily, it was more rewarding in varous applications, namely, for transcription and translation than in finalizing it into a final product.
Again for 1, it must be apparent on the developer's side that expressing much green leads in "Draemon like blue" in terms of color combinations.
They comment freely as they like but they hardly understand an essential theory "The more expression factors increase, the more difficult its controll develops."
>>972 Hello, everyone. Do you know what infectious disease causes the heaviest loss of lives throughout the world every year? It is neither influenza nor HIVinfection. It's malaria.
まあ余計なことかも知れんが、正論や、初対面のメリケンに、I have been studying English for 6 years. なんて言うてみ。最初は真面目に聞いとるようやけ どすぐ化けの皮剥がれるでえ。日本のEnglish studyなんてこんな程度かと馬鹿 にされるだけや。言わんとき。