help!"Mr. 47"

Sorry for discourtesy but we really need your help!
Please take a couple of minutes to read this message from the Japanese internet community.
We are the users of one of the largest internet forum in Japan, "2 channel"
2名無しさん@英語勉強中:04/05/23 20:25
Dear friends,

Sorry for discourtesy but we really need your help!
Please take a couple of minutes to read this message from the Japanese internet community.
We are the users of one of the largest internet forum in Japan, "2 channel"

Now we just began a protest movement against a recent UNJUST ARREST in Japan.
We have just began a protest movement ...

On May 10, 2004, the Kyoto prefectural police has arrested a Japanese famous hacker just for he made an advanced software !!
... just for he produced an advanced ...

3名無しさん@英語勉強中:04/05/23 20:26
Mr. Isamu Kaneko, known as "Mr. 47" or "Mr.Neko" is one of the most talented programmers in Japan studying 3D simulation, distributed computing as well.

2 years ago, he has changed Japanese internet by releasing an epoch making P2P system "Winnny"
based on "FreeNet". But many crackers abuse it for piracy and it becomes a social phenomenon. Finally the police arrested Mr.Neko for releasing Winny.

This is NOT JUSTICE ! Do you belive Xerox should be punished because of their product can be use for piracy ?

If no, please join us and support Mr.Neko!
If not, please ...

Mr.Neko has studied "the digital security system in P2P" which might lead P2P technology compatible with copyright. Do you belive P2P should be compatible with copyright ?
Mr. Neko has also stdied ...

If so, please join us and support Mr.Neko!

Please refer following URLs for the digital security system in detail.

4名無しさん@英語勉強中:04/05/23 20:26
Now, our movement has developed across Japan. Mr. Arai, a friend of Mr.Neko has opend an web site for supporting Mr.Neko. He also accept donation for the movement on that web,
If you feel he might be not guilty, you can donate for our movemnt.

For whom would like to protest Japanese police,
please access following site and give Japanese authority your protest message.

We would appreciate it if you would show your sympathy any possible way.

 Thank you.
The criminal must be punished.
□ お約束 (ローカルルール)



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