>>949 I had a chance to watch a portion of the Prime Minister Blair's presentation. I thought that portion of the Prime Minister Blair's presentation was excellent. を(非制限用法の)関係代名詞でつなげただけ。よくある形。
If Iran continues to flout its obligation to provide complete and clear information, and the IAEA board refuses to act, then the fault lies as much in the governments that fail to punish noncompliance as it does the cheater.
>>970 the fault lies as much in the governments that fail to punish noncompliance as the cheater does it(=flouting its obligation to provide complete and clear information) ということかい?
たくさんのレスありがとうございます。 昨日のジャパンタイムズの社説の後ろから2段落目です。 ネットで見れます。 954さんのおっしゃる倒置のいうのは考えましたがよく分かりませんでした。 繰り返しますが私はinよりwithのほうがいいと思います。 the fault lies in the cheaterより the fault lies with the cheaterのほうがしっくりきませんか? as〜asの形なのでinを続けるというのもありだとは思いますが。
Another IAEA failure to check proliferation -- and in a case that occurred right under its very nose -- would be a death blow to the agency and the NPT. But the truth is that the IAEA - - like every international organization -- is only as effective as its members want it to be. If Iran continues to flout its obligation to provide complete and clear information, and the IAEA board (and subsequently the U.N. Security Council) refuses to act, then the fault lies as much in the governments that fail to punish noncompliance as it does the cheater. If they believe that nuclear proliferation is a threat, then they must make every effort to strengthen the nonproliferation regime and ensure that violations are punished.
We will know the depth of their commitment and the seriousness of their concern in the fall, when the IAEA board meets next. We can only hope that something terrible and tragic, which would provide a devastating reminder of the importance of containing the spread of nuclear weapons, does not occur in the interim.
lie 〈欠点・誤り・理由などが〉(…に)ある,見いだされる; 〈抽象的なものが〉(…に)ある,存在する(consist)《in...》: the fault... lies not in our stars but in ourselves... その失敗は運命によるのではなく自分自身に原因があるのだ 〈Shak. Julius Caesar〉 The solution to the labor problem lies in compromise. 労働問題の解決のかぎは妥協にある.
>>986 というか、whichがwas excellentの主語だからitは必要ない。 I thought that portion was excellent のthat portionを関係代名詞whichにして文頭に出して関係節にすると which I thought it was excellent という形になる。
In early August, on BBC Radio Five Live's Sportsweek, Mr Bruno launched an attack on the "mugs" and "creeps" he believed were making money out of him.(関係代名詞が省略されてる)
At this point I panicked, ran outside and began looking for Rupert, who I was sure must have been the target of the shot because I know how prejudiced police are against pit bulls. (Rupertって名前のpit bullの話。飼主が語り手'I')
The Daily Sport meanwhile published the name of a club it claimed was at the centre of the investigation, accompanied by an editorial which said it would be "foolhardy" to name individuals. (a club it claimed was... これも関係代名詞が省略されてる)
The statement continued: "The Prince of Wales has always tried to avoid becoming involved in disputes with the media, which he appreciates fulfils an important role.