Japanese Girl (Nihonjin Onnanoko) There is no deposit, no bill, no cover-charge, no rent, easily obtained through pen-pal/keypal (email penpalship,) and the only requirement is that you be a foreigner (or in my case a foreigner with boyish good looks.)
"Dear Penpal, I want to experience Japan and it's beautiful culture! I love Japanese food, will you cook for me sometime? I also want to experience a Japanese family way-of-life, here is my photo, would your family like to be my homestay? We could learn from each other and it'd be a really fun experience! Your Penpal, Josh"
"Dear Josh, My family really liked your photo and skateboardo bideo! Choooooooo kakkoiiiiiiii (^_~#) You will be here fall season? OK! Please call from airport and I will pick you up in my car. My mom is also excelentt cook and she wants to cook you meal everyday! My sister is at college so you can even sleep in her room!!!! tanoshimiinishitemasuuuuuu~~~ Here is my cellphone number please call me when you arrive! My family is vary excited! Your Japanese Penpal, (Japanese Penpal's name)"
, and in the matter of three to five letters, my photo and a video of me skateboarding I just saved myself a few thousand dollars, I have a place to throw all my luggage, shower and come home to in the late afternoon (after clubbing and love-hotelling.)