5 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:04/04/15 21:00
いいね GOOD
8 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:04/04/15 21:14
hmmmm..... does he work?
chotto age masu arigatou
11 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:04/04/15 21:28
so do you have any qualification in teaching English as a foreign language?
u know, being fluent in a language is one thing and teaching it
is a completely different thing.
very good point.
you know i hope i wont be teaching people like you since you seem to be
adept in english already. lol
I taught English in one of these schools that I
do not want to mention in here.
>>1 他人の写真を貼ったサイトを作って
ok arigatou
僕の顔ですけど。。。。 なにか????
そう?? 悲しい。。。。。
_-- ( ヽ、
/ __\ \)ノ/リ
/ <__ \ \/ノ
/ /<__ \ \ ヘ /⌒/
>>1 さん、あなたさぁ...
/ 〆 └--、ヽ、\ - \ |
/ レ\ =ミ=、__/丶 - 〉なんてゆうか...
/ ン/ (- =、 > <( \ |
し/ ミ 'ー--ヘ/ \ミiヽ { 言葉に説得力がないんだよね。
リ/ / ン /("ミ 、 、ヘ > 、
| /<.o イ 'ー ヾ / >、 ∠/ヽヘ 苦労したことのない人間が言う...
,.-/| -=、_/ "| _∠/ \(⌒) ノ \
/ | \ヽ ヽ,-\} ∠ノ ヾ、 / \そう、「ウソ臭さ」
 ̄< ! `\ /___ \/ \(
_ \ ! > ー-- イ \_  ̄ ̄\_\ ( みたいなものを感じてしまうんですよ。
!  ̄ ̄ ヽ /{ )\ | ∠ ノ)ヽ、
\ /⌒\ 〉  ̄ / / >\
\ い / / //ノ
\ / / / / ̄
| __ /
な そ |,、_,.、_ _rvヘ-''"´..:::::::::::.. ̄`ヽjヽ ,' い. そ 立 糞
い り l::::::::::::`〜-、 >...:.:.:.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.:.:... ノ | う の て .ス
だ ゃ 〈::::::::::::::::::::::::ヾ、 (rソ:::::::::::::::::::::::,ィ:::,、:::::::::.ヽ. | の ま て レ
ろ あ L_:::::::::::::
>>1}} (/::(:r'ハ::f(/ノィノイ(::::::::::! | か ま お を
. う 厂ト、:::::::;;::::;;:rシ ゝ(.ン=≧-、`lニニ二r |r-、! | い 逃. い
? /::::}} `'´_,、! ハ!'´li゙}゙f| '´lリ` |l}、l| .〉 ? げ .て
\ /.:::ノ′r'フ'⌒´ト l l;  ̄.ソ  ̄ j「ノノ! |. る. .
::::::.`ー一 <、::::) ´,fリ \、 ヾ! Lャ- ,!r':::リ| っ
::::::::::::::::::l fヘ〉l::} ''"" _´丿 ', ーニ-''" ハ::::f′\ て
::::::::::::::::::\ ゞ'′, ´ ( i、 ー' /! ぐリ \ /
ヾ:::::::::::::::::::ゝr-、 i, ∠´「 _」 \_/ ,! `ヽ、  ̄ ̄)厂 ̄ ̄
`(::::::::::::::;;F′ヽ ャ′ __,,、-‐''"´ |i , ′ `ー- 、..__
L;;::::::广′ `ー- 、._ ) / `‐- _ ′! / ! _,..、 ''"´ ``丶、
ツ ::::::i ̄__/ _ ヾ  ̄`` r┴'''"´ ̄ -''゙ ヽ.
_、-''| / >'´, ,`´  ̄\へ ,i i′ ゙;
=ニ´_ j i / i′/ / / ィ‐-L.._\ ,! :l i
`ー 、_' _,,⊥-ヽl'' { j= r′ `ヽ、 l ' 、 .::|
ヽ '´ \ヽノ .ノ ヽ| ゙! ::::|
英会話に苦労は必要なの? んん。。。。。。 よくわからん
) __ r( ,、_ /
>>1 こ
あ (_ , ‐''" ̄  ̄ `''‐、 ゞ, rr〜ヅ´ ミ ,'. の ん
あ / ヽ フハ _ ミ {. 番 ど
. っ ( i j ///j } ト、} ミ|_.. -'_"-'´\ r'⌒ヽ { だ は
!! ) ノ}. j/ノノ〃 jノ jハリ ゙i`'''Tjフ } ミトー } l ろ
( }ノノ _.’- 'ノノ 冫=} ,' ,.‐'" { {い) / ノ_
Vヽハj⌒ i〃ー_''ニ ,、:: {ニ'”{ ,' ゞ゙ f クァ ―`‐- 、.._,、-'´
l. f⌒ヽ.{ ”´-'' " `、 ',〈.、,.. ,.‐'´ `' 、``丶、
i、 i ⌒> l! r, ノ l )__.. -ァ /
i \(( lj , ‐--.ィ ! Y´_ ./ \ \\
`、 こ、. { j i j ゙i゙ { \ \\
ヽ リ \ `_'二. ,' /ノ 丶、,、イ \ \\
>>1 ヽ / { \ \\
家庭教師したいのですけど どこで生徒を集めるのがベストですか?
I have a bad feeling that some people will pretend to
be 1 after my post.
dude shut up.... you aint the real 1...
削 除 ガ イ ド ラ イ ン ▽▽ ▽
8. URL表記・リンク
Let's just say, I'm going to be a qualified English teacher.
yeah sure why not.. just get some students...
i need to advertize this but it seems like i might have to actually
go into some campus and hand it out to people..
But I must set tuition fees low!!
How about 1500 yen an hour?
if you check out my site..its set at 3000yen an hour..
its reasonably cheap.
do you want to learn? what are you studying? I have a feeling that you are a girl
Who would care?
I want you to face the music and
make it cheaper.
ok we can negociate if you want.. email me.
I didn't think so many people made believe they are 1
that I got flabbergasted!
>>40 安すぎ また 登録しないといけないみたいね
>>40 なるほど、それは鋭い見解だ。
>。45 そうらしいね。。。 今度ビラ配るよ
>>46 Hey, there're more fish in the sea.
I'll roll up my sleeves and help you become famous
in this BBS.
>>44 What can I do for you?
Hey, a good idea flashed into my mind!
If you try teaching English here and show us
how extraordinary your teaching skill is,
then someone wants to pay you to teach.
What do you say?
53 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:04/04/15 23:17
What I am supposed to do if you aren't here?
!,.'.:/:.:.:;.':.:.:.:.:.:.,.'゙!:.、:.:、:.:.:ヽ、:.:.:.:.、:.:.:.゙、:::.:.゙!::.:| >1 糞スレ立てるな、死ね!!
.,'.:,イ:.:./:.:.:.:.:.:./ ゙、゙、:.ヽ;:.:.:.ヽ、:.:.:゙、.::.:.゙;:::.:.!i:.:!
.,':;'::.:.:.;':::.:.:.:.:./,,__ ヾ,ヽ:゙、ヽ、:::.ヽ、:.゙!:::.:.゙!:::.|l.;! __
l::!゙i:.:..;!::.:.:.:.:;' _,,.`ヽミ、、ヾ:.、,.>,、、ヾ!::::.:|::.;'/ 、ヘ/ ./
|:! ゙!::.;イ::.:.:.:;!ィ´!ノ:::::iヽ ヽ、 ` ,イ,ノ:::!゙ヾ::.:.;!iス、 > <
. ゙! ゙!:| !::::.:.:| ゙!::::::ノ L::::ノ !|:/.:ヽヾヽ、 / /ヽ/
ヾイ、:.:.,. - 、 ̄´ ,!!':.:.:.:.:゙、ヾヽ`ヽ、 ` '
,.'i゙,' !::ヽ! \ ' ,.' ゙、:.:.:.:.:.:.゙! ゙!| ,!
/,rl::!´゙!::.:.゙、. ゙、 ´ ̄ ,.::'.::::::::゙、:.:.:.:.:.゙! .i|:.. | 「」「」「 |
.// |:! .゙、:.:.:゙、. ゙!-/⌒!_,..-'',!:「`_- _:.!|i:.:.:.:.| ! ,. ,! /, '
.,.':,' |! ゙、:::.:.:.゙! .:..l | |-‐''゙,'::::! i::ト、` i|_!:.:.:;'-'; ,' `
.,.'::::!:.. .:.゙、:.:,r' ー--ゝ、 {ニ´ッ::__::! l::゙、テ``!::/ ,!
んヘ:゙、:.. .:::..,! 、...__ ゙!、゙、,ィ',´-::..、!:::゙、:. |/ | 「 ! 「 !
ヾ、:. .:.! `ヽ.! !,ィ´`` ‐--ヽ,_/ _,,.! L.!..L.!
i゙ .{ '' ´ ̄ヽ y /::.. !- ....二二-' ○ .○
.,! ..:. ,.._ァャ゙、 t‐ 、 ,ソ /:.. ;.ヽ、 /
,! .:ィ',./ム-'"ヽ、` ―'゙ /:::.. , i::. Y__,
. ゙!:.,.:イ |::i /:::... ,.:':. :. . !、,.゙!
`i !::! イ|:::::: ,.ィ'::. .. ,'.! !
58 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:04/04/16 17:39
I think you need to show some specifications, I mean, for example,
English for kids, school students, or business persons etc.
People wants some detailed information. Then, there should emerge actual needs.
>>58 I think 1 has gone.
That tells us he'd just pulled our legs.
What a guy!
60 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:04/04/16 17:45
>>60 Maybe he has.
Were you tricked?
62 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:04/04/16 17:54
63 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:04/04/16 17:56
Then, let's talk for a while over some coffee, if you don't mind it.
64 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:04/04/16 17:59
I think he's kinda cute... Maybe I'll take lessons from him!
65 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:04/04/16 18:00
>>63 I'm not the real 1.
You don't care about it?
And the expressin "some coffee" has any connotation?
I mean it implies something special like idiomatic phrases?
>>64 Then what about you e-mail him?
What do you think about the tuition fee?
You can pay him 3000 yen an hour?
Is it competitive?
69 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:04/04/16 18:08
>>67 him? I thought you are the 1
70 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:04/04/16 18:09
I need English lesson, as well as sexual lesson.
Could you do both?
71 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:04/04/16 18:09
>>68 If you offer extra services... I'd take it!
72 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:04/04/16 18:11
>>69 I told you I'm not.
>>70 Who do you say it to?
>>71 What are you talking about?
First off, I don't teach English.
74 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:04/04/16 18:13
>>1 Don't you have a better picture?
It's like a blurry watercolor painting.
75 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:04/04/16 18:13
>>66 No, I used it just for some rythm in English. Did it confused you,
I apologize to you.
>>75 Don't sweat it.
Let's have a conversation.
77 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:04/04/16 18:16
Anyway, we usually offer \3000 per hour in Japan for private tuition.
78 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:04/04/16 18:18
So do you like coffee?
80 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:04/04/16 18:23
I'm a Japanese and I teach English at some private schools of which
name I don't want to tell you.
These days I really have trouble teaching because there is so big gap
between spoken English and written English.
Students do want to fill up this gap with my advice but it's impossible for me
to explain it thoroughly... TOEIC grammar test seems meaningless as well...
81 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:04/04/16 18:24
82 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:04/04/16 18:26
I want to talk to 1.
>>80 That's a tough problem..
All you can do may be to tell them they watch
TV dramas from abroad to learn some colloquial expressions.
85 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:04/04/16 18:32
>>84 So why do you keep calling yourself the 1, Nero?
>>82 And If you want to take 1's lessons,
then please e-mail him.
>>85 Um, you don't like it?
I just thought you would pay attention to this thread.
That's all.
88 :
The pseudo 1:04/04/16 18:37
I changed my name.
89 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:04/04/16 18:38
90 :
The pseudo 1:04/04/16 18:43
>>80 By the way, do you teach 3000yen an hour?
If so, 1 set a reasonable tuition..
I was gay.
92 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:04/04/16 18:44
>>83 Thank you. I'll try it.
Actually our English lessons are trash.
Japanese education system is a chaos.
93 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:04/04/16 18:44
>>91 So you're ex-gay, now?
95 :
The pseudo 1:04/04/16 18:51
>>94 But you don't take it all, do you?
96 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:04/04/16 18:52
... now there's 1 and the pseudo 1?
98 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:04/04/16 18:52
>>95 What do you mean "take it all"?
My mom was a man.
100 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:04/04/16 18:56
That's... disturbing...
101 :
The pseudo 1:04/04/16 18:56
>>92 Well, what can I say?
Your students don't try to learn by themselves at home?
I mean except for homework.
102 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:04/04/16 18:59
>>101 What would be the motivation?
People who really want to learn English end up studying abroad...
103 :
The pseudo 1:04/04/16 19:01
>>98 What I wanted to say was:
You can get the whole tuition fees?
I just thought you can take part of them, though.
104 :
The pseudo 1:04/04/16 19:04
105 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:04/04/16 19:13
What do you think are those straps over his shoulder in 1's pic?
106 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:04/04/16 19:17
>>101 >>102 Those who are willing to study English are not of my problem.
Those who have to study for TOEIC things unwillingly because of
restructuring programs widely emerging are the real problem.
TOEIC is not an evaluation for Englishany more, but an excuse of
fireing employees.
Yo no cuido realmente
109 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:04/04/16 19:19
>>107 Are you the real 1?
111 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:04/04/16 19:22
>>110 Waaaaaahhhh... Why do you torture me so...?
>>111 I don't mean to. But take some time and get back to me later,
Gotta go out have dinner now. Will be back later.
113 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:04/04/16 19:38
So is "1" 19 years old?
114 :
The pseudo 1:04/04/16 19:40
>>113 According to the profile of his website, yes, he is.
115 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:04/04/16 19:44
Say something more interesting, please!
116 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:04/04/16 19:46
Hi this is the real 1..... yeah take lessons from meeeeee.....
119 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:04/04/16 19:52
>>117 面白いこと書けって言われてるだろうが。
120 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:04/04/16 19:52
>>114 Well... he says he was born and lived there for 19 years...
but he doesn't say how long he's lived in Japan...
121 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:04/04/16 19:52
hey i hope i dont look 19....
123 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:04/04/16 19:54
so how old are you?
125 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:04/04/16 19:56
>>122 Get your own "trip" then, or else no one would trust who you really are.
25guraii haha
get my own trip?? just email me....
128 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:04/04/16 19:58
So are you really ex-gay?
129 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:04/04/16 19:58
allright...i feel some negativity.........
132 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:04/04/16 19:59
What are you doing in Japan?
dood get your own thread you wanker!! lol
134 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:04/04/16 20:01
what do you mean what am i doing in japan???? i am japanese.
136 :
†本当の1 †:04/04/16 20:02
137 :
†本当の1 †:04/04/16 20:04
>>135 グローバルイングリッシュで基礎文法からやり直せ。
what do you mean by what am i doing in japan....
but when you wanna have a strong expressive nuance ...you take off the by
but its knida ghetto
anyways..bye wankers
140 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:04/04/16 20:08
>>138 まじでやり直したほうがいいよ。
>>140 jealousy あなたはいくら頑張っても僕の英語には勝てない 以上
142 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:04/04/16 20:13
>>141 ネイティブに添削してもらいな。 以上。
英語話せたら話しましょう。 それまではあなたの完全な負け
JEALOUSYしか感じない。。。。 さむーーーー
144 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:04/04/16 20:19
>>143 すげー納得した。
ok talk to me in English
my point exactly...
147 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:04/04/16 20:25
where are you? you little pussy... come out...
149 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:04/04/16 20:26
what the hell guy??? talk to me in English!! what the fuckk??? dont tell me
you cant speak english!!?? what are you?? some kinda idiot???
end of discussion... you can fuck off now..ok be gone. puffff
dish it outt... but you cant take it... youre a pussy.. thats what you are..
152 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:04/04/16 20:29
153 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:04/04/16 20:31
154 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:04/04/16 20:33
I'm the true 1. Should you have any questions, don't hesitate to
call me up. I should be available to you all by 4 in the morning.
Otherwise, I'll just get the shit out of here!
BTW, I am gay. Not that I was it before, in case you are wondering.
157 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:04/04/17 03:24
So, where the heck is the real 1? Anyone has any idea?
158 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:04/04/17 05:45
>>157 He is always with you;he lives in your heart.
You believe he's in this thread, and he may emerge
everytime you want to see him.
He's entity!
のか?しかもアメリカで育ってたのによくI am Japaneseを言えるね・・・
160 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:04/04/17 14:18
193 :輝 :04/04/15 14:55
ラハール弁護士> このスレと全く違う話になりますが、ちょっと
1 :1 :04/04/15 20:52
161 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:04/04/17 14:39
163 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:04/04/18 19:26
>>1 ナンパ目的ミエミエだな。
164 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:04/04/18 20:47
>>1 マジで聞いてるんだが、男には興味ない?
165 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:04/04/23 02:40
166 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:04/04/23 02:56
The fact that this guy wasn't able to get in a decent college in
the states show his poor language skills. He also does not reveal
his academic background.
167 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:04/04/23 15:16
169 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:04/04/27 04:07
170 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:04/04/27 12:38
171 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:04/04/28 10:08
真・スレッドストッパー。。。( ̄ー ̄)ニヤリッ