投稿者名:小野仙内 (ID: QSLZtDc) ところで、中3の娘の英語の教科書に、 We can contact each other either by e-mail or the Internet. という文があるんですが、これ、わたし絶句してしまいまして(^^;) 訳せなかったんですよ。 このthe Internetは果たしてなにを指しているのでしょう。
It's one thing to have a fine library and it's quite another to make wise use of IT. itか何か抜けてない?
In these days when efficiency is badly needed in every field, computers play an important part in our life. when ... fieldをin these dayを同格的に修飾する副詞節として捉える。
And it was ann odd thing that whenever one of the employees was in trouble or needed advice, of all the people working in the place on whom he or she could have unburdened themselves it was invariably Robert who was singled out.
2行目のon whomのところで、whomの先行詞はall the peopleらしいのですが、 1文に直すと、 he or she could have unburdened themselves on all the people. になりますよね。 なぜonになるのかわかりません。 〜に悩みを打ち明けるなら、toじゃないのでしょうか? 辞書にはtoの例文は載ってましたが、onはありませんでした。 よろしくお願いします。
719です。上のほうにいってしまったんでもう一度書きます。 People need to work together to build the house. は「人々はその家を建てるためにいっしょに働くことを必要とする」が直訳で 日本語らしくして「その家を建てるために一緒に働く必要がある」となってるんでしょうか。
>>726 というか、need to do の“直訳”は「doする必要がある」という素直な日本語であると 考えた方がいいと思う。
need to do の to do は確かに、needの目的語のようなものだが、だからといって 律儀に「・・・を・・・する」という文型で訳す必要はない。例えば、I meet Mary. という 文でMaryはmeetの目的語だけど「私はメアリーを会う」と訳す必要はないし、 訳してはいけないのと同じ。
>>725 1.彼が死んだという噂があったが、それは嘘だった。 There was a rumor that he was dead, but it was untrue. 2.現在の私があるのは両親のおかげです。 What I am is all by the grace of my parents. 3.あなたは彼のところへ行って、私のこの手紙を手渡しさえすればいいのです。 All that you need to do is just to meet him and hand in this letter to him. 4.彼はどこへ行っても必ず接する人々から尊敬された。 Wherever he went, every single one who met him respected him. 5.私は初めてあの超特急に乗った日のことを決して忘れないだろう。 I will never forget the day when I first got on that bullet train.
For the poorest nations, "there is no margin for loss," said Mahendra Shah, one of the report's authors. "Many of these countries already have a food shortage," he said, nothing that the 40 countries considered most at risk now cope with 450 million malnourished people. ちょっと長いですけどお願いします。
1 She can drive ( better next year をつけて未来形に) 2 I must study hard. (過去形) 3 He is at home.(「〜かもしれない」) 4 It wasn't possible for her to get home by noon.(助動詞を使った文に) 5 I hope you will succeed.(祈願文に)
>>765 I have known about him for twenty years. It is about two miles to Tokyo from here. He made his son a doctor. Taking a walk is good for the health.
>>765 I have known him for about twenty years. It is about two miles from here to Tokyo. He made his son a doctor. Taking a walk is good for the health.
1. .I always [ do ] my homework before dinner 2. Ken [ go ] to a party yesterday 3.Kaori [ visit ] her uncle next mouth 4.Masao and Yumi [ be ]Classmates this year
The ground was covered with leaves. [ fall] What is the language? [speak in Australia] You must use water when you make tea. [boil] The baby is very pretty [sleep in the cradle]
Leaves were fallen on the ground. What language is spoken in Australia? You must use boiled water when you make tea. The baby sleeping in the cradle is very pretty.
College is very expensive nowadays, and besides the average college-age student is trying his best in order to become physically, psychologically and economically independent of his parents.
837の補足 The car is too expensive for me to buy . を書き換えて The car is so expensive that I can not buy . とするのは高1くらいの生徒がよくやる間違い。 The car is so expensive that I can not buy it. が正しい。
>>842 so that he might succeed と so thst he should succeed は改まった言い方で、 so that he could succeed はくだけた感じで、 so that he would succeed が特にどうとは書いてなかった。 so that を使うと以下の主語は違う人について言うことができる。 He worked hard so that his son could buy a computer. in order to/ so as to は主語と同一のみ。 意味的には変わらないみたい。
1.I have gone to the airport to see father off. 2.This bottle is containing tea. 3.She has arrived here just now. 4.I was ill for a few days when I was sent to hospital. 5.I could'nt help thinking that I saw that terrible sight somewhere before.
1. It was the first note of asperity. 2. She would say when she left the movies. 3.Caddy came in to play with me. 4.The sea that morning was a solid color,like verd stone. 5.Lawrence is the only member of the family who has never enjoyed drinking.
>>862 1. It was the first note of asperity. of asperityが意味的に形容詞句 2. She would say when she left the movies. when she left the moviesが名詞節 3. Caddy came in to play with me. 名詞句(節)、形容詞句(節)なし 4.The sea that morning was a solid color, like verd stone. that morningが意味的に形容詞句、like verd stoneが形容詞句 5. Lawrence is the only member of the family who has never enjoyed drinking. of the familyが意味的に形容詞句、who has never enjoyed drinkingがthe only memberにかかる形容詞節
1.It wasn't the spirit of the party at all. 2.The nets on the ceiling were filled with colored balloons. 3.I tried not to seem angry when I got up from the board. 4.He is always coming into my kitchen to tell me what a sad woman I am. 5.The orchestra was playing a waltz.
>858 used to 動詞でかつて〜したものだった(が今は〜しない) be used to 〜ingで〜に慣れている
I used to fish more carps than anyone else in this river in my childhood, since I was quite used to looking for the point in which many fish got together. However, fish has gone away because of the pollution.
My watch needs (repair). It's broken. I felt like (cry) when I heard the news. Wash your hands before (eat). Kate is busy ( prepare) for tomorrow's lessons. What do you say to (go) for a drive with me? The children came ( run). They looked t( surprise ) to see me. We waited for a bus (come).
この川で泳ぐのは危険だ This river is dangerous ( )( )( ) 私は車の運転の仕方を知らない I don't know ( )( )( ) a car. 本当のことを言うと、彼女はその鍵を無くしたのです。 ( )( ) the truth, she has lost the key. 暗すぎてテニスをすることができない It's( )dark( ) play tennis now. 空模様から判断すると、まもなく雨が降りはじめるだろう ( )( ) the look of the sky, it will soon begin to rain. 彼女が怒るのは当然だ It is natural ( )( ) to get angry その美術館は一度行ってみる価値がある The art museum is ( )( ) once 私はそんなふうにあつかわれるのはいやだ I don't like ( )( ) like that. 彼女の両親は彼女が無事に帰ってくることを確信している Her parents are sure of ( )( )safely. ひどい雨のためにピクニックに行けなかった The heavy rain( ) us from ( ) on a picnic. 明日は何が起こるかわからない There is ( )( )what will happen tomorrow. この前の日曜日、私はデパートに買い物に行った I ( )( )in the department store last Sunday.
to swim in how to drive(the way to) To tell too, to Judging from for her worth visiting being cared coming back prevent, going no knowing went shopping
1 When he saw the policeman, the thief ran away. 2 He did not know what to say, so he kept silent. 3 As there were no taxis, I had to walk home. 4 As he was dressed in a new suit, he looked very nice. 5 As I did not sleep well last night, I am sleepy today. 6 Turning to yhe left, you will see the department store. 7 Feeling very tired, she stayed at home all day yesterday.
>>907 with tears falling from her eyes to have kept you waiting so long had no friends to talk with about the the volume so as not to wake the baby is too small tosupport his family
In that way, the gifted Japanese baseball players, to name a few, Nomo, Ichiro, and two Matuis, contribute to the popularity of major league baseball games among Japanese people.
>>898 1 Seeing the policeman, the thief ran away. [where "he" refers to the thief] 2 Not knowing what to say, he kept silent. 3 There being no taxis, I had to walk home. 4 Dressed in a new suit, he looked very nice. 5 Not having slept well last night, I am sleepy today. 6 If you turn to the left, you will see the department store. 7 As she felt very tired, she stayed at home all day yesterday.
1.I haven't seen Tom for a long time. When have you seen him. 2.The time will surely come when my words will come true, but when it will actually come, I shall have been long dead. 3.Jhon, though she doesn't really need to, has been on a diet since three weeks. 4.The football match had to be stopped. They were playing for about an hour when there was a terrible storm. 5.You had better take an umbrella with you in case it will rain. 各分に間違ってる箇所があるのでそこを正しくなおせという問題なんですけど、 お願いします。
1 I (football / television / game / watched / on / the). 2 We (examination / math / yesterday / had / an / in). 3 They (store / sugar / that / at / sell). 4 He (curtain / himself / behind / the / hid). 5 We (June / rain / lot / have / a / of / in).
I have a friend ( ) wife is a teacher. Don't speak ( ) your mouth full. Can you make yourself ( ) in Franch? This park is famous ( ) its rose. She comes ( ) Yamaguchi Prefecture. I can't put up ( ) such bad conditions any more.
>>933 1 I watched the football game on television. 2 We had an examination in math yesterday. 3 They sell sugar at that store. 4 He hid the curtain behind himself. 5 We have a lot of rain in June.
I am thinking of sending a birthday card to him. →I am ( )( ) send a birthday card to him. You must answer all of these questions. →You ( )( ) answer all of these questions Let's go to a movie? →( ) we go to a movie? Be kind to sick persons. →You( ) be kind to sick persons. Alice can ski very well. →Alice is ( )( ) ski very well. Do you want me to mail this letter? →( ) I mail this letter? You must not speak with your mouth full. ( )speak with your mouth full. You don't have to be so afraid of making mistakes. →You ( ) not be so afraid of making mistakes. Should I tell you all that I know? →( ) I to tell you all that I know? My father used to tell us fairy tales. →My father ( ) often tell us fairy tales. You are brave enough to say such a silly thing. →How ( ) you say such a silly thing?
I am (going)(to) send a birthday card to him. You (have)(to) answer all of these questions (Shall) we go to a movie? You(must / should) be kind to sick persons. Alice is (able)(to) ski very well. (Shall) I mail this letter? (Don't)speak with your mouth full. You (need) not be so afraid of making mistakes. (Ought) I to tell you all that I know? My father (would) often tell us fairy tales. How (dare) you say such a silly thing?
All the student respect Mr.Brown. Did your mother bake this pie? Cathy did not invite me to her birthday party. My grandmother gave me a nice sweater.(2通りに) Who painted this picture? My sister takes care of our cat. What do you call this flower in English? She keeps her room clean. よろしくお願いします
まず...。 「Be it ever so humble」っていう表現は、かなり日常的に使いませんのでテストか何か用以外だったらあんまり気にしなくてもよろしゅうで。 あなたの訳ばっちりです。けどみすぼらしいってよりかは「つつましい」って感じですね。 「どんなにつつましくても、家に勝るものはない」って感じのニュアンスです。
「Be it」=「〜であっても」 「Ever so humble」=「とてもつつましい」 つなげて「どれだけつつましくても」。