xx and yy are based on the novel called "@@." I was going to read the novel first, but I ended up watching the movies first. I don't know if it's such a good idea to read the novel now because the impression the movie made on me might ruin it. But I've heard that the novel has some more dramas that are not included in the movies, so I should probably give it a try and read it.
Has my remittance to your bank account for the lot no.261413 arrived? It has been five business-day after remitting. I am somewhat worried with whether remittance went wrong.
>>49 Do you remember that story of the guy who was roasting Sembei? This Sembei, before you taste them, it's got Japanese taste. But while you eat them, it's got a taste of Paris. Because, when you eat Sembei, you know it sounds like "Paris". In Japan, onomatopoeia for eating Sembei is represented by the sound "Paris".
>>21 As I grow old, my dreams and the way I think changed as well. When I was in the elementary school, I wasnted to be a cartoonist. And in the middle achool, I got a lot of compliments saying I was really good at painting, so naturally I wanted to be an artist. In the high school, I couldn't decide what I would like to be, and now in the college, I feel like becoming a kindergarten teacher.
>>4 If I receive email without notice in advance, I will normally delete them without further action. If you would like to attach a file with email, please make sure that you have it compressed (lzh, zip, tar, etc.).
>>19 My town is neither a big city nor a countryside, and I can't think of anything particularly traditional about it other than some seasonal events like hanami. Hanami parties are taking place everywhere in Japan now. Have you ever heard about it? It's a sort of party where people celebrate the new school year, drink, and enjoy barbecue under the cherry trees in full bloom.
>>80 No! I'd rather get longer ones. I always get my PC on with my heart going crazy thinking you might send me an email. If I find out there is none from you ------I go like "fuck! I'm gonna kill that son of a bitch!"
>>95 I think you are still pretty young. Take your time and don't push yourself. You don't have to try to be somebody else. I am sure she loves who you are.
>>47 Sorry for the delay. I would like to see you while youre in Tokyo, but currently I'm not in Tokyo. It's customer service issues that keep me busy here in Niigata all the time. I couldn't even find time to get in touch with you. I'm terribly sorry for the wait. I can't leave here because the cuntomer thing isn't over yet. And I'm not sure when it's over. I really want to see you but this can't be helped. Please enjoy your stay in Tokyo.
>>101 See, I told you he's into a lot of things than you are. His friends tell him that his life is a roller-coaster ride full of ups and downs like what's happening to him now.
>>104 It's a bit of a surprise for me to hear you talk about business because I still tend to think of you as a student. Anyways I'm glad your job is alright. Like to hear from you soon again.
If I understood you correctly,you haven't seen cherry blossam,right? I hope that you will know what beautiful cherry bloosam are, so that's why I send these picture to you. I hope you like it.
ついでにこちらも微調整。間違ってそうだけどね。すまんね。 If I understood you correctly,you haven't seen cherry bloom,right? I hope that you will know how beautiful cherry blooms are, so I send these pictures to you. I hope you like it.
>>121 "If I hadn't met you at that time at that place..." Muttered a man. But he knew it was a fate. He can't escape from the fate. Must God be a boogie man?
>>109 So, you've not seen cherry blossoms yet, have you? I've sent some photos of them as I want you to know how beautiful they are. Enjoy! こんな感じでよろしいでつか?
Unfortunately, I have to say good-bye to you. I deeply appreciate your kindness. Many people are apt to have a trouble with their roommates. But I had very good time in this house without a trouble. The time I spent with you will stay with me as a happy memory. I hope to see you someday again. If you have an opportunity to come to Japan, let me show you round.
英作スレに書き込んだのだけど、ルームメイトに別れの簡単な手紙を書きたいの ですが、なんかおかしなところあるか、どなたかチェックしていただけませんか? 最初の日本語で言う「残念だけど」という表現は、I regret, Im sorry,Im afraid とかいくつかあるのだけど、こういう場合にはどれを使うべきなんですか? すみません、ご存知の方教えてください。
>>144 I will go and try to find it now. If tomorrow's okay, I will send it from the post office. How much is he willing to pay for this item? Anyways, please wait. Thank you.
>>165 Meaning of the word "reference" is different from "revice". I would not like you revice it, but make a new one refer to the sample. If you so, we would admire your achievement. If you'll make it until the conference of the day after tomorrow, we would think more highly of you.
>>197 I learned over the Internet that there is a Japanese language school managed by an NPO near your house. As is often the case with NPOs, I think its fees are not expensive. If you are interested in this school, how about asking your friend to contact it instead?
>>203 My mom is doing well right now. She is not suffering from a lot of pain anymore, and she doesn't need to be on any medication, either. She works and goes out like she used to. Thanks for your kindness and sorry that it worried you.
>>215 わかってもらえれば、もうそれ以上言う事はありませんよ。 これから同じような過ちは犯さない事だけ、約束して下さいね。 日本では相手との関係に問題があっても、その問題が解決して お互いが理解し合えれば過去の事は「水に流す」と言ってまた仲良くします。 I'm sure you have understand how I felt about this matter, so I don't have anything more to comment about it. But promise me not to make the same mistake again. Suppose you have trouble with someone but later find solution and understand each other. In Japan in such a case we rebuild our friendship again as in a Japanese phrase "mizu ni nagasu", washing away (the past).
>>236 I left him because I thought he wandered. But it was not true. I was stupid enough to say lots of unreasonalbe things to him. Now, he is only a zero.
>>253 I'm so happy to receive your reply. I said something wrong and it seemed to hurt your feelings. I'm really sorry. I'm a little worried that my English might cause some misunderstanding again, because it's not good enough. But I will try to speak English as good as I can. I'm sure it's not your fault.
>>251 It is the most popular topic now. We know you have a lof of victims, including not a few civilians. We are hoping that the peace will be yours as soon as possible.
>>281 In this film, he plays a scared character rather than fearful one. The character he plays has a special power, and that may make the character feel more frightened and distressed than a leading character may feel. He is one of the key character through the story. I like him most, when he wipes his glasses, for he looks happy. I don't stand in the way of your pleasure by telling the story, and you mustn't miss the film.
>>283 This content is insufficient though the attached file was seen. 添付ファイルを見ましたが、この内容では不充分です。
We have review the attached file and determined that its content is insufficient. Upon looking at the attached file, it was concluded the content was insufficient. I saw the attachment but it's content is insufficient.
>>291 Cherry trees blossom only for a short time, and on Sunday & Saturday thousands of people visit places of great blossom sight, making it hard for those who want to find a space to settle in for a Hanami party. I was amazed hearing that a Hanami organizer had come to secure the place from 5 in the morning that day.
>>293 In France, it is called "Poisson d'avril", a day of April fish, on that day people make fun of some unknowing, unlucky one with a piece of fish-shaped paper stuck on his/her back.
>>301 情報、知識なら、there構文使うより、we have使ったほうがいいと思う。 〜に関する情報 というならabout もいいが、詳しい情報なら onもあり。 試訳 We still have no news about it in Japan. We haven't had any news on that issue yet in Japan.
>>321 My friend is deejaying at ●● and I think s/he can get us in for a small fee, if not free. Would you like to come? You can bring your friend(s). なんてどうかな・・・
>>327 Thank you for informing me of the shipment. Please don't worry about the delay; I trust you. In fact, I went ahead and sent you ○○ also. I think it will arrive soon (reach you soon). Please let me know when you get it. なんてどうでしょうか…
>>336 Spring break is already over (We returned from spring break on 日付) During the break I did stuff like karaoke and shopping At school, during lunch break I play tag with my friends or get an ice cream bar from a vending machine, sit around on a bench with my friends and chat.
>>340 Have you already received the shipment? We contacted the postal service and was told that it was being held at the local post office. Please check with your post office since there is nothing we can do on our side. We are very concerned and would greatly appreciate your confirmation of receipt. Thank you very much. なんてどうでしょうか
Have you received the parcel yet? A post office said to me that they kept it there. I could do nothing but tell you to ask them about the parcel. I'm worried whether you received it or not. So please let me know if you've had it.
Since that I study @ girls school,I can fuck around like shit. 'coz there ain't no guys around. I get off my bed @ 8, commute by bus ,and hit back home @ 4. I just balm around the house doing nothin'...... And I say, Iz all good (^_^)
>>373 I like going to an all-girls' high school because we can do as we please without worrying about boys watching. I usually get up at eight, catch a bus to school, and come home around four in the afternoon. At home I may listen to CDs, watch TV, and do some (household) chores.
>>386 The new series will go on sale on May 10th. Since only 100 sets will be made available in Japan, it will be very difficult to get a hold of it, even if one (you) runs (run) off to the store first thing in the morning. などは?
>>391 394さんに同意しつつ、 Is it okay to tell her about us going out for dinner (lunch) together before? I thought I should check with you because I don't want to cause any trouble
115 :ラサール弁護士 ◆h71RB9C02c :04/04/13 22:49 I'm off to bed... What are you guys doing here? If you want to meet girls you should go to the Korean thread... ;)
Ethan and I took cab driver toward starlet (with chestnut from, midwife from bartender.Most cigars believe that garbage can behind ball bearing trade baseball cards with bubble behind eggplant. eggplant share a shower with for dolphin.Ethan, the friend of Ethan and procrastinates with gonad living with reactor. cup of find subtle faults with recliner over blithe spirit, but cargo bay defined by cyprus mulch mourn fairy inside. Any blithe spirit can give lectures on morality to lover from, but it takes a real inferiority complex to toward tuba player. decile fahey confession devout dirt masseur redemption
Furthermore, cargo bay over daydreams, and briar patch near cook cheese grits for parking lot toward. navy whatley upperclassman information aggression tun
>>432 At last, I got my job. I'm working by fantastic photos taken near by photographer all over the world. After all, I became keenly aware of that the future is easy-to-change. I'd go to your place, but maybe I can't. My passion for abroad is building up, I'd like to go there next month. But I can't expect whether I can do, because the future is easy-to-change, as stated above. I can't predict that we will be, we will sure to meet again. I'm looking forward to do so.
>>448 We've got lots of bamboo shoots in a mountain behind my parents' house. My mum sent me some freshly picked ones, so I had made tempura with them tonight. Season's delight, ha?
>>468 In this age when terrorism spreads all over the world, there is no safe place, I mean, a place that is entirely safe. For instance, you have your kids say they'll go Hawaii, is Hawaii safe enough for you? Or if they say they go to Shibuya, then what about it? If you started worrying about, you can go on and on and on, forever.
>>483 Kanda Festival and Shitaya Festival are performed on the same day. Since the festivals have the near place, you can also watch both simultaneously, if you like. The Miya mikoshi (portable shrine?) leaves a shrine early in the morning, turns around the streets, and returns to the shrine in the evening. In Kanda Festival, the Miya mikoshi arrives at the electric town in Akihabara at 3:00pm. Please go to watch.
>>486 When I had parked my car in a road, someone broke the key and what was placed into the car was stolen. I was so surprised that there is no keyhole left, when I tried to open. Although I had placed the credit card into the car, fortunately it was not stolen.
>>490 My computer has broken now and it has been in the process of repair. As soon as it is repaired, let's chatting online again. Incidentally, the E-mail which I am using now is the mail function of a cellular phone.
You're having tough weeks preparing meals for yourself, i guess, as it's your first living alone. Do you cook for yourself? Even I'm still bothered with everyday cooking though I'm used to living by myself. When I'm really tired after work, sometimes I can't do any housework. Anyway, food is the most important element, so we should keep in good diet.
Who is Mike co-starring with? / What actress is Mike co-starring with? Who is Mike playing in the movie with? / What actress is playing in the movie with Mike? Who is in the Movie with Mike? / What actress is in the movie with Mike?
>>505 Your mail said "I'm sending two photos" but there wasn't any attachement. Maybe forgotten? I do want to have a look, so please be sure to send them in the next mail.
>>506 Not sold by lot, I should get to the shop in the morning on sales day. Possibly I might not get it even if I leave very early, but I'll try it any way.
>>538 I found an idol cd I used to listen to during cleaning my room last night, which made me nostalgic. It sounded cool after a long interval, so I sang along it londly.
>>541 Come to think of it, I have a messanger ID for the cell phone. I will let you know now, so be sure to access the code. I don't know if you can talk over it, though....
>>548 Royal Mail Group(?) confirmed that Gypsy Nirvana had receipt the check on March 11th. I surely paid the money for it. Could you please try to find my money? Thanks in advance.
>>549 Yesterday I went to a dentist office for the first time in two weeks and he got mad at me because I hadn't been there for a while. The reason why I didn't go there is that I have been busy lately and the pain has almost gone too. He told me to visit the office periodically if I want to get my teeth fixed completely.
>>552 Although it is fun for watching exhibits in a museum, I like enjoying the museum itself as a whole such as the atmospher, structure of the building, and the way of display.
>>552 美術館の展示されたものを見るのも楽しいですが 私は美術館自体の雰囲気や建物の構造、展示の仕方など 全体的に楽しむのが好きです。 I enjoy watching what is exhibited at museums, but in fact I really enjoy everything about the museum, including its atomosphere, its architecture, the way of exhibiting and so on.
>>581 My aunt's home is by the sea, and we have a festival in the evening at the beach every year. When we take part in the festival, we wear a special kimono and dance to forklore songs there. I danced nearly two hours last year. I was tired, but that was just comfortable.
>>588 How is everyone doing now? It's been a long time since I last saw you, but there's just one thing I really want to do once again. I remember those days from time to time and wish that I could get back.
>>588 I wonder what you are doing now. It's been ages since then, but I have one thing I have to do again. I sometimes recall it and want to go back to those days, feeling sorry about it.
>>599 My brother is totally different than me. We look different, and act different. He is calm, but I am cheerful. He looks like my father, but I look like my mother.
>>599 My brother and I are quite different. We are different in appearences and act differently. My brother is calm, but I am cheerful. My brother resembles his father, and I resemble my mother.
>>617 I rented XX's DVD and saw it as soon as it was released last week. I had heard a reputation that it was a good movie when it was premiered, and wanted to see it. In this movie she played a realistic woman in stead of a charming woman she had played so often, which gave us a new perspective. It was a good movie.
>>643 Sorry to bug you when you're busy with school. I recently signed up for a credit card. I will book the flight once the card arrives -- it won't be long. I'm thinking about staying at ●● since it is near the airport and seems very convenient. If you have any suggestions, please let me know!
>>657 Is it okay if I pay you through PayPal, using your (e-mail) address, and then clicking "send money"? Could you tell me what I should put in the "Type" section?
Can I pay from paypal to your address via "send money"? In that case, what is the "type"? Please excuse me for always asking so many questions, and for my poor English. I'm looking forward to your reply. I like your pictures best in the world! I even dream myself living in it.
最後に please 付けた方がいいかな。could you be my friend, please? あるいはこんなストレートでなく、If you don't mind, may I join you for a few minute to chat and practice English? とかでもいいかも。
I was exchanging emails with my old friends since (high school / college / undergraduate) last night, and we agreed to meet during the golden week holidays.
>>670 I wonder if you remember the man/woman who mistook Panama City of the Panama Republic and that of Frorida.
Thanks to your help, I arrived at the Panama City in the republic and could meet my friend there. Travel agent with whom I negotiated immediately refunded the extra cost.
Your kind offer is the most moving experience I had in that journey.
My mail seemed like it would be a nuisance to you since so you were so tired. I'm sorry that I interpreted your words in such a terrible way. I really discovered that when communicating in a different language misunderstandings can easily happen.
>>682 I thought my Email could have annoyed you as you looked really tired. This made me translate your word as evil, it was my fault though. I've found communicating in different language could mislead us so much, which became the first problem to me.
I sent you a money order from the post office yesterday. I think it should arrive there from the post office in one to two weeks. Once it arrives I would greatly appreciate a mail from you.
>>695 I sent the money order by mail yesterday. It will reach you in a week or two. I would appreciate your reminding me by e-mail as soon as you receive it.
It's good to see that you're doing well at work as usual. It sounds fun to be able to meet all kinds of people everyday. I'm sure there are lot of things to be learned from them too. By the way what drove you to want to become an actor? I've always wanted to ask you that.
>>700 I'm glad to hear you're doing well at work. It seems that you're enjoying meeting new people every day. I guess there are not a few chances to learn a lot from them. Anyway, what was it that drove you to become an actor? I've been curious about it long.
>>712 We're going to get into Golden Week holidays at last! Do you remember the photo of 'Flying Carp' I sent you last year? As we can see them here and there now, so fast flies time, I feel. Seeing them reminds me of my parents used to have prepared one for my brother and me when we were kids.
>>713 well @ last, we're hitting a long vacation soon, and iz called a Golden week. Still remember the carpshaped streamer's photo which I sent u las' year? lately, I can see them again around the neighborhood. It reminds me of my childhood. my parents used 2 prepare them 4 my baby brother.
At last the long awaited golden week has come! Do you remember the carp streamer pictures that I sent you last year? Lately the carp streamers have been showing up here and there again this year. Seeing these really reminds me of when my parents would bring them out for my little brother.
I'm Japanese (in Japan) but is there any way I could get you to sell it to me? I'm trying to find it (何を探してますか?)in Japan but I haven't had any luck. I don't suppose there is any way I could get it shipped to Japan is there? Thanks in advance for your reply.
>>730 I hear that they dry laundries out from their windows for apartments usually don't have balconies in XX. Is that true? She was really annoyed at it.
730> Is it true that in ●● apartments don't have balconies and that people hang their laundry out to dry from their windows? She seemed very surprised at that.
737> They begin devouring eachother's bodies from the middle of the afternoon. (これは何の事ですか?!)
>>754 I read your HP translated in Japanese and I'm really interested in the wonderful article on @@. Do you mind making mail friends with me? I'm hoping for your good responce.
>>757 I've made a reservation through your HP on X/X. I've not got any responce from you though you reminded me you would within 24 hours. I gave you my credit card number also. I do need to confirm if my reservation's been completed.
>>765 Cene con mi sisiter y mi nibio y mire alguna television. Cuando yo deje mi hogar de hermana, eso sucedio. !Trataba de apoyar mi coche fuera del garaje, entonces yo oi ese ruido grande, el "estallido"! !Estaba como, "lo Maldice! !Yo lo hice otra vez!" Entonces, el vecino miraba la cosa entera. Sentia muy embrrassed.
>>765 After that we dropped in at my sis's place and had dinner, watched TV as usual. When we were to drive back home an accident happened! We hit something at the driveway with a big noise, which made me shout, "Again!" Some neighbors were annoyed at my shout and opened their windows, so we couldn't help drive away without any words ashamedly.
>>786 Then she was occupied with the idea of how she should live for the rest of her life. All things she saw looked different as if they belonged to another world, which she felt strange. She was, as it were, living in a world where everthing is sepia and time passes at a different speed from our world's.
>>820 I love stories of this time period. I used to get absorbed in reading xx in my elementary and middle school days. xx is a love story of this time. I don't read love novels at all now. But this is still a book of my life time.
I love stories from this time and I always used to read xx books when I was in grade school and middle school. XX is a story from this time. I don't read romance novels at all now though. But this book will remain in my heart forever.
I like stories of this age/era and used to be unable to close the book of xx, which is a love story of this age, when I was 10-15 years old. Now I'm not interested in love stories at all, nonetheless this book is still an unforgettable one.
You will send me your picture? If so, can you send it to this address: [email protected]? And, make it a gif or jpg file, if you can. Thanks. I will be looking forward to it.
835> When a class is fun (exciting) the hour and a half spent in it seems to go by fast.
836> I just started learning Chinese but I'm not improving at all. My friend tried to cheer me up by telling me "There's no need to hurry, if you just study normally you'll improve."
>>843 普通に。 What do you think difficult(hard) to teach english? もっとくだけて。 What the difficult to teach english? アメリカンが好きそうな聞き方。 (Do you think) English is difficult to teach? -> answer -> Why?
>>845 The capacity of the class is twenty, but we have only 5 people in our class. It has a good atmophere cause we have a lot of chances to say something and any questions are welcomed in it.
843> What do you feel is most difficult in teaching us english? でも844のレスも100%大丈夫だと思います。
847> ”What do you think difficult(hard) to teach english?”? この文が間違ってます。 "What do you think IS difficult IN (about) teaching english?"ですよ。
845> That class has 20 students in it but in my class there are only five people. We all get a lot of chances to talk and it's easy for us to ask questions so it's a really good atmosphere.
848> 一旦停止がアメリカにはないです。代わりにStop Signがあります。
There are a lot of stop signs down that road so I always go down the road just to the south of it.
>>845 My class has smaller capacity of 5 people than that of the whole seminer of 20. I feel fine of my class because we have a lot of oppotunity to speak and it's easier to ask a question during the class.
The capacity of the individual classes in the course is 20, but there are only five people in my class. We all get plenty of chances to speak and its easy for us to ask questions so its a really good [learning] atmosphere.
僕はアメリカ人ですよ。What do you think difficult(hard) to teach english?” は明らかに間違ってる英語ですよ。ISが抜けててもto teachのところがかなり不自然 ですよ。What do you think difficult about teaching englishを書いたら 多分僕が気づかなかったけど、847の文は間違ってるって事は確実です。
Honestly don't try to go and tell me what people say in America just because you've lived there for a while. You must not be hearing what people are saying because you apparently don't have much of a clue about what you're talking about.
>>827 823> Would it be possible for me to have you write "Clothing" on the shipment instead of of "Shampoo", please? おいおい、不自然だぞ for me to have you write →for youな。
>>851 >There are a lot of stop signs down that road so I always go down >the road just to the south of it. down that road → on that street go down→take
>>865 >864> だから直訳なんだよ。でも"Could I get you to do xxxx for me?" >とか"Could I have you run to the store for me"みたいな表現を >よく使いますから別に俺が訳したままで良いよ。 おまえ、マジでそんなこと言ってんの? Would it be possible for me to have you write "Clothing" のfor meは場所が違うだろ???? 笑わせんなよな、この嘘つきやろう。
>>874 おまえ本当に Would it be possible for me to have you write "Clothing" on the shipment instead of of "Shampoo", please? これの中のfor meと、 could you do it for meのfor meがいっしょだって言ってんの??????
私は初めてこの授業に出席します。 なぜなら、先週はまだどの授業を履修するのかまだ決めていなかったからです。 >>872 This is my first time of this class. I took (enrolled) just at the beginning of this week. //or// I was not here (in this class) before today because I decided to take the class this week.
>>890 Whenever I speak English, I 'm little too obsessed with thinking about grammatical structures. I'm all like "Didn't I say it right? Grammatically?" That's why my conversation is choppy and stops often. Thinking too much about grammar just doesn't do any good.
892> The same thing used to happen to me with Japanese a long time ago, but I started to force myself to think in Japanese when speaking Japanese. Actually now that I think about it I forced myself to think in Japanese at all times (other then when speaking english) because I thought it would help me improve my Japanese. Even if you make grammatical mistakes, it's fine as long as people understand what you want to say. Americans generally don't even use proper grammar when they speak.
>>904 You are very mature for your age. You think about your life and future seriously, and you do have specific golas in your life. I really admire that. Doesn't matter what gender, but I really should be thinking about my life and future like you are doing, but it's hard to do.
909> Oh yeah, I'm a real big clown for helping some people out here by translating things for them and trying to defend myself from the accusations of morons like yourself. I hope it was just a typo but if you're in any position to call anyone a clown then you'd know that the "last" at the end of your sentence should be "lasts".
>>920 Yesterday I had an argument with my mother, and I cried. I thought how sorry I was to do this afterwards. I feel disgusted cause I think I'm still a kid though I'm acting like an adult.
920> I got in a fight with my mom yesterday and I ended up crying. Later I felt really pathetic about the whole situation. I act like an adult but in the end I'm just a child.
922> Koi are fish who's name change as they grow larger that are called "waterfall climbers". They don't actually climb up waterfalls, but in Japan people pray for the social success of their children and decorate the outside of their houses with streamers of Koi fish climbing towards heaven. However, due to the time and space needed to put up these streamers lately the amount of houses that put them up has greatly decreased.
>>923 There are some people including biologists who said that the central dogma is broken when a retrovirus is found and analyzed. That is out of the question. The main concept in the central dogma is to tell that the aquired characteristics do not inherit, and the discovery of retroviri does not affect that.
If you're going to be leaving your apartment and coming to Japan on the 20th then you must be extremely busy right now. I hope your dreams come true for you.
7というのは不思議な数らしいです。 まず、ancient Chinaで生まれたtheory of Yin-Yangでは、 odd number は縁起の良い数字と考えられていました。また7という数字は、 日本だけでなく世界でも特別な意味がある数だそうです。だからという訳では ないですが私の好きな数字の1つです。
Koi are fish that acquire different names as they grow larger and are often called "waterfall climbers". They don't actually climb up waterfalls, but in Japan families pray for the social success of their children and decorate the outside of their houses with Koi fish streamers that appear to be climbing towards heaven. However, due to the time and space needed to put up these streamers lately the amount of households that put them up has greatly decreased.
でも俺は"I always go down that road"の方が「道を通る」って 意味に近いと思う。"I always take that road" は「いつもその道 で行く(行ってる)よ」って感じだね・・ でもこれはまた個人的な 意見だから他のネイティブに聞いたら別の例文がまた出るかもしれない。
>>944 君本当にネイティブかい?go downって言うと、動きを感じるんだけど。 takeその道を使うって感じ。だからいつもその道を通る(使う) って言う意味でgo downを使うと変に聞こえるんだよ。I always go down that roadっていうと、いつもそこを走っているように聞こえるの。 君もっと英語勉強した方がいいよ。
864 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :04/04/17 11:16 >>827 823> Would it be possible for me to have you write "Clothing" on the shipment instead of of "Shampoo", please? おいおい、不自然だぞ for me to have you write →for youな。
871 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :04/04/17 11:39 >>865 >864> だから直訳なんだよ。でも"Could I get you to do xxxx for me?" >とか"Could I have you run to the store for me"みたいな表現を >よく使いますから別に俺が訳したままで良いよ。 おまえ、マジでそんなこと言ってんの? Would it be possible for me to have you write "Clothing" のfor meは場所が違うだろ???? 笑わせんなよな、この嘘つきやろう。
877 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :04/04/17 11:50 >>874 おまえ本当に Would it be possible for me to have you write "Clothing" on the shipment instead of of "Shampoo", please? これの中のfor meと、 could you do it for meのfor meがいっしょだって言ってんの??????
>>984 オマエ輝の自演? どこのネイティブがwould it be possible for me to have you write なんてこんなくどい言い方する?どう考えたって普通 Would it be possible for you to write...だろ? そんで、こいつは、そのfor meは >Could I have you run to the store for me のfor meと同じ意味だっていってんだぞ。 こんなのニュアンス以前の問題だよ。
864 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :04/04/17 11:16 >>827 823> Would it be possible for me to have you write "Clothing" on the shipment instead of of "Shampoo", please? おいおい、不自然だぞ for me to have you write →for youな。
871 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :04/04/17 11:39 >>865 輝→>864> だから直訳なんだよ。でも"Could I get you to do xxxx for me?" >とか"Could I have you run to the store for me"みたいな表現を >よく使いますから別に俺が訳したままで良いよ。 おまえ、マジでそんなこと言ってんの? Would it be possible for me to have you write "Clothing" のfor meは場所が違うだろ???? 笑わせんなよな、この嘘つきやろう。
877 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :04/04/17 11:50 >>874 おまえ本当に Would it be possible for me to have you write "Clothing" on the shipment instead of of "Shampoo", please? これの中のfor meと、 could you do it for meのfor meがいっしょだって言ってんの??????