音は聞き取れても、意味がわからないと言うのが実際のとこでは無いかと 思います。TVは普通に素人が激しく省略しながらしゃべりますし、固有名詞と 地名、スラングが混じるので、かなり難しいと思います。 逆にニュースと天気予報は使われるボキャブラリが日本の受験英語に 近いし、発音もどちらかというと Word by Word なので それほど難しくないかなと。
As you set out on your journey along the Jingles Road, try to be mentally prepared for a variety of challenges. At first, your journey will be characterized by pleasant scenery and nicely defined, well-paved surfaces. You will be carefully guided by your text and/or instructor. Your every move will be monitored carefully as you proceed. Cautions will be provided about practicing excessively and how to avoid abusing your musculatures. As you move from one level to the next, you will undoubtedly note that the TRAINING MODE loads you carry along with you are growing heavier and heavier -- but you will also find that your strength is increasing, allowing you to keep moving steadily forward. You will, at times, stray from the prescribed pathway. But each time this happens, either one of the Jingles instructors or I myself will steer you back in the right direction.
This brings me to the gist of this month's newsletter: As you move through each phase of your journey, you will find yourself progressively better equipped to face the challenges that await you. Through use of your study materials --and with the help of the Jingles staff -- you WILL succeed. As you proceed from one level to the next, the terrain will become harder to traverse. But the musculature you will have developed and the expertise you will have acquired as you passed through the earlier levels will enable you to meet any and all challenges you face head on!
As you you leave the flatlands and begin trekking up into the foothills which constitute the 87- and 88-Levels, you surely will feel the exhilaration of the climb. This is no mere marathon. Rather, it is a journey that will rank as one of your most treasured and fulfilling life experiences. You are going to find yourself not hiking, nor even trekking ? You will be CLIMBING to heights you had not thought it possible to reach. The view is fantastic from the 89- and 89.5- Levels! You can take my word for it ? as well as that of the many clients who have reached these levels as of March 31, 2005.
"But the higher I go, the more I have to think.." confided one client to me as he faced his 90-Level J-TEP. My response to him was: "No! There is no need to think more! Your training up to now has prepared you for the final assault on the top! Your conditioning has provided you with a highly developed network linking your nervous system to your musculature. If any time is right for you to reach the top -- and to savour the view you will have from there! -- then that time is now. Your two-and-a-half year journey along ? and up (and I mean HIGH UP!!!) The Jingles Road has brought you this far. My only remaining question is: "Now that you are at the top, do you want to aim for the stars?"
ネイティヴ並に喋るにはずばり、地名、人名、固有名詞の発音チェック。 単語の発音ができないと絶対に通じないと思う。友人が雨人に「ホンダ-オデッセイに乗ってる」 と5、6回リピートしたけど、通じなかった。(雨人悲しそうだった。) 逆に動詞とかは会話では Make Get Have Go Give みたいな簡単なのしか使わないので 問題ないかと思います。