Twenty-four students,twenty males and four females, aged from twenty to twenty- four years participated in this experiment. All of them were either junior or senior students who attended university at North california. Because of its location, participants were fusion of various races. This experiment conducted at one of the classes that required for students who majoring in psychology, so that, no money was available.
>>944 とりあえず英訳してみた。 24 students, who were 20 males and 4 females and aged from 20 to 24 years, participated in this experiment. All of them were enrolled at University of North California. The place was chosen because many kinds of people lived there. This experiment was conducted by one of the classes, which looked for students who was majoring in psychology and didn't have much money.
In Japan, comedy TV programs are very popular. Recently, many young comedians have become popular TV stars. Reality shows are popular too. Especially, documentaries on sports athletes in various fields are very popular. My favorite program is "the legends of baseball". It reports the lives of great baseball players every week. There are many good TV programs now, but I think some programs may be harmful to children. I heard that fighting programs such as pro-wrestling can make children offensive. I think parents should keep their children away from such harmful programs.
comedy TV programs → comedy shows on TV popular TV stars → TV stars Especially, documentaries on sports athletes in various fields are very popular. → Especially, documentaries on professional athletes in various fields. It reports→ It shows us fighting programs such as pro-wrestling can make children offensive. →watching combative sports such as pro-wrestling can make children aggressive.
今、RPGツクールでゲーム作ってるんですけど、英語版の製作を 考えていまして、文法的に↓不自然じゃないかどうか指摘して頂けますか? ファリス: こいつは驚いたな。倉庫の下にこんな部屋があったとは・・・ Wow...,amazing. I don't know this place is under a warehouse at all. ベア: 一体、誰がこんな部屋を作ったんだろ? Who the hell made this room? ?ファリス。 ?Faris. ファリス: どうした?ベア。 What's up,Beatrix? ベア: これなんだろ? What is this? ファリス: 棺桶か? かなり古そうだが・・・。 Is this a Coffin? it looks like very old... ベア: 開けてみる? ・・・・Want to open? ファリス: 中に何か居そうで気が引ける・\.・\.・\.。 怖いな・\.・\.・\.。 I feel like something is inside.... it's pretty hairy... ベア: But this might be a treasure a former landlord left. でもさ、もしかしたら前の家主が残していった宝かも知れないよ? ファリス: そんな上手い話、あればいいんだが。 I wish it could be true. ちなみに一応設定ではベアはスペイン系アメリカンの子供で、 ファリスはフランス系アメリカンって設定で少し文章的にも訛らせたい んですけど、それぞれスペイン系の子供っぽく、フランスっぽく訛らせた 場合なら↑の文章はどういう風になりますか?
I became to be interest in that there is no my friend's consciousness of being sufferd, in other words, indifference to the problem rather than that there is no consciousness of injureing whose people who make 'noises' have.
So intelligence people, very nervous people and people who frequently complain about everything are indifferent to these 'noises' completely.
Some of the people I know of are so called "freeters," (an English-like Japanese word, whjich refers to those who live off part time jobs) but thier life is not so full of freedom as one might guess.
I have found myself interested in a certain indifference of my coleages. That is, they are insenstive to the noises that could suffer them; indeed, their insensitivity is greater than that of those who make such noises and would do them harm.
Some of the people I know of are so called "freeters," (an English-like Japanese word, whjich refers to those who live off part time jobs) but thier life is not so full of freedom as one might guess.
やはりより自然な英文を身に着けるには、 To get natural English より多くの英文(新聞、小説、その他なんでも)を読むべきと思いますか? You should read as many as you could どうしても日本人が書く英文はなんか不自然な感じがする Japanse writing seems unnatural なんかあまりにもコチコチなかんじで Rather rigid
I know the people who call themselves “freeter”, though in fact they don’t lead free lives as are expected. From my standpoint, they’d rather be considered to lead inconvenient lives.
Every calling, as long as wrapped in the dress as “for your own good”, go through the ears in this country.
I’ve become interested in the lacking in fellow’s aggrieved feelings rather than in aggressor’s feelings who make “the sound”─ indifference of the problem. Even those who are well educated, who have delicate sensibilities, who are nagging all the time are indifferent to these “sound” almost completely.