【例】 One of our guests,a woman who had inherited money,was eager to make pleasing impression on everyone. <’03 一橋大学> 訳:招待客のうちの一人で、財産を相続したある女性は、皆に対して感じのいい 印象をを与えることを熱望した。
続いてもうひとつ。 Restructuring requires fundamental changes in the relationships within an organization and between the organization and its customers.<’03 上智大 文学部>
There are estimated to be about 5,000 languages currently spoken in the world today, depending on which you count as dialects and which as distinct languages.<’03 東京大学> 訳:あなたが方言として見なしているものにもよるが、今日、世界中で話されてる言語は 約5,000個あると推測されている。 ↑ どなたか正しい訳お願いします・・・・
It is this and similar differences which make it possible to say that the inhabitants of the United States are in general racially distinct from the inhabitants of Mexico. (慶応 医学部)
<’04 京大> For as long as humankind has been capable of wonder, men and women have looked to the stars and dreamed. For centuries, they had to be content with just that. Only a mere half century ago, we first escaped the Earth's atmosphere; a decade later an American astronaut lowered himself to the lunar surface. That landing and the few more that followed are the high point of humankind's attempt to leave this planet as the costs of space travel -- both human and financial -- have mounted.
It is perhaps because our lives are so enriched by technology that we worry about becoming dependent upon it. <’03 名古屋大> (科学技術によって、我々の生活はとても豊かになってしまっているので 我々はそれに依存してしまうのを恐れているのではないだろうか。)
次の英文の指示に従い、300語程度の英文で解答しなさい。 The spread of information technology has resulted in commercial use of databases containing personal information about indivisuals in Japanese society. Discuss what policies you think the government should create concerning the use off such databases.
次の各英文の意味にもっとも近いものを、ア〜エから一つ選べ。 The manager told the players to win the game at all costs. a, The manager informed the players they weren't trying hard to win the game b, The manager instructed the players to use every possible means to win the game c, The manager promised the players a bonus is the game was win d, The manager explained to the players that the price of winning the game was too high
The boss was fed un withLohn's execuses for coming late to mieetings. a,As john was always eating with the boss,he was late for meetings, b,John gave the boss many reason for his late arrival at meetings, c,The boss forgave John for not coming to meetings on time, d,The boss was tired of listenign to why John was not on time for meetings. んと、近大の経済、一日目、かな 続き書くねー
Bob would nevery dream of hurting an animal a,Bob would never help injured animals unless someone reminded him b,Bob would never thinl about helping animals in pain c,Injuring an animal isn't something Bob would ever consider doing d,Seeing animals in pain wouldn't ever make Bob feel uncomgortable
I followed the dealter's instruntion,but repairing the car was easier said than done a,I was told that it would be better if the dealer repaired the car b,It was easier for me to repair the car than listen to the dealer's long instructions c Repairing the car was much easier than the dealer led me to believe d, The dealer's advice was easy to understand,but actually repairing the car was difficult
I'm taking the day off tomorrow to ( ) up for warking last Sunday a,catch b,get c,look d,make I think you should ( ) eating for the sake of your health a cut down on b,keep up with c,look down on d,stand up for ( ) her faults,he still love her a, as if b,for all c,instead of d, owing to she is going to be indepent ( ) her parents this spring a,at b,of c,on d,with
To be correct in one's use of language―and that means following the rules of grammar―makes it as certain as it ever can be that one's reader will get the intended message.<’03 神戸大学>
04、中央大学国際関係法学科 1. most philosophers have agreed that just because something is "natural" that doesn't necessarily mean it is right or good. A little reflection shows this is the case.
2. Disease and high rates of infant mortality are both as natural as night turning to day, yet no one would suppose we should therefore rejoice in them.
“Identity” is one of those false friends.We all think we know what the word means and go on trusting it,even when it's slyly starting to say the opposite. <’04 早稲田大学・一文>(問U l.2〜3)
Sports cars were once the domain of men seeking a rush of adrenalin,the ultimate boys’ toys for wealthy professionals.But an increasing number of women are now developing a passion for speed,with many trading in their more practical vehicles for stylish,high-powered models,according to a study recently published. <’04 広島大 > 〔W〕l.1〜5
(講評) 前半は拙いが、減点を防ぐためにはこう訳すしかない。 men seeking a rush of adrenalin は 「アドレナリンのたぎりを求める男」あたりも可。 というか現場ではそこまでが限界だろう。 とにかく訳しづらいが、入試では意訳は極力避けないといけない。 後半では、 many が many women を表す主語であって、 trade in A for B との間にネクサス関係が成立していることに注意。 それから後半は「〜と共に」と訳し上げるのではなく、 解答例のように訳し下ろすべきだろう。
(講評) まず、友人なのだから「一人」にすること。 次に、友人に譬えたために say が使われているだけだから、 「表す」と意訳して問題ない。 say が基本レベルの単語だからこそ文脈に合った意訳が許される。 採点者もまさか say を知らない受験生がいるとは思わないし。 think を「思いこむ」とするのも同様の理由。