In contrast , in other countries when bad economic times come , companies were quick to lay off or fire workers. Workers in general felt less loyal to their companies. Most American workers changed employers----and even the nature of their careers----several times during their working years. People who wanted quick advancement in their careers might change companies every five years or even less. In good times salaries increased rapidly, but in bad times there was great insecurity since many people lost jobs. In the worst cases this led to problems such as homelessness and suicide. Now , in the 21st century, employment systems have been changing greatly, especially on the Japanese side. Following the collapse of the “bubble economy” in the 1990s, restructuring has hit many people , leaving them without jobs and worrying about their future. The old assumption of lifetime employment system offer a positive side as wel 読みにくくてすいません。。。よろしくお願いします。
China Developing Own Cell-Phones Standard Government Hoping to Generate Business for Country's Telecom Companies.
China,the world's largest marker for cell phones, is aggressively developing a homegrown technology that can run the next generation of mobile telephone networks, challenging the traditional dominance of American and European companies.
「携帯電話の世界一大きなマーケットである中国は、次世代の携帯電話ネットワークを 管理・運営できる自国の技術を積極的に開発中であり、伝統的に欧米が独占してきた市場に 果敢に挑戦している。」 文法説明はあまり得意ではないですが、一応参考までに。。。 主語:China{=the world's largest marker for cell phones, } 動詞: is aggressively developing 目的語:a homegrown technology 目的語にかかる関係代名詞節: that can run the next generation of mobile telephone networks, 分詞構文: challenging the traditional dominance of American and European companies. =and China is challenging... とか思えば繋げ易いかも。
True, there may be less long-term job security than in the past, but now Japanese are gaining greater freedom to change companies, to try out new careers , and to lead live that are less controlled by their companies. Yong people can work at part time jobs, do freelance work, travel abroad, and then go seek work in a big company later in life. It is no longer considered a bad thing to change jobs. Many are finding work in international companies. Thus in many respects Japanese workers are becoming more similar to those in other parts of the world. Changing jobs is becoming more frequent everywhere, and the employment practices in all countries are becoming internationalized. This process offers greater flexibility for both employees. In this new situation workers may feel some insecurities about their job, but they also have increased possibilities for career development. よろしくお願いすます。。。
Bush Mulls Changes in Iraq Effort. President Bush is contemplating major changes in the U.S. reconstruction of Iraq for the second time in three months, with the possible addition of one or more prominent figures work alongside the U.S. administrator in a stopped-up effort to solicit international assistance, administration officials said Friday.
よろしくお願いします Many Japanese businesspeople who go to America are surprised when they are invited to visit an American’s home. There they are likely to be introduced to all the family members and served a home-made dinner. In contrast, people in Japan normally meet friends at a restaurant or bar and rarely meet the families of even their closest colleagues or go inside their homes. One main reason for this difference is simply the fact that most Americans have bigger houses, whereas the small size of most Japanese apartments and houses make such entertaining inconvenient. Another reason is that many Japanese feel obliged to socialize with a larger group of co-workers after work. Americans, on the other hand, prefer to go home directly after work and they have friendships with many people outside of their company. Of course, workers at the some company in America may sometimes become friends and get together after work if they wish, but there is less pressure to maintain co-worker relations outside of the workplace.
The old assumption of lifetime employment is fading out. This may sound pessimistic, and yet the changes in the employment system offer a positive side as well. よろしくお願いします。。。
よろしくお願いします In America it is not unusual to entertain friends and business guests at one’s home. This is especially true if the place of business is far away from a big city. Home entertainment can range all the way from a formal party, to a casual family dinner, to just dropping in to see someone at their home. In general, Americans tend to be more casual and less formal in their meetings with guests. They also are likely to encourage friendships to develop quickly with people they have just met. In Japan, close relations between friends and business partners normally take longer to develop. All of these cultural differences can make a Japanese businessperson who has just met an American feel somewhat strange or uncomfortable. But the chance to be invited into someone’s home can be one of the enjoyable parts of international business. Mainly, it just requires a positive attitude and the ability to adapt one’s cultural habits. Some Americans may be embarrassed at receiving an expensive gift and many companies have strict rules against their employees receiving anything more than just a small gift from a customer. Mostly, your hosts will appreciate your words of thanks, letting them know that you had a good time.
The reason for putting the last sentence in italics is to correct the false assumption that most people make when they read this copy for the first time. The above description seems to fit the young son on the right,not his father on the left. をどなたかお願いします。
Well, you speak, stay together and do more things together. While me and my family are faraway. I see my father 2 or 3 hours a day and my mother are always worryed for my grandma.
I was watching one of my favorite shows, MATTHEW'S BEST HIT TV, and they had the CHARLIE'S ANGELS girls on as guests (they were in Tokyo last week to promote the sequel, which will start here next week). It's always funny to see the reactions of American celebrities when they come to Japan for promotion, especially when they're guests on wacky TV shows. Matthew (the alter ego of Takashi Fujii) decided to perform a little ninja action play for the girls, with broken English, and it was hilarious.
NOTE: The terms of a printed, paper EULA which may accompany the SOFTWARE PRODUCT supersede the terms of any on-screen EULA found within the SOFTWARE PRODUCT.
Face to face, out in the heat Hangin' tough, stayin' hungry They stack the odds 'til we take to the street For the kill with the skill to survive
It's the eye of the tiger, it's the thrill of the fight Risin' up to the challenge of our rival And the last known survivor stalks his prey in the night And he's watchin' us all with the eye of the tiger
Risin' up, straight to the top Had the guts, got the glory Went the distance, now I'm not gonna stop Just a man and his will to survive
It's the eye of the tiger, it's the thrill of the fight Risin' up to the challenge of our rival And the last known survivor stalks his prey in the night And he's watchin' us all with the eye of the tiger
I am a zombie. You sucked my blood and I became omissions in the day of Halloween. You clowned to me and inquired, "may I suck your blood?" . I answered "All right" You said that " it is painful, OK?" , I said it does not matter. It is because I did think so.
The woman was staying to my room, when I went home in the morning. The woman had got up. The man said to the woman, "Shall we let's separate?" The woman said to the man, "Instead, please resign work." The man called it "O.K." The man lost the woman and job. But the man thought "if that woman is here , it doesn't matter to me.
It's funny! You may laugh! But, there is a continuation in a funny story. The man was looking the future then. Oh my god! The man sat the child on the backseat and was driving the car. Who do you think had ridden in a passenger seat? It is you. See here! It's very very stupid story. However, (probably you may know the end of story), the wound sucked by you began to rot, and I became madness. I telephoned you repeatedly and it's all over.
When you will return in January, Please bring this tale back to Rumania together with the food of a cat. Susie will become attached to you again.
There is a rule in a game. I broke the rule and lost. Nobody knows that but you, whether this rule is "Don't become falling in love with a hostess!" I don't know that you were a hostess from the beginning . I only understand that there is nothing left. You also lost CD of two sheets. It'll be return, if you want CDs to return. Give CDs to the mad Japanese, if unnecessary to you.
>>74 <なるべく忠実に訳してみますね。> 私はゾンビである。 あなたは私の血を吸い、私はハロウィーンにomissionsになった。 (↑omissions、普通は省略とか怠慢とかの意味だと思うのですが?そして複数形はなぜ?) あなたは私に向かっておどけて尋ねた。「お前の血、吸ってもいい?」 私は「いいよ」と答えた。あなたは「痛いけど、いい?」と言い、私は構わないと言った。 <因みに、時制の一致とやらでI said it did not matterになるかも。> それは私が確かにそう思ったからだ。
私が朝帰宅した時、その女性は私の部屋に留まっていた。その女性は起きた。 <私が帰宅〜のあと、「その男は」とあれば、これが同一人物には思えません。。。> その男は、「俺達、別れようか?」と女性に向かって言った。女性は、 「代わりに、仕事を辞めて」と男に言った。男は「まぁいいさ」と言った。 <call it OK が「言う」になるかは微妙。それをOKと呼ぶ、てなりそう。。。> その男は、その女性と職を失った。が、その男は「あの女がここにいれば、それは私にとって重要じゃない」と思った。 <The man / woman, を代用できるとことはHe/She(ていうかIならI)にすると 幾らか読みやすいかも。>
よろしくお願いします In America it is not unusual to entertain friends and business guests at one’s home. This is especially true if the place of business is far away from a big city. Home entertainment can range all the way from a formal party, to a casual family dinner, to just dropping in to see someone at their home. In general, Americans tend to be more casual and less formal in their meetings with guests. They also are likely to encourage friendships to develop quickly with people they have just met. In Japan, close relations between friends and business partners normally take longer to develop. All of these cultural differences can make a Japanese businessperson who has just met an American feel somewhat strange or uncomfortable. But the chance to be invited into someone’s home can be one of the enjoyable parts of international business. Mainly, it just requires a positive attitude and the ability to adapt one’s cultural habits. Some Americans may be embarrassed at receiving an expensive gift and many companies have strict rules against their employees receiving anything more than just a small gift from a customer. Mostly, your hosts will appreciate your words of thanks, letting them know that you had a good time.
Negotiation is an art, and it needs practice to become successful. Of course, by nature, some people have strong personalities that may help them in business negotiations. But having a strong personality is hardly enough to bring about success in negotiating. And especially in international business, what is often more important is having an understanding of the cultural differences that affect negotiations. The style that works in one country might be a failure in another country. What is necessary is having a deep sensitivity to others and the ability to find a negotiating style that both sides can respect and feel comfortable with. Americans’ style of negotiation tends to be rational and legally oriented. よろしくお願いします!
Americans usually like to keep negotiations on a strict time schedule ; moving along logically from one point to the next, hoping to reach an agreement and to sign a contact as soon as possible. Japanese, on the other hand, tend to see negotiation as a slowly evolving matter of building trust and respect. They value informal verbal agreements and long-term relationships more than the legal contracts and short-term goals usually sought by Americans. One of the main reasons for this difference is the fact that the US is a multiethnic society, whereas Japanese share a more uniform cultural background. Since Americans can’t assume that customers will share the same cultural background, they tend to rely on the rational approach in negotiations. 続きですができたらお願いします!
よろしくお願いします! Japanese expect to develop shared cultural relations when dealing with other Japanese in business. This approach, however , is usually difficult in international negotiations, in dealing whit people from a different culture. Americans expect that conflict and tough disagreements may be a necessary , and even valuable part of negotiations, where Japanese tend to try to avoid conflict and verbal confrontations. Americans are often given the authority by their managers to make decisions about contracts by themselves. Successful negotiators in international business must be aware of such differences and be willing to adapt their business style to reflect the customs and expectations of their foreign partners.
You must have been warned against letting the golden hours slip by. Yes, but some of them are golden only because we let them slip. Diligence,ambition; noble words,but only if 'touched to fine issues.' Prizes may be dross, learning lumber, unless they bring you into the arena with increased understanding. Hanker not too much after worldly prosperity, that corpulent cigar; if you become a millionaire you would probably go swimming around for more like a diseased goldfish. Look to it that what you are doing is not merely toddling to a competency. Perhaps that must be your fate,but fight it. There are the complacent toddlers from the start. Favour them not,ladies,especially now that every one of you carries a possible marshal's baton under her gown. 'Happy,'it has been said by a distinguished man, 'is he who can leave college with an unreproaching conscience and an unsullied heart.' I don't know;he sounds to me like a sloppy, watery sort of fellow;happy,parhaps,but if there be red blood in him impossible. Be only by those who run away.
Recently I was taking to an American friend who does business in Japan. He told me about his surprises in learning to deal with Japanese companies. My friend is a representative for a major American telecommunications company. About three years ago his company assigned him to come to Japan to try to arrange an important agreement on technology exchange with a major Japanese electronics company. For almost two years he frustrated about the slow pace of negotiations. He had wanted to sign a contract that would clearly specify the terms of the relations between the companies. He found, however , that the Japanese representatives didn’t want to talk about contracts. Instead, they engaged him in time-consuming activities like visiting their facilities, going out drinking, and playing golf together. よろしくお願いします!
Certllficate [調べても分かりませんでした] Itistocertifrthat [It is to certifr that だと思われる] [certifr に該当する単語がない。Certificateの誤字?] Attended the speech contest on September held dy kobe sophia language school [出席した9月のスピーチコンテスト・・dyってなに??byの間違い??] here by [here by ってどういう時に使うのでしょう?「ここに」かな?] president of language school ●● [●●は人名です。「言語学校社長 ●● ここに記す」という感じでしょうか?]
>>117 > Certllficate -> certificate 証明書 > Itistocertifrthat -> it is to certify that 〜を証明するためのものです > Attended the speech contest on September held > dy kobe sophia language school 神戸ソフィア語学学校によって9月に行われた弁論大会に参加したこと > here by ここに(証明する。と続く) > president of language school ●● 語学学校長●●
not trying to be mean, but just to let you know, I've been booted off of WinMX 8 times tonight, and I have retaliated and nuked 7 of them... if you kick me off, be expecting to buy another computer, for I can and will nuke your ass!!!
To my friend, these things seemed unrelated to business and mostly a waste of time. “It seemed they were testing me, and that we would never be able to get an agreement signed,” he complained. But after two years, to my friend’s surprise , the Japanese representative told him that they were ready to begin sharing research. In the revere case, where a Japanese businessperson comes to the US, he or she should be ready to accept the US style of “putting things on paper first” -----that is, writing down the conditions for doing business in a legal contract. In the American way of thinking, once a contract is signed, then relations can become more relaxed. よろしくお願いします
ネットゲーム中に外人が面白い話をしてるっぽかったので 「you are funny」と言っておいたら「in what sense?」と聞かれました。 これはどういう意味なのでしょうか? 私がわかっていないらしいことを察して今度は「in what way?」と聞いてきました。 これも意味がわかりませんでした。 お願いします。
It is not sufficient for companies to have good quality products, low prices, and good staff members. These are of course essential, but unless the company chooses to make things customers actually want, advertises them appropriately, and makes them convenient to buy, even the best products won’t sell. Marketing refers to the various activities a company does to choose and sell its products effectively. Successful marking allows products to sell well in the marketplace. The first step in marketing is to conduct marketing research. This means finding out what kind of products the people in a certain area are willing to buy. The things that Japanese want to buy are not always needed or wanted in, for example, America, or Africa , Russia, or India. Products have to be modified to fit the local market. よろしくお願いします。
お願いします To give a simple example, cars in Japan have the steering wheels on the left to fit the needs of the foreign market. Or, for another example, Americans have big homes, so if a Japanese manufacturer of washing machines or lawn mowers is selling to the American market it must develop machines that are much lager than those used in Japan. Advertising is another important activity involved in the marketing of a product. Advertising must reflect the preferences, customs, and even religions of each country it is aimed at. For example, the amount of sexual appeal allowed in advertisements in different countries can vary greatly. Also, certain colors may be successful or unsuccessful depending on the country, or even the region within a country. Distribution and after-sales services must also be considered in developing a Successful marketing strategy. Some countries rely on traditional systems of “middle-men” and local distributors to get products from the maker to the retail stores.
I like it when you call me Lic. 君にリックと呼ばれる時が好きだ。という文があったのですが、これはふつうに「友達にさおりとよばれるのがいい(気にいってる)」I like it when my friends call me Saoriという感じに使えますか?何か特別な感じはないですよね??
One day Mr.Green went to see his friend in the hospital and found him in bed. His bady was covered with bandage and he couldn't move. "What has happened to you?" he cried. "When I woke up yesterday morning, I had a headache , so I went to see the doctor" his friend said . "A headache! " said Mr, Green. "Then why are you covered with bandages? Did you get hurt all over your body?" "Yes, I did. Almost. I'll tell you all," the friend said. "The doctor just advised me to take a walk in the pork to get rid of the headache. So I took one. Well, as I was walking along , I tripped and broke my leg. I couldn't walk and something called an ambulance . The ambulance came soon and I wasd put on a stretcher . then , when I was lifted into the ambulance , I fell off the stretcher and broke my other leg. When I got to the hospital, a doctor gave me something to take away the pain and I fell asleep While I was sleeping another doctor mistook me for his own patient, operated on me and took my appendix out. " "You poor fellow....," said Mr, Green . "How do you feel now?" "Oh , the doctor was really right . the walk in the park was good for me. my headache has gone ." 長くてすみませんがお願いします
>>177 非ネイティブの日本語でよければ。 ある日、グリーン氏は入院中の友人を訪ねたら、ベッドに寝ているその友人をみつけた。 One day Mr.Green went to see his friend in the hospital and 彼の友人は、体中に包帯を巻かれて身動きもとれない状態であった。 グリーン氏は、「何が起こったんだよ?」と叫んだ。 友人は、「昨日の朝目を覚ましたら、頭が痛かったんだよ。それで、 医者に診て貰いに行ったんだ。」と答えた。 「頭痛だって?だったら、何故包帯だらけなんだ?体中に怪我でもしたのかい?」と グリーン氏は聞いた。. 「うん、ほとんど・・・。全部説明するよ。」 「医者は、頭痛を取り除くために公園に行って散歩しなさいと言ったんだよ。 だから、俺はそうしたんだ。ただし、散歩中に躓いてころんでしまい、足の 骨を折ってしまったんだ。歩けないから、救急車を呼んだんだ。
Since his discharge from the Navy Profane had been road-laboring and when there wasn't work just traveling, up and down the east coast like a yo-yo; and this had been going on for maybe a year and half. After that long of more named pavements than he'd care to count, Profane had grown a little leery of streets, especially streets like this.
Nowadays, my continued interest has grown out of all the things I've mentioned up to here and then some. With all these things building over the years, a bit of a synergy has formed. With everything I learn, my interest grows.
I aspire to make music useless as a commodity i.e. a prop for the identities and personalities of the mindless; and if this is all that music constitutes in our era, then to maximise every conceivable parameter until it completely destroys itself.
It is not sufficient for companies to have good quality products, low prices, and good staff members. These are of course essential, but unless the company chooses to make things customers actually want, advertises them appropriately, and makes them convenient to buy, even the best products won’t sell. Marketing refers to the various activities a company does to choose and sell its products effectively. Successful marking allows products to sell well in the marketplace. The first step in marketing is to conduct marketing research. This means finding out what kind of products the people in a certain area are willing to buy. The things that Japanese want to buy are not always needed or wanted in, for example, America, or Africa , Russia, or India. Products have to be modified to fit the local market. よろしくお願いします。
お願いします To give a simple example, cars in Japan have the steering wheels on the left to fit the needs of the foreign market. Or, for another example, Americans have big homes, so if a Japanese manufacturer of washing machines or lawn mowers is selling to the American market it must develop machines that are much lager than those used in Japan. Advertising is another important activity involved in the marketing of a product. Advertising must reflect the preferences, customs, and even religions of each country it is aimed at. For example, the amount of sexual appeal allowed in advertisements in different countries can vary greatly. Also, certain colors may be successful or unsuccessful depending on the country, or even the region within a country. Distribution and after-sales services must also be considered in developing a Successful marketing strategy. Some countries rely on traditional systems of “middle-men” and local distributors to get products from the maker to the retail stores.
During our children's adolescence we must try to recall our own, and not complain of them for having the thoughts, feelings, and moods that belong to adolescence. This is difficult. At twenty we all say: 'If I ever have children, I'II be able to get close to them and be the sort of father that my own was incapable of being.'But at fifty we resemble our own parents fairly closely, and in their turn our children, as we so greatly desired (and so uselessly), will resemble us. お願いします
Before,pop albums were just a collection of singles but "Sgt.Pepper's" changed it all! It was the first conceptual album. Let's take a look at the jacket. The Beatles are surrounded by over 60 world-famous people. The scene is a funeral,and in attendance you can see Bob Dylan, Karl Marx, Einstein,Marylin Monroe, Lewis Carroll... they are saying good-bye to the dead OLD Beatles! Now the Beatles were re-born. They had found the ultimate sound. This psyehedelic album became a symbol for the era of "Love and Peace". Just before this album,the single,'Strawberry Fields Forever / Penny Lane',was released. Producer George Martin calld it, "the greatest single record we made".
Foreign Minister Yoriko Kawaguti has decided to appoint former U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees Sadako Ogata head of the Japan International Cooperation Agency, when it becomes an independent administrative institution from October,The Yomiuri Shimbun learned Tuesday. よろしくお願いします。
Former Peruvian President Alberto Fujimori remains Peru's most popular president in recent decades despite accusations of murder, corruption and human rights abuses against him, according to a poll published Monday.
To give a simple example, cars in Japan have the steering wheels on the left to fit the needs of the foreign market. Or, for another example, Americans have big homes, so if a Japanese manufacturer of washing machines or lawn mowers is selling to the American market it must develop machines that are much lager than those used in Japan. Advertising is another important activity involved in the marketing of a product. Advertising must reflect the preferences, customs, and even religions of each country it is aimed at. For example, the amount of sexual appeal allowed in advertisements in different countries can vary greatly. Also, certain colors may be successful or unsuccessful depending on the country, or even the region within a country. Distribution and after-sales services must also be considered in developing a Successful marketing strategy. Some countries rely on traditional systems of “middle-men” and local distributors to get products from the maker to the retail stores. よろしくお願いします
Except as provided herein, all terms and conditions of the document referenced in Item 9, as heretofore changed, remains unchanged and in full force and effect.
『U.N. confab to tackle desertification』 Delegates from more than 170 nations came together Monday for a U.N. conference aimed at combating the planet's "desertification" --an alarming rate of soil degradation they said threatens the world's food and water.
Now, a certain number of Japanese try to frankly discuss with their Japanese colleagues instead of nemawashi. Their efforts to do so are often enough both forced and inappropriate -- an extreme case in point being a Japanese businessman who has concluded that any discussion with Americans must begin with insults.
Instead of abandoning our friendship, I took it as a challenge. I still valued his friendship, but I had to learn to separate the fact from the fiction. I was forced to use logic to tell when he was lying and when he was telling the truth. Sometimes it worked, and sometimes it didn't. But I got better at it by verifying some of the facts with grownups I knew I could trust.
Under nomal Japanese practice, before a group is committed to any new course of action, all its members--or at least, all those with any claim to competence in the matter--must have examined the proposal and accepted it. この文の訳を教えてください。
Physical asset specialization refers to relationship-specific capital investments (e.g., in customized machinery , tools , information systems , delevery processes , and so forth) that allow for faster throughput and greater product customization. 「純資産の専門化とは、カスタマイズされた機械、工具、情報システム、配達方などといった、 より多くの生産量やより優れたカスタマイズ製品を考慮に入れた、はっきりとした関係の資産投資である。」
Physical asset specialization allows for product differentiation and may improve overall quality by increasing product integrity. 「純資産の専門化は製品の差別化を許し、また製品規格の拡大により全体の質をレベルアップさせるかもしれない。」
Finally , human specialization refers to relationship-specific know-how accumulated by individuals through long-standing relationships. 「最後に、人の専門化は長きに渡って続いた関係を通じて蓄積されたノウハウを意味する。」
In other words , individuals across companies have substantial experience working together and have accumulated specialized information and language that allows them to communicate and coordinate effectively with each other. 「言い換えれば、会社を横切る個々はいっしょに働く豊富な経験を持ち、まt互いに効率的にコミュニケーションを取ったり調和できるように専門知識や言語を蓄積してきた。」
They are less likely to have communication breakdowns that result in errors ; this , in return , results in higher quality , faster development times , and lower cost. 「彼らはコミュニケーションをあまり取りそうではない、エラーという結果になる故障のかわりにより高い質、より早い製品開発、そしてより低いコスト…」
>>252 relationship-specific capital investments 関係特殊資産投資 allow for faster throughput and greater product customization より速い処理と製品のより差別化されたオーダーメイドを可能にする by increasing product integrity 製品統合性を増大させることにより individuals across companies 会社を越えた個人が(個人が会社を越えて) They are less likely to have communication breakdowns that result in errors 彼等が過失という結果を招くコミュニケーションの崩壊/停止を経験する ことはあまり無さそうである
>>278 例えば You are cool! と言われて So are you! と言えば あなたも(カコイイ)よ〜*となる。 You are disgusting (おまえはいやな奴)に対して So are you! は おめえもひでえ奴! となる。 You look cool! (素敵だね) と言われたのに 「あなたもよ」 と返すには So do you! になる。 わかるかな?
I feel this honor is too great for me. It could never have happend without three people, Branch Rickey, my wife and my mother. They are here making the honor complete.
>>290 > 直訳は「彼らはその名誉を完璧にすべくここにいるのです」となりますよね? はい、そうなりますね。 > A life is not important except in the impact it has on other lives. 直訳はこんな感じでしょうか。 人生というものは、それが他人の人生に及ぼす影響力における以外は 大切ではありません。 で、ちょっと変えて 人生というものは他の人の人生に影響を与えるからこそ大切なんです。
We started getting a much better definition of the colors and began building consensus. And we learned something important about green: it was the hardest color to understand. Everyone seemed to be on the same page about white or black, but everyone had a slightly different opinion of green. This meant that we took extra time to understand green and I will share our conclusions with you today.
トレーディングカードゲーム"Magic: the Gathering"の公式サイトにあるコラムの一部です。 ここに出てくる"the colors"はゲームで使われている「白・青・黒・赤・緑」の五色を意味しています。 それらの色についてのイメージをすり合わせる作業をしているところだと思うのですが、よく分かりません。 よろしくお願いします。
The more ludicrous the whole performance of collective bargaining becomes, (the more insistently learned scholars explain why it all makes sense and why any community action to protect itself by substituting reasons for the unrestrained exercise of force in settling labor disputes represents a stab in the back toward Nathan Hale, Paul Revere, and all the other apostles of American liberty. It is past time to arise and proclaim that the Emperor has no clothes.) It is my conviction that, when all the people have to suffer because of the willfulness or ineptitude of economic power blocks, it is an affirmation−not a denial−of democracy to provide effective government machinery for breaking deadlocks.
ANTI LEECH PROTECTION SYSTEM Sorry, we need to save bandwith! You're either behind a firewall, proxy or network that does not send HTTP REFERER information as requested by the Anti Leech system OR you came here from a direct hot-link to one of our files. Solutions: - Please surf to and retry your download from the WERE section - Try from another network - Temporarily disable your firewall / enable HTTP headers in your firewall/router. - Try another download location Check with your network administrator for assistance on this matter SISTEMA DE PROTECCION ANTI LEECH Lo sentimos, tenemos que ahorrar ancho de banda! O bien estas tras un firewall, proxy o red que no envia la informacion HTTP REFERER solicitada por nuestro sistema Anti-leech O llegaste aqui por medio de algun enlace directo a alguno de nuestros ficheros. Soluciones: - Por favor entra en y vuelve a intentar la descarga desde la seccion DONDE - Prueba desde otra red - Desabilita temporalmente tu firewall / activa las cabeceras HTTP en tu firewall/router - Prueba otro enlace de descarga Consulta con tu administrador de red si tienes cualquier duda a este respecto. よろしくお願いします。
He added that nations could be targeted to the extent that they do not accept terrorist demands filled with hate and violence, saying attacks could take place whether nations and troops to Iraq or remain neutral.
Greeks-sixteen million of them came, many in "steerage" of a steamship, sharing the crossing with cattle; they came in funny-looking clothing, speaking languages sounding far stranger than any Americans were used to, sticking together protectively, full of hope and fear, both justified.
None is so rich and mighty that he can get along without it, and none is so poor that he cannot be made rich by it. Give them one of yours, as none needs a smile so much as he who has no more to give. 訳をお願いします。
Our customers regularly weigh our products against competing software, and time after time they conclude that we offer the highest quality throughput that the market has to offer.
It has been a few days since you downloaded the demo or purchased the product, and we would like to follow up with you to see if you are having a positive experience with the software.
The primary aims of this survey were to examine which kinds of fruit had gained or lost popularity, as indicated by changes in the total consumption figures during these years, and to identify the factors causing the observed changes.
We sometimes think that curiosity is natural only in young children. Yet,if we think about the people we have known,those that we remember most vividly are those who remained incurably curious throughout their lives. There is an intimate link between curiosity and feeling alive. The same thing can be said about the capacity to dream. Dreaming is stretching the real beyond the limits of the present. をお願いします。
Sometimes I wanna break everything Sometimes you feel you're losing yourself Being crushed, but where is wherein lies? You've come to get used to lie, lying on your lies You hear someone laughs and shouts Why do you get mad in front of yourself?
Touch your sorrow, it's very hard to make you fly high again Before you're pained, it's easy to try to cry
========================================================= 長くて申し訳ありません。 歌詞なんですが、特に3行目の"Being crushed, but where is wherein lies?"の部分が全然わかりません。 歌詞と言う性質上、元々曖昧な表現の塊だってことは理解してるんですが、 訳される方の主観でもなんでも結構ですので、よろしくお願いします。
>>333 Do you mean, (1) it is in excellent condition, or (2) not really in great conditon? I believe you meant (1) by that, but just in case, would you make it clear once again?
It is 3:30 am here , and I am still awake thinking of you. I can not wait until the moment that I am looking into your eyes. Until our lips touch. I feel so good when I am with you. As soon as you go, I can not wait to see you again. I just feel happy when we are together. I will go to sleep now and dream that we are walking alone on the beach at night. The moon looks so bright shining above the water. The wind makes you feel cold , so I put my arm around you and hold you tightly to keep you warm. There is no one who makes me feel the way you do Megumi. I am so lucky to have you in my life. Love Adam
「T have to go back to Hong Kong in ten days' time」 said Reggie.「And I'llbe there for two years,but when I come back, if there isn't anybody…」 「There won't be anybody」said Agatha. So Reggie went back to Hong Kong.
このあと二人は文通し、They would get married. となるのですが、アガサが言った「There won't be anybody」 の意味が特に分かりません。宜しくお願いします。
The sci-fi Matrix saga lost some of its spin at the U.S. box office, with "The Matrix Revolutions" pulling in $50.16 million in its opening weekend off 45 percent from the previous chapter's weekend debut.
完全な意訳です、察するに貴方の受け入れ先は2台以上の車を持っているようです。 スーツケースなどでも大きさは様々なので答えとしても、ただtwo suits cases ではなくトランクだけで無理な様なら、It needs more than trunk load. みたいな返事が相手にもわかり易いですね。 めんどうなら、Just in case, pick me up with larger car. でよいかと思います。
I wasn't going to be able to come to Japan at first because my father was sick . But it looks like he will be OK so I am still coming......yeah!!! So I am happy again !! I will be visiting some other places as well as Osaka & Kyoto I will also be visiting Kobe as well. There is a chance I will be going to Okinawa. But I don't think that is really going to happen. As they are so far apart. But it will be in six months so not long now !!!
I knew it was spelt either with an A or an E but could decide so I guessed. I tried to send you a little sentence in Japanese but it would only save in it's own format so I couldn't send it to you to read . It was just going to say Hello, my name is--. but it didn't work.. I will have to have a play to see if I can get it to work.
Largely owing to the discoveries of modern science, we have grown accustomed, even to the point of boredom, both to the wonders of nature and to the mechanical wonders of science. Nothing can surprise us any longer. We know everything - or think we do.
The people I have known who seem to rest more easily within themselves are those who have found, by design or lucky accident, the suitable place made just for them, in whatever field it may be, lofty or humble, so long as it gives them a sense of being needed, of being purposeful, and of doing it a little better than most others can.
Hi, Juz found out that u live in Japan. I bidded on your item and i do not know how to transact using overseas method. Can u re list the item again. Unless you are living in Singapore we can arrange a meetup. Sorry.
In England we like to follow the old proverb, 'You might as well be hanged for a sheep as for a lamd,' or in other words, 'If you are going to be late,you might as well be really and truly late.'
might as well as の構文だということはわかるんですが、うまく訳せません。 よろしくお願いします。
While Seki says there's no excuse for what happened , he says he doesn't want to see the plant shut down . One in 10 villagers relies on the nuclear industry for a job . He just wishes authorities get to the bottom of this and ensure it never happens again .
It's been a little while since we had a recent LCD review, so we are coming back at you strong with something special. ↓[[[Excite翻訳]]] それは少量でした、一方、したがって、私たちは、最近のLCD調査を持ったので、あなたで戻ります、特別のもので強い
Indians seem to take no thought of time. Seeing the Indians' way of life,I am inclined to wonder if they understand the meaning of the saying, 'Time is money.'
I am so happy to be the one to send your first love letter. I can not believe no one has sent you one before. You do not have to reply to that one, but normally you would write back your feelings for the person. Your english is actually very good, you make mistakes sometimes, but they are small. If you like I will correct your emails for you, and you can write me each day for practice. Make sure you keep a big warm coat on because i do not want you to be sick :X� It was easy for me to write a love letter to you. We have not known each other that long, but honestly I have feelings for you. You make me laugh and feel happy when we talk. Already I feel you are quite special to me. I hope that I will be able to be the same for you. Also you know I find you very beautiful. I know we are very far away, but soon our opportunities will come to meet. I am looking so forward to those days. I am so happy to have you in my life. I find myself, thinking of you all of the time. Thank you for the happiness you bring me.�
Hello! Thank you for the mail. It is like a real love letter :D... but since I have never received such a letter until now, I am not sure how to reply. It is also very difficult to write in english, so if anything reads strangely please let me know. It is very cold in Tokyo today. If i don't wear a winter coat, I am likely to catch a cold. Okay , I will talk to you later.
In Japan "the strange case of Michel Jackson" has found a big interest, but the news didn't speak more about it! I don't know why, usually something like this is always on planning.
"Bongo, why don't you just get get the the hell out of here," Kenny Kenny says , his face twisted. "Here, Victor, try a crouton." I snatch one out of his hands. "Mmm, rosemary. Delish, dude." "It is sage, Victor. Sage." "You you sh-sh-should go to hell," Bongo sputters."And take that sickening crouton with you." "Will both of you mos take a Xanax and shut the fuck up? Go bake some pastries or something. Beau--goddamnit! Speak to me!" "Naomi Campbell, Helena Christensen, Cindy Crawford, Sheryl Crow, -- 略 --, and Helena Bonham Carter--but I'm not sure if she should be under B or C." "Ingrid Chavez! Ingrid Chavez!" I shout up. "Has Ingrid Chavez fucking RSVP'd or not?" "Victor, celebs and their overly attentive PR reps are complaining that your answering machine isn't working," Beau calls down. "They say it's playing thirty seconds of 'Love Shack' and then only five seconds to leave a message."
I am only just learning how to write in Hiragana, I should be taking my first written exam soon, where I have to describe my Day. It should be a bit easy, as I will just write about school so, it will all be Japanese students anyway ...
"What's the secret of your success?" asked another. "If we knew that." George said,"eachof us would form a group and manage it" During their stay in the U.S they were guarded by police 24 hours a day , but their American fans still tried to reach them. For example , at a hotel in new York City , the Beatls had the 12th floor to themselves, and girls ran up hundreds of fire stairs outside the building. At a hotel in Miami Beach, two girls arrived in packages. They had mailed themselvers. Please, Please Me was the Beatls first number-one hit in England . And in 1964, I Want to Hold Your Hand sold a million copies. I think you know, besides them, a lot of their songs, such as Let it be and Hey jude. One of their most popular songs, Yesterday , is a simple but very beautiful song which tells of losing the person you lover was with you yesterday. It is more than 30 years since the Beatles broke up, but their songs continue to be loved by each new generation.
>>484 The fact remains that ([all the government is trying to do] is (to) place people under surveillance. ) 政府がやろうとしているのは 国民を政府の監視下に置くことで、 その状況は依然として変わってない。 (相変わらず政府はやっきになって国民を監視しようとしている、 政府がやろうとしていることは、相変わらず国民を監視すること だけだ、うにゃあ、日本語が。)
I talk about a dream.. I purchase an orphan small girl and make it my adopted child's daughter. I will fall in love of the prohibition with the daughter. When she becomes 16 years old, we will swear marriage. However my parents oppose strongly. we are separated. I want such a life. I am a criminal reserve.
Dutch rival of Johannes Gutenberg as the alleged inventor of printing. Little is known of this early printer, whose last name means “sacristan,” his title as an official of the Great Church of Haarlem. He is mentioned several times in records between 1417 and 1434 as alderman, tax assessor, and treasurer and is presumed to have died in a plague that struck Haarlem in 1440, when his wife is recorded as a widow. Coster is said to have printed with movable type as early as 1430, but definite proof of this claim is lacking. None of the surviving specimens attributed to him bears his name, a form of documentation that is also missing in the case of Gutenberg. Coster, however, is a far more shadowy figure than Gutenberg, and his printing achievement was not recorded until a century after his death. His method of typecasting, consisting of casting in sand from wooden molds, was distinctly more primitive than that of Gutenberg. 長いですが、よろしくお願いします
『 』内の文章がうまく訳せません。どなたかもっとうまく訳せる方いらっしゃいましたらお願いします。 formal and informal が特に訳しにくいです。
The close geographic proximity of Toyota's extended enterprise is a key reason why it is more productive than GM or Nissan. Beyond the advantages of lowering inventories and transportation costs , a geographically concentrated production network also facilitates the formal and informal dissemination of information and technology across communication , which is critical when communicating and transfering complex knowledge. This is one reason that Toyota's supplier network learns faster than competitor supplier network ( in chapter 3 I will demonstrate that Toyota's supplier network does learn faster ).
Well aware of the advantages of geographically proximate plants in its production network , Toyota has repicated this strategy outside Japan. After it set up an assembly plant in Georgetown , Kentucky , in 1986 , roughly 90 suppliers followed Toyota to Kntucky. In addition , Toyota has completed building its second assembly plant in the U.S.
hi, the shipping to your zip code will be $23.86... let me know.. : ) oh, btw, I only have one of this wallet...if you like, I can end the auction, and send it to you for $14.99.... (coz the shipping is kinda expensive.... so if someone bid on the could get expensive..../_\) let me know!! thanks!!
>>502 J. Paul Getty Museum's GettyGuide delivers an enhanced museum experience with integrated devices ジェイ・ポール・ゲティ博物館のゲティ・ガイドには 色々な工夫が詰っているので、より一層の素晴らしい 博物館体験が出来ます。
Before too long, my parents intervened and told me I couldn't see Brian again because he was a "bad influence." They were right. But Brian's friendship taught me some valuable lessons when I was at an impressionable age. First, I learned that you can't believe everything you hear or read. I gained a real appreciation for the "truth" and I learned to question everything.
Second, I learned how to use reason, deduction and logic. My love of the truth turned into a love for scientific knowledge, an insatiable curiosity, and a thirst for knowledge and exploration.
Lately I have been busy with work and dealing with outrageous hours and expectations. But today, I have quit my job. I am very happy about it, but am a little nervous about money. I may look into trying to do some work in LA. I'm not sure what will happen. お願いします。
I think I mentioned once before that I have only had three minute liqueur glasses of brandy the whole evening long. A child of two couldn't get drunk on that. のa child of twoと言うところが特に良くわからないのですが。。
The FAA is contemplating increasing the use of armed, undercover air marshals on domestic flights, an action that nearly 80% of Americans support, according to a Time/cnn poll conducted last week. Now fewer than 100 federal air marshals randomly travel on a very select number of domestic and international routes, down from a peak of more than 1,000 in the early 1970s, before concerns about airborne shoot-outs effectively sank the program. Some pilots are suggesting that an even better deterrent would be to have a uniformed security officer in the jump seat next to the cockpit.
Professor Spitz said "little tricks" could lessen Jodie's stress at losing her twin. He said her fight for survival could be aided by a mirror in her bed to give her the impression Mary is still there.
Many people think that the italian football is the best in the world... But when we came in Japan/Korea for the World Cup we have lost poorly! So in Italy every foreign footballer is "shit". Too racist don't you think? I don't like this policy but many fans are too ignorants.
Yes, we do ship internationally. BUT, we cannot ship lighters or butane refills outside the US because they contain flammable liquids and they will be confiscated at the border. There will be shipping charges for international buyers.
Honesty, I figured out, did not seem to be the best policy in this particular house, especially as it pertained to Jerry's boyfriend getting the crap beaten out of him by the beloved coach. お願いします
The U.S. government wanted more muskets,and ordered 10,000 to be made using the normal procedure of one man making one gun,finishing it and starting another. Production was show.
Then he assembled 10 muskets before their eyes,demonstrating that no skill was needed if the parts were identical and interchangeable. をお願いします。
Someone lied on BBS for making hxxself has a priority who knows what anyone else doesn't know about BEAT CRUSADERS. I'm opening BBS as a place for fans who want to say something about the band, besides Lastrum shut theirs long time ago. But mostly for describing your unique opinion. I think it means much to create new ways to communicate on 21 century. I believe some Mrs. make it on B.B.S. and I respect that. What the hell does it mean to make yourself huge? If you like it big, scratch yours.
foreigners in Japan will always be foreigners to this society. When riding a train or a bus, I hated it because people stared. I would try to hide behind a newspaper but the glaring eyes bored right through the newsprint. Then, I would try smiling, but it would not work. Nor would glaring back fiercely. I found a solution to my situation. It always worked. I winked.
It is < of course > impossible { to say [ what he might have done < if his life had been spared > and < if his health had progressively improved > ] }.
Cut your shipping cost by as much as 70%* by requesting removal of jewel cases! You may be able to buy jewel cases for yourCDs cheaper than having them shipped from Thailand. If yourequest removal of jewel cases we will remove standard CD cases from your order and put your discs in alternative bulk container. However we will NOT remove special disc cases or DVD keepcases unless you specify ALL cases to be removed.
Kin-cohort design can be used to study the effect of a genetic mutation on the risk of multiple events, using the same study. In this design, the outcome data consist of the event history of the relatives of a sample of genotyped subjects. Existing methods for kin-cohort estimation allow estimation of the risk of one event at a time with the assumption that the censoring events are unrelated to the genetic mutation under study. These methods, however, may produce biased estimates of risk when multiple events are related to the genetic mutation, and follow-up of some of the events may be censored by the onset of other events. Using a competing risk framework to address this problem, we show that cause-specific hazard functions for carriers and noncarriers are identifiable from kin-cohort data. For estimation, we propose an extension of a composite-likelihood approach we described previously. We illustrate the use of the proposed method for estimation of the risk of ovarian cancer from BRCA1/2 mutations in the absence of breast cancer, based on data from the Washington Ashkenazi Kin-Cohort Study. We also evaluate the performance of the proposed estimation method, based on simulated data that were generated following the setup of the Washington Ashkenazi Study.
We are charging you U$S 15 per unit as this is our cost for resale. If you want to be our exclusive sales representative in Japan, in future sales we can make a better price fo you. We can also send you clothes and all our products for resale.
Electricity, gas, water and heat. You may never give them a second thought, but behind these everyday conveniences lies a whole world of technology and innovation - the world of Nuon, one of the largest energy and water companies in the Netherlands.
Electricity, gas, water and heat. You may never give them a second thought, but behind these everyday conveniences lies a whole world of technology and innovation - the world of Nuon, one of the largest energy and water companies in the Netherlands.
never give - second thought あたりまえのものとしてうたがわない、 ぐらいか
In 'Strawberry Fields Forever', John looks back at his hometown Liverpool, while in 'Penny Lane', Paul looks back at his. There's sn smazing contrast between John and Paul's music and personality. Let's listen to 'Strawberry Fields Forever'.Strawberry Field was the name of the orphanage where John had often played as a child. In this fantastic song, he remembers his childhood days, surrounded by a surreal world where nobody understood him. Would you like to go to "Straw berry Fields"?
Who praised the album, "Sgt.Pepper's"? What are over 60 world-famous people doing on the jacket? What did George Martin call the single, 'Strawberry Fields Forver/Penny Lane'? What was Strawberry Field? 日本語訳お願いします。ビートルズについてです☆
Business relationships, like marriage relationships, must be based on trust. Without trust between both sides they quickly fail. This goal of trust among partners in business is universal throughout the world. What differs, however, is the means of developing and maintaining it. In many countries----in Japan and other Asian countries, for example ----trust in business usually must be established through a slow process of building personal relationships between the representatives of two companies. In other countries-----the US in particular-----trust tends to be based more on the written evidence of legal contracts. よろしくお願いします☆
To many Japanese, the American business style which places such high value on written legal contracts may seem rather cold and impersonal. To Americans, the Japanese style which requires establishing personal relationships often seems slow and lacking in legal clarity. For American businesspeople, real trust of another company can only come after a detailed contract has been signed. For Japanese, personal trust comes first. Once such trust is established----often this requires sharing activities such as drinking and playing golf together---a contract may seem almost unnecessary. The US style may be faster, yet it can lead to lawsuits when two companies disagree. 続きです。よろしくお願いします☆
He even gave us our distance as we walked to the field, allowing us a hint of intimacy as the Togas stretched and the band played "Tusk" off in the distance of the playing field on the campus of Cornell.
I hope you feel better soon. I just want you to know that I'm always thinking of you, and I hate to think of someone so sweet being so sick, so hurry up and get & better.
の、「 I hate think of someone so sweet being so sick」 って意味がよく分からないんです。 お願いします。
続きです。 Baby, you know if you're not beautiful Just cover it up With make-up kits and perforated scalpel seams We'll do you right up I'm so obsessed with looking like the magazines Make myself throw up But it's all right cause one day I know I'll be fine like everyone else
Music played to advertise Logo shirts and hair styles Chop and cut monopolize I've got scars in my mouth Worship to the cash cow Nod your head now take a bow Faking grins and cleft chins I've got stars in my eyes
Baby you know if you're not beautiful Just cover it up With make-up kits and perforated scalpel seams We'll do you right up I'm so obsessed with livin like celebrities Make myself throw up With staple skin and back stab flattery I'm coughin it up
Hey, little darlin' I'll sell you the definition If you follow me through Pages and channels of deceit where everyone is perfect And nobody grows old Relax in the ignorance of images Cause beautiful is what we're sellin... It's not how you feel It's only how you look!
US President George W Bush expressed on Monday his determination to continue his country's efforts to rebuild Iraq and contain fresh terrorist attacks there, despite sacrifices.
The last difficulty I consider is that an overlapping consensus is utopian: that is, there are not sufficient political, social, or psychological forces either to bring about an overlapping consensus(when one does not exist), or to render one stable (should one exist). I can only touch on this question and merely outline one way in which it seems such a consensus might come about and its stability secured.
The principal, it seemed, had been informed of all previous complaints but had done nothing, and as a result was suspended pending further investigation. おねがいします
While there is agreement on certain basic political rights and liberties--on the right to vote and freedom of political speech and association, and whatever else is required for the electoral and legislative procedures of democracy--there is disagreement among those holding liberal principles as to the more exact content and boundaries of these rights and liberties, as well as on what further rights and liberties are to be counted as basic and so merit legal if not constitutional protection.
感謝祭に関する文章です。 Gave thanks for all the wonder that was filling up my days. And thanks for that next day to come, when I'd have Terri all alone. I hoped I would be ready. If our hot-water bill was any indicator, I would be.
Since meeting up with what's her name, he'd been living in a fog. A happy fog at first, it seemed, but with each passing day, his chances for a call seemed to shrink, and he looked a little sadder. お願いします
I had to think on this one. Our elaborate romantic plan had not involved an alibi, and I knew that my dad could detect a lie a mile away, so I just played dumb and told what might be considered a little half-truth. おねがいします
The DNA records are poems and music... Adenine and thymine... Guaine and Cytosine... Rythym and Melody... Perhaps the DNA of the ones who make contact with GOD is recomposed by the sound they generate within? I wonder if life-forms are just dreaming in an endless flow of music?
Researchers found that they could even reset the internal clocks in parts of the flies that had been severed by exposing them to varying periods of light and darkness.
Could the reason for the abnormal development of the human brain be the biological contamination caused by Devil? That would mean that humans are really a heterogeneous life-form, or "foreign matter," as far as the planet is concerend. Humans are a sudden mutation caused by the contact with Devil --an alien life-form that fell to this planet from space. That is why humans are biologically speaking, unblalanced and half-finished. Internally inconsistent and disconnected, the human existence is plagued by contradictions. An incomplete species, torn between love and hatred whose very being is self-contradictory. From the planet's viewpoint, humans are just destroyers and a cursed, yet perhaps pathetic, blight on the world.
I do work on the frist but if you call me in the morning or after I ger off of work I want to see you But Just call me when you get here and leave your if I am not home and I will call you back
His definition of A is far too limited, as it only measures market movement over one business day in one year. Options only work if the trader is willing to admit defeat and walk away after loss of premium.
お願いします。 he cant hide behind an options only philosophy.
And even though I would have been spit on and laughed at by any self-respecting horny teenager, I didn't try to talk her out of the way she felt. おねがいします
Hi I haven't been to Japan for a while and is going home at Christmas. Whats hot in the gameing world (or non topic area's) should I look out for that wont be coming to the west?
15 years of limiting its role on the world stage to that of a minor power rather than that of one of the world's most powerful economies, USA is starting to make its influence felt.
The man is the book; the book is the man. This undeniable truth, which I often repeat to myself, I claim to be as true of gardens as it is of authors and their books. As a man is, so is his garden. He is a reflection of it, and it of him. For this reason, whenever I am asked how I planned my garden, I always reply, "I didn't. It evolved."
The man is the book; the book is the man. This undeniable truth, which I often repeat to myself, I claim to be as true of gardens as it is of authors and their books. As a man is, so is his garden. He is a reflection of it, and it of him. For this reason, whenever I am asked how I planned my garden, I always reply, "I didn't. It evolved."
It is 26th of Nov, and I know you won't be reading until tour finishes. how are you. I've been wondering how you're doing. I hope you are doing well. did you get my email & pic? difficult to write in English, so if anything reads strangely please let me know. It is very cold in Chicago today. if I don't wear a winter coat, I am likely to catch cold or rather I should say I already have a cold. I went to the hospital because I've got a fever and bad cough. May I ask you? Where in tokyo do you live? I live in Milwaukee. There is venue in this town a lot. do you know? and when is your birth day? if you'd like please tell me. I miss you, please take care not to catch cold. I'm looking forward to your reply. Love,
>813 助かりました! if I don't wear a winter coat, I am likely to catch cold or rather I should say I already have a cold. の部分がよく分からなかったんですが、そーゆー事がかいてあったんですね。 ちなみに、女の子からのメールです。 ありがとうございます。
Fleetstreet Dancer shocked Japanese race fans when he fought back gamely to edge out favored Admire Don in the Grade 1, $2.33 million Japan Cup Dirt at Tokyo Racecourse on Saturday . Trained by Doug O'Neill and ridden by Jon Court, Fleetstreet Dancer went off at 48-1 despite having finished third in the Pacific Classic at Del Mar in August and second in the Goodwood Handicap at Santa Anita in October. Never far off the pace in Saturday's race, Fleetstreet Dancer took the lead turning into the home straight, found an extra gear when collared by Admire Don in the last 100 yards, and got his nose back in front on the line. Hagino High Grade was five lengths back in third. Heavy rain caused the track to be rated wet-fast, but that did not stop Fleetstreet Dancer, a gelded son of Smart Strike, from clocking a track- record time of 2:09.20 for the 1 5/16-mile race.
An ecstatic O'Neill said: "In the stretch I thought we might win, but then the other horse got to us and I was thinking, 'Hang on, hang on for second.' But then mine started to find more and I couldn't believe it. He's a brave horse to come back on the rail - it's a hard thing to do."
Court had never ridden Fleetstreet Dancer before and was having his first ride outside North America. Afterward, accompanied by his wife and 6- week-old daughter, Court reported: "I had a great run, and when the other horse went by me quite easy, I asked mine for more and he found another run. I knew that I was in a photo and hoped that I had got it. It's an unbelievable feeling and I'm still taking it all in. It's my biggest win to date and it's fantastic."
The other American raider, Outta Here, trained by Bill Currin, was last for much of the race but stayed on in the closing stages to just miss a share of the prize money, finishing ninth of the 16 runners, 16 lengths behind the winner.
As of all other good things, one can have too much even of reading. Indulged in to excess, reading becomes a vice - a vice all the more dangerous for not being generally recognized as such.
お願いします Some encouragement for new technologies ia proposed, butit will have little effect: bigger subsidies for research are unlikely to spur innovation with hundreds of millions of dollars in fossil-fuel assets.
For thousands of years,people have looked up at the night sky and looked at moon. They wondered what the moon was made of. They wanted to know how big it was and how far away it was. One of the most interesting questions was "Where did the moon come from?" No one knew for sure. Scientists developed many different theories, or guesses,but they could not prove that their ideas were correct. Then,between 1969 and 1972,the United States sent astronauts to the moon. They studied the moon and returned to Earth with rock samples. Scientists have studied these pieces of rock,the moon's movements,and information about the moon and the Earth.
But it is not really that far to drive till you are out on to the Yorkshire moors which are really beautiful, but can look really scary if you go out on a cold windy rainy day.
One wrestler I really like he is the one who pulls all the faces when he is getting ready to fight. Is it still big news about Mongolian's pulling hair.
So I guess it would be safe to say that I carried a considerable amount of guilt around with me as I graced the grounds of the Petersburg Home for Boys on a continuous basis from August of 1977 until October of 1981. 日曜の深夜に起きてる方がどれだけいらっしゃるか分かりませんが、よろしくお願いします
I sometimes blamed Mr. Delanor, and wondered whatever became of that one-eyed prick, but for the most part I blamed myself. Because, after all, I was Catholic, and that seems to be part of what being Catholic is all about. At least that's how the sisters at the home sometimes made me feel. おねがいします
His day didn't seem complete unless he hurt at least one person's feelings, which he did in a manner that made up for in crudeness what it lacked in creativity. おねがいします
In this experiment we shall synthesize acetanilide which is used as an anodyne and an antifebrile and consider the reaction mechanism on a basis of an electron theory of organic reaction.
In this experiment, we shall (1) synthesize acetanilide (which is used as an anodyne) and an antifebrile and (2) consider the reaction mechanism on a basis of an electron theory of organic reaction.
In this experiment, we shall (1) synthesize acetanilide (which is used as an anodyne and an antifebrile) and (2) consider the reaction mechanism on a basis of an electron theory of organic reaction.
According to her theory, by rotating a single point of supergravity, space-time continua can be drawn in... thus making it possible to transform that singular point which pulls in everything else, into a ring formation.
Thank you for your order! It has been processed, and approved. It will be shipped to you via USPS 12-02-03, unless you have selected other shipping methods. Please allow 5-6 days for delivery! Regards, The Console Corner Visit my web store for all your gaming needs 簡単ですけどお願いします。
The thing is,I have just seen on the internet some Japanese movie flyers. And I think that they look great. So I would love to try and start to collect any flyers from any British or American movies. So if you have any that you do not want or need anymore. Would you consider sending them to me?. I will send you almost anything from the UK or Ireland in exchange.
1.Ancient pagodas stand as (fabled) reminders to an age of (alchemy)[ ]. 2.Alchemists were (obsessed) with (immortal) life and wanted to stay youthful forever. 3.They also used (trickry and intrigue) to convince people they could (mutate) dull metal into shiny gold. 4.The secretive ceremony included (cryptic chants) and (animist rituals). 5.The Mongols (liquidated) the Burmese armies and (conquered) Pagan.
( )内と同じ意味の語を下から選び訳も分かれば教えて下さい。 a)change b)deception and dishonesty c)destroyed d)form of chemistry in the middle ages e)magical f)mysterious songs g)never-ending h)preoccupied i)religious ceremonies worshipping animals and plants j)won
So say a pair of New Zealand academics who have remarckably retraced the family tree of Indo-European languages,a linguistic classification that covers scores of tongues ranging from Faeroese to Hindi and including English, French, German, Gujarati, Nepalese and Russian.
おねがいします。 Indo-European languages,a linguistic classification ここは同格で、印欧語の説明ですよね。Faeroese というのがわからないです。 で、前半がサッパリわかりません。主語は何なんでしょうか?
One ever feels his twoness?an American, a Negro; two souls, two thoughts, two unreconciled strivings; two warring ideals in one dark body, whose dogged strength alone keeps it from being torn asunder. . . .
He simply wishes to make it possible for a man to be both a Negro and an American, without being cursed and spit upon by his fellows, without having the doors of Opportunity closed roughly in his face.
What other reason could there be for saying that people recite at a play and play at a recital? Or, ship cargo by truck and send cargo by ship? Or, have noses that run and feet that smell?
One ever feels his twoness--an American, a Negro; two souls, two thoughts, two unreconciled strivings; two warring ideals in one dark body, whose dogged strength alone keeps it from being torn asunder. . . .
He simply wishes to make it possible for a man to be both a Negro and an American, without being cursed and spit upon by his fellows, without having the doors of Opportunity closed roughly in his face.
15 years of limiting its role on the world stage to that of a minor power rather than that of one of the world's most powerful economies, USA is starting to make its influence felt.
, whose dogged strength alone keeps it from being torn asunder. . . . 人(黒人でしょう)は常に己の二面性を意識している。アメリカ人で あるとともに黒人でもあること;二つの魂;二つの考え;調和するこ とのない心の戦い;相容れない理想。。。こういったものが彼の黒い 肉体に共存しているのだ。体がバラバラにならないですんでいるのは 彼の頑強さのお陰である。
ご注文ありがとうございます。ご注文の品は既に加工済みで 認可されました(加工とか認可とか具体的な意味は不明)。 特にご指名がない限りUSPS(United States Postal Service) で12/3に発送されます。お手元に届くまで、5−6日みてください。 ではよろしく。 コンソールコーナーより。
There may even be a meshisutanto (a combination of the word "meshi," slang for food, and "assistant") who does nothing but cook. the "system" helps achieve high volume, but still demands an enormous amount of physical stamina-at gatherings of popular artists, it's not uncommon to hear one bragging about how many pages he draws a day and how he only sleeps four or five hours a night.
The Dutch are credited with transporting the legend of Saint Nicholas (Sinterklaas) to New Amsterdam (now New York City), along with the custom of giving gifts and sweets to children on his feast day, December 6.
They say we are focusing on too few customers , so effective from the first of the next month , the sales areas will be decided by the sales managers at the corporate level .
>>927 so よって effective from the first of the next mongh 来月一日から the sales areas 売り場(の割り当て)は will be decided by the sales managers at the corporate level 本社のセールス・マネージャーが 決定します。
Though lower than Toyota's figures , Nissan's are still considerably higher than the comparable figures for GM ―only 0.2 guest engineers per supplier and 1,106 man-days of face-to-face contact with outside suppliers. 「トヨタの数字よりは低いけれど、ニッサンの数字はGMと比べてずいぶん高い―GMはサプライヤーに対してわずか0.2人のエンジニア、また外部サプライヤーと面と向かってのコンタクト回数は一人一日1,106回しかない。」
Toyota's , Nissan's , and GM's varied emphasis on face-to-face communication and reliance on guest engineers correlate directly with figures on defects per 100 vehicles. 「トヨタやニッサン、そしてGMの面と向かったコミュニケーションの様々な強調やエンジニアに対する信頼は100台中の欠陥車の割合が相関関係にある事を如実に示している。」
According to J.D.Power and Associates , from 1990 to 1995 , Toyota's cars had an average of 20 percent fewer defects than Nissan's cars and 40 percent fewer defects than GM's , Ford's , and Chrysler's. 「1990〜1995年のJ.D.Powerや協会の調べによると、トヨタ車は、日産車より20%、GMやフォード、クライスラーより40%欠陥が少ないという。」
These figures should not be surprising since various studies have shown that quality increases when there are fewer suppliers and less variation in people and organizational processes , and when there is an increase in the speed of feedback and reliability of data both withinand across firms in the production network.
An example? sure. One time rabbits all aver England died of have enough to eat, they started killing the farmers' Chickens The farmers then killed the foxes, and rate rapidly increased in number and destroyed the farmers'grain. The farmers ended up losing as much as they had lost to the rabbits. We humans are in danger of destroying our environment and ourselves along with it.
It is better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all. One does not fall "in" or "out" of love. Love is giving and forgiving. をどなたかお願いします。
You have a strange imagination! Well, when I was young I used to think that Japanese was mad for eat with the sticks... But when I try it, I realized that it's not so bad! Now I think that we are 10 years in the future!
Cox served in the U.S. House of Representatives (1909-13) and as governor of Ohio (1913-15, 1917-21), where he introduced workmen's compensation, minimum wage, and the initiative and referendum legislation.
Any narrative or history of past events is susceptible to the criticism that it is irrelevant to experience of the present; for, by definition, is the past not concerned with events that have "gone by in time," that are "done with," over? By this view, history is a collection of facts about long-since dead kings, queens, famous explorers, politicians, and military leaders.
What makes me grind my teeth is that no one wrote about acode of conduct to the effect that 'the land in Japan,in a spiritual sense,is based on public ownership.'