They were not able to understand the decapitation theory, that is, getting rid of the top types while the workers continue wasn't going to work. Police all left. In other words, the basic assumptiuons, whoever was making them, inadequate to begin with.
2点分からないところがあります。 1) the types while the workers continue workerは何を続けるのか 2) making them のthemのさす内容とは
Mike Moore was handed a major setback at the now-famous "tear-gas ministerial" conference of November 1999 in Seatle. "tear-gas" conference のニュアンスはどうなっているのでしょうか?
He wrote about the cajoling that was required to get key governments to fall in to line. Except for an occasional nod in their direction, Moore says little about the roles played by Robert Zoellick and Pascal Lamy.
Moore attributes the debacle at Seattle to the lack of adequate preparation: his leadership team was barely in place and he had had little time to put his own stamp on the process and on the negotiating draft. Doha, he writes, was the "mirror opposite." He describes his grueling schedule ("traveled over 625,000 km, visiting 182 cities and meeting with more than 300 ministers"), his difficult time with his opponents in nongovernmental organizations, the petty politics of the WTO, and his uneasy relationship with his staff. And yet although Moore can be quite frank and revealing about such issues, he does not offer a systematic behind-the-scenes account of how the Seattle disaster was transformed into the Doha consensus. One wishes he had written more about the cajoling, arm-twisting, and horse- trading that was required to get key governments to fall into line. Except for an occasional nod in their direction, Moore says little about the roles played by Robert Zoellick and Pascal Lamy, the point persons on trade for the United States and the EU, respectively, or about his relationship with them.
「〜に対する同意」の場合は nod at (or to) 〜 で、 direction に前置詞の in がついている場合の direction は「方角、方向」 と考えていいと思います。
例 He turned in the direction of the sound. 音のするほうに振り向いた As a token of thanks, the ballerina bowed in the direction of the Queen's box. 感謝のしるしとしてそのバレリーナは女王のボックスに 向かっておじぎをした (英和活用大辞典)
したがって Except for an occasional nod in their direction 「彼らの方に向かってときおりうなづいてみせる以外、彼らにときおり 同意のそぶりを示す以外は」というような訳になるのでは。
My boss got me to go to a TOEIC school.(ボスは私をトーイックの学校に行かせた) という文は、文型で言えばSVOCで、Cは不定詞の名詞的用法で良いのでしょうか? 例えばこれの文をSVO+Mで、ちょっと意味はおかしくなりますが、「ボスはトーイック の学校に行くために私を手に入れた。」という表現も可能といえば可能なのでしょうか?
同出典から再度質問です。 As the locution of the quote above suggests, it was hardly evident that an agenda centered on agriculture would amount to a develoment round.
>>982 it was hardly evident that an agenda centered on agriculture would amount to a develoment round. 「農業を中心に据えた議題が"開発ラウンド"の名に値する」 かどうかは怪しい、ぐらいの意味だろうか。他の人の意見求む。
中高質問スレで聞いてたものですが、ちょっと答えていただける人がでてこないので ここできかせていただきます。 There are some tools with which to do the job. with whichっていう関係代名詞が導く節に主語と動詞がないのはなぜでしょうか? どうか、よろしくお願いします。