What's your company? My company is very famous! ...K....D.....D...
Can you speak English? あ?..あー.. little. What is your name? あ..その.. little. Can you speak English? え..うん.. little ね. What is your name? えーっと.. little. ※日本人が遠ざかっていきだんだん絶叫になりながら繰り返し。
746 :†ケン† ◆kiM4qXVHAg :03/09/05 10:45 TIME IS MENEY.
959 :†ケン† ◆kiM4qXVHAg :03/09/15 01:08 >ゆみこ
sorry! they are toroble makers. please be frend if you are okay
994 名前: †ケン† ◆kiM4qXVHAg [sage] 投稿日: 03/09/11 00:36 who are you calling? pardon? i cannot hear you! yumiko? oh how are you? ..... what is wrong? yes ... you hate 2channel frends? oh you are so pretty! youmiko come and see me. where shall we make it? OK! see you tomorrow
●この前、劇場で「ローマの体日」を見に行きました。 fuck you fuck what you believe fuck what you stand for fuck off ill fuck ur offer fuck of any fucken motherfucker my son has no sarfactant in his fucken lung ●非常に印象に残ったフレーズです。
∫ _________ ∧,,∧ ∬ / Better to regret the things you do ミ*゚ー゚彡っ━~ < than the things you don't. _と~,, ~,,,ノ_. ∀ \ ―Ally Mcbeal ミ,,,,/~), │ ┷┳━  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄  ̄ ̄ ̄ .じ'J ̄ ̄| ┃  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ┻
あら>>35 気付いたのね。 ∧,,∧ 偶然こういうトリップになってしまっちゃって、 ミ,・∀・彡 「氏ね(藁)」と言っている訳ではないです。 (ミ ミ) トリップにDIEって入ってて不吉だけど ミ ミ A cat has nine lives.(猫はなかなか死なない) ∪ ∪ という諺があるのでフサギコ様は多分大丈夫です。 ちなみにこの諺をもじって女性の執念深さをあらわした 諺もあります。 A cat has nine lives and a woman has nine cats' lives.
When you don't want to feel yourself,the death seems like a dream. However,seeing a death.Really seeing a death makes it streaming about it. You'll realise that's fucking ridiculous.
>>56 君よりは、頭よさそうだけどね。 L. Paul Bremer Ambassador Bremer received his BA from Yale University, a CEP from the Institut D’Etudes Politiques of the University of Paris, and an MBA from Harvard Graduate School of Business Administration. His languages are French, Dutch, and Norwegian.
Quote of the Week "You, the millions and millions of Iraqis who want honest, open elections, who want real justice, will succeed. And the evil doers will face justice in honest and fair Iraqi courts with honest and fair Iraqi judges. And your future of hope is full of justice."
When a man sits with a pretty girl for an hour, it seems like a millute. But let him sit on a hot stove for a minute-and it's longer than any hour. That's a relativity.
>>89 村上春樹も「うまく訳せないキメ台詞だ」ってエッセイに書いてた。 Go ahead, make my day. なので、 「やってみなよ。俺の日になるぜ」という感じ。 よーするに犯人が発砲でもしようものなら、ハリーに防衛権が発生し、 ハリーが犯人を合法的に殺すことができるのでハリーにとって都合がいい。 なので、うってみなー、そしたら俺がお前を殺すことができるから、 俺にとっていい日になるぜー、という意味ですな。
"People with great minds talk about ideas. People with average minds talk about events. People with small minds talk about other people." - Ann Landers
"People with great minds talk about ideas. People with ordinary minds talk about things. People with small minds talk about other people." -- EleanorRoosevelt?
This is a story about four people named Everbody, Somebody, Anybody and Nobody. There was an important job to be done and Everybody was sure that Somebody would do it. Anybody could have done it, but Nobody did it. Somebody got angry about that, because it was Everybody's job. Everybody thought Anybody could do it, but Nobody realized that Everybody wouldn't do it. It ended up that Everbody blamed Somebody when Nobody did what Anybody could have done.
We choose to go to the moon. We choose to go to the moon. We choose to go to the moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they're easy, but because they're hard, ............. (9/12/1962, Rice Univ.)
そこでケネディ・ネタをもうひとつ。 Two thousand years ago, the proudest boast was "civis Romanus sum." Today, in the world of freedom, the proudest boast is "Ich bin ein Berliner." ・・・・・・・・・・ And, therefore, as a free man, I take pride in the words "Ich bin ein Berliner." この文脈なら、"Ich bin ein Berliner" の "ein" は不要ではないかと思っていたら、 こんな議論がありました。http://www.serve.com/shea/germusa/jfkberl.htm でも結論がよく分かりません。(´・ω・`)
次にアポロ・ネタ。 アームストロング船長の That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind. ですが、"man" の前に "a" が無いのは可笑しい(無冠詞単数形のmanならmankindとほぼ同義になってしまうからか?) と言われ、無線の感度が悪くて聞こえないとの推測もありましたが、船長が言い間違えたというのが真相のようです。 それにしても、ポピュラーな和訳では 「ひとりの人間にとっては小さな一歩だが、人類にとっては大きな飛躍だ」 となっていますが、素直に考えると、この「小さな一歩」と「大きな飛躍」の対比は変だと思います。 小さな一歩 = 宇宙船のハシゴから月面までの一歩 大きな飛躍 = 地球から月までの飛躍 だから、比べる対象が元々違います。同じ事柄に対して違う表現をするかのような言い方は、ここでは当てはまらないのでは?
I do not know what I seem to be to others, but to myself I seem to have been like a boy walking on the seashore, picking up another pebble more beautiful than the one before, while the great ocean of truth lay all undiscovered before me.