>>948 闘牛は、「Death in the Afternoon (午後の死)」に見られるとおり、 彼にとってこの根本的な死と生の苦境の典型となった。 なぜなら闘牛こそ、その中で芸術家が「文字通り」死の危険に直面し、 その中で演技の見事さ(の程度)が闘牛士の名誉となる 唯一の芸術であると彼は考えていたからだ。
Hi ○○-san.rough First of all, I'd like to say to you terribly thank you... It's really, have you just pay the carriage on a parcel right? Okay, I got it but you don't mention it such a things, coz I'm a broad-man,right? So, I'll wait it and then I'll call you when I get it. See ya.
4行目 「そんなことは商品説明になかったけど、私は心の広い人間だからそれでよしとしよう。」 って怒ってるわけでは‥ないですよね。 terribly thank you っていうのも大げさな気がして、 もしかして皮肉?とか思ってるんですけど。
Boston police are seeking misdemeanor assault and battery charges against two New York Yankees players for allegedly attacking a Red Sox grounds crew worker during Game 3 of the American League Championship Series.
I can still hear the cold surprise in his voice as he said,“I cannot pretend to be happy about this.” This hurt me terribly,but I tried to laugh. “Well,Holmes,”I said,“I hope you won't be too lonely when I go home to my wife.”
The United States today is the only truly global power. Its military reach extends to every corner of the world. Its economic achievements fuel international trade and industry. Its political and cultural traditions and values appeal to people around the world. And while no one questions America's paramount position, many raise the issue of how the United States is trying to transform this unique power into sustainable influence. 今日の米国は、唯一真実の世界勢力である。その軍隊の手の届く範囲は、世界の隅々にまで及ぶ。その経済業績は、国際貿易と産業を活気付ける。 その政治的・文化的伝統と価値観は、世界中の人々を魅了する。 そしてアメリカの極めて重要なポジションについて誰も質問しない一方、米国がどうやってこの独特な力の外見を持続する影響力に変えようとしているのか、という論争を無数に引き起こす。
September 11th may have marked the end of the age of geopolitics, defined by containment and balance of power. It also signaled the advent of a new age - the era of global politics, primarily focused on global threats. It has become a demarcation point for U.S. foreign policy, now rooted in the two new phenomena of the times catastrophic terrorism and American uni-polar power. Although America's pre-eminence began with the collapse of the Soviet Union over a decade ago, until Nine- eleven the United States did not see itself as a global policeman. 9月11日は、封じ込めと勢力均衡によって定義された地政学の時代の終わりを記したかもしれない。 それはまた、新しい時代の到来(世界政治の時代、主に世界的な脅威に注目した)が合図された。 今、時勢の2つの新しい現象である破滅的なテロリズムとアメリカの一極支配を根源としたものが、米国の外交政策の境界点となった。 アメリカの卓越は、10年以上前にソヴィエト連邦の崩壊から始まったにもかかわらず、9月11日まで、米国が世界の警察官として自らを見ることはなかった。
He said that America had to become independent because the rights of its people were not protected−those basic human rights that all people were entitled to.
Time to drop Matsui from the starting order. First he f*** up a play off the Green Monster, which leads to the winning run. Add to that his 3-strikeout performance. He has no business in the starting lineup. Please Joe, get rid of his azz! Start Sierra!
From: TequillaSunrise Oct-14 4:06 am To: surjay unread (6 of 35)
i saw this slimshady guy at the bosox forum and he was one of the korean trolls. let's just ignore him since he just learned how to spell puberty.