■■ 2ch 日本語→英語スレッド PART82 ■■

952名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/09/06 17:17

953名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/09/06 17:18

954 ◆G7gJP6maHs :03/09/06 17:18
We don't have many good live concerts in Japan.
The American bands I like come to Japan only once in a long while...
955 ◆G7gJP6maHs :03/09/06 17:19
Then I have to give you something in return!

Hey, it's late in the afternoon already.
956名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/09/06 17:29

957+11 ◆8dtLm60eos :03/09/06 17:32

958名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/09/06 17:33
Home Tools Babel Fish Translation Translation Results Babel Fish Translation
The partner who basically balance with your own spiritual age is sought, it is.
You say, furthermore there is no reality, interchange contact with "NINGEN"
which lives, ' the goods ' ' instrument ' speaking more, only the LOLI-COM virgin
belief of mania ' the slave ' the commercial value judgement for joins. Inside
his et. al. brain, the woman (with overhead CARA and) virgin characteristic, '
as for her the existence where by your become as desired with existence '
anything which does not damage our consciousness where by your are brittle
altogether ' with has become the guarantee that you say. Of course, delusion
the distinctiveness which is really widely different only it is. He et. al. fears
' the woman of the adult ' conversely and it dislikes the tendency which the .
Because this has interpreted, being opposite to his et. al. kind of delusion which
is written on description above ' the existence where existence ' ' by your is
damaged our consciousness where by your are brittle do not become as desired
' with. When damage delusion is added as for him et. al. vis-a-vis the woman
from such a thing it adds hatred simultaneously, it becomes the mania peculiar
man valuable woman principle person who is warped. ' The China ' and so on
with you naming such a your own thing, that to justify mania such as him, to lick
the scar. So you maintain by your by the fact that it does. In addition as for him
et. al. like everyone clone pattern being the same, it has mania trust solidarity
consciousness as though quite it is some sect. Becoming this way mania such
as him escapes to animation and the game essentially being the same, it is the
959名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/09/06 17:33
extension. Being the place where thing above was said to main person of mania,
having been conscious even with non consciousness, the usual way doing painful
quibble and excuse, discernibly that it escapes, but basically this is truth
960 ◆G7gJP6maHs :03/09/06 17:34
Open throttle, all the time!
961名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/09/06 17:35
962956:03/09/06 17:36

963931:03/09/06 17:37

964 ◆G7gJP6maHs :03/09/06 17:38
You should take Eiken, too.
I guarantee you that it'll come in handy in the future.
So, come on. Let's take it together.
965名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/09/06 17:39

966名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/09/06 17:47
Thinking about the world makes my head and shoulder get pain.
Everyone of you! You can get though each day alive.
Don't complain.
You're supposed to live under control.
967名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/09/06 17:49
According to the book "Popular Surnames Best 30,000 in Japan",
surnames of members of "Morning Musume" are ranked as below.

Takahashi: 3rd
Tanaka: 4th
Ishikawa: 27th
Ogawa: 31st
Gotoh: 33rd
Fukuda: 43rd
Fujimoto: 78th
Tsuji: 127th
Iida: 124th
Ishiguro: 381st
Kamei: 383rd
Niigaki: 731st
Yaguchi: 756th
Nakazawa: 813th
Konno: 959th
Yoshizawa: 1014th
Yasuda: 1093rd
Abe: 1354th
Ichii: 5427th
Kago: 15409th

Michishige: Out of ranking
968名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/09/06 17:50

969名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/09/06 18:08
When in the seedling letter best 30000 'tsutte' books of Japan
you inspect in many seedling letter orders

813 rank, Ishiguro 381 rank, IIda 124 rank, Abe 1354 rank, Fukuda 43 rank,
Yasuda 1093 rank, Yaguchi 756 rank, IchiI 5427 rank, Goto 33 rank,
Ishikawa 27 rank, Yoshizawa 1014 rank, Tsuji 127 rank, Kago 15409 rank,
Takahashi 3 rank, Ogawa 31 rank, Konno 959 rank, Aragaki 731 rank,
Fujimoto 78 rank, Kamei 383 rank, Tanaka 4 rank, Michishige 30000 it is not entering best We ask may.

Babel Fish Translation Help In English:
Everyone measuring, you think that which knows the status system,
Japanese loyal retainer agriculture and technology trade. Although
being the group which supports society at that time by year Mitsugi
it did not utilize, in the peasants who have been forced the severe l
fe of not killing, it had bent their dissatisfaction by the fact that class
under is prepared mainly. In addition, vis-a-vis the trade of lower
class and furthermore by the fact that class under is prepared, it
was considered in their psychological burdens which are the substantial
fighter. As for the human it is the creature which feels at rest by the
fact that it is under by his. That time that it is feudal society probably
will be it was the intelligence which is superior you can say. But, the pitiful
people who of the expectation which is freedom and equality are lowest
ayer of caste even in today's society exist. It is said generally, the people
where the fact that " it is defeated and the people of uniting ", it competes
normally is not anything person other than bearing. The European-American
rashes of such people they are the people. We ask perfectly.
970名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/09/06 18:14
971名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/09/06 18:15
all problems of the world are a headach and a pain in the neck.
972JB:03/09/06 18:18
>>1 をご参照下さい。
--- 引用 ----
●● 依頼者の方へ ●●
---- 引用終わり ---
---- 引用終わり ---

It would be very kind of you if you place links such as below, so that we kow what you are referring to. It save a lot of readers' time.

>>940 >>941
973JB:03/09/06 18:27
Let me rewrite -- there were typos ...
It would be very kind of you if place links such as below, so that we know what you are referring to. It saves a lot of readers' time.
>> 940 >>941
974名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/09/06 18:35
975名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/09/06 18:41
somehow we survive, don't ask much, farmdude.
976名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/09/06 18:43
"When I considering things of a world, the head and the shoulder would be painful"
"We all, (appeal) are living in what ever. Stop to Complain. "
" Carry out under management. "

Don't you love to me hit un-understandables, do you.
977名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/09/06 18:44
farm dude = 農園の(若い)働き手 → かっぺ君
978名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/09/06 18:51
>>977 ありがとうございましたー。
979名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/09/06 19:03

980名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/09/06 19:08
        ,,( )   |  /
        |J&B|  |/
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   /          ヽ
  / / ̄ヽ/ ̄ ヽ   l
  /  |  > |<  |    |
  |   |   人   ノ    |
  |  >-─´-`─-<    |   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
  | /^  , -─- 、__ `ヽ   | < へたっぴー!
  | ゝ ̄|  |  |  ̄ノ   |   \_______
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ノ |    \..ノ       | \
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   l             |
981名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/09/06 19:12
He is also saying, "I would love to meet her, too."
>>981 訂正
He is ALWAYS saying
983名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/09/06 19:21
He saying,"I'm also, very expecting to meeting you", every moment.
984名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/09/06 19:26
He saying ???
985名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/09/06 19:29

986名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/09/06 19:30

Why can't you decide? You should just do what you want.
I still have a long way to go with my English,
but I'll study hard.
989名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/09/06 19:33


990名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/09/06 19:33
I prefer about that length than a real short cut.
992名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/09/06 19:35
I like your hair that long rather than short.
993名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/09/06 19:37
How come you can't decide?
Why don't you do what you like?

I'm not very good at English yet, but I'll study hard.

I like what you ware now. Don't cut it short.
994名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/09/06 19:37
prefer A to B

995名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/09/06 19:41
996名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/09/06 19:43
I think this length rather suits you than shorter cut.
I likeをつかうよりもいいかと。
997名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/09/06 19:43

998名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/09/06 19:44
I'd be extremely happy if I could go with her, but I'm afraid that she might get bored.
999名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/09/06 19:49
It would be great if she can come with me/us,
but it makes me worry that what if she gets bored.
1000名無しさん@英語勉強中:03/09/06 19:50