>>8 Do you know what tatami is? "If you think you are coming, count straws on the tatami" that's what a male friend of mine told me when he was drunk. こんなことするの?
>>86 名前:※ 投稿日:03/07/31 05:12 >>993 You also seem to be having hectic days. Working on weekends! Well, take care not to work too much, I should, too. Gosh, I wish I could do without my suit on holidays!
>>92 My little (younger) brother can speak Cantonese but not Mandarin, so he seems little concerned about his planned trip to Beijing in September. Going there by himself may be another reason for his anxiety.
>>92 After my father passed away, I thought: "I wish I could have talked to him more." It was hard to find the right words to say, and I couldn't talk to him much face to face.
>>102 I'm worried if I will ever be able to speak English.
>>103 Minamoto Yoshitune is deeply imbedded in Japanese people's memory because of his extraordinary military successes and tragic death. He destroyed the Taira clan in the Dannoura battle, but the victory eventually turned Yoshitune's wrath on him. He is believed to have taken his own life while running from the assasins hired by Yoshitsune, but there is another widely held view that he escaped to Menggu and lived under the name Kubla Khan.
>>109 Can you ship my order without enclosing an invoice? If the merchandise arrives damaged or does not arrive, will you refund my payment? If I'm not satisfied with the merchandise, can I return it (with full refund)?
Writing by which service will be closed if money is not paid, although [ such mail arrived from the commissioned company ], and kana. Would you explain it, since the Poland language cannot be read?
>>126 I've hit against a tree while I was driving. And I've collided head on against a telegraph poll while I was being in a car my friend drove. I've been run over by a taxi while I was walking. とりあえず前半
>>190 This is to prevent children from getting involved in unlawful activities.In Japan, it is illegal for a minor to go outside after 10 pm.But nothing beats going out at night. うそでしょ、こんな法律あったっけ???
>>190、>>199 訂正 最初の文にちょっと付け足した。 This is to prevent children from getting into trouble or involved in unlawful activities.In Japan, it is illegal for a minor to go outside after 10 pm.But nothing beats going out at night.
>>192 >はっきり言ってメールの上では相手の考えている事ってすごく分かりずらい。 >私は不快に思った事ははっきり言うから結構分かりやすい人間だと思うけどどう? It is hard to understand what you are thinking by e-mail. Because I usually write clearly when I don't feel good about something, you should find me easy to understand. What do you think?
>>198 >いってらっしゃい。 See you later. Have a nice day. >頑張って。 テストがんばってね。 Good luck on your exam. あと2点(で逆転)、がんばって。 Two more points, go for it. (苦しい合宿も)あと3日でおしまい、頑張って。 Three more days and you'll be free, hang in there.
>>214 >(未婚で子供を産む人は少ないです。) >少なくとも私の周りではそういった人はいない。 >文化の違いを感じました。 Not many people opt for having kids out of wedrock. At least not the people I know. That made me realize the cultural distance we have (between us).
>>217 A(人物は)その本に出てくる●家と関係あるのですか? 私がお正月によくお参りに行く寺はAが立ち寄ったことで有名な大きな寺です。 その寺は○に似た建物です。紅葉の時期のそこの景色はとても美しいですよ。 Is A something to do with OO family? The temple that I go to on New years day is a large one famous for A to have stopped by.The temple building resembles O. It is beautiful there in the fall when the leaves change colours.
>>220 >あなたはすごい意欲を持っていて素晴らしいと思います。 >日本語をきっとあなたは完璧に覚えるときがくるでしょう。 >そうだ!小学校の教科書を見てみたいですか?きっとあなたの役に立つと思います。 >失礼でなければ送りましょう。 I think it's great that you have such enthusiasm. /(you are so enthusiastic about Japanese) I have no doubt, one day you will have mastered Japanese completely. Oh,do would you like to see our elementary school textbooks? I think you will find them usuful.I will send them to you if you don't mind.
>>228 大洪水の騒ぎがおさまった直後、 野ウサギが1匹,岩扇(Hedysarum vicioides)と揺れうごく釣鐘草(bluebell)の茂みに来て立ち止まり, 蜘蛛の巣ごしに虹に向かって祈りを捧げた Right after the confusion of flood has subsided, a rabit came hopping by, stopped at a bush of Hedysarum vicioides and bluebell, and prayed twards a rainbow from behind a spider web. 「Hedysarum vicioides 」って学術用語?詩的な文章には似合わないよ。
>>229 >その本に出てくる referred in the book かな その本に出てる名前the name appears in the book. その本にのっていた(名前が)レストラン the restaurant referred in the book. the restaurant mentioned in the book. その本にのっていた(紹介記事)レストラン the retaurant featured in the book. the restaurant talked about in the book.
>>231 >家族がいっぱいいて毎日が毎日おもしろいでしょうね。 >あなたは幸せですね じゃ、やりなおし。 You have a big family, you must have a lot of fun everyday. You are lucky to have such a big family.
>>238 >あそこにあった私の携帯の充電器をどうした? その人がどっかにやったと疑っている時 What did you do /[have you done] to my cell phone charger that was there? 他の人がどうかした可能性があるとき。 Do you know what happened to my cell phone charger that was there.
>>245 >あなたとの文通はもう終わりにしないといけないかもしれません >カノジョが気にしているんです >(カノジョのこういう気持ちは)ヨーロッパの人にはわからないかもしれない I may have to end our correspondence. My girlfriend isn't happy about it. It might be hard for you Europeans to comprehend, but please understand. ヨーロッパ人も分かると思う。それに、そういう事を言うと失礼じゃないかな。 私だったら、 My girlfriend isn't happy about it. I hope you'll understand. で止めとくけど。
>>238 249を見ていて思ったんだけど、>>246の what did you do to my cell phone charger?っていうと、充電器に何かした ように聞こえちゃう(壊れてるとか、汚いシールがベタベタはってあるとか)。 もし、見当たらないということだったら、 What did you do with my cell phone charger? (Toとwithの違い) それから、>>249は何か探し物をしている時によく使うわね。目上の人でも OKよ。
>>251 I'm really sorry that I have to say this because I always enjoyed your letters/e-mails. Thank you very much for all those letters/e-mails, I wish you the best of luck.Good bye. とか言うわね、私だったら。
そろそろ行かなくちゃならないのでこれが最後になっちゃうの。うーん悲しい >>259 >君と飲むのが本当に楽しみだ。早く、そういう日がくればいいな。 >今はまとまった休みが取れないけどまとまった休みが取れれば、君の国に >行くよ、絶対に。 I can't wait to go out for a drink with you. I hope that will happen soon. I can't take a vacation right now, but as soon as I get my time off, I will definately come and visit your country.
>>287 You can't tell the meaning of a Japanese person's name just from how it's pronounced. You have to know the meaning of the Kanji characters in the name. The attached image file shows how my name is written in Kanji, and it means....
>>290 When are you taking a summer vacation? I'd love to visit there someday, since the weather there is so much nicer than in Japan, and you guys get to enjoy such a beautiful ocean.
それを反映させると、こういう言い回しになるのかな。 最後の stand for のあとに「この悲しみに」と入れようと したけどここは濁しても問題ないだろうし、意図は伝わる はず。
I don't know what to say that your mother passed away... I'm sure that you are very sorry, and I believe that she would be delight to know that you really stand for.
>>355 >休みはどのくらいあるの?きいたところによるとあなたの国では >1ヶ月ぐらい休みの人もいるんでしょ?すごいうらやましいです。 >日本では考えられないよ。 How many vacation days do you have? I heard that some of you have a 1 month vacation? I really wish we had those. It's impossible in Japan.なんか気に入らないので参考までに。
>>353 >あなたの国についての番組をみました。 >とってもいい国ですね。 >いつかいってみたいです。そのとき会えると言いな。 I saw a program about your country on TV. It sounds really nice place. I would like to visit there some day. I hope I can see you at that time.
>>352 いつも返事が遅くなってごめんね。 あなたの優しい言葉に感謝します。 あなたのことは一日も忘れたことはないです。 どんなに遅くなっても必ず返事するからね。 冬こそは長い休みが取れるように仕事をがんばります。 I'm sorry that I always reply your e-mail late. Thank you for your kind words. Not a single day passes without my thinking about you. I will write you no matter how late it becomes. I will work hard so that I can take a long vacation in the Winter.
>>360 雷だけは苦手だよ。 なんでそれが好きなの?あの音と光は嫌だーーーーーーーーー! 今回、停電になって余計苦手になった。 I cannot stand thunder and lightening. Why do you like that? I hate the sound and the light of it. This blackout/ [power failure ] reinforced my feeling even more.
>>361 着物は結婚式や成人式の時などに時々着るけど、ゆかたは最近着てないな。 昔は祭りには必ず着てたんだけどね。着物もゆかたも着付けが難しくて私は一人ではきれない。 でもゆかたは好きなので機会があればまた着たいな。来年こそは。 I wear kimono for weddings and the coming-of-age ceremony,but I haven't worn yukata for a while. I used to always wear it for the festivals. Kimono and yukata are both too cumbersome for me to put on myself (I need somebody to help me). Still, I like yukata, and I would like to wear it if I have a chance, hopefully this year.
>>382 今は夏時間なので一時間早めなくてはいけないし、10月の末からは 逆に一時間戻さなくてはいけないんです。家中の時計のほかに、ビデ オとか電話とかの内臓時計もぜーんぶ調整しなきゃいけないんですよ。 Now, with daylight saving time effective, all the clocks are running one hour ahead. But we have to move them back at the end of October. Besides all the clocks around the house, we have to readjust every clock including internal clocks on the VCR and the telephone.
>>386 貴社の日焼け止めクリームを使わしてもらってますが、湿疹がぽつぽつ でるようになってしまいました。違うかもしれませんが、他に原因が 思い当たりませんので、一応問い合わせしてみました。同じようなケース はないでしょうか。 After I started using your sunscreen lotion, I started having rushs on my skin.Though, there is no proof that your product is the cause, but I cannot think of any other reasons.I am writing this to see if you have any information regarding this condition. Has there been any cases like this?
>>387 >日本の洗濯機はグルグルとまわりますが、イギリスの洗濯機は行ったり来たり >します。しかもお湯です。 これは難しいわね。イギリスのってピストン運動みたいなの?それなら、 The washer in Japan rotates in one direction for a period of time. The ones in England goes back and force. And use hot water too.
>>392 うちの電話では今ファックスが受けられません。紙を入れていないので 「ファックスの方は後ほどおかけ直しください」という音声が流れます。 でも、別のファックスの機械がちゃんと受信するんで、かまわず送って 下さい。 My fax machine does not work right now. I don't have paper on it and it will say "ファックスの方は後ほどおかけ直しください" "For fax, please call back later". But there are other machines hooked up on the same line that kicks on and receive the transmission. So please disregard the message and send it anyway.
>>396 ドライヤー用のなにかアダプターを貸してもらえますか。 Could you provide us with an adapter for my hair dryer? Can I/we borrow an adapter for my hair dryer? でも、これだけで分かるの?どんなタイプとか言わなくてもいいのかな。
>>397 あなたはさまざまなことに挑戦しようとしているようにみえます。 あなたは素晴らしいと思います。 あなたなら日本語もきっとすぐに話せるようになるでしょう。 Sounds like you are trying a lot of different things.I admire you. I'm sure you will be able to speak Japanese soon.
>>400 日本にはラジオ体操というのがあって、夏休みになると小学生は近所の ひろばに朝早く集まって体操します。あなたのところにはそういう習慣は ありますか。あと、なにかあなたのところの独特な夏休みの習慣はありますか。 In Japan, there is an exersize rutine called "rajio (radio) taiso(exersize). You move your body to special tune coming out of the radio. During the summer recess, elementary school kids go to a field near their houses early mornings and do it. Do you have anything like this over there? Is there anything unique that you do in your area during the summer recess?
>>402 おまえの帰るところは一つじゃない。 You have more than one place to go back to. >>403 英作文のためのコースはありますか。それを受けるのに要求される レベルはどんなですか。 Do you have courses for composition? What is the level (prerequisite) that is required for those courses?
>>409 あなたも仕事が忙しそうだね。 あなたは夏休みは何日くらいある? ひょっとして、もう夏休み中ですか? Sounds like you are busy working too. How many vacation days do you have? You don't telll you are already on vacation, do you?
私はこれから夏休みです。 昼間は家の近くの海で泳いで過ごそうと思っています。 My vacation is just starting. I'm thinking about spending my day swiming in the ocean close to my house.
>>350 >この後、私たちはクソガキを追いかけて全力疾走した。 >彼らは未成年のくせに煙草をくわえていたので After that, we chased the kids full speed. Becaue,they were underage and puffing on cigarettes. ゴメンね、クソガキって感じの言葉が思いつかないの。だからこれで許して。
>>414 あなたってとても良い人ね。てっきり返事もらえないと思ってた。 妹と同じ年で若いのに、しっかりしてそうね。 私もちょっとあなたを見習わないとね。 You are a nice person.I thought I wouldn't get a response back. As young as my younger syster is, you seem to be dependable. I should learn that from you.
you are angelically good. I almost gave up for your reply. my sister is about your age but she is no match, you are good as gold. you have become my role model.
>>415 ワインの栓にはコルクが伝統的に使用されてきたが、腐敗やその他の問題が多いため、 最近では、コルクをやめてスクリュー形式にするところも増えてきた。これは カリフォルニアやチリといったいわゆる新世界ワインに限られず、フランス ワインでもそういうものが販売されるようになってきている。 Although, traditionally cork was used cap wine bottles, because of many problems such as rotting, screw types are increasingly used in lieu of cork.This trend is not limited to those wines from California or Chile but some of the French wines are sold with these caps.
>>418 もうすっかり元気になりました。 食欲も旺盛です。心配してくれてありがとう。 I'm completely well now. I have a lot of appetite.Thank you for caring about me. >>422 エアコンの設定を「ドライ」にしても結構寒くなったりするので、うちの婆さんはそれもいやがるんです。 Even if you set it to "dry", it gets too cold. My grandma hate that too. >>424 ここ何年ぶりかでスーツを作りました。気分一新でがんばります。 I just got a new suit, first time in years. I will start my day anew. >>425 台湾のウーロン茶は香りが特徴です。その点、大陸のとはすこし違います。 値段はものによりますが、高いものだと100g3000円以上します。 Oolong tee from Taiwan has a distinctive flavor. In that sense, it is different from the one from the continent. Though it depends on the kind, more expensive ones run as much as 3000yen/100g.
>>430 すこし奮発していいレストラン行ってみましょうか。それともお寿司やさん にします? Let's feel rich and go to a nice restaurant. Or would you like a sushi place? >>345 シャーペンの芯がなくなっちゃった。もってる? I ran out of lead for my mechanical pencil. Do you have some? >>433 特に海苔は湿気るので注意して下さい。せっかく送って無駄になったんじゃ残念 ですから。 Be careful with nori (seaweed) as it gets moisture. It will be a shame if you go through all the trouble sending it to waste it. >>434 花火は日本の夏の風物詩です。次のどっかの花火を一緒に見に行きませんか? クラスの人たちもきっと来ると思います。 Fireworks displays are summer staples in Japan. Would you like to go see one somewhere? I'm sure some peple from the class will be there too.
>>436 登録すればだいじょうぶよ It's OK if you register. >>437 終わったのか It's over huh. >>440 あなたの国の緯度を考えると涼しい夏だと思ってたけど、 日本と同じく暑そうですね。どこの国も夜寝苦しいのは同じですね。 Considering the latitude of you country, I though you have cool summers. But sounds like it's as hot as it is in Japan. Having hard time sleeping due to heat seems to be common to every contry.
>>446 その事について中学の地理で勉強した程度しか知りません。 My knowledge on that subject is no more than what you learn in high school geography. >>448 それをカウントするとどうなるの? と私は彼に尋ねたけれど彼は教えてくれませんでした。 I asked him what happens if you count that, but he didn't tell me. これ、日本語の意味がいまひとつわからないんだけど。何をカウントするの? 訳、あってるかどうか分からないよ。
>>451 Listen to this! Tthe attendant in the club house we always go said he knew your band. This made me happy.
>>452 Venice the town in the water was quite a nice place, the canal running around the town and all. We took a ride on the gondola at sundown, the water reflected the evening sun. It was beautiful. I wished I could live in a place like that.
>>453 My English is not well enough and I am having trouble communicating with it. But I really enjoy talking to you with messenger.
>>451 聞いて!いつも私達が行くclubの店員さんが、あなたのバンドを知っているって 言っていたわ!私は嬉しくなったよ。 Hey, you know what? the guy at the club we always go to said he'd heard of your band. I got so excited. >>452 水の都ベニスでは運河が町の中を流れててとっても素敵な町だった。 夕暮れにゴンドラに乗ったので夕日が水に反射してキレイだった。 こんなとこに住んでみたいと思った。 Venice, with creeks run through the town, was a wonderful city. Since we took a gondola at dawn, the reflection of the setting sun on the surface of the water was beautiful. For a moment I wished I had lived there.
>>453 私の英語は十分ではないし、早く英語で会話するのは難しいけど、 あなたとmessengerで話せるのはとっても楽しい! Though my English is not good enough and have hard time talking (typing) fast,I enjoy talking with you using Messenger. >>457 全部あってます。その調子で頑張ってください。(数学の指導をしながら) They are all correct. Good, keep it up.
全部終わったと思ったら、また入ってる。きりがないわね。 >>469 私は音楽がとても好きなので、どのジャンルの音楽でも聴きますよ。 I listen to any kind of music, because I love music. >>471 私達の写真を送ろうと思ったけど、酔っ払ってひどい顔をしているから 私の部屋から見える風景を送ります。(笑) I was going to send you our photos, but we were all drunk and looked terrible. So I send you the view from my room. うん、分かるよその気持ち。
>>488 レクターなみにプロファイリングすると 女:今まで何人の女の子と付き合ったの? 男:感情だけでの恋愛もあったからなあ 女:それをカウントするとどうなるの? と私は彼に尋ねたけれど彼は教えてくれませんでした。 とすると how many would your ex-girlfriends add up to? said I. but he wouldn't answer.
>>550 え?え?work(ing) outで機能しているという意味なんですか? でもWork out は筋トレの意味と紛らわしそうなので、 普通に会話で使う時は How's your office in the basement? や How's the office in the basement you working at? の方が良さそうですね。
>>548 This is the Ryukyu Glass, a traditional handcraft in Okinawa, where used to be called Ryukyu. You can buy one in 00 restaurant during this summer. If you have interest, why don’t you go there?
>>630 I was struck by the effectiveness of computer graphics when I saw this movie. The use of computer graphics is common in film-making today, but it wasn't in those days.
皆さんありがとうございます。 ちなみにここで聞く前に 私が英辞郎on the web 使いながら作ったのが以下の文章でした。 I'm really moved when I saw this movie. Now, using CG is common in movies. But that wasn't it at that day.
>>644 you have relatively short summer vacation in your country. In Japan, college students are on vacation until September. I hope you will enjoy yours to the fullest!
>>645 It was just three years ago. Everything has begun at a small company at Sapporo. His name was Taro Yamada. (入社して…) Her name was Hanako Yamada.(おい、同じ苗字だぞ) (前職の…) Nobody knew that those two would marry after three years later. It was on Sep. 1st.
ちょうど3年前 3年前の今日 today three years ago 3年前 three years ago
札幌の小さな会社ですべては始まった。男の名前は山田太郎 入社して半年にも満たない青年だった all things great are wound up with all things little. at first glance it might not seen that attending a inaugural meeting of small concern in Sapporo could have much or anything to do with the fortunes of little Yamada Taro, this lad had just come aboard about six month before.
女の名前は山田花子 前職の経験を生かしてがんばりたいと抱負を語っていた。 the girl's name was Yamada Hanako. she was the new comer. she said she should devote herself using all the knowledge she learned in her last position. この時、3年後に結婚することになるとは二人は思わなかった。 both of them couldn't possibly imagine they were to be joined together 3years later.
出会ってちょうど3年が経った。 that means three years has past since then.
その3年間のいろんな思い出が二人の頭をかけめぐった。 memories flooded the two hearts. 笑いあったことも the laff they shared 怒ったことも the anger that boils over 喧嘩して泣いたこともあった。 the sob after spat しかし、二人にとってはどうでもよかった。 , which faded into oblivion. 「結婚すること」それだけを見つめていた。 the desire to get married each other had(hasかな?) been so strong.
>>667 Last year, I bought a 00ユs CD and I really like it. I have a question. I heard that her debut number is a cover of something in Taiwan. Is the 6th title in the 2nd album also a cover? If so, I would like to know the original singer and the composer. Best Regards,
>>586 There were cute fire works with the image of a parfait in the last year's festival. This year's theme being 00, I had its impression brave. The set piece of firework on the Niagara falls across the river in front of me was really impressive.
>>672訂正頼む 白状しましょう原文から結構離れてしまいました。直訳つけたので使えそうか検討してください。 (札幌の小さな会社ですべては始まった。) 重大な事というのは小さな事に起因するものだ all things great are wound up with all things little. 一見、札幌の小さな会社の就任式に出席することが at first glance it might not seen that attending an inaugural meeting of small concern in Sapporo (男の名前は山田太郎) 不肖山田太郎の運命にほんの少しでも関係するとは思われなかったかもしれない could have much or anything to do with the fortunes of little Yamada Taro, (入社して半年にも満たない青年だった) この若者はその6ヶ月ほど前に入社したばかりだった。 this lad had just come aboard about six month before. (女の名前は山田花子) その女の子の名前は山田花子。彼女がその新人だ the girl's name was Yamada Hanako. she was the new comer. (前職の経験を生かしてがんばりたいと抱負を語っていた。) 彼女は前職で身に付けた知識を総動員して専心すると言った she said she should devote herself using all the knowledge she learned in her last position. (この時、3年後に結婚することになるとは二人は思わなかった。) どちらもこの二人が3年後結婚することになっていたとは万が一にも推測できなかった。 both of them couldn't possibly imagine they were to be joined together 3years later.
>>645 Three years ago... In a small company in Sapporo. It all began. His name is Taro Yamada. He was a newly recruited young man only six months ago. Her name is Hanako Yamada. Speaking her hopes to do her very best putting her experience from her previous job. Who would have thought at this time They would fall in love and marry in three years. This was the first of September, 2000.
It has been three years since they first met. All the memories they shared ran through their minds. Laughing Anger having a fight and crying. But it does not matter now. Marriage... is all they can see ahead of them now. And in the beautiful morning of the second of September, 2003. They became a husband and wife.
>>667願添削 君が持ってるそのCD(ファーストとセカンド)を相手も持ってると仮定して訳します 一年前に偶然〇〇のCDを買ったのですが、とても気に入ってます。 I happened to get Utada's CD a year ago, which is one of my favorit.(ウタダかどうかはしらないよ) ところで質問ですが、彼女のデビュー曲(デビューシングル?)が台湾かどこか(で流行った曲?)のカバー曲と聞いたのですが I heard that her debut single is a cover of a song which was in vogue in Taiwan or near there. セカンドアルバムの6曲目もカバー曲ですか? I also heard that <ここに曲名を入れてね> (the 6th song in Utada's second album) is too. do you know if that's true? もしそうならオリジナルのシンガーと作曲者を if you know the same song as <ここにも曲名を入れてね> sang by taiwanese, woud you tell me about the songwriter and the singer.
>>712 It appears that the rainy season has ended as of yesterday in Japan, and summer is in full swing. It is so hot and humid.
I've brought home so many fond memories of this homestay experience. You have been just wonderful and so kind to me, despite my limited English and my not being much of a help. I cannot tell you how grateful I am.
I'm going to miss each one of you and my friends at school terribly. I really hope to see you again someday.
our research group is very much interested in your Journal(????) thesisか? We would be glad if you could send me a copy of it. please consider this matter.
in our laboratory we are working on a research of the same theme, and we are getting very interesting results.
I think that I want to study under the Professor. I want to continue for my post doctoraate research under the Professor. Please let me know a giving an advice for getting a fellowship.
>>736 You are coming to Japan very soon! Isn't it fun? I'm surprised to hear that you have a lot of plans here. I have never been to Kyoto, or climbed Mt. Fuji! If you go to Shibuya, you will be surprised at the crowds of people. I hope you enjoy Japan!
I hope I'll study at your office. Is it acceptable for you? Please let me know if you may help me to get a scholarship to study there after I obtain a doctorate. >>734 もう一つは無理>>749
>>751 I'm sure to recognize you because I've seen your photos on Web. I'm definitly going to go your show. I'll say something to you at the time. >>751
Are there any Japanese cartoons that you read regularly? What is your favorite cartoon? I do not particularly like cartoons generally, but I am now reading ..... It is fun and at the same time I can learn cooking out of it so, it is really good for me !!
>>847 i have a question for you. i am registered as a foreign student in college now. i have a student visa, and im looking to get a citizenship this year. if i could get a citizenship, i would be a domestic student, not a foreign one. what procedures are necessary in that case?
I was swimming, reading and taking a nap while I was on the beach untill midnight. >>861 注意するより直してあげた方が主題者にとって親切だと思う。 時間の経過が配慮されていないけど、少しはマシだと思います。 >>864
>>868 My grandmother lives in rather the countryside, there still remain many traditional Japanese lifestyle and customs strongly. But here, everything including clothing, food and housing is getting more and more westernized. Many young people in my generation are particularly not interested in our own culture.
Jananese old customs and culture still remain in the town where my grandmother lives because it's in country side. On the contrary, all of our lives, for instance food, clothing and shelter, have been changing under the influence of Western culture. Most young people, like me, aren't interested in our own culture in Japan. >>868
Do you have many things to do today? Not really. Actually I have a lot of things to do. But I don't have to finish all of them within today. >>888 890は冗談です。
This is a In Buddhist event occurring from the 13th to 16th of July or August to hold a memorial service to the spirits of ancestors. Because the spirits of the dead are said to return at this time, fires are lit at the entrances to homes so the spirits do not lose their way, and, in addition to lanterns being lit inside homes, the Buddhist home alters are tidied up and vegetables and fruit are set out as offerings. And when bon is over, the spirits are sent on their way. This is called the escorting of the spirits and fires to speed their seeing off are lit at entrances of homes and offerings are floated on rivers and the ocean.
>>939 Please send me that stuff as it is. You don't have to worry about it, becasue it is classifed according to where it goes. Please let me know if you finished sending it. Sorry to have troubled you.
>>940 Now that the rainy season is over, we are in the middle of summer.The sunflowers, which stands for summer, are in full bloom in my neighborhood. The sunflower is one of my favorite flowers.
I could book the ticket for the flight in which I had been wait-listed, but my return flight has not been confirmed yet. Though I want to take the flight on 11th, as long as no cancelation come up, I'll have to take it on 10th.
>>943 ごめん、ちょっと意味が分かりません。 >>945 Fancy meeting! >>947 Again, I asked my father to let me go to Vietnam. He gave in to me. Finally he gave me permission. I'm so happy.
Some parts of my adress left out will be distinguished by post- code, so plsease don't worry. If you have sent it yet, could you please let me know? Thank you very much indeed for your help.
>>963 Tolerance to agitation in this board is, you know, on a level much lower than other boards. In English conversations there are a few guys who give me a strong blow, but they are totally useless if it comes to argument in Japanese. Before playing with English, they need a thorough review of Japanese from scratch.
>>973 Please check your answer. you have few minutes left.
>>974 when i heard his voice first time, i impressed he was shy because speark like little squirrel. but it was cute! since i had an masculine image to him, i was surprised his voice.
>>970 When I woke up the other day, the old guy living upstairs was sleeping next to me. Seems like he overdrunk himself and took a wrong floor and room. I've decided to make a point to lock the door before going to bed. Watch out for yourself too.
>>977 ・強い人達がたくさんいました。 There were many good players. ・私の学校の人はみんな負けてしまいました。 All players from my school eventually lost their matches.(勝ち抜き戦で最後までは誰も勝ち残れなかった場合) None of the players from my school won. (大会のフォーマットに関わらず、皆負けてしまった場合) ・2学期の作品展に出すためにペーパーフラワードールを作りました。 I made a flower doll out of paper for the second term's student art exhibition.