GPA is short for Grade Point Average and determines the overall academic standing of a student. As the name implies,the Grade Point Average is an average of the student's total course scores. Most GPA systems are on a 4-point scale:a score of 4 represents an A, 3 a B, 2 a C, and 1 a D. The course grades of A,B,C,D and F are transferred to numbers and averaged to arrive at the GPA. Academic score cards mailed out at the end of every semester show not only the letter score of A, B and so on for each course, but they will also show a student's GPA for the semester---the GPA within their major and their overall GPA for their entire academic career.
Course Name Grade point Credits BA101 Introduction to Business A (4.00) 4 Cr PSY427 Emotion and Motivation B (3.00) 4 Cr CIT 281 Internet Architecture A (4.00) 4 Cr PE170 Indoor Soccer P (0.00) 1 Cr GPA 3.67 Total 13 Cr
Finally, taking the bus is cheap, and passengers can see the wonderful sites that America has to offer without worrying about navigating their own trip. の訳し方教えてください。お願いします。
>>23 Hahaha! Who said Cr stands for grade? Number of credits is a major poart of the GPA calculation. Why did you have to bring in this Pass/fail stuff to confuse the poor girl even more?
Some terminals, however, are quite bleak and may even be dangerous as they are heated, and can therefore attract vagrants who want to come in from the cold. を訳してください。 お願いします。
>>12の英文を途中まで訳しました。 GPAはGrade Point Averageの短縮形で、学生の全面的な大学の身分を決定する。 名前が意味するように、GPAは学生の学科成績の合計の平均です。 ほとんどのGPAシステムは4点の階級で次の通りです。 4の成績はAを表し、3はB、2はCそして1はD。 A、B、C、DおよびFの学科評点は数字に置き換えられGPAに到達するため平均にした。
ここまで訳したのですが次の英文の Academic score cards mailed out at the end of every semester show not only the letter score of A, B and so on for each course, but they will also show a student's GPA for the semester の部分がどうも訳しにくいのでご教授お願いできませんでしょうか? あと訳文がおかしかったらご指摘してくれれば幸いです。
Now this link belongs to korean pottery. But, It is appropriate that this belongs to the Japanese culture. Because, Takahashi Dohachi is a Japanese. And Mt. Fuji in Japan is drawn in this pottery.
I know the correction of the link to be troublesome. But, I only wish an appropriate link.
dorm life is a good transition between a very restrictive home life and the complete freedom that comes with living in an apartment. がうまく訳せません。誰か訳してくだい。お願いします。
おねがいします Confront your friend with the fact that her lateness is driving you up a wall. Maybe she needs some goading to organize her time a little better. There are books on the subject, you know. Perhaps your friend has a birthday coming up.
>>63 ありがd! Most universities use 2.0 as their cut-off, and intensely academic universities may use a B average or a 3.0 as their cut-off. In keeping with the academic nature of most graduate programs, 3.0 is the normal cut-off for probationary action against a graduate student. これは訳せますでしょうか?
度々すいません。 regardless of what kind of dorm atmosphere is present, dorm life can be rewarding and educational providing valuable lessons for the student to reflect upon for the rest of his or her life. も訳せません。誰か訳してください。お願いします。
>>82 82さん,ありがとうございます. driving you up a wall はこのパラグラフの鬼門で,私の辞書に載っていないという ありさまでしたので助かりました. 67さんに訳していただいたのと合わせて レポートにさせていただきます.本当に皆さんありがとうございました. 私も訳せるものは回答者としてお手伝いさせていただきます.
... Nor should you plan to meet Jack at the city's gamiest pick-up bar - someone (not Jack, certainly), when you least feek like it, may want to connect with you.
Students will be put on probation and warned that they must bring their grades to an acceptable level during a certain time period. どう訳せばよいかわかりません。よろしくお願い致します。
Pale Shade of Blue Two writers try to explain what made Miles Davis' classic so special.
They make a near perfect mutch, from their virtually simultanious publication this fall to their tripping-over-each-other titles. In one corner, The Making of Kind of Blue: Miles Davis and His Masterpiece by Elic Nisenson; across the ring, Kind of Blue: The Making of the Miles Davis Masterpiece by Ashley Kahn. The winnner? Well it's playing in the back ground right now, the smoky, seductive and timeless music Davis and his legendary sidemen.
>>106 南北戦争の英雄でKKKの創始者でもあるNathan Bedford Forrestの言葉で、 戦の勝因を聞かれたNathanが"Well, I got there first with the most men."と答えたことによる。 ただ、Nathanは読み書きができないなど教育的には学がない人だったため 彼は"Git thar fustest with the mostest men."と言ったと 誇張された伝承となって現代に幅広く伝わってきている。
この場合の"get there firstest with the mostest"は その誇張された方の間違いを少なくしてより現代的な1フレーズにしたもの。
Anyway when you will be here I am supposed to be here two as I have to go to Hong Kong but in September so if you manage to have two hours let me know! I got to know now but I am really looking forward to see you in Milan or Tokyo.
At the end of the experiment the researchers concluded that Kanzi’s grammatical comprehension was equal to that of typical 2 1/2-year-old,a much higher level than critics had thought possible.
Karate for diffence only. If karate use for diffend onner, diffend life ,karate means something. If karate use for diffend plastic metal torophy,karate no means nothing.
・Ms.Yoshida had taught English several times at the school before she went to Canada. ・My brother told me that he had studied Chinese for an hour. この2文の訳 よろしくお願いします。
However, if the bill to revise the Antiterrorism Law is passed after Oct. 10, the lower house dissolution would have to take place after the beginning of by-election campaigns on Oct. 14 for an Oct. 26 unified by-election, the sources said.
An impotant servise that a good novel renders is that of suggesting that there are plenty of people about who have very much more to put up with than you have or ever will have, and who put up with it, if not cheerfully at any rate in no mood of self-pity. 長くて本当に申し訳ありません。 でもさっぱり分からないので教えていただきたいです…。 よろしくお願いします。
I can go to another country like an au-pair (baby sister). I want to go to Norwey!! Because to Japan they don't have offer =( And after this brake I can go study =)
You only think Japanese women are hot because you've been down to the local porn store and bought a vid of some innocent schoolgirl getting pumped hard by 3 middle-aged men. I've done the same....hehe. But the reality is there are some real pigs in Japan as there are in the U.S or Hong Kong where I am.
From living in equatorial desert and rainforest to arctic and polar regions, from sea-level or below to thousands of feet above sea-level. Just the very fact that the human body can so effectively fine-tune its biological processes so that it can function properly in a wide variety of conditions is amazing.
We noted that the sharing of linguistic traits by codes in close proximity is probably a function of the social contexts in which individuals "control" portions or all of more than one of the juxtaposed codes.
GORDONVALE (Pyramid Estate) To: Edmonton (15), Centenary Park (20), Earlville (30) Westcourt (40) City (50) - Routes 1, 1A Monday to Friday 6.50am (Via Highway to White Rock then as route 1C to City), 7.35am, then hourly until 4.35pm, 5.50pm then hourly until 10.50pm Saturday & Sunday 7.50am then hourly until 10.50pm
>>207 >We noted that the sharing of linguistic traits by codes in close proximity >is probably a function of the social contexts in which individuals "control" >portions or all of more than one of the juxtaposed codes. 言語学的な特徴を近い所に位置する記号によって共有するという事は、 個人個人が隣り合った記号の一部分或いは全体を制御するような社会的な 脈絡の一つの機能だという事を記しておこう。
See the stone set in your eyes See the thorn twist in your side. I wait for you. Sleigh of hand and twist of fate On a bed of nails she makes me wait And I wait... without you
With or without you With or without you
Through the storm,we reach the shore You gave it all but I want more And I'm waiting for you...
With or without you With or without you I can't live with or without you.
And you give yourself away And you give yourself away And you give,and you give And you give yourself away.
We noted that the sharing of linguistic traits by codes in close proximity is probably a function of the social contexts in which individuals "control" portions or all of more than one of the juxtaposed codes.
217 :Mika ◆6l0h3RGfTY :03/08/01 06:07 >>232 >We noted that the sharing of linguistic traits by codes in close proximity >is probably a function of the social contexts in which individuals "control" >portions or all of more than one of the juxtaposed codes. 言語学的な特徴を近い所に位置する記号によって共有するという事は、 個人個人が隣り合った記号の一部分或いは全体を制御するような社会的な
>>264 Re: I WIPE MY ASS WITH THE AMERICAN FLAG 俺はアメリカ国旗でケツを拭く After you do that, can I bury you in your sh!t and your entire fu@king family お前がそれをした後お前とお前の逝かれてる家族をてめーの糞のなかに埋めてもいい?
It is not all that easy to make a baby. There is a certain irony involved when guys who spend the first years of their sex lives preoccupied with not getting girls pregnant then reverse their thinking and become obsessed with conception and not its contra.
It is not all that easy to make a baby. I mean, there is a certain irony involeved when guys who spend the first year of their sex lives preoccupied with not getting girls pregnant(and when I first started, condoms were still in) then reverse their thinking and become obsessed with conception and not its contra.
This was shown after the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake of January 17,1995 as hundreds of volunteers gave their time and energy to the needy earthquake victims. According to the Hyogo prefectural government,1.17 million volunteers rushed to Kobe and Osaka between January and March. In the first month,620,000 people participated in emergency relief work,and 550,000 helped in the next two months. A number of volunteers were asked if they had ever done volunteer work before. Seventy percent said that they had not. There were immediate needs as well as longer-term ones. The work of the volunteers ranged from providing medical care and searching for buried belongings to playing with children and publishing newspapers. Remarkably,the spirit of volunteerism continued even after the rebuilding of Kobe gradually got under way. すみません;長くなりましたが宜しくお願い致しますm(..)m
The survey also found the majority of lawmakers think political parties should follow the British style of making election promises with specific numerical objectives and due dates for these objectives to be reached for the next House of Representatives election campaigns.
The head of Japan Highway Public Corporation, in turmoil over the alleged hiding of a financial report showing its negative net worth, unveiled on Friday an in-house report saying that four employees had admitted compiling a financial document that matched the one presented before the Diet interpellations earlier.
Between mid-April and late May,43,000 volunteers were present. Volunteers have continued to help those people whose lives were torn apart by the earthquake. Some people have claimed that Japan did not have a history of volunteerism. Farmers would help one another when there was a need,but this was based more or less on social duty. The world "volunteerism" implies some sort of self-initiative,a willingness by the person to give of himself or herself without expecting anything in return. The world's Latin origin voluntas carries with it the concept of free-will or of one's own accord. You volunteer because you wish to do so. Around the world volunteerism has had a long history. お願いします。。
The three spaces with the Palms are Oasis where the faster camels take a rest. Players who wish to move a camel forwards from an oasis, or who wish to cross it with a cameljump must first ensure that:
1. If a camel is on the preceding oasis, or has not yet reached it, then the first camel must remain where he is, or break off his jump on the oasis.
2. The camel may only move on when the previous oasis has been passed by all camels.
So far, so good. But there is increasing concern in the biomedical community that some researchers are prepared to share thier materials only when doing so does not threaten their competitive advantage.
In one I considered why those who chose under coercive pressures should not be considered to be acting freely(in spite of the fact that they would prefer to choose as they do, given their circumstance). 第一の論文において、私は、なぜ、強制的な圧力の下で選択する人々は、 自由に行為するものと見做されるべきでないのかを熟考した(それらの 状況を仮定すると、彼らが行なうように選択することを彼らがより好む だろうという事実にもかかわらず)。
I considered the kinds of interferences with people justified by reference to their own good and when, if ever, such interferences might be justified. 後半がよく分かりません。どなたかおながいいたします
when, if ever, such interferences might be justified. は when such interferences might be justified. であって、[if ever]が reference to their own good に見えるように著者の不快感を表してる で、正当化出来るわけ無いだろう的勢いが入ってくる。 そうは厳密には言わないで軽い嫌味で抑えてる。
its negative net worth, unveiled on Friday の部分と before the Diet interpellations earlierの中の before earlier 〔前の前?〕 interpellations の単語の意味
The head of Japan Highway Public Corporation, in turmoil over the alleged hiding of a financial report showing its negative net worth, unveiled on Friday an in-house report saying that four employees had admitted compiling a financial document that matched the one presented before the Diet interpellations earlier.
At a House of Councillors plenary session convened after midnight, the ruling coalition, comprising the Liberal Democratic Party, New Komeito and Hoshushinto (New Conservative Party), voted in favor of the bill, with 136 upper house members supporting it and 102 opposed.
基本部分のみを抜き出すと、The head unveiled a report.となります。 また、financial report (which is) showing its negative net worthという 関係になっています。negativeには「負の」という意味があり(negative capital =負債)、netは「正味の」または「最終的な」という意味だと思われます(net weight=正味重量)。worthはこの文脈では名詞で「価値・真価」となるはずです。 earlierはinterpellationsにかかると思ったのですが、presented earlier と 続くのかもしれません...。そうすると訳は、「国会による説明要求の前に既に提出 されていた財務文書」になると思われます。interpellation とは、国会が大臣や 官僚等を呼びつけて質問攻めにすること(国政調査権の行使の一種)です。
Even if the current rate of habitat destruction were to continue in forests and coral reefs alone, half the species of plants would be gone by the end of the 21st century. お願いします。
>>428 is the entity used to represent a non-breaking space. It is essentially a standard space, the primary difference being that a browser should not break (or wrap) a line of text at the point that this occupies.
質問すんません。Rotokasという少数言語のことで It names many tropical birds such as the "Kopipi" by the sound of their song. というところの和訳がわかりません。がちがちな直訳すらできません。 どなたかお願いします。「It」はRotokasを指してるものと思われます
im 27/f/USA. was lookkin at your profile. thought you might like to chat. so what have you been up to 俺のID? cool. i was just hangin out watching tv. i was getting kinda horny (*boushes) feel like a little cyber fun with me ? please please.... i think ill just take that as a yes... being as that im starting to get real horny here.. lol ok?? alright how bout i get down on my knees inn front of you and help you out of your pants 最後の1行はわかるんですプロフにHP 貼ってあったんで広告ってことなんですか?何で俺のID知ってんだろ・・
It should be a lot of fun to be involved in this project and the final product could both be quite rewarding and could get us some good exposure if we do it well enough.
I got the work through a temp agency and it mainly consists of warehousing tires. I usually go in and help unload a huge truck trailer that's filled floor-to-ceiling and front-to-back with tires. We take them off the truck, sort them according to model number, and then put them away in the warehouse.
Usually tomato plans die after a season of producing perhaps at most 30 tomatoes but this plant, which grew as big as tree, was able to grow for years without dying and produced over 3000 tomatoes.
every face is a present witness to the fact that its owner has a past behind him which might have been otherwise,and a future ahead of him in which some possibilities are more probable than others 御願いします〜〜
>>455 I had embarked, without being aware of it, on a voyage cycling that territory which I later came to think of as "autonomy". それとはなしに、その地域をサイクリングで旅をはじめてみた。後になって、 このことを自立と考えるようになった。
At a House of Councillors plenary session convened after midnight, the ruling coalition, comprising the Liberal Democratic Party, New Komeito and Hoshushinto (New Conservative Party), voted in favor of the bill, with 136 upper house members supporting it and 102 opposed.
お願いします。 Sony claims that the Cnnectix product does not accurately emulate the "Play Station gaming experience" and that it circumvents the console's anti-piracy protection designed to inhibit counterfeit software. consoleの説明は書いてありました→game console =a small machine for playing computerized videogames
At a House of Councillors plenary session convened after midnight, the ruling coalition, comprising the Liberal Democratic Party, New Komeito and Hoshushinto (New Conservative Party), voted in favor of the bill, with 136 upper house members supporting it and 102 opposed.
The prevailing stereotype of involuntarily childless women is that they will agree to any procedure if it holds out a slim chance of making them mothers .
But as a fairy tale for the young,I`ll take any one of about five hundred other versions of this story over the one we know best.Becous most of the rest have an active heroin,who works for her own freedon from her relatives.
Nowadays you catch foreign travel rather as you caught influenza in the twenties, only more so. The result is that in the summer manths everybody is on the move.
"travel" is the name of a modern disease which became wide spread in the mid-fifties and is still spreading. The disease is carried by a germ called prosperity. Its symptoms are easily recognizable. The patient grows restless in the early spring and starts rushing about from one travel agent to another collecting useless information about places he does not intend to visit, finally, in august, the patient will board a plane, train, or car and proceed to foreign parts along with thousands of fellow-sufferers not because he is interested in or attracted by the place he is bound for, nor because he can afford to go, but simply because he cannot afford not to. The disease is highly infections. Nowadays you catch foreign travel rather as you caught influenza in the twenties, only more so. The result is that the summer months (and in the last few years also during the winter season) everybody is on the move.
質問です!訳を教えてください Today there are thousands and thousands of volunteer groups including individuals who do volunteer work for those in need-the sick,the elderly, the homeless,and the hungry. です。訳してみたのですが、、 「今日では、何千何万という、病気やお年寄りや家の無い人、飢えに苦しんでいる人 の為に働くボランティアのグループ(ボランティア団体)が増えています。」
Cutting through air chasing target in sight Swallow pounding pulse tensions unwind Face to face in heat Your (own) hands seize your destiny Don't lose your glip on the thrill of the fight high speed war,full-scale airstrike Armored metal gear, bullets sear clouds in the sky
Raging sparks of fire to the top, raiding higher Setting aim, dive-bomber, to their lot stirring power
Challenge yourself with mercy and pride The quest for justice you will find a reply In the end you'll be over all Reigning missions of survival Search and destroy with mercy and pride Reaching salvation you will be glorified Staking all chances on your life Trusting it's not live and let die
Counting the luck you have left on your side Every move you make should come out wise Face to face he knows Exactly how to run the show Bombing your way to the left and the right Even war, outcome still tight Final stage is near to make it clear who laughs and cries
Running high with passion to the max, self-assertion Blazing shadows crushing to the ground, resurrection
Raging sparks of fire to the top, raiding higher Setting aim, dive-bomber, to their lot stirring power
Challenge yourself with mercy and pride The quest for justice you will find a reply In the end you'll be over all Reigning missions of survival Search and destroy with mercy and pride Reaching salvation you will be glorified Staking all chances on your life Trusting it's not live and let die
Blasting engines burning up in flames, fortune turning Gliding wings almighty overhead, triumph rising
Sparks of fire to the top, raiding higher Setting aim, dive-bomber, to their lot stirring power
Challenge yourself with mercy and pride The quest for justice you will find a reply In the end you'll be over all Reigning missions of survival Search and destroy with mercy and pride Reaching salvation you will be glorified Staking all chances on your life Trusting it's not live and let die Challenge yourself with mercy and pride The quest for justice you will find a reply In the end you'll be over all Trusting it's not live and let die
She looks for a way out by being clever and by being true to the good memory of her noble mother. She goes for the slipper in the end−“Here,that`s mine,let me try it on," she says.She even forgives her two stepsister and find a couple of nice husbands for them to marry. お願いします。。。
It's aloofness usually strikes us as something to be envied, but it can also seem like a challenge, a threat.
The cat in his story is the last of the wild animals ( the others are the dog, the Horse, and the Cow) to give up the ways of the wild woods and agree to serve humans in exchange protection.
In spite of the cat's arrogance, he is finally admitted to human society, but the conditions of his admission had to be stricter than those for any other animals
People and evolution together have bent the cat's nature to human will The elements of wildness that have proved themselves useful to human beings.
Such is the splendour and size of the meals offered to guests or served on special occasions that over the years the Persians have gained the reputation of having enormous appetites.
長ったらしい文ですがお願いしますm(_ _)m また、 the fact is that S'+V' と the fact that の違いは 何なんでしょうか、よろしければ解説お願いいたします。
while they find the reputation quite pleasing and do little to deny it, the fact is that for the most part the Persians are moderate in their eating habits.
The prevailing stereotype of involuntarily childless women is that they will agree to any procedure if it holds out a slim chance of making them mothers .
神様!お願いします。 NOTE: the original (Boot Screen) file located in your "Windows\system32" directory is "ntoskrnl.exe"(8 Letters + exe) Find it, then "Right click" on it - to view "properties" to CHECK - which XP version you have: (ver - 5.1.2600.31- Not SP1) (ver - 5.1.2600.1106 - SP1) (1) Extract the "*.exe" file(inside zip file)to - your "Windows\system32" directory.. (2) I have already "RE-named" these files, so you won't "OVERWRITE" original !! (3) The correct "*.exe" file, for your XP version - will be located in this "ZIP" file, and "Identified" by the enclosed ZIP Folder - either (no-sp1), or (sp1).. (4) The "Normal" Boot.ini file(located in the Windows Root directory), will look similar to this: [boot loader] timeout=30 default=multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINDOWS [operating systems] multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINDOWS="(Default)Microsoft Windows XP(Home edition or, Professional)" /fastdetect (5) Finally, ADD the Following line, in your "Boot.ini" file (located in the Windows Root directory): multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINDOWS="new XP boot screen" /fastdetect /KERNEL=(full name of EXE file) (6) The Line above, can be below, or above the (Default) - PLEASE leave NO SPACE - Before or after lines !! and of course, you can change the "timeout=30", to a lessor number - to speed up process(more than 1) If you "RE-name" the "ntoskrnl.exe", Use ONLY 8 Letters or less - PLUS the ".exe" NOTE OF CAUTION: ALWAYS Back up copy of original "ntoskrnl.exe" for Safety! - Also, you can up to 10 lines only! - including the "Default".
There has been no significant change since my last update and as I have said previously, there are numerous factors which affect the decision making process which, although frustrating, are entirely necessary and have prolonged an announcement being made.
A contract for all of the landscape architecture and garden maintenance on the grounds surrounding the new condominium was awarded to Gardeneers Inc. on Tuesday
Dont you just hate when you need to go for a while and when you get back it looks like this:
> >End of List >get fil >Closing Idle in 30 seconds...
DCC Closed
This is really easy to script so, each time the fserve tells you it is about to close the connection you will automaticly enter somthing, like dir. This is the only line you need (in remote):
on *:chat:*closing*: msg =$nick dir
Easy, yes, you could also add an vasriable to control if it should be turned on or off:
on *:chat:*closing*: if (%antiidle == on) msg =$nick dir
タイからのメールです。 新しい表面処理についての内容なんですが、、 For our current order, do you means that we can change to use for order of this new coating. Please advise by return.
It is not necesssarily true that, because a particular doctrine at a particular moment is orthodox, it is true. There have been too many examples in the past of orthodoxies proved to be profoundly incorrect, for anybody to feel it necessary to accept everything in the orthodox view. 長くて申し訳ありませんが、なるべく直訳を教えて頂ければうれしく思います。 よろしくお願いいたします。
>>645 私は、in the past も of orthodoxies も共に too many examples にかかる ものと解釈しました。ただ、もしかしたら、そこの部分は、 in the history of orthodoxies みたいな意味合いで、of orthodoxies が the past にかかるものと解釈した方がいいのかもしれませんが。
You wrote: "In the Itazuke ruins, the remains of a paddy were excavated with Jomon ware under the remains of a paddy of the Yayoi period." So how many paddies were there? Was the Yayoi paddy lying under another one?
Far Far North North of Ginnunngagap Where she rules supreme In lonely majesty Soak shall be her home In death's eternal winter she atone Welcome to her frosty home Far Far North
She knows she`s got class. But it`s also true that she deserves it. To help others in their reaching for some place in the order of things. To do these things is to make fairy tales come true. お願いします。。
Law is everywhere. Listen to the television news any evening and you'll hear about a notorious criminal trial, a massive lawsuit, or a new constitutional claim. And it all seems so complicated.
(1) a notorious criminal trial (2) a massive lawsuit (3) a new constitutional claim
We have received a request from you to unsubscribe from the fwong group. Please confirm your request by replying to this message. If you do not wish to unsubscribe from fwong, please ignore this message.
Some anthropologists say the development of the ability to throw stones was a uniquely significant leap in the evolutionary success of early man , whereas others believe there were many similar innovations of equal importance .
Sorry I didn't really understand what you were trying to tell me. Did you mean when you are coming, like having orgasm? Do you want to make love on this carpet? Anyway try to explain it again and don't worry you have say anything you want to me as I am very open minded, easy-guy kind of guy. I think you are same and I feel we can talk about anything together without feeling uncomfortable. It is nice to meet a person like that, don't you think so? I enjoy to listen to your funny stories about when you go drinking and at work etc....
I have long vacation from May to Sept from college, but I have to work during that time so don't really have any holidays. I might take a weeks holiday at the end of this month. I also have about a months holiday from Xmas till end of Jan. I'm thinking I might visit Japan for a week after new yr? I love to swim too when I get the chance.
I'm going to meet a friend of mine later in town and go for a few drinks and maybe get something to eat too. I went to the movies the other day and watched The Hulk. I used to love watching that when I was a kid so I enjoyed to see the movie. I also went to movies last Tuesday and watched a film called 'Whale Rider' it was a New Zealand movie.
I thought that would make you even more hot? Yes I hope we can eat many things together someday. I would like to come around to your flat for dinner. I'll bring the wine of course and have you for desert.
Ask not what A can do for you, but what you can do for A.
この場合、butの次にAskを入れれば問題ないが、 what you can do for AをAskするな、what A can do for youをAskせよ、という意味ならば、 but以下が、Ask notにかかるのか、Askにかかるのか不明(contextから後者と分かるが)。 だから Ask what you can do for A、 but not what A can do for you. が正解。
Don't ask what A can do for you, but what you can do for A. という文章になるところを、not butの構文に填め込むために、what節の前に notを持ってきている。 だから、but 以下が、Ask what you can do for A. という風にダイレクトに繋がらない可能性がある。 従って、ケネディーの演説では、Askを入れている。 これは正解(ちょっとくどくなるけど)。 ask not what A can do for you ask what you can do for A.
Is the meaning of English mentioned as the example understood? You're kidding? I'm not like you. I don't buy it. How you figure? Give me a break. Stay out of my way.
When you let a application translate the sentences above, the application do it in a few minutes. How many of Japanease English learners who can do it better than it do are threre.
>>760 When you let a application translate the sentences above, the application do it in a few minutes. How many of Japanease English learners who can do it better than it do are threre. 上記の文章をアプリケーションに翻訳させた場合、数分で済みます。 この作業をできる日本人英語学習者が何人いる事でしょうか。
My Mum takes dog for a walk in the morning and the evening. I am normally too busy these days to bring her out, but when I have time I bring her for a walk to give my Mum a break. My Mum must be very fit as she goes for long walks every day. Wow you have been living away from your parents a long time. You must be very independent girl. At the moment it is cheap and convenient for me to live at home, but I want to get my own place when I finish college etc....When I lived in New Zealand I shared a flat with my girlfriend and I enjoyed that life doing stuff together. Have you ever lived with boyfriend before?
It has been held that the superior performance of men in solving new problems is due to their having imagination and reason, qualities which animals lack. Recent experiments make this appear improbable. Imagination is the ability to picture in the mind situations which are not present. Reason is the ability to solve problems without going through a physical process of trial and error.
Reason would"be impossible without imagination, for in reasoning the situation has to be comprehended and the results of certain actions have to be foreseen. The trials are made and the errors eliminated in the mind. If we study human and animal behavior from the same objective standpoint, it seems certain that if we allow these qualities to men we must allow them to animals as well.
I would like to visit there someday. Yes you have to visit US I think you'll enjoy it a lot especially drinking in the pubs. Don't worry if you drink too much as I will be there to take care of you. It would be good fun if we go drinking together, as you sound like a lot of fun to drink with. I have don't many crazy things when drinking alcohol when I was younger, now I just take it easy and just enjoy having a laugh.
It is not easy for an individual to see how much of his thoughts, feelings and activities are decided for him by the civilization in which he grows up. Many of our beliefs are acquired in the course of daily affairs without our awareness. The same is true of our customs. When an inhabitant of Calcutta wishes to sit down he thinks nothing of squatting on his heels; a New Yorker finds that position impossible. Shark fin soup may be a rare delicacy to the Chinese; Americans avoid it. We are immersed in, bound by, our civilization,hardly recongnizing to what extent that is the case. It is everyone's conviction that things have always been pretty much as they are now,allowing perhaps only for very minor variations.Nothing could be further from the truth . お願いします。
We will send again a cash to you, may I send 7000 Yen to you ?Because we change minimum unit in Yen is 1000 yens.. We must to pay again a Postage of ems(850 yens).. Hope that you can understand.if you would like to, I will send cash at that time on monday to you. after you receive the cash then Send the bank draft and goods, together to we.
To friends. I'm sad to say it's time to go. But until we meet again along the road. Remember this on your journey home. When you hear this thunder roar. You're not alone. We wish you well, we wish you well, In times of trouble may your hearts be strong. We wish you well, we wish you well, Until we meet again. We wish you well...
>>815 To friends. 友よ I'm sad to say it's time to go. もう行かなければと言う事は悲しい。 But until we meet again along the road. しかし、この道で再会するまで Remember this on your journey home. この事を家に戻る際に思い出しておくれ。 When you hear this thunder roar. この雷がゴロゴロとなっているのが聞こえる時 You're not alone. 君らは一人ではない。 We wish you well, we wish you well, 我々は君らが元気でいる事を願う。元気でな、 In times of trouble may your hearts be strong. 困った時には君らのハートが強くなるように願うよ。 We wish you well, we wish you well, 元気でな、元気でな、 Until we meet again. また会う日まで。 We wish you well... 元気でな、、、
actually I couldn't really see you as it is very dark picture. I remember seeing so many vending machines when I went to Japan so it brought back memories looking at them again. Everything in Japan is very convienent.
According to the survey, the number of absent primary school students dipped 2.4 percent from the previous academic year to 25,869, and the number of truant middle school students dropped 6.1 percent to 105,342, with the two combining for a 5.4 percent fall from the previous year.
調査によると、欠席する小学生の数は前学年度から2.4%下がって、25,869人に下がり、 中学校の不登校生徒は6.1%さがって105,342人になった。 a 5.4 percent fall from the previous year 前年度から5.4%の下落
If you are indecisive and plan to do something about it, you can take immediate comfort in the fact that indecision is not necessarily due to ignorance and slow thinking On the contrary it is often thinking of so many things and consideration of so many doubts that result in the difficulty to reach and act on a simple decision. The more intelligent you are, the more you may be inclined to consider rapidly many factors before making a decision. If you were feeble-minded, you would have little or no difficulty, for you wouldn't be able to think of a variety of possible consequences. Your difficulty may be that you have acquired the habit of applying to a multitude of little, unimportant things the same serious consideration you might advisedly give to vital matters. お願いします。
American culture is completely devoid of significant cultural ceremonies and things like that. I think it's mainly a product of the fact that the nation is so large and comprises so many individual ethnic and cultural groups that all have their own customs, celebrations, and ceremonies. The larger national culture (if you can call it a culture at all) overshadows the individual characteristics of the cultures that make it up and push the unique celebrations and ceremonies into the background. The country is so large and so mixed, that I suppose it is inevitable that some of these things would be lost.
>>767 その友達は、メールチャットをしていてこのことを言われたみたいです。 みんな初心者で、お互いをカバーしながら会話していたらこの人が入ってきて broken Englishで話し始めたそうなんです。 「みんな初心者だからもっと簡単な英語でよろしくお願いします」 と言ったら気に触ったらしく、 「自分は外国にメル友がたくさんいるんだ! broken Englishこそが本当の英語なんだ!」って言い始めて みんなが困ってしまったので 私の友達が I think broken English is the best English and your English is good but it is inappriate because there are many beginners in this room. と言ったらこのように返ってきたようです。 友達は何か悪いことを言ったのでしょうか。 私は特に悪いことを言ったとは思わないのですが…
when you buy,reject goods with a lot of packaging--- the worst kind of which is polystyrene, as it is very hard to dipose of. Buy things like eggs and hamburgers wrapped in cardboard or paper, fruit and vegetables loose, and rice and sugar in bluk.
History begins when men begin to think of the passage of time in terms not of natural process --- the cycle of the seasons, the human life-span --- but of a series of specific events in which men are consciously involved and which they can consciously influence.
He peers eagerly back into the twilight out of which he has come, in the hope that its faint beams will illuminate the obscurity into which he is going: and on the other hand his aspirations and anxieties about the path that lies ahead quicken his insight into what lies behind.
I think you will be able to understand my English coz I speak pretty clearly. Some people in Ireland speak very fast and have very strong accent, even I cannot understand them sometimes:-) So what happened in US that dramatically changed your life? I would like to visit there someday.
The crucial test of excellence in this kind of leadership is the capacity of the President not simply to represent the voters in the narrow sense, but to move ahead of them, to ignore their more transient and petty interest --- in a sense, to misrepresents, at least until the next presidential election comes around. At the same time, however, the President is a constitutional officer elected by the people, responsible to them, and dependent on them for support. On the President's understanding of when he must directly respond to the variable interests of the people, and when he must transcend them, depends his ultimate success as a political leader. 長いですがよろしくお願いします。
12月に結婚する友達に式で流す曲の選曲を頼まれました。 あと、1曲で決まるのですが、Jimmy Cliffの”Many Rivers To Cross”の歌詞は結婚式に合う内容でしょうか? 翻訳サイトを利用してみたのですがいまいち意味が分かりませんでした。 宜しくお願いいたします。
Many rivers to cross But I can`t seem to find my way over Wandering I am lost as I travel along The white cliffs of Dover Many rivers to cross and it`s only my will That keeps me alive I`ve been licked, washed up for years and I merely survive because of my pride.
And this loneliness won`t leave me alone It`s such a drag to be on your own My woman left and she didn't say why Well I guess I have to try. Many rivers to cross but just where to begin I`m playing for time There`ll be times I find myself thinking Of committing some dreadful crime.
I`ve got many rivers to cross But I can`t seem to find my way over Wandering I am lost as I travel along The white cliffs of Dover Many rivers to cross and it`s only my will That keeps me alive I`ve been licked, washed up for years and, I merely survive because of my pride.
All the efforts of international organizations and the meentings of the major powers have not been able to give hope to developing countries of escaping from poverty, or to reshape and revive the international economy to make it more sensitive to the needs of both developing and industrialized countries. The dialogue between North and South will not by itself solve all the world's current problems, many of which are political rather than economic. We are satisfied that the, world community can have no real stability until it face up to this basic challenge. We are living at this moment somewhere along the lifeline of a civilization, in which certain beliefs and practices are routine and native --- a civilization, however, which will some day decline and die, to be replaced by another in which all that we stood for and much that we accomplished will seem strange and outmoded at best quaint. 長いですがお願いします。
Everything is so shallow and meaningless now. you have to look carefully to find anything that still has much value or quality. Quick and dirty is the rule now. If it'll get the job done, then it's good enough. Period.
If it'll get the job done, then it's good enough. の意味が掴み難いです。お願いします。
All in all, the prospects for the industrialized minority of mankind are, in the short run, remarkably bright. Provided we refrain from the suicide of war, we can look forward to very good times indeed. That we shall be discontented with our good time goes without saying. Every gain made by individuals or societies is almost instantly taken for granted. The luminous ceiling towards which we raise our longing eyes beneath our feat. But the right to disillusionment is as fundamental as any other in the catalogue. Actually the right to the pursuit of happiness is nothing else than the right to disillusionment phrased in another way.
Japn wanted to see these rare and charming animals. The line to watch them was two kilometers long. People had to spend two hours or more in line only to see them for 30 seconds!
Remember when the original eight opponents were being selected and a lot of people were writing A off cos he was injured. Do you think that BTT were planning on putting B in from the start, but decided to publicly put A up just to fuck with the opponents training? I mean seriously - what are the chances of A breaking his ankle 2 days before the Fight?Thoughts?
When you push the On switch, one little burst of electricity-only about 3-5 volts-starts a string of events that magically brings to life what otherwise would remain an oversized paperweight.
A group of 76 atomic bomb survivors has filed class-action suits at eight district courts against the government to try to overturn the government's refusal to officially recognize them as victims of radiation-related illnesses.
Planners do not work on a different scale than the other design professionals so much as they make a different kind of space, informed as much by the experiences of the lived space of the users of the home or unit as by the institutional poltics of budgets, regulations,and bureaucratic mandates.
Even if the current rate of habitat destruction were to continue in forest and coral reefs alone, half the species of plants and animals would be gone by the end of the 21st century.
We used to walk about that dim old flat at Yarmouth in a loving manner,hours and hours.The days sported by us,as if Time had not grown up himself yet,but were a child too,and always at play. I told Em'ly I adored her,and that unless she confessed she adored me I should be reduced to the necessity of killing myself with a sword. She said she did, and I have no doubt she said.