What does it mean that "Do you have the right work in the U.S.?" This was cited in a corporate recruiting manual as an example question to avoid nationality discrimination by asking "Where are you born?"
>>6 The compressor reduces loads to one-fifth their original size. The compressor reduces loads to one-fifth of their original size. どちらもOK。 one-fifthが仮にhalfだったら、of無しが普通。 one-fifthが20%とかだったらofが必要。 あと、次のような形ならof無しが普通。 The compressor reduces loads to one-fifth the size of their originals.
I know I often make mistakes when I'm writing something in English and find them after uploading my note.
Maybe I should've written:
This is a question that may be asked at job interviews.
instead of
This is the question that may be asked at a job interview.
Don't hesitate to point out my mistakes. Suggestions for more sophisticated expressions are also welcome. I'm ready to accept criticism from not only La Salle san but also any other people here.
For your convenience, I use a handle name "nonogaki" when I visit here.
>>9 >What does it mean that "Do you have the right work in the U.S.?" thatが変、俺だったら、 When you say ".....", what does that mean?
>to avoid nationality discrimination by asking "Where are you born?" 俺だったら、 to avoid potentially discriminatory questions such as "where are you born?" to avoid questions with racial implications such as "...?" "Where are you born?"ときくこと自体はdiscriminationではないが、もし、 そのapplicantを雇わないなど不利な決定をした場合、「その質問によって得られた 人種などの情報をもとにした不当な決定だ」として、訴えられる可能性があるから、 そういう質問は避けなさいということだから。 >>19 a job interview the job interview job interviews どれもOKです(この場合)。 >reword the sentence どのセンテンスの事?be specific! >I'll be happy if you reword I'd be happy /I'd appreciate if you could reword.お願いしているのだから。同様に、 >Don't hesitate to point out my mistakes. -->Sounds rude. I would say: If you could, please point out any of my mistakes.
よっしゃ英語で頑張っちゃうぞ I love your thread. Please keep up your great work on your zine, Mr. La Salle!! If you have time, please drop by World2ch sometime! Thank you. http://world2ch.net/world2ch.html
>>29 ダメダメ。俺の知ってるネット常駐のプロに訳してもらったから教えてやろう。 I am this SURE lover. It is La Salle, such as me, enduringly! 別のプロは次のように訳した。 We is this SURE lover. Persevering my La Salle!
>A bright duck cocking its white tail before disappearing in a flurry of green water.
I've heard this sentence is something wrong with grammatically but since I didn't study english grammar at all, I don't see where is. So if you please tell me where is wrong with that sentence. thanks.
>>1 when i talked about "america"?Gthe U.S?H the native speaker understood it "jamaica"... then i thought we must say "United States"... foo... how great the name...
we should go anywhere people speak english ordinaly. and learn the feelings.. in a fact,the grammers we learnd in japan are not useful.. i wanna learn american english as native
>>48 I think if you said "AMERICA" with correct pronounciation, they would know that you said "america" and not "jamaica." People do say "America" to refer to the US... though Americas include Canada, Mexico, Brazil, blah blah blah... But do Americans care? I don't think so.
>>55 ha-ha!! because i'm confusing. 'cause the mails native speaker sends me is not right. but..it's not wrong . like japanese. if you get unconfortable feeling, i say just "sorry".
What does 2ch mean in your life? You know the answer. YES. You are right. It is far more important than your family, no to mention than your vacation. Forget all the fun you are expecting on your coming vacation and cancell your ticket to Canada. Let your wife and kid enjoy their vacation alone. In fact they don't need you on their vacation. It's kind of like while-cats-away situation. All you have to do is glue yourself to your PC and keep answering questions 24/7. All right?????
>>97 ha-ha.. is he gonna take his family there? sounds good! he is good father! whats the mutter? dont you have any dear or friends?? |∀| foo... anyway...i wanna go somewhere ,too.. but now season, we have to buy expencive chikets.. fuck the air li
>>97 Yes, you are damned right that 2ch is far more important that his family. Yes, 2ch is everything for him. He lives 2ch. He breathes 2ch. He eats, sleeps, makes love while he is on 2ch. In fact 2ch is the whole reason he exists (in his mind at least). But alas, he doesn’t make his own decision, just as many so called “husband” enslaved in an eons-old trap called “marrige”. His master called “wife” makes all the decision for him. According to her plan, he is supposed to carry all her luggage to and from the vacation destinations, open and hold every door that she plans to go through, and entertain her and her kids during the whole period. An e-mail campaign to his master may change her mind but I wouldn’t hold my breath. So fellow 2-channelers, be patient and wait for his return.
>>106 thank you so much!! you're nice!! the american sence of humors are very exiting for me!! i wanna be a man who has same one... so... what do you think? i think the one of the way to get the feelings like that, i should go & live in america for a
>>110 are those strange? i dont think you. its not on right grammer of english which are tought in japan.(←maybe,this sentence is lil' bit strange.|o|) but its not wrong. your speaking let my brain to get into like a stone.
>>110 are those strange? i dont think you. its not on right grammer of english which are tought in japan.(←maybe,this sentence is lil' bit strange.|o|) but its not wrong. your speaking let my brain to get to 固い like a stone.
oops, dont mistake. i love you. but... for example, here is a one mail recieved from native and japanese who lives there for a long time. And, another one mail recieved from japanese who live in japan. both of them that was written english.→
of course both of them which were written in english. and they all used eazy words. but, i dont feel like readin' the mail written by japanese who live in japan. i dont know why.but their words not get the meaning clearly. i just feel so.
>>128 ya. i know what you wanna say. i knew what you say in the cace like this. its just a feeling. i said justa one thing. i dont think "look my great education". thats sucks. i just want you to see real my own. and i just wanna
Don't forget to carry your laptop with you wherever you go on this vacation and be sure to connect it to 2ch. Keep tapping the keys until you go crazy and even after you go crazy. Believe it or not, You were a woodpecker in a former life. PECK PECK PECK...... Keep pecking at the keys night and day. Don't forget time difference between Japan and Canada. When your wife and kid sleep, it's time for you to check questions to answer on this thread without sleeping. When they enjoy swimming in the daytime, it's time for you to answer questions on this thread with your water-proof laptop. Actually you have no time to sleep on this vacation. It's not a vacation after all.
Anyway, enjoy your summer vacation! Or I should have said enjoy keep tapping!
Why aren't you here? You only have a couple of days to respond to all the unanswered questions. You can't just jump in and out like that. But of course, if you cannot finish answering all the questions, I can always let you use my laptop. Or I can even arrange someone in Canada to provide you with a laptop once you get there.It's all wired up (actually wire-less) in Canada now you know.
Or, I have even better idea. Why don't I respond to all the questions for you (as ラサール弁護士 ◆h71RB9C02c ) while you are gone, but I need your code.
Anyway you have a safe trip and enjoy your vacation.
mmm... everyone has gone... where are you?? i cant see you for a few days... mr.owner o this thread has gone somewhere without laptop.. mr.funny guy - owner's friend dont come here,too...
deviceは、fact, newsのように同格のthatを導く名詞ですか? それとも同格のthatは使えませんか? これは使ってるように見えるんですが。 We develop a device that we gives the virtual forces to the operator as like manipulator's real force.
The system shown below is a device that these two phases automatically switch to each other.
>>176 why? i like this thread. and.. i cant go asleep.. 'cause i hold a strong pain in my stomack.. so i cant stop doing something to uncare this pain..umm..
Welcome back La Salle san. That was a long vacation. You don't need another one for a while. I guess you were visiting your folks. And you escaped the power outage. That's good. Anyway, glad to see you back.
>>201 Excuse me 195, but I am a native speaker of English. Now, nobody wants to see your nauseating comments cluttering up this thread. So get off your stinking ass and go somewhere else!
210 :198 :03/08/21 07:32 >>201 Excuse me 195, but I am a native speaker of English. Now, nobody wants to see your nauseating comments cluttering up this thread. So get off your stinking ass and go somewhere else!
候補: 1) Is there any bookstore around here? 2) Is there any bookstores aroud here? 3) Are there any bookstores around here? 4) Is any bookstores around here? 5) Are any bookstores around here? 6)Any bookstores around? 7) Is any bookstore around here?
i wanna read books more and more. for example... i have an eazy book named "RICHARD SCARRY'S PICTURE DICTIONARY". this book has many eazy sentences with pictures. it was designed primarily for chilren. its good for me. but,
>>262 If you mean the 2ch admin people, I'm sure they can but they won't do anything because 257-259 aren't posting anything illegal. 260, on the other hand, can only issue empty threats because he has no access to 2ch's access log.
>akid Hey,looking for children`s books? Here`s a cool web site add:http://www.babloo.com/. The web site is for all kids,including a page for toddler,so I think you can find what you need there. If you are interested,just check it out. Hope you like it.
>>267 Can't you use capital letters? I just don't know why you keep on using lower case characters only. Also for the sloppy way you spell some words (like "lookin' " or "wanna"), you may consider fashionable, but they don't look very appealing especially with your English. They just look silly.
>>269 ha-ha. you're cute.maybe, you've felt something shame at doing that you told me. i dont care anything - what you call me. ya. i'm just a poor little boy. surely. but... i can tell you justa thing. alaways i take eazy way. maybe, you also do that when you talk or write with your native language.
deviceは、fact, newsのように同格のthatを導く名詞ですか? それとも同格のthatは使えませんか? これは使ってるように見えるんですが。 We develop a device that we gives the virtual forces to the operator as like manipulator's real force.
The system shown below is a device that these two phases automatically switch to each other.
Question. Can you think of any English word or expression equivalent to 貧乏ゆすり? In case you are not familiar with the term, you say 貧乏ゆすりをする when you sit and unconsiously move (vibrate) your knee(s) rhythmically, because may be you are nervous. But some people do it out of habit and sometimes annoy people around.
>>287 Has the idea of quitting getting access to 2ch come across your mind, Mr. Lassale? You stareted this thread more than one year back. If I were you, I would have got tired in half a year of answering questions. Your idea of answering questions here is different from the one you used to have when you started this thread?
>>342 みたいなのが、面とむかえば Would you please give me your answer to >>341's question? とか言うんだよな。 Wait a minute, I take that back. I don't think he can even say that.
英語圏の人が日本人の英語力を他の英語圏の人に伝える時 1) His English is pretty good. 結構いい 2) He understands English. うまくはしゃべれないが、話しかければ なんとか理解できる 3) He speaks English. 彼は英語を話す=彼は英語ができる
In the example you gave us, yeah, you are right, "black" is used as adj because "like" can take an object and its objective complement (which is adj and describe the object). like + obj + obj comp = O
But, with "listen," you can't do it. listen + obj + obj comp = X
... listen to music live. "live" here is to describe the verb "listen," not the "music." So, "live" is used as adverb. I mean, how simple is that?
もし、liveはlistenを修飾している副詞というのであれば、 I live listen to the music. とも言えるはずなわけだが、言えないだろ? liveは、I listen to the live music. か、I listen to the music live. の位置しか とれない。
There are couple threads where people get to ask how do you say this or that in English. Some guys would ask how to ask a girl out for dinner, and some girls ask how to say she is coming in English. It's hilarious.
「夏休みに子供達が家族とプールへ行く = They go with the family to the pool.」という文章があって、 ネイティブの人に「a pool」ではなく「the pool」なのはなぜか? と質問したところ、
the pool → not one pool & you can choose a pool → example ○○ pool(家の近所のプールの名前) と説明されましたが「○○pool(近所の○○プール)」なら 「the pool」のような気がするのですが。 自分の未熟な英語では上手く疑問の内容を伝えられず 未だに混乱しているので、どなたか教えて下さい。
"Good natured fun" may not be a common expression. I agree, but I'm afraid you might be missing the point here. Judging from the context, those sniggering kids described what they’d been doing "Good natured", when they perfectly knew it was far from it. They did that as a show of contempt. But to me, "just kidding" doesn’t seem to have the same oomph. Sorry if I am wrong.
>>671 I don't see 'sniggering' used a lot and was wondering if it's used predominantly in Britain or something like that. I do remember reading that snigger came from snicker, though.
>>672 I don't know. "snigger" just popped into my head. I guess, I picked it up when I was reading. Sometimes when I read, I am oblivious to the national origin of the author.
She had no doubt ( ) Ken was an honest man 答えは that だったのですが、この場合whatでもいいのではないのでしょうか? 問題にはwhatとthatがあったのですが、ナゼthatでは無いのとダメのですか? どちらも名詞節なので、いいとは思うのですが。どなたか知ってる人いたら 詳しく違いを教えて欲しいです。 ただ、解説に have no doubt that で〜〜を疑わないという熟語になると書いてあるのですが、 熟語だから、という説明だけだとさっぱり分からないので、違いを教えていただきたいです 他のところで聞いても、そんなことも分からない奴は消えろとかいって教えてくれないんです
>>675 what he wasは名詞節だけど、what he was an honest manとはできないね。 次を見て。 テーブルの上にある納豆を指差して、 Do you know [what that is]? It's called natto. [What it is] is fermented soy beans. [ ]の中が同じような名詞節。 She had no doubt she knew [what Clark Kent really was]. He was Superman. とかならいえるね。
>>676 Give the kid (>>675) a break. He posted the question here because he wants to hear from LaSalle and not just some Japanese guy who thinks he knows it all..
>>675 "That" is used when stating that you "know something for a fact"and clearly "specifying" that knowledge. I know that you have 5 dollars. I know that you said I was stupid. "what" "how much" is used is more indirect. The emphasis is on the "knowledge" and "qualifying" this knowledge without being specific. I know how much money you have. I know what you said about me.
In your example "what" could be used in the following way. She knew what an honest man he was.
>>692 They are often interchangeable. The present perfect progresive is often used to emphasize the fact that we are actually "doing" that certain thing.
If you go to the doctor and they make you wait for 15 minutes you would walk up to the receptionist and say: I've been waiting for 15 minutes.
"I've waited" for 15 minutes would be OK but "been waiting" sounds best. Ex: The president has been talking for 20 minutes now...
Been doing is often used for activities. I've been playing the piano since I was 5.
Hi. I recently came to 2ch.net, and found a mention to "All your base are belong to us" in another thread. It's a worn joke I know, but I've been wondering since I saw the flash movie for the first time. Does the word "base" hint at bottom, or ass, when you see it in this poorly constructed phrase? In the movie, someone kicked another's that part, and one another was exposing that part in front of a nurse.
I've skimmed old logs of your thread, except part 12 which I couldn't get. and I think I've read the words you wrote about the funny phrase. I'm not asking you to repeat it all over again, I'm just curious about this single point. Thank you in advance.
First that phrase was an internet phenomenon. It was funny for a few reasons, some of them clearer than the others. 1-The bad English in itself is funny. Makes you wonder who decided to let such a poorly translated product hit the market. 2-The "all your bases are belong to us" phenomenon itself is funny in an absurd way. This part is hard to explain. You either get it or you don't.
In this context the word base doesn't refer to ass.
別スレで、ユニクロのカシミヤのCM曲の歌詞の聞き取りで意見が分かれています。 "Give a hug"なのか、"Give her a hug"なのかどちらに聞こえますか?
When you want to feel close, Just reach out and show love. When you want someone closer, Open your arms, Give a hug. When you want someone closer, Open your arms, Give a hug.
They had to bear with her chuckle before she left the train. They had to bear with her chuckle till she left the train. They had had to bear with her chuckle till she left the train.
ラサールさんが書いた If you go to the doctor and they make you wait for 15 minutes you would walk up to the receptionist and say: I've been waiting for 15 minutes. がひどい間違いだと非難している人がいます。 would→willでないとおかしいそうです。 どう思いますか? また、would を使った場合とwillを使った場合ではどう意味が変わりますか?
***************************************************************************** 「ん」:口からも鼻からも息が出る音。 ng :鼻から息がでる音。だから鼻を完全につまんだ状態では sing の ng は発音できない。 カ行 :鼻を完全につまんでも「カー」は発音できる。 /k/ :鼻を完全につまむと car の k は発音できない。
だから、このような文章も問題なく通じるんだよ。 If you go to the doctor and they make you wait for 15 minutes you would walk up to the receptionist and say: I've been waiting for 15 minutes.
---All three sound OK ---it feels like you're about....
>>808 まあ、説明書通り次のようになるかも If you went... and they made you wait you would.... If you go and they make you.... you will だが、 If you go and they make you...you wouldでもぜんぜん問題ない。 文書の前半は確かに現在法だけど、たとえ話なので、なにか仮定的な感じが残っていて、後半のwouldと対立があまり感じない。
>ラサールさん I always appreciate your kind advice. In the paragraph below, I cannot clearly understand what "That's all I got goin' here" means. Can you explain the meaning of what the man wants to say?
>Though he's 74, Gehry shows no inclination to slow down. He works >out, and he's an inveterate dieter. After cheating with fried >calamari, he orders skinless chicken and iceberg lettuce spritzed >with lemon juice. ("Hey, don't stop," he tells the waiter wielding >the pepper mill. "That's all I got goin' here.")
This has been posted on another thread of this English board.
Here are some examples of 2. I have found on the net. Would you see any difference if they were "I want you." instead?
Secretly I'm wanting you And I'm hoping you want me too I smell your scent across the room And I can't wait to get next to you
Girl you got me spinning around and it’s all over town that I’m wanting you baby Now this heart is jumping around
Because it's love that I feel whenever you're really near I'm feeling sensual I can't rely on myself, I'm wanting you and no one else
You let go of my hands and pull my skirt down ... you tease my clit with your fingers on my panties. I am wanting you so bad now ... You pull down your pants and underwear and tease me terribly by tracing your cock
>>848 Most people normally use "I want you" I guess some people use "I'm wanting" it to emphasize that they are "in a state of wanting". As in I'm feeling this right now.
>>851 Good question. らandりdo sound a bit closer to L than R. But they're a mix of both. る、れ、ろsound like a mix of l and r. No wonder the Japanese have problems distinguishing l and r!
>>854 Of course I want you has "physical" connotations. I'm wanting you doesn't emphasize or weaken this, it just emphasizes that Isomeone is in a state of wanting "right now".
>>862 Thank you for answering my weird question. I don't know why but some people are very stuborn. They just stick to their own idea and won't listen. Especially when it's from Japanese they never listen. So, even thogh I'm very sure about the answer and think it's too obvious to ask you, I must make a post. Thank you for being so helpful.
>>866 It's just that the person wrote as if I was wrong. That got in my nerve and made me want to prove myself to that person. I know it's all in vain and may be I should've just let it through. I should grow up but sometimes I just can't help.
>>868 I know I was far too sarcastic and now I'm embarrassed.
But if someone tells me that I was wrong, I would check on some books and dictionaries. And if I find out that I sure was wrong, I would listen. I don't know if I would post something like "Thanks, I was wrong" or just fade out, but I surely won't post that kind of twisted ultimatum. If you know what I'm talking about.
>very stuborn. →very 【stubborn】 >may be →maybe >That got in my nerve and made me want to prove myself to that person. →That got 【on】 my 【nerves】 and made me want to prove myself to that person.
>>873 Thanks. I'm surely one terrible writer. I've learn my English through the daily conversation and don't write much. I hated English classes when I was a student, so I haven't got the chance to practice the correct spelling nor all those big words.
And about the "got in my nerve" thing. One of my friend use it that way so all this time I've never doubt it. Nowt I look through the google and all, that's not the common way to say. If you don't mention it, I would've go on using it. Thanks.
>I've learn →learned >One of my friend use it that way so all this time I've never doubt it. →One of my 【friends】 >all this time →all the time?(っていうか不要。neverだけで十分。「今まで」と言いたいならtill nowでもつけとけ) >I've never doubt →I've never 【doubted】 >If you don't mention it, I would've go on using it. →If you hadn't mentioned it, I 【would go】 on using it. (過去の事実と異なる仮定の話だから、ここは過去完了形。 また、後半はこれから先のことをいってるんだから'veは不要。 なお、前半は、レス進行自体を現在の事実ととらえて、didn't mention でもいいかも。いずれにしても、don't はX)
受験生で入試問題やってるんですが、下の問いについて自分の意見を書きなさいというところで、 The Constitution of Japan should be amended ao that it is in line with international realities of today. Yes or no,and why? というのがあるんですが、このso that it isのところってisで意味おかしくないんでしょうか?なんとなくこれでいいのかなぁと疑問に思っただけなんですけど。 よろしくお願いします。
>>864 I haven't seen "Seven year itch" so I can't comment on the movie. I do know that movies are more realistic than they were before. Nowadays, the characters in movies speak like normal people do. Movies that were made until the early 60s were more stylised, idealized and sanatized than they are today. So leading men in those days possibly spoke a more elegant English than modern leading men.
ネイティブの耳にどう聞こえるかーその13 http://academy2.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/english/1058278388/ から拾ってきた、ここで1人「ない派」の粘着しているやつの 書いた作文。こんな文を書くやつの感覚を信じられまつか?無理でつね無理でつ無理。 865 名前:名無しさん@英語勉強中[sage] 投稿日:03/10/12 15:15 >>862 Thank you for answering my weird question. I don't know why but some people are very stuborn. They just stick to their own idea and won't listen. Especially when it's from Japanese they never listen. So, even thogh I'm very sure about the answer and think it's too obvious to ask you, I must make a post. Thank you for being so helpful. 874 名前:名無しさん@英語勉強中[sage] 投稿日:03/10/12 20:46 >>873 Thanks. I'm surely one terrible writer. I've learn my English through the daily conversation and don't write much. I hated English classes when I was a student, so I haven't got the chance to practice the correct spelling nor all those big words.
And about the "got in my nerve" thing. One of my friend use it that way so all this time I've never doubt it. Nowt I look through the google and all, that's not the common way to say. If you don't mention it, I would've go on using it. Thanks.
皆に誤解されたみたいだから訂正しとくよ。 >>865 It is hard for me to comprehend, but some people are stubborn as the cow on an Indian highway. They are just married to their pitiful ideas. They don’t want to listen to anyone but their stinking ass. This is especially true if they are talking to a fine Japanese person like myself. This situation forces me to take a drastic measure –embarrassing myself by posting those rudimentary questions here, in hopes that your answer will add “legitimacy” to my perfectly legitimate comments. Stupid huh
>>867 That is because people write as if I am full of s_ _ t. That really gets under my skin. I want to make them realize what kind of pieces s_ _ t themselves. I know it’s a completely useless undertaking, but I just can’t let it go like that for the good of society, you know. You may say I should grow up, but let me tell you if I do, I will be in the grave.
>>874 I appreciate that. I am a terrible writer. No question. I picked up my English while I was having fun with my American girlfriends (you know what I mean). And I don’t do much writing. I detest classroom settings and never learned to practice spelling or big words. Though, I can tell you I know much better than you bunch of useless skunks. Oh, on the “got in my nerve” thing, it was just typos. What? Oh, you don’t know what typo is? A typo is a misspelled word. No one in their right mind would say “get in my nerve”, right you DUMB SCUM?
Sorry guys, I really didn’t mean to be nasty or anything. It was just a joke. I couldn’t help it, when I saw you guys ganged up on the guy. And for the record, his English is OK. I did notice some awkwardness but he is getting close. >>913, Well, English was never my favorite subject in school, and I never intended to "show off" my poor writing skills. But I did grow up speaking English. So whatever you say…
>>924 These are all sentence fragments. So in that sense you may argue that they are not grammatically correct. But people use these kinds of expressions all the time.
I choose a literature. It is because I can be drawn upon the way of thinking of the others thorough the literature. The characters of the works are pleased, suffered, and cry, laugh or refledt on their lives. The literature depicts more detailes of feelings of the characters than other kinds of the reading materials. In reality, it is difficult to realize how the others feel to hear what I say or do, while in the literature, I can take an objective look at the one's behavior and resultant effect on that of the others. By reading the works, I can indirectly live the lives of man people, whichby I can learn how to form good relationships with the others. Therefore the literature is important for me to live in a society.
I choose a literature. It is because I can be drawn upon the way of thinking of the others through the literature. The characters of the works are pleased, suffered, and cry, laugh or reflect on their lives. The literature depicts more detailes of feelings of the characters than other kinds of reading materials. In reality, it is difficult to realize how the others feel to hear what I say or do, while in the literature, I can take an objective look at the one's behavior and resultant effect on that of the others. By reading the works, I can indirectly live the lives of many people, whichby I can learn how to form good relationships with the others. Therefore the literature is important for me to live in a society.
>>932 a literature -> literature It is because I can be drawn upon the way of thinking of the others through the literature.意味不明。 The characters of the works are pleased, suffered, and cry, laugh or reflect on their lives.意味不明瞭。 The literature... -> Literary works deal with the feeling of people more than any other kind of writing. In reality...-> In real life, it is difficult to know what others feel when you say or do something to them. In literature, however, you can bjectively study one's behavior and its effects on others. By reading the words->Just by reading words I can -> you can whichby I can learn ->learn the literature -> literature me to live in a society ->my future. whichby ->
>>929 In where? が正しいかどうか知りたいの? だったら正しいよ。単純に、もうお互いが知ってる長ったらしい リダンダンシーを省略してるだけ。口語的ではあるけれど。 (She's been locking herself up) in where? (Could you tell me)? = Where are you saying that she's been locking herself up in?
On what? For what? What for? とかは超頻出突っ込みフレーズ。 自分の経験だけど、他動詞と自動詞の区別が曖昧だったりして、 目的語が落ちたりすることが多かった初歩の頃、会話のなかで こう言う感じの突っ込みをバンバン入れられてた。
>>935 スレ立てるまでもない質問スレで>>924の質問をはじめにしたものですが、 (こちらのスレにポストされたのは別の方です) 向こうのスレにも書いたように、疑問副詞であるwhereの文に、 inをつけるのはおかしいと思うのですが。 The car accident took place in here. みたいなおかしさを感じます。
>>936 A:She locked herself up. B:In where? A:In the bathroom. She locked herself up in the bathroom. こういった感じ。普通だよ。
>The car accident took place in here. あと、これも非常にあたりまえの表現だよ。 "took place in here"でgoogle検索すると、いろいろな例文が出てくるよ。 >Monmouth Battlefield State Park - one of the largest battles of the >American Revolution took place in here in June 1778.
He was born in Japan. をそっくりそのまま疑問文にすれば、 Where was he born?だが、 "He was born in..."のようにHe was born inの部分は聞き取れたが Japanの部分が聞き取れなかったとする.。 その場合は、In where?のように訊き返すもの。 Where?だけでは、946氏の説明のとおり意味が不明確で、まともな会話にならない。
また、He was born in 1970.と誰かが言ったとして、 年だけでなく、場所も知りたいと思った場合は、 In where?と訊ねたりする。
@I have been waiting for her for 2 hours. I wonder how much longer I will have to wait. AI have waited for her for 2 hours. I wonder how much longer I will have to wait.
>>962 日本人だからどうこう以前の問題では? もっとわかりやすくnowをつけて見たが、この2つの文の差は、 進行形によりwaitしていたことを強調するなどの若干の ニュアンスの差こそあれ、大意は同じでしょ。 @I have been waiting for her for two hours now. I wonder how much longer I will have to wait. AI have waited for her for two hours now. I wonder how much longer I will have to wait.
>>ラサール氏 What can you tell from this sentence? 'He has been waiting for her for two hours.'
1. He will probably continue waiting for her. 2. From this sentence alone, we can't tell what he will be doing.
Some people say that the answer is (1) because sometimes the present perfect progressive can imply that the action will continue into the future and this is the case. In other words, certain verbs in the present perfect progressive (e.g. I have been waiting for her for two hours., or It has been raining for 3 days now.) will give you an idea that the action WILL(not could nor might) continue into the future.
On the other hand, some people say the answer is (2) and that the present perfect progressive itself or verbs don't have the ability to tell if the action will continue into the future or not; It's only the context that can actually tell that.
私もラサールさんに質問です。brought be ってどういう意味でしょう。 ↓ My Nanny brought be a new book for my library, Dr. Rudy and Sally brought me a Pat the Bunny toy to go with my Pat the Bunny Book.
文脈によって異なるのかもしれないんですが、こんなのもあったんで。 他にもたくさん。 This trinket has brought be endless pleasure since I aquired it. I don't really use it for the strip (or for any actual productive purpose). ...
This is usually cloaked in an apparently high-minded concern that the orchestra "is now ready to benefit from the insight which can be brought be a professional musician" although it is a truth universally acknowledged by orchestras - both professional and amateur - that in no area of music does a man more overestimate his abilities than in the conducting of an orchestra.
>>956 The first one sounds best. The action of waiting is more vivid and the feeling that you are still "in the act" of waiting is stronger. But the second one is fine.
>@I have been waiting for her for 2 hours. I wonder how much longer I will have to wait. >AI have waited for her for 2 hours. I wonder how much longer I will have to wait. 981 名前:ラサール弁護士 ◆h71RB9C02c [] 投稿日:03/10/20 22:09 >>956 The first one sounds best. The action of waiting is more vivid and the feeling that you are still "in the act" of waiting is stronger. But the second one is fine.
still "in the act" of waiting である感じが強いと。 さらに、
>>972 Context. But I guess that the emphasis on the fact that he's still waiting can make the the probability that he will continue to wait stronger.
>>984 Hey, wait. Think it over carefully. You can say either way and both sound just as natural; He has been waiting for her for two hours. He says he is very tired and can't wait for any more minute and he is leaving now. He has been waiting for her for two hours. He says he is very tired but he will wait for a few more minutes.
You cannot say which is more probable, he will continue to wait or will not.
>>988 I think he isn't saying anyting about the future. He's just saying that it just emphasizes that someone is in a state of wanting "right now". Just like any other progressive forms.
And about 987. I think we should just ignore him. He is obsessed with some weird thoughts and we can't help him in anyways. He's hopeless.
There's nothing in the present progressive that guarantees that the action WILL continue into the future. Whoever said that the present progressive, as a part of its function, guarantees a continuation of the action into the future is mistaken.
これは、こう言い換えても、いいんじゃないだろうか? There's nothing in the present progressive that guarantees or implys that the action WILL continue into the future. Only context tells you if the action will continue into the future.
There's nothing in the present progressive that guarantees that the action WILL continue into the future. Whoever said that the present progressive, as a part of its function, guarantees a continuation of the action into the future is mistaken. Here is a scenario, with two possible answers to the question:
A: I'm looking for a good dentist. Any ideas?
B: I've been going to Dr. Foss, but it's so hard to get an appointment with her I'm thinking of changing.
C: I've been going to Dr. Winslow. He's the best one I've had so far. You could see whether he will take you.
B: Well, I might give him a call too. I'm tired of waiting so long for an appointment.
While Person B is very likely not going to continue going to her dentist, Person C is going to stick with hers. The determining factor is the context, not the verb form.