The earth is the only planet to hold water in the Solar System. The grass grows in compost. The herbivore feeds on the grass. The carnivore preys on the herbivore. This cycle and balance constitutes the food chain.
>>947 In the solar system, the earth is the only planet which has water on it. Plants on the earth grow on compost. They are food for herbivores, which are eaten by carnivores. This food chain works out on the balance and cycle of animals and plants.
このスレッドでいいのかいまいち自信がないのですが・・・ 手紙文での質問です。 ・「お会いできてよかったです」というのは、It was nice meeting you と it was nice meeting with youのどちらなのでしょうか。 ・niceをvery niceとしてもよいのでしょうか。 以上2点について、お願いいたします。
自分でやると以下の様になりました。ミス訂正願います。 When I was a highscool student,I read "War and Peace" was recommended to the teacher. The night which it finished reading was so impressive that I couldn't sleep very much.
When I was in the highschool, my teacher recommended me the book called "War and Peace". That book really moved me that when I finished the book, I couldn't sleep that night. こんな感じ、でも When I was a highschool student,でも良いと思われw
>>962 When I was a highschool student, I read "War and Peace" as recommended by the teacher. The book impressed me so much that it kept me half awake on the night I finished reading it. (or/ it kept me half awake after reading it)
>>968 This facility (システムだと、設備内のシステムにも取れるかも)requires the user to wear a special type of suit. The suit restricts motion (動作を制限するのだから、範囲はいらないと思う, restricts free movementでも可) and makes you rigid and stiff. It is not exactly comfortable.
>>984 There are many dialects which vary with the region in Japan. These dialects are interesting because their images are quite different from that of the standard language spoken in Tokyo.