世界中にばら撒かれている映像 原文 hi friends,hope you all co-operate in eradicating this evil thing. whth regard to what you are goning to witness here is a fact, don`t get scared! It`s Japan`s..... hottest food.... In japan, dead babies or fetuses could be bought at \10000 to \12000 from hospitals to meet the high damand for grilled and barbecued babies... what a sad state!! please forward this message to as many people au you can so that it can be seen by the world and someone takes action on the same. it is a thing against human race and unless we people of the world put hand to hand to eradicate this custom. this will not end. even the world impossible say im possible. so friend hope you spread this message as far as you can.
Do you like japanese? Ignore this User | Report Abuse by: milyways Posted on: 19/08/02 15:29 Msg #1
I would like to ask you like japanese or not?
I do not like them because, Japanese is so wretched fool!They are the dishonor of our asian!
World have been hated Japanese! as same as you!
Someone said Japanese have high quality technology, their everything is good. Also said japanese is very polite, courteous and gentle. All people are good to visitors
Above is big error, you must change your mind if you have believed such as above error!
Japanese always have imitated our korean technology & culutre!! Japanese used to occupy asian country such as korea & china!!Japanese are one of beasts & wild mem!!
Compare with japanese, korean and chinese are so best!!Our everything is better than japanese!
You must be hate japanese as same as me!! I strongly request you to get japanese away from our asia!!