■スレッドたてるまでもない質問スレッドPart 37■



第1問:The idea itself is not bad、
第2問:My parents are expedting letters from me.
第3問:I have not measured the length of that pole.
第4問:I went to the store looking for a new pair of shoes.
第5問:She knows there are others worse off than she is.
第6問:We used to have wonderful parties.
第7問:I had done to the best of my ability and I was proud of my job.
第8問:The persident`s decision was made in a great hurry.


1:but I have nothing to write home about.
2:but it may involve many difficulties when put into practice.
3:but it takes too long.This is an emergency.
4:but it turned out to be correct.
5:but it was time to retire and let someone else run things.
6:but,roughly,I think it`s about ten feet high.
7:but that`s no comfort at all.
8:but there was nothing to choose from on the shelves.
9:but those days are all gone.
18名無しさん@3周年:03/03/06 18:05
【 】内の英文の意味に最も近いものをそれぞれ1つずつ選べ。

I was afraid that our boat would 【go under】 in the rapid stream.

@arrive Adive Bfloat Crow Dsink

Those clothes are not 【sutiable】 for this kind of work.

@appropriate Acomfortable Blicensed Cqualified Dshabby

She got on her horse and 【rode away】.

@arrived Acaught up Bdeparted Cpromoted Dstepped down

I know I can do it I【 put my mind】 to it.

@abide by Aconcentrate on Bentertain Ctrust Duphold

Ned was 【possessed】 by a desire to become the of everything he did.

@called forth Adriven Bfrozen Cretained Dsustained