In another thread, there was discussion going on about dubious business. And I was about to write in like "Let consumers be aware" but another sentence poped up in my mind, that was "Welcome to a jungle", the phrase Axel Rose used a long times ago. But I figured that they dnno know this phrase. So, I paraphrased this to "Welcome to a capitalistic world, dude". And one guy jumped in and went your English sucks and he corrected this crap in his shitty way・・・・ I mean, what do you think of may original sentence? I want to know how it sounds to a native's ear. Thanks pal.
I like good classic rock. Good pop. Alternative music.
I'm not into techno.
>>13 You can use prudent but it sounds a bit strange. It can imply that you're affraid to hurt yourself. I guess discreet could work. What exactly is the situation that you want to describe?
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I saw these pictures of skirts that appear to be transparent. The story says that it is a design printed on the skirt. My friends in America are thinking it is real, and it is circulating on the internet. I find it hard to believe. Some of the photos look fake to me, if you compare the angle of the girl's leg to the "design". Is this true? Is it really a popular fashion in Tokyo, or is this a misleading news story? Has anyone seen this fashion on the streets?
昔のBeverly Hills 青春白書のビデオを見てたら、 Brandon said this phrase. His neighbor got fired and his house is repossessed. So, if you can't not move up in a corporate ladder, you have to leave your house becasue you can't pay bank loans any more...
>>68 tort っていうのは違法な行為によって他人にdamageを 与えた場合のことを言うんであって、telling a lie がtortかとか、stealing a car がtort かとか、 そういうのは質問自体が悪いね。 例えば、telling a lie も、それによって誰も何も 損害を蒙っていないのだったらtort にはならない。
>>68 A tort includes criminal responsability. But you should ask a "common" lawyer about that one. Although I did receive some training in common law, my specialty is civil law.
tort 2. (Law) Any civil wrong or injury; a wrongful act (not involving a breach of contract) for which an action will lie; a form of action, in some parts of the United States, for a wrong or injury.*
冠詞の使い方はある程度分かっているつもりですが、最近、 「一般に公正と認められた会計基準」(GAAPというやつ です)を英語にする際にthe がつかないという例を知り、 どうもしっくりこないのですが。 つまり、例えば This financial statement was prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles in the U.S. という時に、どうして "the" generally accepted ... と ならないのかということです。 おおしえいただけないでしょうか。 冠詞についての一般的な理論はもちろん知ったうえで質問して います。(当方、Ivy League のうちの一つの大学院出ており、 TOEFLは647、英検は1級です。)
Sorry to bother you again. In 77, you said: >But you should ask a "common" lawyer about that one. >Although I did receive some training in common law, my specialty is civil law.
However, you are admitted to the Canadian Bar Association, right? If so, what you mean your specialty is civil law? Canada is a common law jurisdiction, isn't it?
There are bar associations in every province. Canada is a federal state, and both provincial and federal governments have their own jurisdictions. For example laws that govern ownership and civil responsibility are of provincial jurisdiction. Those that govern crime are federal.
In Quebec, as in Japan (and Louisiana in the US) a civil code sets the laws that govern responsability and ownership. In the other provinces Common law (or precedents if you will) does.
People who intend to practice in the province of Quebec study civil law. These people also study case law when it comes to criminal law.
Thanks very much and apologies for being rude if I was.
I am an LL.M. student in the U.S. and planning to take the NY Bar exam this summer and have just recently learned about civil law and common law and was therefore conscious about these things. Thanks very much for giving me an opportunity to learn.
>84 Aw, give the guy a break. If he'd been any good as a lawyer, you think he would have come here to teach in a language school? Japan is a friggin' paradise for English-speaking gaijin. At least for Caucasians anyway...
ネイティブの人が書いたと思われる、次の文を見つけました。 Richard Stallman is the founder of the GNU project. projectのfounderというのは、日本人の僕には変な気がします。 Richard Stallman is the founder of the Free Software Foundation. というのなら分かるのですが。どうなんでしょうか?
I think you felt that founder and project didn't go together. You're partially right. If you consider project as a vague concept that refers to a work in progress, I can understand why you feel that way.
But the word project can also refer to a group or organization. Groups or organizations can have founders.
It is all too melancholy; and it would be no less futile than needless to expatiate on the loss to us who are left. Perhaps it may hasten the awakening of publishers to the loss incurred by American literature -- and also to the Poe-like bequest that it has gained.
和訳スレで気になった文があったのでこっちで質問してみる。 あるアメリカ人作家の死を悲しんでの文章らしいのだけど、 "Perhaps it may"の"it"は何を指しているんですか?
inhibitという語の説明として、 "to prevent (someone) from doing something or to slow down (a process or the growth of something)" と英英辞書にありましたが、"a process or the growth"の部分を "a process or (a) growth"としたら変ですか? 変でないとしたら、どんなニュアンスの違いが出ますか?
The following passage is from a childrens picturebook about planets:
The surface of Mars is a red, dusty soil. Spacecraft from Earth have landed on Mars. People are interested in looking for signs of life there. But so far they have found no signs of life.
Question: Do you think "Spacecraft" in the second line is a typo? Shouldn't it be plural?
When a child, I had fantasies of becoming a famous actress.
In the sentence above, Q1. why not "fantasy" when "becomig a famous actress" seems singular? Q2. why not "THE fantasies" when it is clealy defined by "of becoming a famous actress"?
My question is regarding the use of "the". Please take a look at the following sentense, which I found in NY times yesterday.
>But the fact that Europe's largest powers felt compelled to present >President Bush with an 11th-hour challenge deepened fissures that >have opened in the last year with major allies.
In that sentense, "fissures" is used without "the". And I was wondering if there were more fissures that were developed last year and only some of them have deepened because of the 11th-hour challenge.Is that how you read it?
They could have used "the" and the meaning wouldn't have changed much.
I guess that in this context it's not necessary to specify that only certain fissures have deepened. If you use fissures without a definite article, it can sound like you're talking about something "new", while using the definite article "the" more clearly refers to "the" well known row over Iraq.
Well,,I think that stuff like まぁまぁ,whitch means like not bad but not good,are`nt so valued in English used countries,especially America. So ,maybe it mite be little bit bad>>179
I've got to go to futon. I am tired today. What I really want to know is that "so-so "means positive or negative? I think it is negative, which is not most Japanese learn at school.
I found this sentence in a dictionary. It sounds like He is the only person in the world who is 勤勉の典型。 Why do they not say "He is an epitome of diligence"?
>>188 主語がちょんぎれてるので添削しにくいですが、 answers が動詞であれば、answers の後のtoは不要 not only A but also B ではAとBは文法的に同じ形でなければいけません。 Aが「動詞+目的語」だったらBも「動詞+目的語」 ところがothers are 「主語+動詞+…」だからアウト。 それにothers は何を指すのか?
>>189 188じゃないけど、answers to my questions here と others が両方名詞句で not only A but also B の形になってて、それが主語になってるわけでしょ? others というのは other answers to my questions than those here ということ。 自然かどうかはわからんが、一応文法的ではあるね。
>>193 そういう意味ね。 なら>>192 は Not only the answers to the question I have posted but other responses in general are very informative and useful to me. と修正しておきまふ。
ラサールさんに質問ですが、上の文(他にもまずい点あるかもですが)頭でっかち なのはかまわないでしょうか? I found it that ,,, や It is ... that .... のような構文に書き直したほうがいいでしょうか? not only...but..をやめて as well とか単にand とかしたほうがいいのか? ご意見をお聞かせください。
>>195 I find this thread very informative, not only because of the answers I get to my questions, but also the comments and answers from other posters.
Wouldn't you say the above sentense misses the point that the original poster wanted to make? I believe that he wanted to convey that this thread is very valuable to him because not only his questions get answered but also he can read answers and comments to questions posted by others. Any thoughts on this?
>>201 「ネイティブの耳にスレでは自分の質問への回答だけでなく、他の人の 質問と回答も自分には価値のあるものです」(本人の言いたいこと) a) ...but also the comments and answers from other posters b) ...but also he can read answers and comments to questions posted by others. >>201はa) のcomments が comments to my questions の意味にとれるといい たいんだろ?
しかし、その前にthe answers I get to my questions といってるんだから、 but also 以下はmy questions と別個の話になる。the comments and answers は要するにother responses in general の意味に読めると思われ。 b) も間違いじゃないだろうが、スタイルとして少しくどくないか?
>>213 またとばされちゃったみたいだね。It looks to me thatって言いそうな 気がするけど、Googleによると、やはり、断然圧倒的にIt seems to me thatの ほうが使われるようだね。つまり、その文法書はこの件に関して、現実をしっかり 反映しているという事だ。 It looks to me 8330件 It seems to me 658000件
I don't hear "it looks to me" so often. It seems to me that in the region where >>175 lives, the expression "it looks to me" is widely used. I am interested where it is.
>>216、>>217、>>218 自分は北カリフォルニアにいるが、正直言って個人的には、 it looks to me that it appears to me that it seems to me that どれも、よく同じぐらい耳にする様な気がする。だから>>214の結果ははっきり言って 自分でも意外だった。地域的なものかもしれない。
Don't push it and make yourself worse. (無理をすると、もっと悪くなるよ) という文をある本で発見しました。
and は or の間違いでは? と思いググってみたところ、なんと下記のように二通りの使い方を見つけました。
[グループA] "Don't push it and end up killing yourself or never being able to run again." Just don't push it and ruin what sounds like a wonderful trip. Don't push it and maybe they'll come back to you later.
[グループB] Don't push it and you will not be miserable. I say just don't push it and you can get along with them without problems.
a) Don't (push it and make yourself worse). 無理して事態を悪くするな b) (Don't push it) or (you make yourself worse). 無理するな。でないと事態を悪くするぞ。 c) (Don't push it) and (you you'll be OK). 無理するな。そうすればOKだ。
a) はand の後に主語がない。and は push it とmake yourself worseを結んでいる。 b) c) はand orの後に完全な文が来ている。and orは二つの文を結んでいる。
>>224 a) Don't push it and make yourself worse. は良い文ではない。 b) Don't push it, and don't make yourself worse. が標準的だろう しかし、b) の意味で a) と書く香具師はいる。ちょっと探したら、アメリカのサイトで
If the software is not what you want, or it doesn't work on your computer, simply don't buy it. Please don't buy it and ask for a refund later, because we will have to decline.
なんて文が見つかったぞ。この文が言いたいのは明らかに don't (buy it and ask for a refund later) 「買ってから後で返金を要求しないでくれ」だな。「買うな、後で返金を要求しろ」 では意味ワカラン(w
In other thread, a question was posted regarding where to put "also" in the sentence with a compound verb. I answered; a) She has also been loved. and b) She also has been loved. are both OK. Others answered c) She has been also loved is NOT OK.
Q1 Are we correct? Q2 Are there difference in meaning among a), b) and c) ?
It seems like "change trains" and "change my shirt" are right. Why do they not say "change my shirts" when two shirts are involved to change? Do you have other examples of "change [plural noun]" and "change [singular noun]"?
1- It's change trains not change train. No one says change train. It sounds awkward to use change with "my train." 2- Change my shirt sounds OK although change shirts is more common. Change my shirt probably sounds OK because you're referring to one shirt in particular that you're going to change for another. 3- Change jobs is the most common way to say it.
> She couldn't get through the door. She was so fat. >(彼女はドアを通り抜けられなかった。それほど太っていたのだ)
> 2番目の文は、前後を入れ替えて一文にできます:
> She was so fat (that) she couldn't get through the door. > (彼女はドアを通り抜けられないほど(とても)太ってました)
> これがいわゆる「so ... that 〜」の構文です。この構文は that 〜 > 部分を指しながら so ...(それほどとても...だ)という意味で、so ... > の部分に意味の重点があります。「とても...なので、〜だ」と教えられる > ので、that ...の部分に重点があると思っている人が多いようですが。 メールマガジンTHREE in ONE より引用
a) She couldn't get through the door because she was so fat. b) She was so fat that she couldn't get through the door. を比べると、ニュアンスとしてa) は単純に結果(couldn't get through the door)と その原因を述べているのにb)の方は原因となった状態の程度(so fat)に重点が 置かれた表現だということだろ。英語じゃ一般的に文の頭に近いほど意味が 強くなるからな。
@ このような例の場合、Susan called her dad to express her condolences on his dog's death.といえるでしょうか。 死んだのが”動物”の場合、condolencesという単語を使うのは 不自然でしょうか。
A もし、死んだのがジョンの弟(スーザンからみるとおじさん)の場合、 Susan called her dad to express her condolences on his brother's death. というのは、自然でしょうか。condolencesは、血のつながりのない人に expressするものなのか、血のつながりのある(この場合は父親)人に expressする場合もあるのかどうか、教えてください。
よろしくお願いします!(If it's easy for you to answer these questions in English, please do so. Thank you in advance!)
It's like〜 It's as if〜 It feels like〜 It seems〜 などで「〜のようだ」という意味になると思うのですが。 例) It's like I'm in a dream. (まるで夢の中にいるみたいだ) どれを使っても同じなのでしょうか? こういう時はこれを使うなどあるのでしょうか? 例などもあげていただけると幸いです。
ラサールさん: Here's another question originally posted on the 「スレッド立てるまでもない質問」 thread.
Below is an excerpt from a Mainichi Daily article. >A Tokyo construction worker who drove his truck without a license for 27 years has been arrested, police said. ... Two sons of XXX were also been arrested for driving without licenses.
Is the construction "Two sons WERE also BEEN arrested" acceptable? If acceptable, what would it mean? The two sons WERE also arrested. or The two sons HAVE also BEEN arrested. or The two sons HAD also BEEN arrested ?
I get alarming number of "is been" hits with google. Most of them seems to be errors made by foreigners, meaning either"has been" or "is being". But some cases, like the Mainichi's, come from supposedly educated writers....
It's like I'm in a dream→夢の中にいるようです It's as if I'm in a dream→まるで夢の中にいるみたいです It feels like I'm in a dream→夢の中にいるような感じです It seems like he's in a dream→彼は夢の中にいるように見える(I(私)だとおかしな感じかと思ってhe(彼)にしました)
>>358 Both can mean the same thing but sometimes one of the phrasings sounds better than the other.
He cries all the time.繰り返して行為。いつも泣いているIn this context all the time sounds better than all of the time.
He cried all of the time.ある期間中、絶えることなく気がする。 We went to a movie and the baby cried all of the time.In this context all of the time sounds better than all the time.
``I don't know why Bob came out there, to be honest with you,'' Johnson said. ``No disrespect for him, but I mean I'm pitching in a game. I'm fully aware that Fred McGriff's on deck. If he comes out there, I'd just as soon he take me out, but not tell me how to pitch.''
If he comes out there, I'd just as soon he take me out, but not tell me how to pitch
>>368,>>369 Thank you for your response Mr. La Salle.
Let me make sure I understand correctly. You said
>A time sounds like a reference to one of her many memories.
Does this mean her father did that - put bugs on her arm -repeatedly over a period of time and she remembered one of those occasions? Or she was thinking of this image like, she has memories of her childhood playing like a movie in her head, and took a snap shot of that. It happened to be this "bug" scene?
Very intersting. I searched it myself and found that there were some variations. These are a few examples; “I don't know why Bob came out there, to be honest with you,” said Johnson. “No disrespect to him, but I'm pitching in that game and I'm fully aware of Fred McGriff on deck. “If (Brenly) comes out there, I'd just as soon he take me out as tell me how to pitch. "I don't know why Bob came out there, to be honest with you," Johnson said. "No disrespect to him, but I'm pitching that game, and I'm fully aware Fred McGriff is on deck. When he came out, I assumed he'd take me out and not tell me how to pitch. "I don't know why Bob came out there, to be honest with you," Johnson said. "No disrespect to him, but I'm pitching that game and I'm fully aware of Fred McGriff on deck. When he came out, I assumed he'd take me out and not tell me how to pitch." ''I don't know why Bob came out there, to be honest with you,'' Johnson said. ''No disrespect for him, but I mean I'm pitching in a game. I'm fully aware that Fred McGriff's on deck. If he comes out there, I'd just as soon he take me out, but not tell me how to pitch.''
The body of a woman was found in a ditch along a gravel road Wednesday morning, A body of a woman was found lying at a deserted place in Fauji Colony on Friday.
>>373 あまりよく使われない。文脈次第だけど。 これよりもっと自然な言い方があるので使ったらちょっと目立つかも。 >>393 後者 >>383 I guess the reporters who wrote down what he'd said heard it differently. "I just assumed he.." or "I'd just as soon he..." The latter means I'd prefer. I makes it sound like Johnson is complaining. I don't use that expression. >>398 "The" sounds best because it becomes a clear reference to one specific murder case. But both "the" and "a" are possible, I guess... I would write it "the" body of a woman.
ラサールさん >>405の答えの中の >"The" sounds best because it becomes a clear reference to one specific murder case. これについてですが、Theを使うのはその女の人の死体は一つしか有り得ないからという風には 考えられませんか?
カナダの方からメールをもらったのですが、こちらは何と言っているのでしょうか?こちらの手紙に対する返事を出したいので、どうかよろしくお願いします。 (語尾の....もそのまま引用しています) That sounds fine. I'll hold anything you want.... There will be alot more going up for travel.... Let me know....
Hello, I strongly think this site is disturbed by some piteous people. I hope you will be patient to reply to some modest quetion, and I should say to people who distort this kind of great trial are worthwhile to be punished, I am afraid. Good luck!
たとえば、>>430 You are the storm.というときに、 YOU are the stormとYou ARE the stormのように強調したりできると 思うのですが、YOUを強調するのとAREを強調するのではどちらがより 効果的でしょうか。また、ニュアンスはどう変わりますでしょうか。 よろしくお願いします。
>>430 Your English seems not good enough to express yourself or what you really want to say. I should say you'd better speak out in Japanese. ラサール弁護士 understands Japanese.
There is no way to tell what the future will hold in store for Iraq after Saddam's demise. The key question is, will the new Iraqi leadership be chosen on the basis of American unilateralism, or will the U.N. play a leading role? With Saddam being a deity-like figure in Iraq for decades, who will there to fill the leadership vacuum? The United States is sure to share some of the leadership burden. However, its prolonged prescence in Iraq will give Arabs in the region to harbor animosity against the superpower, thus, effectively evaporating any American political capital that it may have acquired in the "liberation" of Iraq. Thus, the United States may be expected to fill the leadership vacuum in the short-term, bringing temorary stability, but what will the long-term future hold? Nobody can know for sure.
Can sound like you're showing someone something or that you've given someone an account of a surprising event. Can also sound like you're boasting about something.
"What would you say about ...?"
Sounds like you're about to propose something.
"What do you have to say about ...?"
Sounds like an "out of the blue" request for an opinion.
>>479 See, here's the thing. When you crosspost an article, there is only one copy of it. It appears in all the groups, but there's just the one. When you multipost, you are posting multiple articles. So, if you post two copies of something, you are taking up twice the resources on Usenet. Three copies, and you're taking three times the resources. There are only so many resources to go around, and you are welcome to use your share to post what you want, but when you multipost you are taking up more of those resources than are necessary to propagate your message. That is bad for Usenet. Apart from that, the fact that it causes users to see messages more than once, and the fact that it fragments any subsequent discussion, make it really quite rude.
>>479 multiposting Posting separate copies of the same message to several newsgroups, as opposed to crossposting. This is bad partly because people will see the same message twice, still marked as unread, and partly because you will be stuck with two or more mutually inconsistent sets of replies to deal with. If you don’t want people finding out that you’ve posted to several groups, just don’t post to several groups in the first place!
Mr. La Salle, I have been reading your thread for some time and I always enjoy your postings. Now let me ask my question.
You say, "the exception of" as in "The store is open everyday from 9am to 9pm with the exception of national holidays" But I also see from time to time "an exception of" in the same context. What's the difference?
他のスレで勧められてきました。 質問は普通the second, the third ということが多いと 思うのですが、a third という言い方もあるようです。 the third timeは特定の三回目 a third timeは不特定の三回目 という説明を他のスレでいただきましたが、どんなときに どちらを使ったらいいのでしょうか? 使い分けの例など も示していただけたら幸いです。 よろしくお願いします。m( )m
>>506 それは漏れも知りたい。たとえば… The speakers themselves are exactly the same with an exception of the centre channel that comes with different mounting hardware,
In the other groups the 12-month rate was about three per cent, with an exception of miscellaneous manufactured goods, where the growth was somewhat lower.
>>507 これも知りたいw Collins COBUILD には a third というのは「三つに分かれた部分の一つ」と あるんだが、a third time とかはそれとも違う用法だろうし。
>>487 I don't think any young woman would be insulted if you called them Mrs. but you'd probably get a few laughs. As someone already pointed out, using Miss is safer when the woman you are talking to is clearly very young.
>>506 "exception of" is almost always followed by a description of the exception in question so the definite article sounds best.
Here are a few sentences that will help you "feel" the difference.
He was the first choice.(he's the one) He was a first choice. (In this case "first choice" can be interpreted as a "category" i.e. you can expect a lot from him)
(1) Which month is the best month to visit Florida? (2) Which month is the best to visit Florida? (3) What month is the best month to visit Florida? (4) What month is the best to visit Florida?
Which one is the best question among the above? Thank you.
We used both. I like ~ing sounds like a more general reference to an activity than I like to (do).
But in many, if not most, cases both sound fine. I've read many English grammar books in Japan that try too hard to distinguish between the two and end up confusing students rather than helping them.
the third は読者にもあらかじめ想定できるような一連の系列の三番目。 the third floorというとき、the ground floor, the second floorが存在する ことは当然想定されている。
a third は例えば「まず、こういう理由がある。One reason is that...それから こういう理由もあるAnother reason is ...」と数え上げていって、「それから三番目 にこういう理由もあるAnd a third reason...」などというときに使う。この「三番目」 はあらかじめ予想されたものではなく、書いていくうちにたまたま三番目に思い ついたもの。
つまり読者にも書き手にも new informationであるような「三番目」を表すとき に a third が使われる。
つまり、論文などで、「その理由は3つ考えられる。第一にThe first reason…」と 始めた場合は当然、The third reason is ...となるわけですね。
それから He was a third son of a rich family. 「金持ちの家」も「三番目の息子」もたくさん存在するからa He was the third son of Mr. Shintaro Ishihara. 石原慎太郎の三男は一人しかいないからthe
>>567 senseは日本語の「判断能力」=「感覚」の様なものだから a good sense of direction 方向感覚がいい a good sense of timing (rhythm) リズム感がいい とかには使うけどsense of ultimate fighting styleはちょっとね。
>>567 has a good sense of ...はこの場合ちょっと無理な感じ。この表現は has a good sense of humor のように一般的な概念について使うの が普通。
この記事はテニス選手について述べているが、 “She really has a good sense for the game,” Horvat said. “She reads the game well and finds a way to get to some balls that you wouldn’t think anyone could get to.”
それなら↓とは言えると思われ。 He has a good sense for the Ultimate style of fighting.
>>572 :名無しさん@3周年 :03/04/17 10:18 >>567 has a good sense of ...はこの場合ちょっと無理な感じ。この表現は has a good sense of humor のように一般的な概念について使うの が普通。
この記事はテニス選手について述べているが、 “She really has a good sense for the game,” Horvat said. “She reads the game well and finds a way to get to some balls that you wouldn’t think anyone could get to.”
それなら↓とは言えると思われ。 He has a good sense for the Ultimate style of fighting.
I have just come back from your spruced web site. I'll put my two cents worth in. This is what I have in mind since I first visited your web site but I like more pale, light colors in the background. Your web site is too flashy for me, using primary colors. I have listened to the skit you made, too. Your tone of voice sounds a bit dismal. You record your voice every time your relatives pass away? hehe. Sorry, a bit over the top. I know you aren't professional narrator. Using audio materials is a good idea. Those are the negative stuff I have noticed about your site. I am amazed by what you have been doing free of charge. To be honest I don't understand why you help Japanese English learners the way you are doing now, sometimes being abused and all. Anyway, keep up the good work!
>>652 Hi. As for your tone of voice, I compared your voice to the assistants, who are professional narrators of NHK's English-learining programs. That's partly the reason why I felt that you are a bit tired, I think. I just thought you can be on more cheerful tone when recording. That's just my opinion,though. Thank you and good luck.
Dear Mr. Lasalle, I would appreciate if you could share your knowledge with us. Could you give us some of the typical examples of Nihonjin-English that hi-level speaker make? Incidentally, I now wonder if this message sounds so.
ラサールさんへ 家族の概念について述べられている文章から抜粋します。 "He married into the family", and some persons make jokes about the in-laws being the family "out-laws". このジョークのおかしさを教えてください。
ラサールさん、ネイティブさん I would like to know about your Rome tour package. I would like to know information on your tour to Rome. I would like to know about your package tour to Rome. I would like to get information on your tour for Rome. どれが一番ましでしょうか?日本語→英語でも聞きましたがネイティブ さんのご意見をお聞きしたいので。よろしくお願いします。
President George Bush said victory was “certain but it is not complete” in the war in Iraq after American troops took control of Tikrit, home town of Saddam Hussein. The last important strategic prize fell with little resistance despite rumours that elite forces loyal to Saddam would make a last stand there.
誰も答えて下さらなかったので簡約して I would like to know about your Paris package tour. 「パリ行き ツアー」という意味で表現したいのですがこれでOKAYでしょうか? your package tour to Paris (for Paris)の方がいいですか? よろしくお願いします。
>>659 I won't do your homework for you! If you write down what you think you hear, I'll correct it. >>662 Well, overuse of the passive voice is common, even among advanced students. I would appreciate if you could share your knowledge with us. Could you give us some of the typical examples of
>...some typical examples... Nihonjin-English that hi-level speaker make? >that even high level students make Incidentally, I now wonder if this message sounds so. >"sounds so" is too vague. How about "doesn't sound natural" >or "contains some of these typical mistakes I just mentioned"
>>673 I would like to know about your Rome tour package. >OK
I would like to know information on your tour to Rome. >know information sounds awkward. "Get some information" sounds better.
I would like to know about your package tour to Rome. >Sounds OK, but using the word information would sound more natural. >"can you tell me about" is similar.
I would like to get information on your tour for Rome. >get some information on you package tours to Rome.
>681 ラサールさん、>get some information on your package tours to Rome. にいたします。ご親切に有り難うございました。書いてからinformationはknow だと気が付きました。一番、不安だったのはyour Rome package tourか それともyour package tours to Romeだったのですが、どっちでもOkayの ようですね。Many thanksです。
A: Your tour package include 4 nights at the Hilton in Chicago. B: What else does the tour package include? A: It also includes a free city tour. And with an extra charge, you can see beautiful scenery of Manhattan. B: When would I be leaving Japan for this tour? A: You'd be leaving on May 10. 最後の「日本をいつ出発しますか」ですがwould にした方がいいのでしょうか? ラサールさんネイティブさんご教授お願いします。
>>705 2.ただいま・・・I'm home. おかえりなさい・・・Already? 3.いただきます・・・Thank you lord for giving us the opportunity to enjoy this wonderful meal so that I can enjoy one more of these usuless day.Amen.
I have been looking for an English counterpart for 「寝顔」for a while. I don't think there is one. "sleeping face" carries a similar literally meaning but it doesn't give you the same peaceful image of someone sleepling. In case you don't know, 「寝顔」can conjure up a peaceful image of the face of a sleeping baby or the face a sleeping young lady viewed through the eyes of her boyfriend, or something like that. Also, 「寝顔」returns a 129k hits on Google. Which means the English word that I'm looking for is expected to return at least a million hits. Can you think of any words or phrases like that? Or, you English speaking people are usually tossing and turning and pretty much in agony and you never have a 「寝顔」?
how's it going? it's been a while. how's your folks? how's your sex life? your books are selling like a hot cake? i heard it didn't sell quite well.. ok, never mind this was your first try you would realize you have to come to terms with reality I was hopping your treating me 牛丼大盛り... but it's ok reality is reality doing good thing never be paid off in a real world especially, english study business in this country but anyway, i'm glad you are still appearing here see ya take it easy, man say hello to your wife and kids typoon season is just around corner...
>>716 I think you're right. I'm having a hard time finding an equivalent in English... I guess I would say something like: I love to look at your face when you're sleeping. You're beautiful when you're sleeping.
>>720 Thanks for dropping by! I've started to work on my next book. It won't star a cat or a cuddly animal BUT I am going to lower the level just a bit. Gyudon for everyone!(maybe...)
>>724 This is Ken (speaking) sounds OK on the phone.
Let's imagine you're at work at English coversation class. people are engaging in "free speaking". But acutually, people are not talking, just speaking something, and conversations are disjointed. You are just watching a clock saying in your mind, " just another 5 more mins. This job sucks." Finally time is up, and you say, "It's about does it."
Hey guys, come to your senses. We have been talking about this for more than a couple of months now. No more beating around the bush guys. Let’s face it. There’s no denying the fact that we are losing ground. It’s pretty darn ugly no matter how you look at it. I think it’s time to deal with the elephant in the room. Otherwise, we are not going to be around to cerebrate another NewYear.
ラサールさん、どうも有り難うございました。 でも答えが良く分かりません。 >It's a little heavy on the idioms (that all mean the same thing) これって、イディオムの上に重たいって、どういう意味ですか? でも自然に聞こえるってことはつまりネイティブ? >The cerebrate gave him away!ってどういう意味ですか? たびたびすみません。
>>792 I watch what my wife watches. Karakuri terebi and stuff like that. There's a show on sunday morning with Teri Ito and Dave Spector, I like the humor in that show.
There are quite a few Japanese people on TV who speak English well. I don't remember their names.
構文解析のスレッドで結論が出なかった問題です。 下の英文は、ある問題集にのっていたらしいのですが、最近、毒舌を振りまいている 鼻OO氏はその英文は、全体に不自然でネイティブのものでは無いと言い張ります。 具体的な証拠として、 forgetとreviewに目的語がない、 you are being activeの時制が変 such a kind of reviewが日本人的な使い方 だと、主張しています。reviewは目的語無しで復習という意味で使えないのでしょうか。 ラサールさんの意見を聞かせてください。 ・・・構文スレを代表して。
You forget most quickly right after you read or hear something new. You should review right away so you won't forget, and if possible, explain it to someone else. When you review and test yourself on the material, you are being active; active learning is better than just reading or listening. You remember more and save time in the end if you spend at feast one-third of your time on such a kind of review.
You forget most quickly This part is OK. Using the verb this way makes it sound like a reference to an ability.
on such a kind of This part does sound a little awkward. But I wouldn't have noticed if you hadn't told me. I think it's a question of style more than anything else.
Let me ask you a quick question. There are many nouns commonly used only in plural form such as headquarters meaning single headquarters. When Native speakers use this type of words, are they take, say, headquarters as a noun in single form as if it were a single noun originally? I wonder if they have still the image of plural in their mind, using this type of words and if "s" attached to the end lost its function as a sign of plural form.
@I am not sure if making a request like this is appropriate. AI am not sure if making this kind of request is appropriate. BI am not sure if a request of this kind is appropriate. CI am not sure if the request of this kind is appropriate.
********************** 演劇関係のやりとりのなかで Has there been a lighting plan/list of lights/gels for the video/theatre >production which you could supply via e-mail という文があったのですが、この gels for the video の gels って何でしょうか。 教えてください、とても困ってます!
ちょっと、横からレスして失礼します。 もし、analysis of the Japanese political system が、既出であり 二度目、以降に使われた場合には、"the" analysis of the Japanese polotical sytem と、なり得ますか?
If analysis of the Japanese political system was used before, and a writer trys to use it for second time, or more, you may put an article "the" and say "the analysis of the Japanese political sytem"? I just want to clarify this. Thanks in advance.
@He has a considrable knowledge of Russian politics. AHe has the considrable knowledge of Russian politics.
A:Russian politicsに限定しているknowledgeなのでAの方がよいと 思われる。 B:considrable knowledge of Russian politicsは世の中にひとつしかない ので絶対Aだ。 C:@が正しい。なぜなら considerable knowledge は可算名詞で、しかも 世の中にたくさんある。He has a book on politics.(政治についての本) と同じ構造。 D:@が正しい。considrable knowledge of Russian politics をひとかたまり の加算名詞と考えるから。
>>834 What kind of bike do you ride? (I know you have just one bike. What kind is it?) What kind of bikes do you own? (Chances are you have many bikes. You own many bikes.)
When you use a word like “how many” and “different”the emphasis is placed on kind and the plural becomes clearly necessary. How many different kinds of bikes do you own? (You own many bikes. You own many different kinds of bikes. What are these many kinds of bikes?)
@I had the camera fixed. は This is the camera I had fixed. に書き換え可能でしょうか。 (This is the camera. と I had it fixed の二つの文を 合体させました。) *なんかこれだと私が修理したみたいじゃないですか?
A同じような質問で、 I had him fix the camera. は He is the one I had fix the camera. に書き換え可能でしょうか。
BI saw him fix the camera. は He is the one I saw fix the camera. に書き換え可能でしょか。
She is more pretty than 10 years ago. のように、同一人物の比較はprettierを使わず、moreを使うそうですが、
@I am more tall than last year. AI am 3 cm more tall than last year. BI couldn't be more happy. CNikkei Stock Average this morning was more high than at yesterday's closing. DThe lake was more big than I had expected. EThis book is more good than boring.
>>853 そういう書き換えは一般に、論理的に一致すると言うだけで、意 味は変わる。具体的には、 @I had the camera fixed.(あのカメラは直してもらった) This is the camera I had fixed.(これが私が直したカメラだ) AI had him fix the camera.(彼にあのカメラを直してもらった) He is the one I had fix the camera.ーー意味が通じない。 BI saw him fix the camera.(彼がカメラを直すのを見た) He is the one I saw fix the camera.(彼こそが、 カメラを直したのを自分が見た人物だ) と言うように意味がかわる。
These shoes are more pretty than comfortable. (この靴は履き心地が良いというより見栄えが良い)
This book is more wide than tall. (この本は縦よりも横の方が長い) ----------------------(引用おわり) さらに例文Bは、私が立ち読みした本からの引用です。 *あれっと思い、ネイティブの方に確認いただきたく、ここに掲載しました。 >>860 上級スレや、構文解析スレの文法的解釈のレベルの高さは 重々承知しておりますが、ネイティブが使うのかどうかを確認したく ここに来ました。 >>865 おっしゃる通りです。もっとましな例文を作るべきでした。 でも文法的にOKという解答は、私と同意見です。 >>ネイティブの卵さん まさに私が本で確認した部分(more pretty, more happyは使う) はOKという解答で、あまりにも鋭いので驚いてます。 他は文法的にはOKだが、ネイティブは使わないという解釈でしょうか。 みなさん、ありがとうございました。
>>870 そういう意味ならば、>>867にも書いたがOK。 でも、比較する対象は、同じ人や物の、「違う性質」というところが重要。 君の、例文は、全部同じ性質を比較しているからNG。 I am more sad than angry.(悲しいというより、腹が立っている) she is more pretty than beautiful.(彼女は可愛いというよりも美しい) など。
>>861で言ったのは同一の物の同じ特性を比較する場合。 その場合でも、more pretty, more happyに冠詞だけは会話などでネイティブは つかうが、それ以外のは使わないという意味。
>>873 >(more pretty, more happyは使う) はOK なんて誰も言ってねーだろ。ちゃんと読めよ。 俺が言ったのは、more happyというやつもいるという事。例えば I am happy now, but if I won a lottery, I would be even more happy. なんて言ったりするんだYO。
>>875 よし、874は勘違いだと認めてあげよう。 でも、>>859はそもそも >She is more pretty than 10 years ago. >のように、同一人物の比較はprettierを使わず、moreを使うそうですが こうきいてきたんだぞ。これじゃ、同一人物の異種の性質の比較の話 だとは分からんだろう。まあ、どうでもいいが。
>>859 簡単なことだよ。 These shoes are more pretty than comfortable. この文で説明すれば、more prettyとしているのは、prettyのレベルを 比べてるわけじゃないから。 比べてるのは、「comfortable」の度合いと、「pretty」の度合いで prettyの度合いの方が大きいという意味だから、more pretty than comfortable。 He is more of a scolar than a businessman.などと同じ。
その他の場合は形容詞を比較級にする。 たとえば、She is prettier than her sister. これは彼女と彼女の姉妹のprettyのレベルを比べてる。 だからprettierを使う。
>>870 それから、付け足しだけどBの例文だけど、couldn't be more happyというように、 つかうことはある。でもcouldn't be happierの方がやはり普通だろうね。 Googleでみると、 couldn't be more happy 2229件 couldn't be happier 74700件 つまり、大体30:1という割合だ。
smartech osakaの「誰も書けない英文法」について、これはネイティブ感覚(かんかく) ではないかと、私が思うことを下に書きます。 (以下は「誰も書けない英文法」からの引用(いんよう)です) He put it on the desk. などの文を学校文法では He -------- 彼は put ------- 置いた it ------- それを on -------- 机の上に という対応(たいおう)をさせており、英語と日本語の語順(ごじゅん)が非常に異なっています。 この考え方の最大の欠点は「put =置く」のように英語のverbと日本語の動詞 を対応させているということです。日本の英語学習者のほとんどが信じているようですが、 "put"に「置く」という意味はありません。He put it on the desk. のような文を 上のような対応関係によって見た場合のみ、"put"には「置く」という意味があるように 見えるだけです。 辞書から例文を下に示しますが、"put" には「置く」という意味がないということは明らかです。 I can't put up with it any more. He put to sea. Don't put me off.
本講座(=smartech osakaの講座)はこの文を次のようにみています。 S = He ------ 彼は V = put ----- ぷっと O = it ------ それを C = on the desk. --- 机の上に置いた。 つまり、He put it on the desk.は「彼はぷっとそれを机の上に置いた。」なのです。 これが He put it on the desk.の直訳(ちょくやく)なのです。 そして、「彼はそれを机の上に置いた。」が意訳(いやく)なのです。 「put は動詞であって、擬態語(ぎたいご:a mimetic word) などではない」という反論は 何の根拠(こんきょ)もありません。英語の "verb"が日本語 の「動詞」に対応している ということを無条件(むじょうけん)に受け入れてしまうからこのような反論が 行なわれるわけです。 「彼はそれを机の上に置く。」という日本語は英語では He laid it on the desk. He placed it on the desk. He deposited it on the desk. のようにverbを変えて表すことができるのです。"put" という語を使わなくても 「机の上に置く」という意味は消えないのです。英語のverbはこの場合、 「どのようにして」それを机の上に置くかという「置き方」を表しているのです。
Could you tell me if I have the correct article usage in the following passage? Also could you correct any other mistakes that I may have made?
Thank you.
Past is something that has already happened and cannot be changed. On the other hand, future is something that hasn’t come around yet and your actions can have influence on it. This may give you a false assumption that there is possibility that you may be able to control your own future. In reality though, things happened in the past dictate events in the future. Even your consciousness cannot stand independent from this causal chain, as a past event can make you do things that you wouldn’t think you would do otherwise. Furthermore, your past does not necessary reflect your future either. Having a wonderful past doesn’t guarantee you a wonderful future.
put it down (下に置く) put it on the table (テーブルのうえに置く) put it there (あそこに置く) put it in the car (車の中に置く) put it away (しまう) put it in (中に入る) put it up on the wall (壁に張る(掛ける)) put it through((穴などに)通す) というように、putの意味ある状況においてのみ日本語の「置く」と 一致するが、基本的には>>888と言う意味。どこにplaceするのかによって 後に来る前置詞などが変わって来る。日本語の「置く」は、 物や人をある場所に据えると言う意味だからいつも一致するとは限らない。
そのオサーン論のSVOCとは: He put it on the desk. He helped her to the station. You obtain the information from him. You should keep it from being destroyed. 学校文法では、これらの文は全て S+V+O 文型として扱われており、下線部は目的格補語(C) ではなく、 修飾語(=M)となっています。これは、She is at the station.などの S+V+C 文型として扱うべき文を +V 文型として扱ってしまっている誤りと同じ誤りです。 (以上、「誰も書けない英文法」から引用) です。
でもなんか、独自のSVOCにおいてだけ、on the tableには「テーブルに置く/置いた」 という意味があるという説は「統一性」がないねえ。オサーンは確か、「統一の美」というものを さかんに主張していたが、オサーンの説こそ「統一の美」がないのだが。
独自のSVOCにおいてだけ、on the tableには「テーブルに置く/置いた」 という意味があるという考え方は、翻訳家であるだけに、翻訳上の便宜論に 思えてきた。かの技術翻訳界の第一人者、故水上龍郎氏が伝授した、英文を日本語に 転換していく上での便宜法なのかなあ?オサーン論は?
Past is something that has already happened and cannot be changed. On the other hand, future is something that hasn’t come around yet and your actions can have influence on it.
*THE past and THE future sound better. *Can have SOME influence on it sounds better. *It just sounds better when you qualify the word influence.
This may give you a false assumption that there is possibility that you may be able to control your own future.
*THE false assumption that...sounds better but A false assumption was OK.
In reality though, things happened in the past dictate events in the future.
*things THAT happened in the past OFTEN dictate...
Even your consciousness cannot stand independent from this causal chain, as a past event can make you do things that you wouldn’t think you would do otherwise.
*how about : ...that you wouldn't have considered doing otherwise...
Furthermore, your past does not necessary reflect your future either. Having a wonderful past doesn’t guarantee you a wonderful future.
>>907 Have you read 'The Eagle's Shadow: Why America Fascinates and Infuriates the World," ラサールさん? It's written by someone named Mark Hertsgaart and very well wriiten.
Please see the following examples from a book on English grammar written by a Japanese scholar.
1- This is the doll that Mike made yesterday 2- This is a doll that Mike made yesterday. The explanation given to these examples says that #1 indicates that Mike made only one doll yesterday and #2 indicates Mike made more than one doll yesterday and this is just one of them. But in my experience, even in case of 2, it doesn’t necessarily tell you that Mike made more than one doll.
Is that true?
On the other hand, the statement in the book seems to apply to examples like 3 and 4. In other words, 4 does seem to indicate that Mike works in “this” and some other building. 3- This is the building Mike works in. 4- This is a building Mike works in.
You are correct about 'the doll' and 'a doll.' And the same thing applies to 'the building' and 'a building.'
The bulding in #3 suggests that is the only building Mike works in. A building in #4 does not necessarily mean that is one of the buidings he works in and he also works in some other building(s).
So you think in #4, Mike could still work in the building and nowhere else? When you say 'a building' do you think of it as one of many buildings in the world and Mike happenes to work in it?
Also, when you use a definate article, like in #1, it sounds like the has been mentioned or talked about before, as oppose to in #2, where it sounds like this is the first mention of the doll.
I thought a meaning of turnover is a rate of employees leaving from a company or an organization. Here is a question. "Turnover" also means an acton, "employees leaving from a company or an organization"? Thank you in advance.
>>916 But in my experience, even in case of 2, it doesn’t necessarily tell you that Mike made more than one doll.
You're right. He's wrong.
Using A building like in number 4 is so uncommon (because most people work in just ONE place) that it might suggest that he works in other buildings.
>>858 X-@I am more tall than last year. X-AI am 3 cm more tall than last year. X-BI couldn't be more happy. X-CNikkei Stock Average this morning was more high than at yesterday's closing. X-DThe lake was more big than I had expected. O-EThis book is more good than boring.
(1)How long are your holidays?という質問に忠実に応えるとしたら My holidays are about 3 weeks a year.と言うべきでしょうか? (2) How do you usually spend your winter holidays?という質問 ですがI usually spend my winter holidays traveling with my fiance. というように表現できますか?I usually spend my winter holidays on traveling......というようにonを動詞ingの前に置くのは誤りでしょうか? よろしくお願いします。
>>933 I usually spend my winter holidays traveling with my fiance. というように表現できますか?I usually spend my winter holidays on traveling......というようにonを動詞ingの前に置くのは誤りでしょうか?
spend money on something. spend time on something. but spend time doing something.
>>939 Nah...I think you are mistaken. 932 is asking if 'Available on your mobile phone !' sounds ok when he wants to say ホームページを立ち上げました、携帯電話からでもご利用になれます!
It sounds like you are selling some gadget re-designed for cell phones and saying "Now available on your mobile phone!", don't you think?
>939 ラサールさん有り難うございます。I had my dream come true. とは言えるということですね。でもmakeにconvinceされました。有り難う ございます。spendはお金ではonが可能なんですね。でも休暇ではオン無し なんですね。恩知らずと言いたい!失礼しました。 ご丁寧にお答え下さいまして有り難うございます。
>>942 Hmm, it's vague... ホームページを立ち上げました sounds like just saying I now have a website and it's accessible from a cell phone and 携帯電話からでもご利用になれます sounds like the SERVICE is available through a cell phone. And you mean if 932 means the latter, 'Available on your mobile phone !' is ok, right? To a Japanese reader, 932 probably sounds like 'I now have a website and it's accessible from a cell phone,' though.
>>955 「availavle on your mobile phone」というと、あたかもその機能が携帯電話に 付属しているようなかんじで、携帯からでも利用(アクセス)できますというかんじに ならないと思われ。それから、携帯からでもなので、Also accessible from your mobile phone とか。米国では cell phone が一般的に使われています。
元の文がIt was all fun when we lived in the country.と考えればいいじゃん。 [when we lived in the country]は副詞節で、単純に「我々がいなかに住んでいたころは」と訳せる It was all fun を感嘆文にするとWhat fun it all was になる allは副詞だから動詞の前に出したのだよ。意味はwhollyくらいかな? Itのさすものは、その当時の環境とか、状況でしょう。
例えば、9時には寝なきゃ。って言いたい場合に、 i will have to go to bed by 9:00 p.m. will = be going to = be gonna have to = got to = gotta で、i'm gonna gotta go to bed by 9:00 p.m. みたいに、gonna gottaって続けていえますか? i will must.....って言うみたいに不自然さはないですか?
983 probably wants to know adjectives for melody or songs that touch your heart so deeply that you may cry. I wonder if there is any word that can alone discribe that, though.