The appearance of spots on fruits is nature's way of forcing the point - who is going to peel an apple when the result is fruit with "leopard-skin flesh"? .
My sick friend is still in a coma, but she's stable now and in fact this week they're moving her back to her parent's house, where her family will take care of her. The doctors are saying she only has a very small chance of ever waking up, but everybody just has to keep on hoping and waiting.
I'm sure you've heard by now, but this morning the US space shuttle Columbia was lost. It broke up in the air over Texas about 15 minutes before it was supposed to land. The entire crew was killed and they don't really know why it happened yet. Growing up, the astronauts and other people in the NASA space program were always personal heroes of mine. Not because I wanted to go into space, but because they were the people who were actually doing these amazing things that always gave me hope for the future. To lose 7 people from the program like this so sad. One of them was a visiting astronaut from Israel and was the first Israeli to go into space. This is the second time I can remember something like this happening, actually. I remember when the Challenger space shuttle exploded back in 1986. I was only 4 years old at the time, so I don't remember a lot, but I remember my mother picking me up from preschool and talking with my teacher about the space shuttle exploding. I was too young to really understand at the time, but I remember seeing the images of it on the news that night and I didn't understand. I asked my mother if the people were going to be ok again and again. It's actually one of the earliest clear memories I have.
The question is whether that prepares us to live in a world that's complex, where we need to be able to work in a structure where there are no rules and whrere we have to be really attantive to other people's cultures and other people's ways of seeing things.
I've started to spend more time working on learning Japanese. Right now the big challenge for me is learning the kana. After I get a good handle on that, it will be easier for me to start learning other things. I have to say it's a bit of a challenge to learn a whole new character set....or two or three. I like the challenge, though, and I find it wonderful to actually be learning something completely new. In the past,when I was learning Spanish, German, French, etc, it was always pretty easy, since they're all very similar to English in many ways. Learning Japanese is much more of a challenge, though, and for obvious reasons. I like it, though, and hope I'm able to make some real progress during the next year.
The appearance of spots on fruits is nature's way of forcing the point - who is going to peel an apple when the result is fruit with "leopard-skin flesh"? .
『ライオンと魔女』の中の一節です。 お願いします。 My Dear Lucy I wrote this story for you, but when I began it I had not realized that girls grow quicker than books. As a result you are already too old for fairy tales, and by the time it is printed and bound you will be older still. But some day you will be old enough to start reading fairy tales again. You can then take it down from some upper shelf, dust it, and tell me what you think of it, I shall probably be too deaf to hear, and too old to understand, a word you say, but I shall still be Your affectionate Godfather,
when do I have to reserve them (in Europe you can call them on the day you would like to stay with them but perhaps in Japan the demand is so high that you have to reserve it in advance?) One thing I would like to do one weekend is to go up Mount Fuji - and I´ve seen that there is a youth hostel up there. I know that Fuji is very high but as I´m going to stay in Japan during July and August and these are the only months where you can really go up, I ´d love to do it. Besides, we have got the Alps here so I´m used to going to the mountains! Could you give me some advice concerning going up Fuji? Have you ever done it?
The appearance of spots on fruits is nature's way of forcing the point - who is going to peel an apple when the result is fruit with "leopard-skin flesh"? .