■■ 2ch 日本語→英語スレッド PART34

6魔羅師匠 ◆fH5dYHOvKk
The third of "Harmonies Poetiques et Religieuses", "Benediction de Dieu dans la solitude" is his is his favorite piece of music. Every time his wife, who is the sister-in-law, hears this piece, she sobs, recalling him. I can't stand this.

7名無しさん@1周年:03/01/06 04:33

The third of "Harmonies Poetiques et Religieuses",
"Benediction de Dieu dans la solitude" was his favourite,
and everytime the piece is played his wife, thus my sister-
in-law, weep in memories of the man who has gone missing.
I can barely endure moments like this.